overflow during severe rainfall events. The system
management is further aided by forecasts shown in
the plot window, which provide additional
information about the forthcoming behaviour of key
variables, as predicted by ANNs.
When dealing with Smart City projects, several
challenges arise. It is important to lower the design
and operational costs to increase the probability of
implementation. The handling of heterogeneous data
from multiple sources, the analysis of Big Data and
security-related issues are also to be considered (Silva
et al., 2018). The proposed approach, fulfilling these
requirements, is a valuable step in guaranteeing safety
in a Smart City context and can be in principle
replicated and applied in all those settings where
measurements from different sensors over large areas,
meteorological data, and in general any quantitative
information needs to be processed to provide
synthetic outputs for the final user.
The study presented in this paper is part of the
INNOVA EFD3 research project financed by A2A
Ciclo Idrico S.p.A.
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