The RCS of the square CR is the highest and is a
factor of 9 greater than the triangular CR, and the
circular CR is a factor of 3.8 greater than the
triangular CR.
2.3 Virtual Reality in Academic
Learning and Training
At the present day, there are five main categories of
virtual reality (Sultan, 2020):
1. Non-immersive
2. Fully Immersive
3. Semi-Immersive
4. Augmented Reality
5. Collaborative VR
The program described in this paper is based on
non-immersive VR that can be commonly found in
most daily devices. This type of VR refers to an
environment within which users can interact with the
characters, objects, or the scene itself. This VR does
not involve wearing any equipment to immerse the
user into the virtual world. For instance, any gaming
devices such as Xbox, PlayStation, computers, or
mobile phones would use this type of VR. This kind
of VR well suits also the calibration task previously
described as it is conceived for a Windows Operating
System computer.
Many studies investigated the benefits of virtual
reality in education and training. For example, in
Pantelidis (2009) it was found that:
1. Immersive VR provide first-person experiences
that are specifically designed to help students learn
material which cannot be obtained in any other way
in formal education.
2. This experience makes up the bulk of our daily
interaction with the world, although schools promote
third-person experiences.
3. “The convergence of theories of knowledge
construction with VR technology permits learning to
be boosted by the manipulation of the relative size of
objects in virtual worlds, by the transduction of
otherwise imperceptible sources of information, and
by the reification of abstract ideas that have so far
defied representation.”
According to Hu Au & Lee (2017), often students
consider classroom-based learning irrelevant and find
that there is a disconnection between theory learnt in
the class and practical work done in the real world.
However, VR provides the bridge between these two
areas and help promote student satisfaction and
engagement. By increasing these factors, the
student’s learning and personal development is
further increased (Hu Au & Lee, 2017). Another
important advantage of using VR is to give student a
sense of identity. For example, virtual fieldtrips could
inspire a student to head into a STEM or a medical
career by showing the workplace and job roles in a
first-person experience (Hu Au & Lee, 2017). To
further enhance the experience, students can be
placed into fully immersive VR or use augmented
reality (AR). As shown later, the VR environment
here presented can be advantageous to students
studying a course in satellite remote sensing as would
enable a better understanding of SAR sensor
calibration and corner reflector deployment, without
the need to engage in field surveys.
To sum up, the quality of the education can be
improved due to the more accurate illustration of
certain features, processes, and so forth. VR allows
close examination of certain objects in the virtual
environment and provides complete safety than if it
would be conducted in a real world. This can build up
the students’ strengths and decrease their weaknesses.
VR allows anyone to participate due to its flexible
setup. It enables users to create anything from their
imagination and allows easy visualisation and
manipulations of objects to grasp difficult concepts
(Hu Au & Lee, 2017).
In this section, a brief explanation of the program will
be provided.
Overall, the program has three main scenes: The
start menu, the virtual Earth environment and the
virtual landscape at the surface. Briefly, the start
menu will allow users to select their desired satellite
data. The second scene will allow the user to get a
visual of the geographic area where the data is
acquired from, along with the flight direction of the
satellite. The last scene will allow the user to be on a
virtual surface to choose the corner reflector shape,
size, orientation, and place it onto the ground, with
the resulting values of RCS being displayed.
3.1 Scene 1: Start Menu
Right at the beginning of the program, a start menu
scene is shown to allow the user to select the satellite
metadata they are interested in. An ‘Open File’ button
opens the file explorer on the user’s personal
For the current version of the program,