Maxwell et al., (2011) also conducts a cross-
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software requirements. Their work revealed that rules
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Furthermore, Schon et al., (2017) investigates
agile software development, and discovers that rapid
changing in requirements can be easy to handle,
whilst on the other hand, there are more complexities
because a hybrid development model is used.
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between requirements and to have a suitable tool to
resolve such conflicts. The ConfIS framework has
been presented for identifying conflicts between
security and privacy requirements. ConfIS allows the
analyst to deal with the potential conflicts that may be
discovered later and has been applied to a case study
from the DEFeND project. Lastly, we demonstrate
the phases of ConfIS step-by-step, to investigate how
it helps the analyst to identify and resolve conflicts
via a supporting tool.
The DEFeND project received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under grant agreement No.
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