On Informative Tweet Identification for Tracking Mass Events
Renato Stoffalette Jo
L3S Research Center, Leibniz University of Hannover, Appelstraße 9A, Hannover, 30167, Germany
Machine Learning, Classification, Deep Learning.
Twitter has been heavily used as an important channel for communicating and discussing about events in real-
time. In such major events, many uninformative tweets are also published rapidly by many users, making it
hard to follow the events. In this paper, we address this problem by investigating machine learning methods for
automatically identifying informative tweets among those that are relevant to a target event. We examine both
traditional approaches with a rich set of handcrafted features and state of the art approaches with automatically
learned features. We further propose a hybrid model that leverages both the handcrafted features and the
automatically learned ones. Our experiments on several large datasets of real-world events show that the latter
approaches significantly outperform the former and our proposed model performs the best, suggesting highly
effective mechanisms for tracking mass events.
Lately Twitter has become an important channel for
communication and information broadcasting. A
large number of its users have been using the platform
for seeking and sharing the information about events.
Particularly, during undesired mass events like natural
disasters or terrorist attacks, Twitter users post tweets,
share updates, inform other users about current situ-
ations, etc. However, in addition to these informa-
tion, a lot of tweets are merely for discussing and ex-
pressing opinions and emotions towards the events,
which makes it challenging for professionals involved
in crisis management to actually collect relevant in-
formation for better understanding the situations and
respond more rapidly (Vieweg et al., 2010).
Considering the large volume of tweets published
by Twitter users, manual sifting to find useful infor-
mation is inherently impractical (Meier, 2013). Thus
automatic mechanisms for identification of the infor-
mative tweets are required to assist not only the aver-
age citizen to become aware of the situation but also
the professionals to take measures immediately and
potentially save lives.
In this work, we investigate the viability of ma-
chine learning approaches for developing such an au-
tomatic mechanism. We study both traditional ones
that use handcrafted features, as well as the state of
the art representation learning approach, the BERT-
based models (Devlin et al., 2019), to classify tweets
according to their informativeness. We implement
a rich set of features for the former, examine dif-
ferent usage of the latter as well the combinations
of both. Furthermore, we propose a hybrid model
that leverages both the BERT-based models and the
handcrafted features. We evaluate all these models
on large datasets collected during several natural and
man-caused disasters. In summary, we make the fol-
lowing contributions.
We investigate a rich set of features that include
Bag-of-Words, text-based, and user-based fea-
tures for traditional models, and examine the per-
formance of BERT-based models for the informa-
tive tweet classification problem.
We further propose a hybrid model that combines
a BERT-based model with handcrafted features
for the problem.
We conduct comprehensive experiments for eval-
uating the performance of these diverse models.
Empirically, we demonstrate that deep BERT-
based models outperform the traditional ones for
the task without requiring complicated feature en-
gineering, while our proposed model performs the
The remaining of this paper is organized as follows.
We firstly review the related works in Section 2, then
we describe the methods and the features in Section
3. Section 4 describes our experiments, datasets and
João, R.
On Informative Tweet Identification for Tracking Mass Events.
DOI: 10.5220/0010392712661273
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 1266-1273
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
give details about our implementation methods. In
Section 4.4 we report the results obtained from our
experiments. Finally, we draw some conclusions and
point out some future directions in Section 5.
Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook
have become valuable communication channels over
the years. Twitter enables people to share all kinds
of information by posting short text messages, called
tweets. Although social media services are full of
conversational messages, it is also an environment
where users post newsworthy information related to
some natural or human-induced disaster. Identifying
such information can help not only the ordinary cit-
izen but it can also assist professionals and organi-
zations in coordinating their response for potentially
saving lives and diminishing catastrophic losses (Im-
ran et al., 2015).
A number of automated systems have been pro-
posed to extract and classify crisis related informa-
tion from social media channels, for example Crisis-
Tracker (Rogstadius et al., 2013), Twitcident (Abel
et al., 2012), AIDR (Imran et al., 2014), among oth-
ers. For a more complete list of systems, please refer
to the survey by Imran et al. (Imran et al., 2015).
Machine learning and natural language processing
play an important role when it comes to classifying
crisis related tweets automatically, and the approach
applied to extract textual features can determine the
performance of an automated classifier. Castillo et
al. (Castillo et al., 2011) proposed automatic tech-
niques to assess the credibility of tweets related to
specific topics or events, using features extracted from
user’s posting behavior and tweet’s text. Verma, et
al. (Verma et al., 2011) used Naive Bayes and MaxEnt
classifiers to find situational awareness tweets from
several crises and Cameron et al. (Cameron et al.,
2012) described a platform for emergency situation
awareness where they classified interesting tweets us-
ing an SVM classifier.
With the recent advances in natural language pro-
cessing and the emergence of techniques such as
word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013a; Mikolov et al.,
2013b) and GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014), deep
neural networks have successfully been applied in
similar tasks. Caragea et al. (Caragea et al., 2016)
for instance, demonstrated that convolutional neural
networks outperformed traditional classifiers in tweet
classification. Nguyen et al. (Nguyen et al., 2017)
also used a convolutional neural network based model
to classify crisis-relevant tweets. These results sug-
gest a promising approach for this informative tweet
classification task.
Identifying informative tweets is a critical task, par-
ticularly during catastrophic events. There is however
no simple rules that can be applied for the task. We
therefore approach the problem of informative tweets
identification as a supervised learning problem. In the
following subsections, we shall discuss several mod-
els for the task. We start with some conventional
classification models that make use of features en-
gineered from the tweets as well as the users who
posted the tweets. Next, we present the deep learning
approaches for the task, and describe our proposed
3.1 Traditional Models
Several machine learning approaches have been pro-
posed for the task of automatically detecting crisis-
related tweets, for example, Naive Bayes (Li et al.,
2018), Support Vector Machines (Caragea et al.,
2016), and Random Forests (Kaufhold et al., 2020).
Thus, as the baselines, we have trained these tradi-
tional classifiers to automatically classify a tweet into
either Informative or Not Informative. Specifically,
we have implemented the following models.
LOGISTIC REGRESSION (LR): a classifier that
models the probability of a label based on a set of
independent features,
DECISION TREE (DT): a classifier that succes-
sively divides the features space to maximise a
given metric (e.g., information gain),
RANDOM FOREST (RF): a classifier that utilises
an ensemble of uncorrelated decision trees,
NAIVE BAYES (NB): a Gaussian Naive Bayes
of linear classifiers, (perceptrons) that uses the
backpropagation technique to classify the in-
stances, and
criminative classifier formally defined by a sepa-
rating hyperplane.
All the classifiers deployed in this work were imple-
mented in Python using the machine learning library
Scikit-Learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011). The source
code of our models implementations is freely avail-
able at https://github.com/renatosjoao/infotweets.git.
On Informative Tweet Identification for Tracking Mass Events
3.1.1 Features
Inspired by previous works, we investigated a set of
features based on the tweets’ contents as well as on
the users who posted the tweets (Acerbo and Rossi,
2017; Graf et al., 2018; Imran et al., 2013; Verma
et al., 2011). These features are described as follows.
Text-based features: the ones that are calculated
from the content of a tweet, including
: This feature refers to the number of char-
acters a tweet contains.
: The number of words a tweet contains.
After removing symbols and patterns we count
the number of words that is present in the tweet.
: The number of occurrences of #hash-
tags in a tweet. It can indicate the user wants to
highlight some specific subject of interest.
: The number of URLs contained in a tweet.
: The number of @ tags in the tweet can be
an indicator that the user is tagging people to
draw their attention.
: Binary valued feature referring to the
presence of #hashtags. True if at least one
#hashtag is present in the tweet, false other-
: Binary valued feature referring to the pres-
ence of @ tags. True if the tweet contains @
tags, false otherwise.
: Binary valued feature referring to a
retweeted message. True if the tweet contains
retweet patterns, such as rt@, false otherwise.
: Binary valued feature referring to slangs
in the tweet. True if the tweet contains any
slang, false otherwise. Internet abbreviations
are examples of text informality, which are rep-
resentative of conversations. We built a dictio-
nary of slangs from an online slang dictionary
: Binary valued feature about the presence
of URLs. True if at least one URL is present in
the tweet, false otherwise.
: Tweet lexical diversity refers to the number
of unique words divided by the total number of
words in the tweet.
inter j
: Binary valued feature referring to an in-
terjection. True if the tweet contains interjec-
tions, false otherwise. We built a dictionary
of interjections from an online list of interjec-
bow: Bag-of-Words features. Real-valued
vectors are calculated with TF×IDF of the
words and Twitter posts from each corpus for a
finite number of words from the vocabulary.
User-based features: the ones that are calculated
from the user who posted the tweet, including
: Binary valued feature representing
whether the user account is verified. True if the
user has a verified account, false otherwise.
f ollowers
: This feature represents the number
of followers the user who posted the tweet has.
Since this number may vary considerably we
calculated it as log
f ollowers
+ 1).
f ollowees
: Number of accounts the user
who posted the tweet follows, calculated as
f ollowees
+ 1).
: This feature represents the total number
of tweets posted by the user. There can be the
case where the user has not posted many tweets
as well as there can be cases of influential users
who post messages more frequently, thus we
calculate this feature as log
+ 1).
3.2 Deep Learning Approaches
We now discuss deep learning based approaches that
are widely used in recent works (Nguyen et al., 2017;
Neppalli et al., 2018).
3.2.1 Word Embedding Methods
The traditional models such as the Bag-of-Words do
not capture well the meaning of the words and con-
sider each word as a separate feature. Word em-
beddings have been proposed and widely used neural
models that map words into real number vectors such
that similar words are closer to each other in a higher
dimensional space. The word embeddings captures
the semantical and syntactical information of words
taking into consideration the surrounding context.
In this work, we examine the following typical
word embedding methods:
Word2vec: (Mikolov et al., 2013b) is one famous
method of neural words embeddings initially pro-
posed in two variants: (i) a Bag-of-Words model
that predicts the current word based on the context
words, and (ii) a skip-gram model that predicts
surrounding words given the current word.
GloVe: is an extension to the Word2vec method
for efficiently learning word vectors, proposed by
(Pennington et al., 2014) which uses global cor-
pus statistics for words representations and learns
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the embeddings by dimensionality reduction of
the co-occurrence count matrix.
Fasttext: (Bojanowski et al., 2016) is an exten-
sion to the skip-gram model from the original
Word2vec model which takes into account sub-
word information, i.e. it learns representations
for character n-grams, and represents words as the
sum of the n-gram vectors. The idea is to capture
morphological characteristics of words.
We make use of the pre-trained word vectors of the
above models
. The feature vector of each tweet
is then determined by taking the average of all em-
bedding vectors of its words.
3.2.2 Text Embedding Methods
Generalized from word embeddings, text embedding
methods compute a vector for each group of words
taken collectively as a single unit, e.g., a sentence, a
paragraph, or the whole document. In this work, we
examine a typical method for text embedding, namely
Doc2vec, and state-of-the-art ones, namely BERT-
based models.
Doc2vec: generates efficient and high quality dis-
tributed vectors of a complete document (Mikolov
et al., 2013b). The main objective of Doc2Vec is to
convert the sentence (or paragraph) into a vector. It is
a generalization on the Word2vec model.
BERT: is a model developed on a multi-layer
bidirectional Transformer encoder (Vaswani et al.,
2017; Devlin et al., 2019). It makes use of an at-
tention mechanism that learns contextual relations
between words in texts. In its generic format, the
Transformer includes two separate mechanisms, an
encoder that reads input text and a decoder that pro-
duces the task prediction. The encoder is composed
of a stack of multiple layers, and each layer has two
sub-layers. The first is a multi-head self-attention
mechanism, and the second is a simple, position-wise
fully connected feed-forward network. The decoder
is also composed of a stack of multiple identical lay-
ers with the addition of a third sub-layer, which per-
forms multi-head attention over the output of the en-
coder stack. One key component of the Transformer
encoder is the multi head self-attention layer, i.e. a
function that can be formulated as querying a dictio-
nary with key-value pairs.
The most straightforward usage of BERT is to em-
ploy it as a blackbox for feature engineering. This is
the combination of the default BERT model and con-
ventional classifiers. The final hidden state of the first
Word2vec: https://code.google.com/archive/p/word2vec/
GloVe: https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/glove/
Fasttext: https://fasttext.cc/
word ([CLS]) from BERT is the encoded sentence
representation and it is input to conventional classi-
fiers for the predictions task.
The original BERT model is pre-trained in a gen-
eral domain corpus. Thus, for a text classification task
in a specific domain, the data distribution may be dif-
ferent. In this way in order to obtain improved re-
sults, we need to further train BERT on a domain spe-
cific data. There are a couple of ways to further train
BERT on a domain specific corpus. The first one is to
train the entire pre-trained model on the new corpus
and feed the output into a softmax function. In this
way, the error is back propagated throughout the en-
tire model’s architecture and the weights are updated
for this domain specific corpus. Another method is
to train some of BERT’s layers while freezing oth-
ers, or we can freeze all the layers and attach extra
neural network layers and train this new model where
only the weights of the attached layers will be up-
dated. These are so called fine tuning procedures, and
in this work we will be fine tuning BERT, by encoding
Twitter sentences with the BERT encoder and running
more training iterations and backpropagating the error
throughout the entire model.
3.3 Our Proposed Model
We now describe a hybrid model, called BERT
that combines both the handcrafted features with the
ones learned by BERT. BERT
model feeds a vec-
tor of handcrafted features from the tweet through a
linear layer, and also feeds the vector produced by
BERT for the first token (CLS) of the tweet through
another linear layer. The outputs of these two layers
are concatenated and fed through a third linear layer,
whose output is subsequently fed through a softmax
layer to produce the prediction whether a tweet is In-
formative or Not Informative.
We now present our experiments to empirically eval-
uate the methods presented above. In the following
subsections, we shall describe the datasets, define the
evaluation metrics, the experiment settings, and report
the results.
4.1 Datasets
We use the following datasets to evaluate the models.
CRISISLEXT26. (Olteanu et al., 2015) This is a
dataset of tweets collected during twenty six large
crisis events in 2012 and 2013, with about 1,000
On Informative Tweet Identification for Tracking Mass Events
tweets labeled per crisis for informativeness, in-
formation type, and source.
CRISISLEXT6. (Olteanu et al., 2014) This
dataset includes English tweets posted during six
large events in 2012 and 2013, with about 60.000
tweets labeled by relatedness as On-topic or Off-
topic with each event. We assume the tweets la-
beled as On-topic being the Informative tweets
and Off-topic being Not Informative respectively.
CRISISMMD. (Alam et al., 2018) CrisisMMD
is a dataset that contains tweets with both text
and image contents. There are 16,000 tweets that
were collected from seven events that took place
in 2017 in five countries.
COVID. (Nguyen et al., 2020) This dataset con-
sists of 10K English Tweets collected during the
Covid pandemic. It is split into training set with
3303 Informative tweets and 3697 Uninformative
tweets, and a validation set with 472 and 528 In-
formative and Uninformative tweets respectively.
In their original form, the above datasets provide
only tweets’ content together with their ids and
labels. To calculate the user based features we
crawl from Twitter the full information of all the
tweets. However, some tweets are no longer avail-
able. We thus create a version of each dataset
that consists of the subset of tweets that we can
crawl full information from Twitter. These ver-
sions are COVID and COVID
respectively. The basic statistics of all
the datasets and their subsets are shown in Tables 1
and 2 respectively.
4.2 Evaluation Metrics
To evaluate the informative tweets classification task
we employ the following performance metrics. Pre-
cision (P): the fraction of the correctly classified in-
stances among the instances assigned to the class. Re-
call (R): the fraction of the correctly classified in-
stances among all instances of the class and F-score
(F1): the harmonic mean of precision and recall. In
this work we compute the metrics independently for
each class and then take the average, i.e. Macro Pre-
cision, Macro Recall and Macro F-score.
4.3 Experiment Settings
We normalized all characters in the tweets to their
lower-cased forms followed by the removal of punctu-
ation and non ASCII characters as well as non English
words, then we calculated the text-based features and
user-based features. The Bag-of-Words feature was
calculated for the entire corpus of tweets, however in
our experiments we only calculated it for words ap-
pearing at least 5 times in the entire corpus and up to
a limit of 10000 times. The words with length less
than two characters were also pruned.
In parallel we then tokenized the sentences and
encoded the tokens using the BERT encoder. Each
dataset is randomly split into 10 mutually exclusive
subets and 10-fold cross validation was used to mea-
sure the performance of the models. For the conven-
tional classifiers we used the implementation from the
scikit-learn tool (Pedregosa et al., 2011) and all the al-
gorithms were set to use the default parameter values.
As regards BERT fine tuning, we used the stochas-
tic gradient descent optimizer with a learning rate of
0.001, momentum 0.9 and ran the training process for
20 epochs. We set the batch size to 16 and limited the
BERT sentence encoding to the maximum length of
80. In this work the BERT models were built based
on the pytorch-pretrained-BERT repository https://
4.4 Results
We show the results in terms of macro average F-
score. Table 3 shows the performance of the im-
plemented models on all the datasets used in this
work. The two best results obtained in each dataset
is highlighted in bold face. Only the COVID and CRI-
SISMMD datasets were split into training and vali-
dation sets by default, however to make it fair and
comparable across all the datasets and approaches
we performed 10-fold cross validation with the entire
datasets (combined training and validation sets).
In the first six rows we show the classification per-
formance of conventional classifiers using the hand-
crafted features proposed in this work. For the full
datasets it is only possible to calculate the Twitter-
based features, as the user-based features are strongly
dependent on the complete tweet information, and
since we had to crawl the Twitter platform to ob-
tain the complete information, we realised that many
tweets had been deleted.
We noticed the performance of the classifiers
varies on a per dataset basis and classifiers per-
formed differently on each of the datasets. For the
COVID dataset we observed the LOGISTIC REGRES-
SION classifier performed the best with Macro F1 of
57.07, while for CRISISLEXT6 datasets and CRI-
SISLEXT26 MLP showed the best score 75.56 and
68.10, respectively. And for CRISISMMD, RAN-
DOM FOREST outperformed the other classifiers with
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Complete datasets classes distributions.
Dataset #Informative #Not Informative Total
COVID 3,772 4,221 7,993
CRISISLEXT6 32,461 27,620 60,081
CRISISLEXT26 16,849 7,731 24,580
CRISISMMD 11,509 4,549 16,058
Table 2: Subsets classes distribution.
Dataset #Informative #Not Informative Total
3,378 3,816 7,194
20,568 17,422 37,990
11,023 4,442 15,465
9,343 3,443 12,786
a score of 55.85.
The following six rows show the classification
performance using Bag-of-Words as input features.
Here again we noticed the performance of the clas-
sifiers varies on a per dataset basis, however we ob-
served considerable performance improvement across
all datasets which demonstrates that the bag-of-words
is a stronger features encoding method than the hand-
crafted features approach only.
In the following six rows we show the results
of the classification task using a combination of
the handcrafted features with the Bag-of-Words fea-
tures. It is interesting to observe that for the major-
ity of the classifiers this combination does not pro-
duce improved results over the COVID and the CRI-
SISLEXT6 datasets. Only NAIVE BAYES demon-
strated considerable improvement over the previous
approach for the COVID dataset. However, all the
classifiers demonstrated improvement in the CRI-
SISLEXT26 dataset when compared to using the Bag-
of-Words only approach, and for the CRISISMMD
dataset again only NAIVE BAYES demonstrated im-
provement when compared to the previous approach.
The next six rows show the results of the conven-
tional classifiers using Fasttext word embeddings. For
the COVID and CRISISLEXT6 datasets, MLP pro-
duced the best results, while for the CRISISLEXT26
and for the CRISISMMD datasets, LOGISTIC RE-
GRESSION demonstrated the best macro F-score. In
the following six rows we can see the classification
results using GloVe word embeddings. The perfor-
mance results observed from the classifiers using this
embedding technique seem to be similar to the Fast-
text word embeddings varying not too much across
In the following six rows we show the perfor-
mance results of one approach in which we use the
conventional classifiers using BERT encoded features
combined with the handcrafted features. We have not
noticed improvements using this approach of com-
bining BERT word embeddings with handcrafted fea-
tures on the COVID and CRISISMMD datasets, how-
ever we observed some improvements in the CRI-
SISLEXT6 and CRISISLEXT26 dataset for the ma-
jority of the classifiers.
Finally in the last row we show the results of
our proposed approach BERT
. Our model out-
performs all the previously cited methods across all
datasets used in this work. For COVID dataset it pro-
duced a macro F-score of 84.41 which is 2.5 percent-
age points improvement over the best result from pre-
vious approaches (LR using Bag-of-Words features).
For CRISISLEXT6 we observed 95.96 macro F-score,
for CRISISLEXT26 we obtained 79.09 macro F-
score, which is the highest improvement (7 percent-
age points over SVM using handcrafted features com-
bined with Bag-of-Words) and for CRISISMMD our
model produced 77.66 macro F-score.
There are some reasons that can explain why our
hybrid model performs much better than other models
tested in this paper. The first one is the fact that BERT
encoder uses a contextual representation in which it
processes words in relation to all the other words in
the sequence, rather than one by one separately, and
the second reason is the fact that we ran several train-
ing iterations while adjusting weights, and using dif-
ferent optimization functions to minimise the training
We also evaluated the proposed approach in the
subsets of the original datasets. As mentioned be-
fore these subsets were created so we could also cal-
culate features related to the user who posted the
message. We noticed again that the handcrafted fea-
tures alone did not produce satisfactory results. The
best observed macro F-scores varied between 55.49
On Informative Tweet Identification for Tracking Mass Events
Table 3: Models performance on the original datasets.
MacroF1 MacroF1 MacroF1 MacroF1
LR 57.07(+/- 0.02) 75.09(+/- 0.14) 64.60(+/- 0.05) 48.91(+/- 0.02)
DT 51.99(+/- 0.02) 72.39(+/- 0.14) 61.82(+/- 0.05) 55.63(+/- 0.02)
RF 54.14(+/- 0.02) 74.05(+/- 0.14) 64.14(+/- 0.05) 55.85(+/- 0.02)
NB 42.79(+/- 0.02) 72.51(+/- 0.14) 65.79(+/- 0.05) 50.60(+/- 0.02)
MLP 49.84(+/- 0.02) 75.56(+/- 0.14) 68.10(+/- 0.05) 48.42(+/- 0.02)
SVM 56.11(+/- 0.02) 75.41(+/- 0.14) 65.53(+/- 0.05) 49.81(+/- 0.02)
LR 81.90(+/- 0.04) 92.90(+/- 0.09) 66.46(+/- 0.17) 72.68(+/- 0.03)
DT 75.13(+/- 0.04) 91.42(+/- 0.09) 53.04(+/- 0.17) 68.97(+/- 0.03)
RF 81.06(+/- 0.04) 93.51(+/- 0.09) 62.59(+/- 0.17) 73.21(+/- 0.03)
NB 66.75(+/- 0.04) 80.35(+/- 0.09) 57.09(+/- 0.17) 47.56(+/- 0.03)
MLP 75.23(+/- 0.04) 91.74(+/- 0.09) 63.39(+/- 0.17) 71.48(+/- 0.03)
SVM 81.38(+/- 0.04) 93.21(+/- 0.09) 65.01(+/- 0.17) 66.00(+/- 0.03)
LR 78.29(+/- 0.05) 83.58(+/- 0.12) 69.70(+/- 0.12) 65.12(+/- 0.03)
DT 74.68(+/- 0.05) 90.80(+/- 0.12) 61.26(+/- 0.12) 66.24(+/- 0.03)
RF 80.47(+/- 0.05) 93.28(+/- 0.12) 66.55(+/- 0.12) 70.61(+/- 0.03)
NB 71.56(+/- 0.05) 79.00(+/- 0.12) 60.83(+/- 0.12) 57.53(+/- 0.03)
MLP 75.28(+/- 0.05) 91.51(+/- 0.12) 63.96(+/- 0.12) 69.58(+/- 0.03)
SVM 75.05(+/- 0.05) 92.96(+/- 0.12) 72.09(+/- 0.12) 66.18(+/- 0.03)
LR 77.60(+/- 0.04) 89.29(+/- 0.08) 71.30(+/- 0.10) 74.09(+/- 0.02)
DT 64.42(+/- 0.04) 79.26(+/- 0.08) 60.85(+/- 0.10) 63.74(+/- 0.02)
RF 76.16(+/- 0.04) 88.62(+/- 0.08) 69.83(+/- 0.10) 71.54(+/- 0.02)
NB 74.73(+/- 0.04) 77.18(+/- 0.08) 63.41(+/- 0.10) 66.89(+/- 0.02)
MLP 80.01(+/- 0.04) 91.28(+/- 0.08) 67.81(+/- 0.10) 74.00(+/- 0.02)
SVM 76.43(+/- 0.04) 89.46(+/- 0.08) 70.14(+/- 0.10) 71.40(+/- 0.02)
LR 79.68(+/- 0.04) 86.82(+/- 0.11) 70.40(+/- 0.09) 74.59(+/- 0.02)
DT 66.76(+/- 0.04) 77.49(+/- 0.11) 60.05(+/- 0.09) 63.54(+/- 0.02)
RF 77.80(+/- 0.04) 87.36(+/- 0.11) 66.27(+/- 0.09) 72.41(+/- 0.02)
NB 76.29(+/- 0.04) 81.72(+/- 0.11) 61.30(+/- 0.09) 72.87(+/- 0.02)
MLP 79.03(+/- 0.04) 87.96(+/- 0.11) 66.21(+/- 0.09) 72.38(+/- 0.02)
SVM 80.05(+/- 0.04) 89.20(+/- 0.11) 71.75(+/- 0.09) 75.15(+/- 0.02)
LR 77.83(+/- 0.03) 90.62(+/- 0.09) 70.41(+/- 0.10) 74.80(+/- 0.03)
DT 62.19(+/- 0.03) 77.84(+/- 0.09) 60.98(+/- 0.10) 62.84(+/- 0.03)
RF 74.11(+/- 0.03) 87.51(+/- 0.09) 69.11(+/- 0.10) 70.76(+/- 0.03)
NB 71.34(+/- 0.03) 77.69(+/- 0.09) 67.59(+/- 0.10) 70.41(+/- 0.03)
MLP 77.08(+/- 0.03) 89.75(+/- 0.09) 66.54(+/- 0.10) 72.21(+/- 0.03)
SVM 78.08(+/- 0.03) 91.50(+/- 0.09) 70.53(+/- 0.10) 75.14(+/- 0.03)
84.41(+/- 0.01) 95.96(+/- 0.03) 79.09(+/- 0.04) 77.66(+/- 0.01)
classifier and 78.58 for the CRISISLEXT6
ing RANDOM FOREST classifier. However when we
used the Bag-of-Words model as input features, the
classifiers produced considerably better results for
datasets in
all cases, but for the CRISISLEXT26
and CRI-
there were some classifiers that per-
formed better using only the handcrafted features, for
example for the CRISISLEXT26
FOREST model produced a macro F-score of 66.80,
while using the Bag-of-Words model it produced
only 52.06. The combination of the handcrafted fea-
tures and Bag-of-Words shows improvement for all
datasets only when using the NAIVE BAYES classifier
when compared to the Bag-of-Words model, while
when compared to the sole handcrafted features the
classifiers produce better results in all cases for the
datasets and
the majority of cases in CRISISLEXT26
with the exception of the NAIVE
BAYES classifier.
Using the Fasttext, GloVe and BERT embed-
dings as input features to the conventional classi-
fiers showed considerable improvements across all
datasets, especially when using LOGISTIC REGRES-
SION as base classifier, however this was not a pattern
observed when using different classification methods.
Our hybrid model BERT
produced the best
performance result for almost all the dataset with the
exception of the CRISISLEXT6
, however the
difference is marginal. The best observed macro F-
score is shown when using the Bag-of-Words fea-
tures model using RANDOM FOREST as base clas-
sifier (93.22), while our hybrid approach produced
a score of 93.05. In the COVID
our model
showed 84.64 macho F-score which is 2.3 percent-
age points improvement over the second best re-
sult (Bag-of-Words and LR = 82.35). Our model
showed 76.68 and 76.54 macro F-score for the CRI-
respectively. These two datasets seem to be the two
datasets where the performance of the models were
lower than 80%. Further investigation and a more in
depth analysis is required as there is still some room
for improvements.
Social media has drawn attention from different sec-
tors of society and the information available during
catastrophic events is extremely useful for both the
ordinary citizen and the professionals involved in hu-
manitarian purposes, however there is an overload
of information that requires an automated filtering
method for real time processing of relevant content.
In this work we designed a set of handcrafted fea-
tures from both the Twitter posts and the users who
posted a tweet, and showed experimentally the per-
formance of six conventional classifiers on the infor-
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
mative tweet classification task. We also trained clas-
sifiers with several word embeddings, namely, Fast-
text, GloVe and BERT, as input features. More-
over, we showed that our proposed deep neural model
is more effective in identifying informative
tweets as compared to conventional classifiers in dif-
ferent crisis related corpus from Twitter.
As future works we intend to further investigate
different deep learning models combinations and im-
plement a complete pipeline where the tweets are
crawled and classified in real time based on crisis re-
lated trending topics.
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