A Stacking Ensemble-based Approach for Software Effort Estimation
Suyash Shukla and Sandeep Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India
Software Effort Estimation, Machine Learning, Ensemble Models, ISBSG Dataset.
Software Effort Estimation (SEE) is the undertaking of precisely assessing the measure of effort needed to
create software. A lot of exploration has already done in the field of SEE using Machine Learning (ML)
strategies to deal with the deficiencies of traditional and parametric estimation methodologies and line up with
present-day advancement. Nonetheless, generally due to questionable results and uncertain model develop-
ment strategies, just a few or none of the methodologies can be utilized for deployment. This paper intends
to enhance the procedure of SEE with the assistance of an ensemble based ML approach. So, in this study, a
stacking ensemble-based approach has been proposed for SEE to deal with the previously mentioned issues.
To accomplish this task an International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) dataset has been
utilized along with some data preparation and cross-validation technique. The outcomes of the proposed ap-
proach are compared with Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Generalized
Linear Model (GLM) to obtain the best performing model. From the results, it can be concluded that the en-
semble model has produced fewer error estimates contrasted than other models. Lastly, we utilize the existing
approaches as a benchmark and compared their results with the models utilized in this study.
SEE is the most challenging activity in software
project management. Earlier, the researchers have
combat a great deal in assessing the perfect measure
of effort or cost. The prediction of these target vari-
ables toward the starting periods of the product lifecy-
cle is increasingly inconvenient because limits for ev-
ery task are needed to set up and the features for the
final product are substantial (Boehm, 1981). Inten-
tionally, the expert judgment method that relies on the
information of estimators (Wysocki, 2014) has been
generally utilized in the past. However, these pro-
cedures, for the most part, lead to mistakes; accord-
ingly, different strategies dependent on Line of Code
(LOC) and Function Point (FP) have been presented
previously. The different modifications of LOC and
FP approaches have also been presented by various
authors to acquire new trends in programming and
software advancement techniques. Although, in the
speedy world of advancement, these techniques are
fighting to stay up with the most recent (Galorath and
Evans, 2006), especially with propelling code reuse
and changed development strategies.
Subsequently, significant research has been coor-
dinated to SEE using ML techniques (Sehra et al.,
2017), to deal with the previously mentioned issues.
These strategies are considered especially convinc-
ing for taking care of difficulties and the got results
present their unbelievable estimation capacities with
regards to SEE at the initial periods of the lifecy-
cle of the product (Berlin et al., 2009; Tronto et al.,
2008). Nonetheless, generally due to questionable re-
sults and uncertain model development strategies, just
a few or none of the methodologies can be utilized for
deployment. The reason could be the constrained re-
search that focused on finding the most definite ML
methodology and fitting it for the best results. Mostly
the obsolete and compact size datasets of completed
software, which are likely to overfit have been utilized
in the earlier research (Kocaguneli et al., 2012a). Be-
sides, for data preparation, which is viewed as signif-
icant for making efficient models, distinct, frequently
contradicting methods were applied (Garc
ıa et al.,
2016; Huang et al., 2015). Based on the constraints
portrayed out above, there are unknown results of in-
dividual techniques, whether or not they were exam-
ined on the same dataset. This can be considered as a
consequence of different strategies utilized by experts
for data preparation and creating ML models for SEE.
This paper intends to enhance the procedure of
SEE with the assistance of an ensemble based ML
Shukla, S. and Kumar, S.
A Stacking Ensemble-based Approach for Software Effort Estimation.
DOI: 10.5220/0010405002050212
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2021), pages 205-212
ISBN: 978-989-758-508-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
approach. Purposefully, we have proposed a stacking
ensemble-based approach to deal with the previously
mentioned issues. To accomplish this task an Interna-
tional Software Benchmarking Standards Group (IS-
BSG) dataset (ISBSG, 2019) has been utilized along
with some data preparation and cross-validation tech-
nique. The outcomes of the proposed approach are
compared to MLP, SVM, and GLM models to obtain
the best performing model. Further, we utilize the ex-
isting approaches as a benchmark and compared their
results with the models utilized in this study. Depend-
ing on the discussion, this paper tries to answer the
following research questions (RQs):
RQ1: Which model under consideration is pro-
ducing lesser error values for effort estimation?
RQ2: Whether the heterogeneous nature of data
affecting the performance of the proposed model
or not?
RQ3: How much improvement/deterioration is
shown by the proposed machine learning model
for effort estimation in comparison to existing
To enquire about these research questions, three indi-
vidual and three ensemble models are created on four
datasets (D1, D2, D3, and D4) for SEE. The datasets
are derived from the ISBSG dataset depending upon
project productivity to deal with the issue of hetero-
geneity. Then, the outcomes of different ML tech-
niques were compared to obtain the best performing
model. Further, the benchmark approaches are con-
trasted with the models utilized in this study.
The remaining paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 discusses the overview of existing work on
SEE. The methodology used for SEE in this paper
is discussed in section 3. The results obtained uti-
lizing different individual and ensemble models and
statistical analysis have been discussed in section 4
and section 5, respectively. The answers to the re-
search questions are discussed in section 6. Section
7 presents threats related to validity. Finally, the con-
clusion is discussed in section 8.
The ML strategies have been widely adopted for the
problem of SEE over the last 20 years. The aim was
to predict the effort at the underlying stages since the
estimation toward the starting periods of the product
lifecycle is problematic due to unsure and inadequate
requirements. Any critical deviation of the given in-
formation during the lifecycle of the product may
truly influence the functionalities of the final product,
its standard, and finally, it’s effective finishing.
The 84 investigations in which the ML strate-
gies have been used for SEE were explored in (Wen
et al., 2012) to conduct an intensive review. As
showed by the results, the analysts or specialists fo-
cused more on fitting individual algorithms for pre-
cise outcomes, particularly; models dependent on Ar-
tificial Neural Network (ANN), decision trees, and
Case-Based Reasoning (CBR). They found ML-based
models to be progressively precise contrasted with the
conventional models. They likewise exhibited that de-
pending on the methodologies applied for data prepa-
ration and the dataset used for creating models, the
ML models may prompt complex results.
The irregularity in utilizing different procedures
for creating ML models for SEE is significantly per-
ceptible while investigating individual examinations.
For instance, the error estimates of various regression
approaches are analyzed against the ANN model in
(Tronto et al., 2008), displaying the prevalence of the
latter one. In (L
ın, 2015), they compared
different kinds of ANNs for the problem of SEE uti-
lizing the ISBSG dataset and some data preprocess-
ing. Berlin et al. (Berlin et al., 2009) have also com-
pared the performance of ANN and Linear Regres-
sion (LR) for the effort and duration estimation. They
utilized the ISBSG dataset and along with that, they
used the Israeli Company dataset and found ANN to
be superior to LR. Additionally, they found effort es-
timation to be more precise than duration due to the
high correlation between effort and size.
In (Nassif et al., 2019), they embraced a fuzzy
logic-based regression methodology for SEE. They
first performed data preprocessing on the ISBSG
dataset of 6000 projects and obtained a dataset of 468
projects based on their needs. Then, they applied a
fuzzy logic-based regression model and observed that
data heteroscedasticity influenced the accuracy of ML
models. Also, they found fuzzy logic-based regres-
sion models are reactive to outliers.
Despite various methodologies utilized for devel-
oping ML models, important suggestions that help
their execution practically for SEE at initial project
phases can be taken out. Because of the affectabil-
ity of ML models for outliers inside the data, mod-
els ought not to depend on a single algorithm yet
utilized ensemble, which moreover improves the ac-
curacy (Minku and Yao, 2013). Various ensembles
methods have been proposed by the Analysts, for ex-
ample, bagging, boosting, and stacking (Kocaguneli
et al., 2012b), generally for a similar sort of ML meth-
ods. Nonetheless, these methods may present consid-
erable execution overhead (Azhar et al., 2013) when-
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
ever applied in excess. Subsequently, a different set
of simple ensemble algorithms are recommended for
The data preparation phase is significant in the
model training, especially in the management of out-
liers, the missing information which, to a great extent,
influences the accuracy of models. Besides the differ-
ent strategies that are accessible for data preparation,
the ML models are generally subject to the dataset
(Huang et al., 2015). In any case, it is prescribed to
use data deletion methods instead of data imputation
for handling missing data because that may decrease
data variability (Strike et al., 2001).
The significant difference between this research
and the previous research is that we proposed a stack-
ing ensemble-based method for SEE instead of utiliz-
ing the individual ML models to tackle the issues re-
lated to the outliers in the data. Also, in this study,
we have utilized different datasets, whereas, in the
previous research, only single datasets were consid-
ered for model evaluation. The outcomes of different
ML techniques were compared to obtain the best per-
forming model. Further, the benchmark approaches
are contrasted with the models utilized in this study.
This section describes the dataset, procedure used,
different methods used for SEE, and the performance
assessment measures.
3.1 Data Preparation
Noise in the data may truly affect the ML model’s ac-
curacy. The dataset with missing information and out-
liers is viewed as low-quality data. So, data prepara-
tion is a fundamental task during the ML model’s de-
velopment. The ISBSG release 2019 (ISBSG, 2019)
dataset has been utilized to evaluate the ML model’s
performance. According to (Jorgensen and Shepperd,
2007), the quality of SEE investigation can be im-
proved utilizing real-life projects.
3.1.1 Data Filtering
Provided the heterogeneous nature of the ISBSG
dataset and its huge size, a data pre-processing is
needed prior to performing any analysis. The rules
used for data filtering are adapted from (Nassif et al.,
2019). Projects in this study are selected based on the
following characteristics:
High Data Quality: Each project in the ISBSG
dataset is assigned a data quality rating (A, B, C,
or D). For this study, we have only used projects
with data quality A or B.
New Development Type: Projects in the ISBSG
dataset are categorized as new development, re-
development, or enhanced development. For this
study, we have considered only newly developed
Remove all the projects in which the measurement
for size is other than IFPUG. The IFPUG projects
are selected due to their popularity in the industry.
No Missing Values for the Development Team
Effort Feature: Remove all the projects with
missing development team effort value.
No Missing Values for the Development Team
Effort Feature: Projects in the ISBSG dataset are
assigned a productivity value. The productivity
value is a major factor in the effort calculation.
So, we have removed all the projects with missing
productivity value.
3.1.2 Selected Features
Initially, the twenty most frequently used features
have been selected as independent features for ML
models (de Guevara et al., 2016). The eight features
with missing values of more than 60% have been re-
moved from the initial set of 20 features. The Nor-
malized Work Effort Level 1 (NWEL1) is used as a
dependent variable in this study. The resource level
value will be one for all the projects because NWEL1
represents only the development team’s effort. Sim-
ilarly, the development type value will be one for all
the projects because we have considered only newly
developed projects. So, we have removed the resource
level and development type features from the initial
set of features. Hence, the dataset contains only ten
independent variables and one dependent variable.
This study has not used the two features, Applica-
tion Type (AT) and Organization Type (OT). Instead,
their derived versions, Application Group (AG) and
Industry Sector (IS) have been utilized to reduce their
complexity. Finally, the projects having missing val-
ues in any independent variable have been removed
from the dataset. The final dataset has 428 projects
with 11 features.
Some of the projects in the dataset are of a simi-
lar size; however, their effort varies. This is due to the
value of the productivity factor (PF), which makes the
data heterogeneous. So, the same model will not pro-
duce good results for all the datasets. Purposefully,
the original dataset is divided into four different sub-
sets by keeping a similar projects together based on
the productivity feature. This will help to tackle the
A Stacking Ensemble-based Approach for Software Effort Estimation
problems that originated from the heterogeneous na-
ture of data. The projects with productivity 0.2 to 10
are in D1. Similarly, projects with productivity 11
to 20 are in D2, whereas projects having productivity
more than 20 are in D3. D4 is the combination of D1,
D2, and D3.
3.2 Methodology
In this study, a stacking ensemble-based approach has
been proposed for SEE to tackle the issues related to
the outliers in the data. The methodology used to cre-
ate stacking ensemble model is shown in Figure 1.
Firstly, we have identified the top 3 ML methods uti-
lized for SEE research. According to the literature,
the main three ML methods for SEE are MLP, SVM,
and GLM. So, we implemented the models mentioned
above with the help of K-fold cross-validation. Also,
we used a grid search to optimize the parameters of
these models. Then, we created three stacking en-
semble models by considering one model among the
selected three models as a base estimator and the other
two models as meta estimators. So, here we have cre-
ated six different models on four datasets to get accu-
rate effort estimates. The results of these models are
compared to obtain the best performing model. Fur-
ther, the performance of the best performing model is
compared with the benchmark approaches developed
over similar data.
3.3 Stacking Ensemble Model
As referenced above, due to the affectability of ML
models for outliers inside the data, models ought not
to depend on a single algorithm yet utilized ensem-
ble, which moreover improves the accuracy. So, in
this study, we have utilized stacking ensemble mod-
els because of their popularity to provide better re-
sults when combining different models. The stacking
ensemble models are based on the idea of base and
meta estimators (Graczyk et al., 2010). One model
works as a base estimator among the different mod-
els, and the remaining models work as meta estima-
tors. The meta models will be trained on the actual
dataset, whereas the base model will be used on the
meta models’ predictions to improve the accuracy, as
shown in Figure 2.
3.4 Base ML Models used
3.4.1 SVM
In SVM, each project will be considered as the data
point in the n-dimensional space, where n portrays in-
Figure 1: Proposed Methodology for SEE using ML mod-
put variables (Drucker et al., 1997). After that, the es-
timation will be done by recognizing the hyperplane.
The hyperplane will assist us in predicting the effort
value. Here, the fundamental spotlight is on fitting
the value of error inside some limit, whereas the LR
works on the idea of reducing the error.
3.4.2 MLP
The MLP model comprises a minimum of 3 layers; in-
put, hidden, and output (Murtagh, 1991). The number
of hidden layers can be increased with the complex-
ity of the project. The neurons in the input layer are
generally equivalent to the number of features. The
neurons in the output layer rely upon the kind of the
problem. For the regression problem, the neurons in
the output layer are equal to 1. The predicted value
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: Proposed Stacking Ensemble Model.
will get compared with the actual value, and an error
will be calculated; the focus of the MLP model is to
reduce this error by adjusting model weights.
3.4.3 GLM
GLM models are an extension of the LR model
(Hardin et al., 2007). They can connect the input data
factors based on the output variable and the statisti-
cal properties. They are adaptable, and because of
this quality, they can deal with nonlinear features ef-
fectively. These models are effective for validating
the relation between input and the target variable, and
they also explain the degree to which they are con-
3.5 Performance Evaluation Measures
MAE: It is the average of actual and estimated
values (Hardin et al., 2007).
where, a
= actual values, e
= estimated values,
K= total number of samples.
MBRE: It is the mean of the absolute error di-
vided by the minimum of actual and estimated
values (Hardin et al., 2007).
, e
MIBRE: It is the mean of the absolute error di-
vided by the maximum of actual and estimated
values (Hardin et al., 2007).
, e
RMSE: It is calculated by taking the square root
of the mean of squared differences between actual
and estimated values (Satapathy and Rath, 2017).
MSE (6)
SA: It is calculated by taking the ratio of MAE
and MAE
(Azzeh and Nassif, 2016).
SA = 1
will be obtained by predicting the value
for the query utilizing many random sampling
runs over the remaining K-1 cases.
In this research, a stacking ensemble-based approach
is utilized to improve the performance of SEE as the
individual models are reactive to the outliers. The re-
sults of different models for datsets D1, D2, D3, and
D4 are shown in Table 1- 4.
For dataset D1, the Stacked-SVR is performing
well compared to the other models in terms of MAE
and RMSE, whereas in terms of MBRE and MIBRE,
the best performing models are Stacked-GLM and
Stacked-MLP, respectively.
Table 1: Error measures for effort estimation on dataset D1.
SVM 911.2565 0.975362 0.375842 1619.643 81.04
MLP 989.9004 1.237125 0.354877 1685.743 79.41
GLM 993.4792 0.891887 0.734239 1700.488 79.33
1672.262 0.051911 1.715548 2674.172 65.21
898.9615 1.025823 0.383532 1596.473 81.30
1007.73 1.072949 0.341323 1762.341 79.03
For dataset D2, the Stacked-GLM has outper-
formed all the other models for every measure in the
case of dataset D2.
The Stacked-SVR model performs well compared
to the other models for dataset D3 in terms of most of
the measures. Similarly, for dataset D4, the Stacked-
MLP model is performing well compared to the other
models in terms of MAE and MIBRE.
A Stacking Ensemble-based Approach for Software Effort Estimation
Table 2: Error measures for effort estimation on dataset D2.
SVM 959.028 0.196013 0.15525 1454.975 81.83
MLP 1148.351 0.295753 0.203993 1652.75 78.24
GLM 938.0946 0.317627 0.197054 1288.577 82.22
875.8321 0.193439 0.152351 1282.26 83.40
1030.827 0.212693 0.166407 1566.16 80.46
1167.427 0.248622 0.181989 1814.745 77.88
Table 3: Error measures for effort estimation on dataset D3.
SVM 3408.197 0.424001 0.241235 7789.522 70.31
MLP 3887.964 0.505984 0.284849 7153.903 66.13
GLM 3793.644 0.484938 0.281544 7049.025 66.95
3851.727 0.521349 0.286092 7199.061 66.45
3390.099 0.414885 0.236534 7786.483 70.47
3415.554 0.42173 0.243809 7714.72 70.25
Table 4: Error measures for effort estimation on dataset D4.
SVM 4240.309 2.882393 0.543553 7526.181 38.93
MLP 3614.042 1.921557 0.492598 5390.022 47.95
GLM 3205.317 1.997729 0.471746 4756.324 53.84
3273.134 0.329232 1.00303 5253.333 52.86
4278.489 2.952899 0.547017 7575.351 38.38
2965.281 1.551779 0.431978 4804.453 57.29
5.1 Comparison of Models
In this subsection, a Wilcoxon test (Han et al., 2006)
is conducted, which inspects the similarity or dissimi-
larity of the two distributions based on the hypothesis:
: No significant difference among the two
models P1 and P2
: The two models P1 and P2, are significantly
The hypothesis relies on the p-value, i.e., a p-value
greater than 0.05 suggests the acceptance of H0,
whereas a p-value greater than 0.05 shows the re-
jection of H0. The p-values for the Stacked-SVR,
Stacked-MLP, and Stacked-GLM models for different
datasets are shown in Table 5- 7.
The p-values for the Stacked-SVR model show
that the null hypothesis is accepted for most of the
models over the four datasets, as shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Wilcoxon test result for Stacked SVR model.
D1 D2 D3 D4
SVM 0.000 0.061 0.000 0.000
MLP 0.974 0.000 0.000 0.000
GLM 0.708 0.989 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.009 0.000 0.000
Table 6: Wilcoxon test result for Stacked MLP model.
D1 D2 D3 D4
SVM 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
MLP 0.0031 0.000 0.000 0.000
GLM 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.487
From Table 6, it is clear that the p-values for the
Stacked-MLP model suggest the acceptance of the
null hypothesis for all the models except the Stacked-
SVR model for D4.
Table 7: Wilcoxon test result for Stacked GLM model.
D1 D2 D3 D4
SVM 0.000 0.019 0.000 0.000
MLP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
GLM 0.000 0.090 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.009 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.487
Similar to Stacked-MLP, the p-values for the
Stacked-GLM model also favor the null hypothesis
for all the models over all the datasets except Stacked-
MLP for D4, as shown in Table 7.
5.2 Comparison with Benchmark
In this subsection, the benchmark approaches are con-
trasted with the different ensemble models utilized
in this study based on the MAE measure. In (Nas-
sif et al., 2019), Multiple Linear Regression (MLR)
and Fuzzy models were implemented, and their per-
formance was compared with the ANN model. We
have also compared the performance of models uti-
lized in this study against the best performing model
in (Nassif et al., 2019) and the ANN model, which is
shown in Table 8.
Table 8 shows that the stacking ensemble-based
models are performing well for different datasets. For
datasets D1 and D3, Stacked-SVR performs well,
whereas, for D2 and D4, Stacked-GLM and Stacked-
MLP are performing well, respectively.
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 8: Comparison of the proposed model with bench-
mark models based on different measures.
D1 D2 D3 D4
Stacked GLM
1672.262 875.8321 3851.727 3273.134
Stacked SVR
898.9615 1030.827 3390.099 4278.5
Stacked MLP
1007.73 1167.427 3415.554 2965.3
ANN Model
(Nassif et al., 2019)
1842.61 1342.3 7241.36 4925.23
Fuzzy Model
(Nassif et al., 2019)
2041.65 3208.02 8499.06 5654.99
MLR Model
(Nassif et al., 2019)
1518.4 1418.6 4742.1 3982
The answers to the research questions have been given
in this section:
RQ1: Which model under consideration is producing
lesser error values for effort estimation?
To answer this RQ, we proposed a stacking ensemble-
based method for SEE and utilized four different
datasets and five accuracy measures to evaluate these
models’ performance. Table 1-4 displays the out-
comes of these measures on applying the above-
mentioned ML models over the datasets D1, D2, D3,
and D4, respectively. Based on the observations, we
can say that the proposed stacking ensemble models
are performing well for SEE.
RQ2: Whether the heterogeneous nature of data af-
fecting the performance of the proposed model or
To answer this question, we have divided the origi-
nal ISBSG dataset into four different datasets based
on their productivity values. D1 and D2, which are
mostly homogeneous datasets and contain smaller
productivity range projects are producing fewer error
estimates than the dataset D3 and D4. The dataset
D3 contains projects with productivity values in the
range of 20 to more than 168. Due to the wide range
of productivity, this data is not completely homoge-
neous similar to dataset D4.
RQ3: How much improvement/deterioration is shown
by the proposed machine learning model for effort es-
timation compared to existing models?
To answer this RQ, we utilize the existing approaches
as a benchmark and compared their results with the
models utilized in this study. The error estimates of
existing approaches, along with the proposed models,
are displayed in Table 9. The percentage of improve-
ment/deterioration of the proposed stacking ensemble
models for SEE compared to existing models is cal-
culated based on MAE values and shown in Table 9.
From Table 9, we can say that the proposed model
has shown a lot of improvement in the error values;
the best performing model has improved the perfor-
Table 9: Benchmark vs. proposed model comparison based
on MAE measure.
D1 D2 D3 D4
mance by 40.79%, 38.26%, 28.51%, and 25.53% for
the datasets D1, D2, D3, and D4, respectively.
The threats related to validity are described following:
Internal Validity: As detailed during data prepara-
tion, the ISBSG dataset contains projects whose size
is given in terms of FPs. Here also, the projects
with size measures other than IFPUG are filtered.
Nonetheless, there is a need to explore projects with
different sizing measures. However, this is challeng-
ing as reliable, and good quality data is not easily ac-
External Validity: It queries the generalization of re-
sults. Three different stacking ensemble models are
explored in this study over the ISBSG dataset utiliz-
ing some data preparation. The five measures are used
to evaluate the performance of these models. Further,
we utilize the Wilcoxon test to inspect the validity of
the proposed model. So, the prediction results are
generalized. However, they can still be improved uti-
lizing several other datasets.
This paper intends to enhance the procedure of SEE
with the assistance of an ensemble based ML ap-
proach. Purposefully, we have proposed a stacking
ensemble-based approach to deal with the previously
mentioned issues. To accomplish this task, an IS-
BSG dataset has been utilized along with some data
preparation and cross-validation technique. After per-
forming data preprocessing, only 428 projects were
left in the dataset. The dataset has then been di-
vided into four different subsets by keeping a simi-
lar type of project together. The four datasets have
been provided as input to the proposed models, and
the got outcomes are compared to obtain the best per-
forming model. From the results, it has been found
that the different stacking ensemble-based models are
performing well for different datasets. The Stacked-
A Stacking Ensemble-based Approach for Software Effort Estimation
SVR has emerged as the best model for datasets D1
and D3, whereas, for D2 and D4, Stacked-GLM and
Stacked-MLP are the best performing models, respec-
tively. The results are then validated with the help
of p-values. The best performing ensemble model
has been compared with the benchmark models; the
best performing model has improved the performance
by 40.79%, 38.26%, 28.51%, and 25.53% for the
datasets D1, D2, D3, and D4, respectively.
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timating software project effort from use case points.
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ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering