Raising Awareness of Students’ Self-Directed Learning Readiness
Sanna Laine
, Mikko Myllym
and Ismo Hakala
University of Jyv
a, Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius, P.O. Box 567, FI-67701, Kokkola, Finland
Self-Directed Learning (SDLR), SDLR Scale, Distance Education, Online Learning, Lifelong Learning,
Adult Learning, Information Technology.
This paper describes the mapping of self-directed learning readiness (SDLR) for adult students applying for
a master’s degree program delivered entirely as distanced learning. Since SDLR is strongly linked to both
adult learning and online education, developing of self-directed learning (SDL) skills should be taken into
consideration in our degree program. Making future students aware of SDLR is the first stage in introducing
self-directed learning methods and practices in learning environments. The easiest way to do this is to have
students answer an SDLR self-assessment questionnaire and give them feedback regarding their SDLR level.
This paper presents how this is realized and provides the preliminary results of the study and the applicants’
SDLR score distributions. The results indicate high SDLR among all applicants.
Knowles (Knowles, 1975) defined self-directed learn-
ing (SDL) as “a process in which an individual
takes the initiative, with or without the help of oth-
ers, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating
and implementing appropriate learning strategies and
evaluating learning outcomes. This is perhaps the
most widely accepted definition of SDL. Self-directed
learning readiness (SDLR) comprises personality
characteristics that define an individual’s degree of
self-management, desire to learn, and self-control
(Fisher et al., 2001). We live in a rapidly chang-
ing society, and to maintain professional skills, self-
directed lifelong learning is a necessity (Guglielmino,
2013). As Knowles (Knowles, 1975) expressed, “We
must think of learning as being the same as living.
He argued that learners with initiative learn more and
better than passive “reactive” learners. Self-directed
learners have greater motivation and tend to retain
and make use of what they learn. Knowles consid-
ered SDL to be part of the natural process of human
psychological development.
Adapting the definition by Knowles, Guglielmino
and Guglielmino (Guglielmino and Guglielmino,
2001) defined SDL as “a process in which the learner
is responsible for identifying what is to be learned,
when it is to be learned and how it is to be learned.
The learner is also responsible for evaluating not only
if the learning occurs but if it is relevant to the ob-
jective. When developing her self-directed learning
readiness scale (SDLRS) using the Delphi technique,
Guglielmino (Guglielmino, 1978) connected a highly
self-directed learner with qualities like initiative, in-
dependence, persistence, self-discipline, curiosity, re-
sponsibility, self-confidence, strong desire for learn-
ing, goal-orientation, and organizing skills.
Since SDL may also bring about many abili-
ties supporting studying, such as increased retention,
greater interest in continued learning, greater inter-
est in the subject, more positive attitudes toward the
instructor, and enhanced self-concept (Brockett and
Hiemstra, 1991), the benefits of SDL are hard to deny.
Fortunately, there is evidence that SDLR can be de-
veloped. Knowing their own SDLR levels may arouse
students’ interest in enhancing their SDL skills. Thus,
this research will promote the growth of students’
awareness of SDLR. In addition, the distribution of
students’ SDLRS scores may convince education or-
ganizers and lecturers to take SDLR theory into ac-
count when arranging and planning instruction.
In this preliminary stage of the study, we identi-
fied a way to realize SDLR evaluation in an online
environment. We also examined the SDLRS score
distributions of first-year students and student appli-
Laine, S., Myllymäki, M. and Hakala, I.
Raising Awareness of Students’ Self-Directed Learning Readiness (SDLR).
DOI: 10.5220/0010403304390446
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 439-446
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cants. The future goal is to observe possible changes
in adult students’ SDLR levels in a master’s program
delivered as distance learning and to find a means of
developing SDL skills in online environments. In the
long run, collecting applicants’ SDLRS scores may
also enable the detection of whether their SDLR lev-
els will affect their ability to be accepted into the pro-
gram and commit to it. The SDLR survey by Fisher,
King, and Tague (Fisher et al., 2001) was integrated
into the virtual learning environment. Students were
given materials that explained the purpose of the sur-
vey and provided information on how SDLR could be
developed in connection with the education program.
Responding to the survey constituted part of the first
compulsory course for new students, which addresses
academic study practices and skills.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 in-
troduces SDL in more detail and connects it to our
students. Section 3 discusses the related work. Sec-
tion 4 explains how the SDLR scale is realized in our
learning platform. The results and their meaning are
discussed in section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper.
The introduction already provided some definitions
for SDL. In this section, SDL is explored through
SDL models. In addition, the relationship between
SDL and online/distance learning and adult educa-
tion, as well as the ways to measure SDLR levels, will
be considered.
2.1 Self-Directed Learning Models
Garrison’s (Garrison, 1997) model includes three
overlapping SDLR dimensions: motivation, self-
management, and self-monitoring. Garrison defines
self-directed learning as “an approach where learn-
ers are motivated to assume personal responsibil-
ity and collaborative control of the cognitive (self-
monitoring) and contextual (self-management) pro-
cesses in constructing and confirming a meaning-
ful and worthwhile learning outcome. Motivation is
a key factor in initiating and maintaining learning
processes. Garrison classifies motivation into two
terms: entering motivation and task motivation. “En-
tering motivation establishes commitment to a par-
ticular goal and the intent to act. Task motivation
is the tendency to focus on and persist in learn-
ing activities and goals” (Garrison, 1997). Regard-
ing Garrison’s three over-lapping dimensions, self-
management focuses on external activities associated
with the learning process and considers functions for
achieving learning goals and learning resource man-
agement. Self-monitoring refers to the “responsibil-
ity to construct meaning. This includes developing
new knowledge and reconciling new information with
previous knowledge. Self-monitoring ensures that the
learning goals are being met.
Brockett and Hiemstra (Brockett and Hiemstra,
1991) introduced the Personal Responsibility Ori-
entation (PRO) model. It separates SDL into two
dimensions: instructional transaction characteris-
tic (teaching-learning process) and a learner‘s per-
sonal characteristics. The dimensions are guided
by personal responsibility, which works as a start-
ing point and is influenced by social context. To
clarify some confusion, the model was aroused dur-
ing years and was updated and reconfigured into the
Person-Process-Context (PPC) Model (Hiemstra and
Brockett, 2012)in order to disengage themselves from
the political tone that the term “personal responsibil-
ity” may have obtained. Person (or a learner’s per-
sonal characteristics in the PRO model) refers to one’s
characteristics, such as their “creativity, critical re-
flection, enthusiasm, life experience, life satisfaction,
motivation, previous education, resilience, and self-
concept”. Process (or instructional transaction char-
acteristic in the PRO model) refers to one’s “facilita-
tion, learning skills, learning styles, planning, orga-
nizing, and evaluating abilities, teaching styles, and
technological skills. Adding the Context element to
the model separates the model from many other SDL
definitions. Context takes into account “the envi-
ronmental and sociopolitical climate, such as culture,
power, learning environment, finances, gender, learn-
ing climate, organizational policies, political milieu,
race, and sexual orientation”. Learning activities can-
not be separated from the social context in which they
occur (Brockett and Hiemstra, 1991).
2.2 SDL in the Online and Adult
Learning Context
As an educator, it is important to understand how on-
line learning affects SDLR and how SDL should be
taken into account when arranging education for adult
students, most of whom already have at least one pre-
vious degree and several years of work experience.
The interest in SDL in relation to distance learning
emerged from the structural constraints of distance
education and the independence that distance learn-
ers have (Garrison, 2003). Already in the 80s, Moore
(Moore, 1986) studied the implications of SDL for
distance education and recommended that staff be
trained to emphasize SDL in their courses and prepare
material to be delivered in a personalized way based
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
on students’ needs and interests. SDLR shares mul-
tiple features with the requirements of distance learn-
Song and Hill (Song and Hill, 2007) studied the
role of SDL in online learning contexts. They pointed
out that initial SDL models were developed when
face-to-face instruction was the predominant mode of
higher education. Thus, they formed a conceptual
model to understand SDL in an online context. In the
model, the “learning context” indicates the impact of
environmental factors on SDL. This learning context
includes “design” elements, like resources, structure,
and nature of the learning tasks, and “support” ele-
ments, which refer to the instructor’s feedback and
peer collaboration. Song and Hill (Song and Hill,
2007) brought out the opportunities and challenges
that an online context introduces. They deduced that
online learning is closely associated with SDL. To
succeed in online learning, many SDL-related skills
are needed, such as planning one’s learning pace,
monitoring learning comprehension, and exploring
and using various learning resources effectively. Stu-
dents need to be highly motivated as the online con-
text may provide more opportunities to procrastinate
studies, as online classes often do not provide strict
schedules. In addition, students are more responsible
for monitoring their own learning in online environ-
Barak et al. (Barak et al., 2016) suggested that
online students were more aware of mastery learn-
ing and information processing strategies than their
on-campus peers. In addition, online students indi-
cated better planning, control, and evaluation skills
for their learning process. Information resource man-
agement is an important part of SDL skills. Tang and
Tseng (Tang and Tseng, 2013) discovered that dis-
tance learners who have higher self-efficacy for infor-
mation seeking and proficiency in information manip-
ulation exhibited higher self-efficacy for online learn-
Loizzo et al. (Loizzo et al., 2017) studied learn-
ers’ motivations for enrolling in a massive open on-
line course (MOOC), their perceptions of success and
completion, and the barriers encountered while trying
to complete the MOOC from an SDL perspective. In
Loizzo et al.s study, SDL theory was utilized to better
understand how adult learners experience MOOCs.
According to their survey responses, the students had
SDL-related features, like an awareness of their learn-
ing purposes, processes, and goals within the MOOC
course. However, Loizzo et al. (Loizzo et al., 2017)
stated that MOOC courses often do not provide the
opportunity for learners to assess their own progress
in relation to their personal goals.
Rashid and Asghar (Rashid and Asghar, 2016)
studied the relationship between technology use and
academic performance, student engagement, and self-
directed learning. Technology use was assessed with
a ”media and technology usage and attitudes” scale.
Only the questions measuring media and technology
usage, such as internet, social media, smartphone,
and media sharing usage, were included in the re-
search. They found that the use of technology has a
directly positive relationship with self-directed learn-
ing. The same study also showed a positive correla-
tion between SDL and student engagement.
The online environment also creates possibilities
to enhance SDL skills. Kim et al. (Kim et al., 2014)
developed a self-directed learning system to guide
students to self-manage their own learning processes.
The system enabled students to customize content by
setting specific learning goals by reflecting on their
learning experiences, self-monitoring activities and
performances, and collaboration with other students.
The system was found to improve students’ overall
competency scores in being self-directive by practic-
ing and reinforcing their SDL abilities.
SDLR is often related to lifelong learning, and
Knowles’ work has had a great impact on this real-
ization. In addition to SDL, Knowles was a special-
ist of andragogy (the study of adult learning). He
defined the assumptions about the characteristics of
learners by saying that “as individuals mature, their
self-concept moves from one of being a dependent
personality toward being a self-directed human be-
ing” (Knowles, 1980). However, age may not directly
predict SDLR levels. For example, Heo and Han (Heo
and Han, 2018) found no correlation between age and
SDLR within their adult online college student. Thus,
the link between adulthood and SDLR is based more
on “maturity” than age. Knowles also argued that
adults have “a deep psychological need to be gener-
ally self-directing, although they may be dependent
in particular temporary situations” (Knowles, 1980).
This means that teacher-centered education may not
satisfy adult students.
Applying SDL in formal education is a challeng-
ing task. A strict curriculum may hinder the fa-
cilitation of SDL, and applying SDL may require
extra effort from teachers. According Guglielmino
(Guglielmino, 2013), possible reasons for not adopt-
ing SDL are the tendency to teach as one was taught,
the ease of assigning a grade based primarily on quan-
titative evaluation, school and teacher ratings based
on testing, increasing class sizes that make it more
difficult to use authentic assessment methods, and,
for higher education faculty, a lack of instruction in
teaching strategies.
Raising Awareness of Students’ Self-Directed Learning Readiness (SDLR)
2.3 SDLR Scales
The most widely used SDLR assessment tool is
Guglielmino’s (Guglielmino, 1978) SDLRS. This is
a self-report questionnaire that consists of 58 Likert-
type items drawn up with the help of experts using
the Delphi technique. The expert group consisted of
14 authorities in the area of SDL. Among the ex-
perts were Malcolm Knowles and Allen Tough, both
major contributors in the field of adult education.
Guglielmino’s model defined eight SDL components:
openness to learning opportunities, self-concept as an
effective learner, initiative and independence in learn-
ing, informed acceptance of responsibility for one’s
own learning, love of learning, creativity, positive ori-
entation to the future, and ability to use basic study
skills, and problem-solving skills.
Guglielmino’s SDLRS only measures the degree
to which a person perceives themselves as reflecting
the skills and attitudes related to SDLR. However,
like Brockett and Hiemstra (Brockett and Hiemstra,
1991) point out, there is evidence that SDLRS scores
correlate with actual behavior. This correlation was
found by Hassan (Hassan, 1981) when she examined
the connection of SDLRS scores with the number of
learning projects. The learning projects used in the re-
search were planned to fulfill the definition of Tough’s
(Tough, 1979) definition.
In this research Fisher’s SDLRS is used (Fisher
and King, 2010). Fisher’s scale was developed to
correct issues regarding the validity and reliability of
Guglielmino’s scale and to make it available at no
cost. Originally, it was planned for nursing students,
but during the principal component analysis of the
scale, all questions relating to nursing were removed.
The remaining items were comparatively generally
applicable. Fisher’s SDLRS has three subscales: de-
sire for learning, self-management, and self-control.
Fisher et al. (Fisher et al., 2001) did not define these
subscales in great detail, but they resulted from an
inter-correlation analysis between Likert-type items.
The desire for learning (DL) subscale includes ques-
tions relating to one’s motivation and attitudes to-
ward studying. The self-management (SM) subscale
includes questions associated with a person’s devel-
opment of appropriate external conditions and skills
for the learning process, such as time management
and resource handling. The self-control (SC) sub-
scale includes questions about a person’s ability to
set goals and evaluate their own learning. The sub-
scales have clear points of overlap with Garrison’s
(Garrison, 1997) SDLR dimensions: motivation, self-
management, and self-monitoring.
Fisher’s SDLRS includes 40 5-point Likert-type
items: 13 items for self-management, 12 for desire
for learning, and 15 for self-control. The possible to-
tal scores can range between 40 and 200. When the
SDLRS was originally tested with a sample of 201
students enrolling for a Bachelor of Nursing program
at the University of Sydney, Australia, the total scores
were normally distributed with a mean of 150.55 (me-
dian 150). Thus, Fisher et al. (Fisher et al., 2001) used
a total score of greater than 150 to indicate SDLR.
Later, Fisher and King (Fisher and King, 2010) re-
evaluated the factor structure of the SDLR subscales,
and found that the data collected from 227 first-year
undergraduate nursing students did not fit the speci-
fied factor model until 11 items were removed; how-
ever, they recommended that all 40 items should be
used until the results could be confirmed with a larger
Most of the students who participated in this research
had an engineering background before applying for
the Mathematical Information Technology master’s
degree program. Fisher’s scale was used, when Stew-
art (Stewart, 2007) mapped final year engineering stu-
dents’ SDLRS scores as a part of the process to inte-
grate project-based learning, as a major component of
the institution’s learning and teaching options. Based
on the data gathered, the average total score of the 26
students was 158.8. Sumuer (Sumuer, 2018) collected
SDLRS scores for 153 undergraduate students in the
School of Education at a public university in Turkey,
identifying the extent to which their SDLR affected
their technology SDL (i.e. their use of internet and
communication technology (ICT) for learning experi-
ences that enable individuals to take control of plan-
ning, implementing, and evaluating their own learn-
ing). The average item score was 3.97 (SD = 0.44),
making the total mean score also 158.8. The study
also found a medium, positive, significant correlation
between SDLR and SDL with technology.
Although the SDLR items in Fisher’s scale do not
include any factors specifically relating to nursing, it
is still mainly used to evaluate health care students.
In fact, nursing students have been the most exten-
sively studied group for SDLR long before Fisher’s
scale was developed (Brockett and Hiemstra, 1991).
Therefore, we also compared our students to medi-
cal students. Abraham et al. (Abraham et al., 2011)
explored the SDLR of first-year undergraduate med-
ical students in physiology and searched for possible
correlations with academic performance. The aver-
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
age total score of the students was 151.4, and 60.2%
of students had a score greater than 150. The highest
mean item score was for questions measuring desire
for learning (3.91), followed by self-control (3.87),
and then self-management (3.44). Based on their
academic performance during the first-year program,
students were divided into high achievers (n = 10),
medium achievers (n = 41), and low achievers (n =
79). High achievers had the highest score for all
three SDLR subscales, and statistical significance was
found for self-control.
Deyo et al. (Deyo et al., 2011) studied the effect of
SDLR and academic performance on SDL activities
and the resources used to prepare for an abilities’ lab-
oratory course. The mean SDLRS score was 148.6 for
153 university students participating in a pharmacy
course. The median was 149, and 68 students (44%)
scored over 150. Similarly, Atwa (Atwa, 2018) col-
lected SDLRS scores for second-year undergraduate
medical students and examined the relationship be-
tween their scores and the students’ grade point av-
erages (GPAs) and gender. The mean SDLRS score
for the 239 students was 159.25. Atwa found a statis-
tically significant, positive correlation between GPA
and SDLR. Furthermore, the SDLRS scores were also
found to be significantly higher for females.
More engineering students’ SDLR results can be
found from studies using Guglielmino’s SDLR scale.
The scores for Guglielmino’s SDLRS varies between
58 and 290, with values between 202 and 226 indi-
cating an average level of SDLR (Guglielmino and
Guglielmino, 2013). Litzinger et al. (Litzinger et al.,
2005) tested undergraduate engineering students us-
ing Guglielmino’s SDLRS. They found that, for first-
year students, the mean score was 215 (n = 80), which
fell into the average category. Guglielmino’s SDLRs
was also applied by Jiusto et al.s (Jiusto and DiB-
iasio, 2006) study, wherein the effects of an expe-
riential academic engineering program that empha-
sized lifelong learning and SDL skills were examined.
The scores were collected before and after a 14-week
project. The project experience had a modest positive
effect on students’ SDLRS scores, as the mean score
increased from 219.4 to 222.7, but eventually fell into
the average category.
The master’s degree students in Mathematical Infor-
mation Technology at Kokkola University Consor-
tium Chydenius are mainly working adults who study
alongside their work. For this reason, their educa-
tion has been strongly distance-learning-based with
the use of educational technologies (Hakala and Myl-
aki, 2016). Thus, the students’ studies can be tai-
lored to their personal schedules and life situations.
In such an educational environment, SDL is of great
importance for the progress of learning. Therefore,
it is meaningful to examine the students’ SDLR lev-
els. It may even be reasonable to expect that students
who gravitate towards distance education have higher
SDLR scores.
The purpose of this research paper is to identify
how we have implemented SDLR evaluation in an on-
line environment. In this research, we also examine
the SDLRS score distributions of student applicants
and compare the results with other similar surveys. It
is hoped that research related to self-direction will in-
crease students’ awareness of their own SDLR since,
when they become aware of it, they can try to develop
it. The broader objective of future research related
to self-direction is to examine how SDL skills could
be developed in an online environment and how to
determine whether there will be any changes in the
SDLR of the master’s degree students during their
studies. One aim of future research is to discover
whether there are any differences in SDLR between
students admitted to the degree program and those not
4.1 Implementation of an SDLR
Students responded to the Fisher’s SDLR survey at
the beginning their studies in the Mathematical In-
formation Technology program. The survey will be
offered them again during graduation. The SDLRS
scores are collected during application process. The
enrollment process includes an introductory course
that applicants must complete to be admitted. The
function of the introductory course is to give stu-
dents some idea of the requirements for studying in
this education program in terms of combining their
study habits with their life situations and balancing
the course workload. In the spring of 2020, there were
two introductory courses: Communication Protocols
and Introduction to Embedded Systems. The SDLR
survey was one of the exercises for the courses.
The survey was completed at the beginning of the
introductory course; therefore, it was also answered
by students who, for various reasons, dropped out of
the course and were not admitted to the degree pro-
gram. When the survey was first introduced, it was
also sent to first year students. The second time the
students will complete the SDLR survey is when they
attend a master’s thesis seminar in the final stages of
Raising Awareness of Students’ Self-Directed Learning Readiness (SDLR)
their studies.
The survey was delivered as part of a student’s
profile in the electronic system used for the degree
program. Students use the same system to watch, for
example, video learning material; hence, it is con-
stantly in active use by the students. Other surveys,
such as a learning style survey, have also been in-
tegrated into this system in the past (Hakala et al.,
2016). The system automatically identifies the re-
sponding student and stores the student’s responses
with the appropriate identification information in a
database. For this study, the scale was translated into
Finnish and four items were negatively phrased. The
items were offered in five, eight-item clusters, and
mixed in such a way that each cluster included two
or three items for each dimension.
4.2 Feedback given to Students
After completing the SDLR survey, the students were
shown a results page where they saw their own re-
sults and the average of the results for all students
in the degree program. If a graduating student has
completed the survey also at the beginning of stud-
ies, the results will be shown for both first and lat-
est sets of answers. Along with their own results, the
students were given some feedback and information
about the SDLR in general. In their SDLRS, Fisher et
al. (Fisher et al., 2001) concentrated on developing a
statistically valid and internally consistent evaluation
tool but did not consider how to give feedback to the
students. Our solution was to provide, alongside the
SDLRS score, a freely translated version of interpre-
tations for Guglielmino’s SDLRS (Guglielmino and
Guglielmino, 2013) scores. The SDLRS score result
is either high, average, or low, indicating the preferred
ratio of self-directed and structured learning.
In addition, the definition and benefits of SDLR,
as well as some methods to enhance it, were sum-
marized. For students who wanted to familiarize
themselves with the subject in more detail, selected
articles were linked to the results site. For exam-
ple, Guglielminos’ paper entitled “Becoming a more
self-directed learner” (Guglielmino and Guglielmino,
2004) provides direct guidance to learners.
At this first stage of research, 34 applicants completed
the SDLR questionnaire, 8 women and 26 men. The
mean of the scores was 165.0, with a range of 65. The
women’s average score was slightly higher than the
men’s (167.3 vs. 164.3), but the difference was not
statistically significant with this data. Twenty-eight
students (82%) scored over 150 (the SDLR bound-
ary). Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for self-control,
self-management, and desire for learning were 0.83,
0.88, and 0.64, respectively, indicating the scales’
good internal consistency and reliability. The distri-
bution of scores is depicted as a boxplot in Fig. 1.
The median was 168, and the upper and lower quar-
tiles were 157.0 and 176.3, respectively.
Figure 1: The distribution of students’ SDLRS scores (The
outlier in the boxplot is an observation that is further than
1.5 times the width of the box from the lower quartile.).
Since the SDLRS includes an uneven number of
items for each subscale, the comparison of dimen-
sions explored students’ average item scores for each
dimension. The average of the Likert scale items mea-
suring self-control, self-management, and desire for
learning were 4.2, 3.9, and 4.3, respectively (Fig. 2).
A high desire to learn is a logical result among our
students, and a desire to learn informs us of motiva-
tion; adult students who chose to study while working
are expected to possess this trait.
Compared to related studies (see Table 1), the ap-
plicants in this study were highly self-directed, while
the order of dimension means (desire of learning
highest and self-management lowest) was common
in many studies. The high SDLR levels of our stu-
dents may have risen from their greater maturity, fol-
Figure 2: The boxplot of students’ mean SDLRS item
scores in total, and for each SDLR dimension: self-control
(SC), self-management (SM), and desire for learning (DL).
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
lowed by age, previous degrees and work experience,
and family experiences. We can also assume that ap-
plicants have a desire to participate in an education
program conducted entirely through distance learning
and found this studying practice suitable for them-
selves. Since SDL has a great role in distance learn-
ing (Song and Hill, 2007), it may well be that this
education program attracts more self-directed people.
In addition, distance learning and ICT programs natu-
rally involve the use of technology, which was found
to have a positive relationship with SDL (Rashid and
Asghar, 2016). From an education organizer perspec-
tive, the results are, if not expected, at least very pos-
Table 1: Means of the SDLRS scores presented in the re-
lated work of this research.
Source N
Mean of the
SDLRS scores
This research 34 165.0
(Atwa, 2018) 239 159.25
(Stewart, 2007) 26 158.8
(Sumuer, 2018) 153 158.8
(Abraham et al., 2011) 130 151.4
(Deyo et al., 2011) 153 148.6
Due to the high SDLRS scores, we can expect the
applicants to have high expectations for the program
regarding their ability to apply SDLR to their stud-
ies. In our program, students have some control over
the pace of learning at which they proceed. The fact
that all education is delivered online gives students the
freedom and responsibility to set their own weekly
schedules. Some courses allow totally independent
learning while others establish loose deadlines to en-
courage students to proceed at the pace of live teach-
ing, while giving enough leeway to accommodate per-
sonal study preferences. Although the flexibility of
the program was developed to alleviate adult students’
time management challenges, it can also foster SDLR.
To employ adult students’ prior knowledge and serve
their interests, students are given more control over
course content. Greater emphasis on the delivery of
courses is placed on large exercises, such as essays,
group work, coding projects, or laboratory assign-
ments, which allows students to freely choose the tar-
get of application. Efforts are also made to enable
students to share the information they possess with
each other, using peer reviews, student presentations,
group work, and collaboration tools on the learning
platform. To develop our education program in the
future, we will add some elements to the online envi-
ronment that reinforce students’ SDL skills. Proven
methods can be found from the work of Kim et al.
(Kim et al., 2014).
Self-direction plays an emphasized role in online
learning environments. The current global situation
of the pandemic has created an even greater need to
transfer information online. For this reason, research
related to self-direction is very topical. This study
examined student applicants’ SDLRS score mapping
in the Mathematical Information Technology mas-
ter’s degree program at Kokkola University Consor-
tium Chydenius and depicted the integration of the
SDLR scale into a learning management system. Dis-
tance learning and adult education are fundamental el-
ements of the degree program, and SDL is strongly
connected to both. Thus, SDL should not be dis-
missed while organizing education. This preliminary
research showed that applicants answered the SDLR
questionnaire readily and that their scores were rel-
atively high, indicating that they were already self-
directed at the beginning of the education program.
This makes education organizers responsible for cre-
ating a meaningful learning environment that fulfills
students’ expectations. In the future, more students
will be included in the study to ensure the high SDLR
of program applicants. If some applicants fail to be
admitted or decide to discontinue their studies, their
SDLRS scores will be compared to admitted students’
results. Similarly, the change in SDLRS results will
be further monitored, and scores can even be com-
pared with study performance. A comparison will
also be made between adult students in different dis-
ciplines in our institution, and between younger, gen-
eral upper secondary school, students.
The research for this paper was financially supported
by the European Social Fund, grant no. S21124, with-
out which the present study could not have been com-
pleted. The authors wish to thank the Central Finland
Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the
Environment for their help.
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CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education