Figure 9: The LoRaX gateway for longitudinal visualization
of temperature data.
type (Figure 8). The samples list can be filtered to
only display sensor data for a specific node and sensor
type. Longitudinal data analysis can also be viewed
for multiple nodes by sensor type (Figure 9).
Wireless sensor networks can increase sustainability
in agriculture by providing growers with usable data.
Through the use of open-source software and hard-
ware designs, coupled with LoRa transceivers, inex-
pensive and power efficient sensing solutions can be
developed for agriculture allowing for long transmis-
sion distances and wide coverage from a single gate-
way installation.
The wireless sensor network developed in this
project uses LoRa transceivers and an efficient chan-
nel management mechanism to reduce energy usage
for data transmission with a novel collision handling
protocol. The architecture is easily deployed and
Future work will investigate detailed performance
characteristics for the LoRa eXchange protocol. Ad-
ditionally, a large scale network will be deployed in
an agricultural setting to demonstrate the benefits of
precision agriculture and ease of use of the approach.
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