Academic Network for Strengthening Accounting and Fiscal
Research in Post-pandemic Times
Jasleidy Astrid Prada Segura
Minuto de Dios University Corporation, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Keywords: Articulation, Fiscal, Post-pandemic, Academic Network.
Abstract: Academic collaboration networks are organizations that strengthen knowledge in different disciplines,
generating spaces for global interaction between university institutions through exchanges that contribute to
the research process. During the post-pandemic period, they are a key factor in the generation of new
knowledge and teamwork, building scenarios of participation. This research seeks to promote the study of
fiscal and accounting issues, through processes of academic and research articulation, among the different
Higher Education Institutions (HEI), at the Colombian level with extension to Latin America, contributing to
the generation of new knowledge, based on a mixed type of applied research, with a triangular approach and
descriptive scope, where 242 institutions are identified, taking a sample of 149 institutions to which a survey
is applied, having a 95% reliability with a margin of error of 5%, which will lead to obtain as a result the
creation of an academic cooperation network.
Strengthening the research process is a challenge,
especially at a time when the world situation has
confronted education with new models of teaching
and learning. Academic cooperation networks allow
interaction between different disciplines, enriching
knowledge, generating alternatives in the post-
pandemic period for university institutions to carry
out exchanges and conferences that contribute to the
research process. For (Chan Núñez, 2015), who
quotes Santamaría, 2010,
It seems necessary for Latin American researchers
to find a way of academic production that enriches
the knowledge ecosystem. Fernando Santamaría
states that: "An ecosystem of knowledge consists
of: (a) a human network of productive
conversations aimed at creating; (b) a knowledge
network of ideas, information and inspiration,
with the support of (c) a technological network
consisting of knowledge bases and
communication links that together generate value
and intelligence for the whole ecosystem".
Universities are faced with the requirements of
technological advances and the dizzying changes in
Instructor National Learning Service -SENA
the lifestyles of young people, hence the need to
establish strategies to articulate the research and
educational processes, according to (Rodriguez &
Michel, 2015),
Academic collaboration is an important
mechanism promoted by HEIs, research centers,
international organizations and countries as a way
to join efforts, complement capacities and
exchange knowledge and experiences. In this
context, one of the modalities that presents an
important participation of academics is the
formation of networks with different aims and
objectives (Page 2).
Latin American countries have had a strong influence
on tax matters, evidencing their effect on the
accounting representation of reality, before
converging towards international standards, as
evidenced by Ivanovich et al. (2012, p. 13); who
mention that in this region the "trend towards taxation,
influences the objective of strict application of tax
Segura, J.
Academic Network for Strengthening Accounting and Fiscal Research in Post-pandemic Times.
DOI: 10.5220/0010406600650071
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2021), pages 65-71
ISBN: 978-989-758-507-4
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
regulations as the most important objective of
Currently in Colombia there is no academic
network focused on tax aspects, which allows
creating strategic alliances between higher education
institutions and the State, strengthening tax research
and updating, becoming a challenge for HEIs, due to
the changes in tax matters that require educational
institutions to be updated, evidencing the need to
form an institutional cooperation team, where
updating events, research congresses, and study
groups can be held, which generate spaces for
interaction leading to keep students and teachers who
integrate the cooperation network at the forefront of
tax changes. Research processes become a tool for
articulation between knowledge and context.
Research is strengthened when it is done in
cooperation, contributing to the generation of new
knowledge and improvement strategies that can
determine projects focused on building alternatives
for continuous improvement at the academic and state
level. In order to develop the proposal, the following
approach is used: ¿How to articulate the research
process in HEIs in tax matters through the creation of
an academic network?
2.1 Background
According to Soto (2010),
The conception of Red Universitaria is linked to
the development of the conceptualization of this
institution. In the beginning the "universitas" or
"corporations" of students and professors were
characterized by the internationality of their
members and the corporate identity. The colonial
universities, of the current Colombian territory,
presented a corporate identity that was transferred
to the power nuclei of the viceroyalty
administration. The university in Colombia
continued with the institutional identity,
fundamentally in the private university and to a
lesser degree in the official one. The great leap
with the university networks is given by
establishing a network identity from the
institutional identity (Page 243).
Globalization has had an influence on academic
processes, leading higher education institutions to
impose challenges in terms of research and strategic
alliances, according to (Grisendi, 2014),
Since the early 1950s, the process of
institutionalization of social sciences in Latin
America was part of an international expansion of
academic exchanges and projects supported by
transnational organizations such as UNESCO or
the various U.S. philanthropic foundations such as
Ford Foundation or Rockefeller Foundation. The
financial resources provided by these agencies
promoted, at the same time, the consolidation of
existing academic undertakings in the various
Latin American countries that remained
connected through relatively unstable networks of
contact, (Page 149).
The internationalization of the social sciences and
the expansion of a regional network of circulation
fostered renewed circuits of intellectual formation
and a redefinition of the academic geography of the
continent while enabling new types of paths for those
who aspired to enter a new scientific and intellectual
elite (Blanco, 2007).
The importance of academic networks has been a
reference for the construction of new knowledge and
the strengthening of different disciplines.
According to Chan Núñez (2015),
The scenario of international scientific production
could be summarized in three trends. 1) The
movement in favor of open access and the co-
evaluation of scientific production by peers that
has been strengthened; 2) The strategic use of
digital environments to produce and distribute
knowledge that is increasing; and 3) The demand
from organizations that are responsible for
promoting and evaluating scientific production in
different countries that continues to be anchored
to traditional forms of publication even though in
some fields of knowledge critical voices are
beginning to be heard and paradigmatic cases are
becoming more evident in which research groups
that are having great impact and influence using
unconventional and regulated channels between
Gutiérrez, et al (2006), determines that the
perspective of networking, allows to specify the
scope of the collaboration and exchange processes
that take place between the sector of higher education
institutions, the government sector and the business
sector, in a context where regional spaces for the
production of knowledge are configured and
relationships for technology transfer and the
generation of goods and services that promote the
transformation and renewal of the local productive
process for endogenous development purposes are
articulated. A different way of carrying out research
is through teaching collectives that do not belong to
the same organization, which allows a work to have
different corporate visions and methodological rigors.
This type of organization has been called Academic
Collaboration Networks (Networks). The Academic
FEMIB 2021 - 3rd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Collaboration Networks are organizations that are
constituted by their own will and not necessarily by
2.2 Theoretical Framework
2.2.1 Importance of Academic Networks
Carmona, et al (2015),
The work of the institutions through the creation
of academic networks is characterized by the
sharing of resources, projects, responsibilities and
objectives; the result is an assertive
communication that facilitates the interaction of
the different academic actors, and the point of
view that allows to satisfy the common objectives.
Chan Núñez (2015) states that In the 21st century
the use of information and communication
technologies is such that the process allows daily
contact between people from different institutions
and different geographical locations, generating
without a doubt that the process is carried out in
an efficient and effective manner. Some
characteristics of an organization designed as a
network are that: it has a very short control
section, there are not many individuals in it, the
hierarchical levels are few, they are formed by a
leader and the rest of the team, the consensus
reached does not generate conflicts, but
discussions of what is intended and also, everyone
is mostly satisfied with the work achieved.
The main activity of universities is the production
and dissemination of knowledge, which is carried out
through their different functions: teaching, research
and extension. Generally, academic analysis presents
the different activities in a fragmented way, but the
challenge is to think of the different activities in an
integrated way, where research, teaching and
extension are part of the dynamics of production and
reproduction of knowledge. In this sense, the
networks constitute a way of shaping the integral
production of knowledge, (Oregioni & Piñero, 2015).
Networking is the result of the adoption of flexible
and participatory forms of organization, implemented
when creating and applying knowledge to problem
solving. Indeed, knowledge networks are the
configurations in which many of the characteristics
mentioned above are combined: in them, actors from
different backgrounds relate to each other in order to
address specific problems and propose solutions,
bringing into play their capacities and seeking,
through this means, to complement them, (Albornoz
& Alfaraz, 2016). Universities are considered key
actors in regional integration, seeking to consolidate
the social dimension of a project that privileges the
interests of the people over the interests of the market.
To this end, it is necessary to promote policies that
encourage the creation of knowledge production
networks and mobility activities, as complementary
instruments to guide the internationalization of the
University (Oregioni & Piñeros, 2015).
The studies carried out by Carmona (2015), show
that "Academic networks as an axis for the interaction
of knowledge through research groups, is a scheme
that is increasingly consolidated in the academic
world of higher education. According to Siufi (2009)
who is quoted by (Oregioni & Piñero, 2015),
universities can and should contribute to integration,
cultivating the benefits of fraternal collaboration,
strengthening regional collective awareness, updating
their social function, deepening the consolidation of
citizenship and democracy, to the detriment of
individual competition and mercantilist negotiation.
For Albornoz & Alfaraz, (2016),
The leading role of networks in the processes of
knowledge generation, together with their
multiplication and internationalization, invites us
to reflect on the motivations, organization,
dynamics and impacts that come with this way of
establishing relationships and addressing the work
aimed at creating scientific and technological
The understanding and deepening of these aspects
can provide relevant information to increase
effectiveness and encourage networking as
instruments of international cooperation and growth
of science and technology. Knowledge networks
propose a human relationship of inter-group or
organizational union in the search for common
objectives, mediated by the exchange of information
and the development of knowledge processes; these
networks tend to group with others in communities,
outside the context where they are initiated and
multiply as this relationship advances over time and
their technological interconnection are improved,
(Rodríguez & Pérez, 2009). According to Rojas Mix
(2005) it is considered that, if we are convinced that
our planetary future lies in integration, the university
must commit to that destiny in a policy of academic
cooperation. Include in the curriculum of the future
the creation of thematic, multidisciplinary and
associative networks of universities, aimed at
responding to and anticipating social challenges,
developing the relevance of scientific research,
training new generations in much broader
conceptions that encompass and integrate knowledge
of history, literature, culture, sciences and arts in
Academic Network for Strengthening Accounting and Fiscal Research in Post-pandemic Times
comprehensive structures throughout the Latin
American continent. The university must think about
internationalization in Latin American terms,
differentiating the projection of the university for the
development of the university for the market.
(Albornoz & Alfaraz, 2016) states that Latin
America, for its part, has an interesting experience in
networking, beyond the relative backwardness shown
in many cases by its science and technology systems
and institutions. But, paradoxically, it is this same
backwardness that has fostered the pooling of
capacities to address and resolve common concerns.
RICYT itself is an example of this, to the extent that
the reflections gathered in this volume have as their
starting point the ten years of work of the network. As
RICYT's experience shows, networking in the Latin
American context implies that some opportunities are
opened up and that these coexist with certain threats
and difficulties. For Rodríguez & Pérez (2009),
Knowledge is the key factor in the technological
revolution that is taking place, as a result of its
importance for the development of dynamic
competitive advantages. This revolution is also
characterized by the changes that occur in the flow,
processing and storage of information. And all this
gives rise to a new concept of competitiveness.
Knowledge networks can be approached from
different general research questions and also from
diverse approaches and conceptions. Thus, for
example, the main concerns could be focused on their
morphology, their genesis and dynamics, or on the
nature of the knowledge flows that take place in the
context of the network. Such radically different
approaches can be identified as formal network
analysis, evolutionary network actor theories, or the
theories of social coordination and governance
framed in the new institutionalism. On the other hand,
networks can be conceived as a learning context, as a
communication system, or as a means of integration,
(Albornoz & Alfaraz, 2016).
2.2.2 Academic Networks in Colombia
In order to understand the university networks in
Colombia and the future of these we must place them
in the socio-cultural context of Colombia and Latin
America with problems and ideals of university
transformation different from other regions of the
world. With this line of thought the following
question arises: if the academic university networks
have achieved a network identity that from the
outside impacts and transforms the academic-
research-administrative to the participating
institutions and if they are transforming education in
the regional areas leading educational policies in the
national context? In short, it is to ask ourselves from
the university networks if they have managed to
overcome the local institutional imaginaries and if
they have managed to project themselves with
transformations in the regional, national and
international contexts. The contribution of this work
is to establish a historical-legal and prospective
balance, characterizing the academic and research
networks, with their difficulties and contributions to
the development process of the country, trying to
build a nation from the regional level based on
educational policies that require the organization of
academic programs such as doctorates that are
submitted to institutional accreditation of high
academic quality based on university networks, (Soto
2010, p. 244)
2.2.3 Research in the Time of a Pandemic
Research has become a tool that strengthens academic
processes and contributes to solving problems in the
productive sector. During the time of the pandemic,
research meetings have had to adapt to the virtual,
offering new strategies for academic meetings. The
academic network will allow the articulation between
different institutions of higher education of the
research processes, contributing to the strengthening
of new knowledge and contributing to the
construction of productive strategies. Academic
networks are spaces for sharing ideas, knowledge and
experiences within an academic and interdisciplinary
field. Castillo, 2020 mentions that the use of virtual
networks became the resource that replaced face-to-
face classes during the social isolation of the Covid-
19 pandemic. However, its implementation exposes
difficulties and challenges, which challenge the face-
to-face logic of the University, demystifying many
paradigms that focus on a model that privileges the
intramural approach and builds it with large
constructions and complex models for its
functionality (p. 121).
2.3 Methodology
This process will be developed through documentary
research with a descriptive scope.
For Murillo (2008), qualitative documentary
research presents a foundation for applied studies and
professional practices, which is characterized by the
fact that it seeks the application or use of the
knowledge acquired, while at the same time acquiring
others, after implementing and systematizing
research-based practice, with a mixed approach,
FEMIB 2021 - 3rd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
according to Sampieri (2018), "Mixed research is a
relatively new approach that involves combining
quantitative and qualitative methods in the same
study". The use of knowledge and research results
results in a rigorous, organized and systematic way of
knowing the reality, in the first instance, the review
of literary sources will be carried out to establish the
written topics in this respect, to investigate the
position that the different authors have in the matter
of networks at the level of the HEI. The project will
be developed through documentary review and the
application of surveys, generating through the
statistical data relevant information for the creation of
the network. The population selected are the
Colombian universities that have in their academic
offerings the public accounting program which,
according to the National Offer of programs with
similar name, level of training and modality or
methodology based on the Information System of
Higher Education of the Ministry of National
Education (SNIES). They correspond to 242
institutions, taking a sample of 149 institutions for
application of the survey, identifying 95% reliability
with a 5% margin of error.
2.3.1 Equation
The following equation was used to find the sample.
N = Total population
= 1.96 squared (if 95% safe)
p = expected ratio (in this case 5% = 0.05)
q = 1 - p (in this case 1-0.05 = 0.95)
d = accuracy (in your research use 5%)
2.3.2 Results
For 94% of the IES, academic networks strengthen
the research process and through cooperation
between higher education institutions, new academic
spaces are promoted.
Graphic 1: Academic networks and their contribution.
Of the 149 HEIs surveyed, 73 agree that the topic of
greatest interest among students of administrative and
accounting careers is the fiscal one, demonstrating
that it is a topic that is not only of academic interest
but also social and financial.
Graphic 2: Topic of greatest interest among students.
For 100% of those surveyed, the articulation of
research among the different institutions of higher
education will generate new academic spaces,
strengthening the construction of new knowledge.
Graphic 3: Articulation of research among institutions.
Academic Network for Strengthening Accounting and Fiscal Research in Post-pandemic Times
52 of the 149 respondents’ states that regional
development is integrated through academic
networks, based on the relationship: higher
education- state- productive sector- society through
Graphic 4: Integration of regional development.
For 95% of those surveyed, academic networks have
become a support for strengthening processes in the
productive sector
Graphic 5: Strengthens the productive sector.
97% agree that academic networks strengthen the
academic and research process in times of pandemic.
Graphic 6: Strengthens the academic and research process.
The competition that is most strengthened through
academic networks is argumentation, according to 65
of the 149 respondents.
Graphic 7: Strengthens argumentative competence.
The data obtained indicate that academic networks
strengthen the research process by contributing to the
productive sector, allowing the strengthening of
argumentative and analytical skills, reaffirming the
expectation of the imminent need for the creation of
an academic network in tax and accounting matters
that articulates research processes with productive
and legislative processes. It presents similarities with
what is mentioned by Soto, (2010) who refers that
academic and research networks, with their
difficulties, contribute to a process of development of
the country, when trying to build a nation from the
regional spheres supported by educational policies
that require the organization of academic programs,
(p. 244), reaffirming that the articulation of academic
and research processes can be strengthened through
cooperation between HEI.
The creation of the tax and accounting network will
promote the study of tax and accounting issues,
through academic and research articulation processes,
among the different Higher Education Institutions
(HEI), at a Colombian level, fostering an approach, in
terms of research, generating new knowledge,
through interdisciplinarity, and spaces for academic
Within the context of cultural transformation, and
the constant need for transformation of academic
scenarios generated by the global situation caused by
the COVID-19 pandemic, the tax and accounting
network will contribute to the field of learning by
creating a new paradigm of socio-educational and
investigative interaction, based on autonomous study
by students, promoting a significant contribution to
basedontherelationship:highereducation state productive sector
a.Throughresearch b.Productionofnewknowledge
c.Technicalandproductiveprocesses d.Sustainabledevelopment
Yes No
FEMIB 2021 - 3rd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
intellectual production, generating collaborative
teamwork through interactive academic processes,
mediated by research that contributes to the
productive and academic sector.
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Academic Network for Strengthening Accounting and Fiscal Research in Post-pandemic Times