Table 11: Comparison of detection results.
Conventional 0.9999 0.0928
White list 0.9999 0.0570
Customized white list 0.9998 0.0325
between TPR and FPR can be controlled by changing
the granularity of the white list.
In this paper, we proposed a method that combines
a white list created by MUD with machine learning
to detect malware infection in IoT devices. By us-
ing the white list, we can exclude normal commu-
nications that have been misclassified as malware by
machine learning alone from anomaly detection, and
thus reduce false positives. We evaluated the accuracy
of anomaly detection using a dataset of normal and
malware communications, and confirmed that the pro-
posed method reduced the false detection rate. More-
over, the performance varied by changing the rule of
the white list. Future work includes investigating how
to create more effective white lists, applying them
to other machine learning algorithms, and evaluating
them using more practical datasets.
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