RECAID: A Sponsorship Recommendation Approach
William Johnny Bernardes de Oliveira and Wladmir Cardoso Brand
Department of Computer Science, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas), Belo Hozizonte, Brazil
Recommendation Systems, Recommender, Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, Sponsorship, Social
Non-government organizations play an important role in society, providing access to basic services in culture,
education, health, and security for needy people. Some of these organizations raise funds for their social
projects through sponsorship programs for people in poverty, deprivation, exclusion and vulnerability. The
intensive use of technology for sponsors and beneficiaries matching is paramount to create more lasting bonds,
maximizing the likelihood of stronger relationships, consequently raising more resources for projects. In this
article we propose and evaluate a learning approach to recommend beneficiaries to sponsors. Particularly, we
exploit different recommendation strategies, such as collaborative filtering with matrix factorization, content-
based with bag of words and word embeddings and knowledge-based with association rules. Experimental
results show that content-based strategies based on word embeddings are more effective, reaching up to 72%
of performance in MAP and nDCG. Additionally, it can effectively recommend beneficiaries to sponsors even
if there is less feedback information on beneficiaries and sponsors to train recommendation models.
Socioeconomic inequality is a worldwide problem.
While a large part of economic resources is exclu-
sively available to a small group of people, a large
group of people have no access to basic resources for
education and health. Particularly in Brazil, this prob-
lem is even greater. According to IPEA (Institute for
Applied Economic Research), approximately 26 mil-
lion people lived in poverty in 2014 in Brazil, and an-
other 8 million people lived in extreme poverty.
Many non-government organizations (NGOs)
support the social development of communities, de-
livering an improvement in the quality of life of
poor people. The Resolution 288 of the Economic
and Social Council of the United Nations defines
“non-government organizations” as organizations es-
tablished by civil society without government agree-
ments (Ferreira, 2005). NGOs often raise funding
from civil society and government to support their so-
cial development actions, but many of them have no
formal strategy for this (da Silva et al., 2016). Nev-
ertheless, one of the strategies adopted by NGOs is to
raise funds directly from individual sponsors through
sponsorship programs, where donors sponsor bene-
ficiaries by providing financial resources, fostering
projects in the community where beneficiaries live.
Attracting and retaining sponsors is a challenging
problem and is closely related to the NGOs credi-
bility and theirs ability to effectively allocate fund-
ing resources. Previous work reported in literature
show that there is a positive correlation between trans-
parency in the application of funds and financing
maintenance by sponsors (Portulhak et al., 2016).
Furthermore, emotional and practical aspects related
to the bonds between sponsor and beneficiary signif-
icantly impact the maintenance of donations. For in-
stance, emotional bonds present in the formal com-
munication between sponsor and beneficiary maxi-
mize the chance of lasting sponsorship. In this sce-
nario, attracting and retaining sponsors for NGOs
projects is paramount to the reduction of global so-
cioeconomic inequality. Thus, the understanding of
the emotional and practical aspects that impact the re-
lationship between sponsors and beneficiaries is cru-
cial to promote the creation of long-lasting bonds,
maximizing the likelihood of long-term funding.
In this article we propose a learning approach for
beneficiary-sponsor recommendation to retain spon-
sors through the building and maintenance of lasting
bonds between them. Particularly, different strategies
are used in recommendation, such as collaborative fil-
tering with matrix factorization, content-based with
bag of words and word embeddings, and knowledge-
Bernardes de Oliveira, W. and Brandão, W.
RECAID: A Sponsorship Recommendation Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0010400906180625
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enter prise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 1, pages 618-625
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
based with association rules. Experimental results us-
ing a new sponsorship recommendation dataset built
from funding data provided by ChildFund Brasil
, an
international NGO, show that content-based strategies
with word embeddings outperforms the other strate-
gies, reaching up to 72% in MAP and nDCG. Ad-
ditionally, the content-based strategies performs well
even if there is less feedback information on bene-
ficiaries and sponsors to train the recommendation
model. The main contributions of this article are:
SRD, a new sponsorship recommendation dataset
for beneficiary-sponsor recommendation built
from funding data of ChildFund Brasil, an inter-
national NGO.
RECAID, a learning approach to recommend ben-
eficiaries to sponsors that implements different
recommendation strategies, particularly a content-
based strategy driven by word embeddings.
A throughout evaluation of our proposed ap-
proach, contrasting the performance of different
recommendation strategies.
This article indirectly contributes to improve the NGO
fundraising process, presenting concepts and tech-
nologies to enhance NGO processes and methods.
Moreover, our recommendation approach is designed
to be effective in a real-world scenario where most
beneficiary-sponsor relationships are one to one. Un-
like other recommendation approaches that recom-
mend knowing a large range of choices made by
users, RECAID need to be effective in a more restrict
universe of knowing choices.
The remaining of this article is divided as follows:
Section 2 presents theoretical background on social
technologies and recommendation systems. Section
3 presents related work. Section 4, presents our pro-
posed recommendation approach. Section 5 presents
experimental setup and results. Finally, Section 6
presents conclusions and directions for future work.
This section presents the main concepts on social
technologies and recommendation systems.
2.1 Social Technologies
The expression “social technology” originates in In-
dia from a concept of appropriate technology, used
for the first time in the late 14th century by Mahatma
Gandhi (Dagnino et al., 2004). In Brazil, this ex-
pression became popular in the first decade of the
21st century, mostly due to social actors concerned
with the problem of social exclusion. Formally, so-
cial technology is a way to use, create, implement
and manage technologies to address social and envi-
ronmental problems, trying to promote social inclu-
sion and sustainable development in a guided way,
comprising products, techniques, and methodologies
developed for community interaction with the aim
of promote social transformation (Dagnino, 2011).
Thus, social technologies require action and reflec-
tion of individuals to stimulate a more fair, inclusive
and sustainable society, emphasizing citizens, neigh-
borhood associations, solidarity economy enterprise,
social mobilization and organizations (Costa, 2013).
Typically, social technologies run by social orga-
nizations action within social projects. These organi-
zations usually have no links with the public or private
sector, do not receive government funding and their
projects are sponsored by donations from ordinary
contributors (Falc
ao, 2004; de Albuquerque, 2006).
The two key agents in social projects are beneficia-
ries and sponsors. Beneficiaries are people who are
directly benefit from the project’s products, services
and results. Usually, they are needy people and their
needs or rights are not met by public agencies (Cul-
ligan et al., 2013). Sponsors are donors in social
projects that provide cash, goods or services to the
NGOs or directly to a non-profit social project. These
sponsors contribute by providing more opportunities
and resources for beneficiaries (Belem and Donadone,
2.2 Recommendation Systems
Recommendation systems, or recommenders, are in-
formation retrieval systems that help users to make
choices on items in a wide universe of options. Rec-
ommendations are generated through explicitly or im-
plicitly preferences expressed by users, and by using
items and users properties, including demographic
and lifestyle data, visualization statistics, behavioral
information and other contextual properties depend-
ing on what is recommend (Linden et al., 2003; Massa
and Avesani, 2007; Cremonesi et al., 2010).
Until recently recommendation was a personal ex-
perience based on people habits and behaviors. From
there, it has been evolving to a personal experience
based on collective knowledge. Today, there are a
huge amount of choices of items in the Web, such as
movies, music, food, drinks and other products, mak-
ing decisions hard for people emerged in their daily
routines. Recommenders offer a way to streamline
RECAID: A Sponsorship Recommendation Approach
decisions, filtering the options based on past choices,
common interests and preferences.
Popularity-based is one of the most traditional rec-
ommendation strategy widely used in practise, where
the only available knowledge used to recommend is
the history and popularity of the items. This strategy
is based on collective wisdom and typically recom-
mend the most popular items to users, with no cus-
tomization or personalized experience (Steck, 2011).
It does not distinguish groups, providing no targeted
recommendations in such a way that it is often inef-
fective, failing to embody the user’s desire.
The collaborative filtering strategy is more sophis-
ticated, providing predictions aimed at the users’ in-
terest on items, consolidating filtering based on their
preferences history (Linden et al., 2003). These
strategies assume the likelihood of users having com-
mon interests about items, being able to group users
based on the grade they have defined for an item in
the past, and infer the user’s future choice by un-
derstanding the preferences that similar users in the
same group made for certain items (Sarwar et al.,
2001). Usually, collaborative filtering recommenda-
tion is based on the similarity of users (user-based)
or on the similarity of items (item-based). In addi-
tion, latent models (Sarwar et al., 2000; Aggarwal
and Parthasarathy, 2001) reduces the dimensionality
inherent in calculating similarity in large matrices of
users and items, providing an effective matrix factor-
ization procedure. One of the most popular imple-
mentations of latent models is the singular value de-
composition (SVD).
The content-based recommendation strategy uses
the textual content of users and items to provide pre-
dictions. It can recommend new items for users even
when there is no feedback data, minimizing the cold-
start problem. However, due to the use of text de-
scriptors, it usually provides obvious recommenda-
tions (Balabanovi
c and Shoham, 1997; Aggarwal
et al., 2016). A hybrid strategy can achieve out-
performing recommendation, improving other non-
hybrid strategies (Lekakos and Caravelas, 2008). It
aims to minimize problems related to cold-start and
sparsity by combining different strategies, depending
on what kind of item need to be recommended. The
hybrid strategy is widely used nowadays due to its ef-
fectiveness, resilience and modularity.
Knowledge-based recommendation strategies use
explicit contextual knowledge on items, user prefer-
ences and recommendation criteria to provide predic-
tions (Burke, 2000). Usually these strategies are suit-
able for complex domains, where items are not con-
sumed very often by users. Several classifier and re-
gression algorithms can be used to provide the pre-
dictions, such as association rules (Osadchiy et al.,
2019), support vector machines (Min and Han, 2005)
and neural networks (Gupta and Sharma, 2021). Par-
ticularly, a recommendation strategy based on neural
networks is inspired by the architecture of the human
brain, allowing for an important ability to train differ-
ent classifiers for a higher quality recommendation.
Similar to hybrid recommenders, neural network rec-
ommenders can combine several architectures and be
trained using several data sources to provide an out-
performing recommendation. Thus, one can train sev-
eral neural networks per user, still customizing the
user preferences, tastes, and behavior (Ricci et al.,
Recently, novel deep learning architectures have
been proposed to generate text embeddings that can
be effectively used in several natural language pro-
cessing problems (Mikolov et al., 2013b; Vaswani
et al., 2017; Devlin et al., 2019). For instance,
Word2Vec are the first efficient models to learn dis-
tributed representations of words from large amount
of unstructured text with billions of words (Mikolov
et al., 2013a; Mikolov et al., 2013b). Training such
models does not involve dense matrix multiplications
and can be quickly done with a single machine. Pre-
vious work reported in literature show that word em-
beddings can be effectively used in recommenda-
tion (Kannan et al., 2018).
Regardless of strategy, recommendation systems
must provide personalized recommendations by us-
ing as much information as possible on demographic,
lifestyle, groups of friends, areas of interest and any
other feature that can define user personality. Pro-
viding effective recommendations is paramount to re-
tain users, particularly when they are able to convey a
sense of individuality, that is when the user feels that
their recommendations are exclusive. By analogy, an
effective recommendation system can be associated
with an experienced salesperson, that first seeks to un-
derstand the customer’s needs to then recommend a
product that meet the needs. In this sense it is crucial
to know historical data and characteristics of users to
provide effective recommendations (Zanker and Nin-
aus, 2010).
Recommending people (items) to people (users) can
be applied in different contexts, such as friendships,
dating, educational and professional partnerships. In
this context, users lifestyle information is usually an
important feature for recommendation and, together
with others features, it can provide an approximation
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of the user’s personality, allowing the predictions of
user future choices to be filtered in a better way.
For friendship recommendation, (Gurini et al.,
2018) proposed a new recommendation approach
based on semantic attitudes by using traditional so-
cial networks, such as Twitter. In particular, favorable
and unfavorable statements are considered in specific
matters, thus improving the recommendation results.
They extract text from social networks, converting
them into unigrams and eliminating irrelevant ones. A
three-dimensional matrix factorization model is gen-
erated and a temporal dynamics is modeled, improv-
ing the accuracy and diversity of the recommender.
The experiments carried out by authors with data ob-
tained in the monitoring of the traffic produced by
the users allowed the authors to make comparative
analyzes with other approaches reported in the liter-
ature, such as random recommendation, popularity-
based, content-based, and collaborative filtering. The
authors divided the datasets into 70% for training and
30% for testing, for the evaluation of results and ac-
curacy, diversity and novelty metrics were measured.
Experimental results showed that with the use of im-
plicit feeling, volume and objectivity improves the
recommendations. In addition, the proposed approach
behaved better than the others in experimental evalu-
ation. Similarly to these work, in our investigation
we analyse features that impact the recommendation
of people to people. Moreover, we also use a consoli-
dated approach in the literature to try out possibilities.
But differently from these work, we use a sponsor-
ship recommendation dataset to infer the likelihood of
long-term bond between beneficiaries and sponsors.
In a different vein, (Rahim et al., 2019) propose
an approach based on centrality measures between
friends of friends and similarity measures of groups
and events to recommend new friends for users. The
features used by this approach is extracted from two
Facebook datasets, the first consisting of seven group
of features: friends, events, groups, neighbors, friend
events, friend event groups and friend event groups
neighbors. The second consisting on friendship rela-
tions and used to assess whether both users were able
to become true friends. For recommendation, the au-
thors propose different techniques for measuring sim-
ilarities. The first technique is based on friends of
friends relationships, with the five best friends been
recommended using each one of the centrality mea-
sures separately. The second technique use three
measures of similarity based on each user’s common
group or event: data coefficient, Jaccard similarity,
and cosine similarity. Both techniques were evaluated
and the authors showed that the recommendations
made by them performs almost equally, with an ac-
curacy of 56% for the second technique and 52% for
the first technique. In addition, these work presents an
interesting comparison between techniques and met-
rics, creating possibilities for the authors to verify the
confidence level of the recommendation.
The aforementioned related approaches that rec-
ommend people focus mainly on the interest of new
friendships or dating. In the same vein (Edith and
Yu, 2018) propose a recommender focused on the
building of new friendships. The authors use the k-
nearest neighbors algorithm to estimate users’ prefer-
ences and lifestyle features. They also collected data
directly from each user’s smartphones, which allowed
measuring the similarity between them having a de-
fined context. Experimental results showed that the
friends’ choices directly reflect the preferences ex-
pressed by the users, with the main advantage in rec-
ommending friends, the sharing of similar interests
on both sides. This work is important to demonstrate
how similarities measures of users impact the recom-
mendation of friends, and how estimating similar in-
terests, daily routines, styles, and opinions can help to
build users clusters that enhance the recommendation.
Although there are several works reported in the
literature on recommending people, none of them ad-
dress the problem of recommending beneficiaries to
donors, a sub-problem that imposes even greater chal-
lenges given the properties of the users and items of
the recommendation system, and the lack of informa-
tion on social sponsorship.
Recommendation systems can be implemented in
different contexts using different recommendation
strategies. In this section we present RECAID, our
approach to recommend beneficiaries to sponsors in
social projects. Figure 1 presents the RECAID archi-
First, the Processor component creates the Spon-
sorship dataset by processing the NGO Funding
dataset containing sponsor and beneficiary relation-
ships. Part of this processing consists of anonymizing
the data of beneficiaries and sponsors. Another part
of processing consists of generating sponsor ratings
for beneficiaries based on the level of interactions be-
tween them. Each case record in the NGO Funding
dataset represents an interaction between a sponsor
and a beneficiary. In particular, the dataset records
eleven types of cases. In one year, at least three cases
are record for each beneficiary: progress report, reg-
istration update, and initiated letter. Some engaged
sponsors have a larger number of cases, usually hav-
RECAID: A Sponsorship Recommendation Approach
Figure 1: The architecture of the RECAID approach.
ing a longer time bond with their beneficiaries.
Second, the Extractor component extracts associa-
tion rules with high confidence level (above a config-
urable threshold) from the Sponsorship dataset. For
this, we use sponsor’s features, such as city, gender,
age and payment, and beneficiary’s features as gen-
der, age and illiteracy level. Third, the Recommender
component learns from the Sponsorship dataset and
association rules a recommendation model using dif-
ferent strategies. In particular, collaborative filtering,
content-based, knowledge-based and hybrid strate-
gies are used for this. Finally, the Predictor com-
ponent recommend a ranked set of beneficiaries to a
sponsor using the recommendation model.
In this section, we present the experiments we car-
ried out to evaluate our recommendation approach,
including datasets, evaluation metrics and experimen-
tal results. Particularly, in our experiments we answer
the following research questions: how effective is RE-
CAID to recommend beneficiaries to sponsors in so-
cial projects?
5.1 Dataset
The sponsorship recommendation dataset (SRD)
proposed in this article was built using funding data
provided by ChildFund Brasil, an international NGO.
This new dataset contains data of 53 years of so-
cial projects development, filling a gap in the lack of
datasets for beneficiary-sponsor recommendation sys-
tems. Within the funding data we extract seventeen
sources of features that bring information on benefi-
ciaries and sponsors, such as their demographic and
personal characteristics.
Along with the SRD dataset we provide a short-
code showing how to use it for beneficiary-sponsor
recommendation, in addition to sponsorship meta-
data in English and Portuguese. In particular, the
SRD dataset contains 11,392 records of beneficiaries,
8,624 of them already being sponsored by any spon-
sor. In addition, there are 16,923 records of spon-
sors, 8,299 of them donating infrequently. Moreover,
68% of beneficiary-sponsor links are unique, i.e., one
donor sponsor just one beneficiary.
In our experiments, we use four sources of
beneficiary-sponsor features: beneficiaries, bonds,
cases, and sponsors. To infer sponsor ratings in ben-
eficiaries, we perform the sum of all cases, i.e., the
interactions recorded in the sponsorship relationship,
and we normalize each beneficiary-sponsor case by
the sum of cases.
5.2 Setup
We evaluate four different strategies for recom-
mendation: collaborative filtering, content-based,
knowledge-based and a hybrid one. For collabora-
tive filtering we use the cosine similarity as the dis-
tance metric used to calculate sponsors and beneficia-
ries similarity and matrix factorization with singular
value decomposition. In our experiments, we refer to
this strategy as SVD.
For the content-based strategy, all sponsors and
beneficiaries are represented in a vector space us-
ing bag of words with TF-IDF schema (BoW) and
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Word2Vec representations. For both BoW and
Word2Vec we estimate the similarity between the vec-
tors using the cosine similarity. We set the maximum
size of each vector of 5,000 words. These words are
extracted from the beneficiary and sponsor descrip-
tions. In our experiments, we refer to the content-
based strategy with TF-IDF as CB and to the content-
based strategy with Word2Vec as W2V. We also com-
bine TF-IDF and Word2Vec vectors in a single vec-
tor. In our experiments, we refer to the content-
based strategy with combined TF-IDF and Word2Vec
as W2VT.
For the hybrid strategy, we multiply the scores
from collaborative filtering and content-based strate-
gies previously presented to provide a hybrid rank-
ing. In our experiments, we refer to the hybrid strat-
egy as HB. Additionally, we combine previously pre-
sented strategies with a knowledge-based recommen-
dation strategy based on association rules, referring
them in our experiments as CB-AR, HB-AR, SVD-
AR, W2V-AR and W2VT-AR. We extract all rules
with confidence levels between 20% and 75%, filter-
ing from the recommended beneficiaries only those
records that follow the association rules.
There are different metrics to evaluate the accu-
racy of a recommendation system (Beel et al., 2013).
In this article, we provide ranking prediction metrics
to evaluate the order in which the items should be
recommended. For this, we use information retrieval
metrics, such as, Mean Average Precision (MAP) and
Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (nDCG).
The MAP calculates the average precision of the
scores of a set of queries and the nDCG defines the
relevance of the classification of the items recom-
mended in the result set to evaluate the utility or gain
based on its position (Geng et al., 2007). In addition,
we use the holdout for cross-validation, considering a
random sample of 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% train-
ing data,
5.3 Experimental Results
Table 1 presents the MAP metric for each recommen-
dation strategy.
From Table 1 we observe that W2VT outperforms
the other approaches. However the performance of
HB, HB-AR, and SVD are remarkable. The perfor-
mance of HB and HB-AR is largely derived from the
performance of the SVD. Additionally, we observe
that the best performance occurs when the sample
rate is 40% for training and 60% for testing. Table 2
presents the nDCG metric for each strategy.
From Table 2 we observe again that W2VT out-
performs the other approaches. The CB strategy is the
Table 1: RECAID Performance in MAP.
Approach 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
CB 0.349 0.313 0.351 0.128 0.048
CB-AR 0.256 0.224 0.173 0.001 0.002
HB 0.555 0.428 0.500 0.500 0.666
HB-AR 0.555 0.428 0.500 0.500 0.666
SVD 0.556 0.428 0.500 0.501 0.666
SVD-AR 0.222 0.142 0.333 0.250 0.000
W2V 0.333 0.364 0.329 0.383 0.322
W2V-AR 0.210 0.235 0.110 0.197 0.181
W2VT 0.580 0.480 0.598 0.568 0.721
W2VT-AR 0.398 0.428 0.351 0.343 0.390
Table 2: RECAID Performance in NDCG.
Approach 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
CB 0.666 0.571 0.500 0.250 0.000
CB-AR 0.333 0.285 0.166 0.000 0.000
HB 0.555 0.428 0.500 0.500 0.666
HB-AR 0.555 0.428 0.500 0.500 0.333
SVD 0.556 0.428 0.500 0.500 0.666
SVD-AR 0.222 0.142 0.333 0.250 0.000
W2V 0.556 0.428 0.500 0.500 0.666
W2V-AR 0.322 0.242 0.433 0.250 0.410
W2VT 0.708 0.651 0.612 0.668 0.721
W2VT-AR 0.708 0.480 0.612 0.668 0.601
most volatile, but with minor differences when com-
pared. The association rules extracted from the base,
also do not help in gaining the correctness of the strat-
egy as it was expected to have, we can see, at most in
the hybrid strategy, the hits are close, but they do not
The experimental results show that W2VT out-
performs the other strategies in all evaluation met-
rics. Recalling our research question, these obser-
vations attest the effectiveness of RECAID to recom-
mend beneficiaries to sponsors in social projects, es-
pecially when we use features that describe a bene-
ficiary, that is, when we opt for content-based strate-
The content-based strategy that uses the descrip-
tion or attributes of the beneficiaries and thus creates
similarities was more efficient. To use this strategy,
we used the description field of the beneficiary, us-
ing the TF-IDF scheme to calculate the weight of
the words in the text, which is a measure to indi-
cate the importance of each word in the description
of the beneficiary, and with that, we can verify the
links and determine the most similar ones helping to
solve the problem we have in the other recommen-
dations to which they present only a 1 to 1 ratio in
most cases. The best results come from the TF-IDF
Word2Vec, Pattern Factorization and Hybrid strategy,
combining two strategies already presented, based on
content and pattern factoring (SVD), thereby mini-
mizing problems related to sparsity and cold-start.
RECAID: A Sponsorship Recommendation Approach
By assessing the effectiveness of these strategies,
we noticed that the sponsor and beneficiary relation-
ship structure greatly influences the models, keeping
them away from improved results, since the history
or similarity that are important factors for a good rec-
ommendation establish little performance. However,
when evaluating the strategies that had a better result,
we realized that the description of the beneficiary can
establish a path to be followed in the recommenda-
tion, finding similarities between them. For the tests,
we do not consider the temporal dimension and we
consider that all beneficiaries would be available to
receive a sponsor in the sponsorship program. It is
also not possible to discard other unused base fea-
tures, which can improve recommendation strategies.
In the present article we propose RECAID, a recom-
mendation approach that recommends beneficiaries to
sponsors in social projects. RECAID aims to improve
fundraising and loyalty from sponsors through the
construction of lasting bonds. In particular, different
recommendation strategies reported in scientific liter-
ature on recommender systems for people recommen-
dation were identified, different techniques for recom-
mending beneficiaries to sponsors in social projects
were evaluated and the main characteristics of bene-
ficiaries and sponsors that impact on the effectiveness
of the proposed recommendation approach were iden-
Experimental results show that the Wor2vec with
TF-IDF that exploits descriptive textual content of
beneficiaries and sponsors performed better for rec-
ommendation. Particularly, with a training rate of
60%, the MAP and nDCG metrics reached 72% ac-
curacy. In addition, other as matrix factorization and
hybrid approaches strategy achieved the accuracy of
66% in nDCG. Based on the observed results we in-
tend to explore new techniques for displaying the tex-
tual content and new features that describe emotional
aspects of beneficiaries and sponsors.
In future work, we also intend to explore a larger
set of characteristics of beneficiaries and sponsors to
understand what practical and emotional aspects im-
pact the maintenance of lasting bonds. Additionally,
we intend to evaluate other strategies recently pro-
posed in the literature, such as those based on neu-
ral networks. Moreover, we intend to use a larger
set of features, since the current database is unbal-
anced, with a small number of lasting links between
beneficiaries and sponsors. We also intend to ex-
plore new approaches based on sentence embeddings
to capture neglected semantic aspects to improve the
performance of content-based strategies.
The present work was carried out with the support
of the Coordenac¸
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal
de N
ıvel Superior - Brazil (CAPES) - Financing
Code 001. The authors thank the partial support of
the CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific
and Technological Development), FAPEMIG (Foun-
dation for Research and Scientific and Technological
Development of Minas Gerais), and PUC Minas.
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