Greedy Scheduling: A Neural Network Method to Reduce Task Failure
in Software Crowdsourcing
Jordan Urbaczek
, Razieh Saremi
1 a
, Mostaan Lotfalian Saremi
1 b
and Julian Togelius
2 c
School of Systems and Enterprises, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, U.S.A.
Tandon School of Engineering, New York University, NYC, NY, U.S.A.
Crowdsourcing, Task Scheduling, Task Similarity, Task Failure, Neural Network, TopCoder.
Highly dynamic and competitive crowdsourcing software development (CSD) marketplaces may experience
task failure due to unforeseen reasons, such as increased competition over shared supplier resources, or un-
certainty associated with a dynamic worker supply. Existing analysis reveals an average task failure ratio of
15.7% in software crowdsourcing markets.These lead to an increasing need for scheduling support for CSD
managers to improve the efficiency and predictability of crowdsourcing processes and outcomes. To that end,
this research proposes a task scheduling method based on neural networks, and develop a system that can
predict and analyze task failure probability upon arrival. More specifically, the model uses a range of input
variables, including the number of open tasks in the platform, the average task similarity between arriving
tasks and open tasks, the winner’s monetary prize, and task duration, to predict the probability of task failure
on the planned arrival date and two surplus days. This prediction will offer the recommended day associated
with lowest task failure probability to post the task. The model on average provided 4% lower failure probabil-
ity per project. The proposed model empowers crowdsourcing managers to explore potential crowdsourcing
outcomes with respect to different task arrival strategies.
Crowdsourced Software Development (CSD) has
been used increasingly to develop software applica-
tions(Stol and Fitzgerald, 2014) (Stol and Fitzgerald,
2014). Crowdsourcing mini software development
tasks leads to lower accelerated development (Saremi
et al., 2017). In order for a CSD platform to func-
tion efficiently, it must address both the needs of task
providers as demands and crowd workers as suppli-
ers. Any kind of skew in addressing these needs
leads to task failure in the CSD platform. Generally,
planning for CSD tasks that are complex, indepen-
dent, and require a significant amount of time, effort,
and expertise (Stol and Fitzgerald, 2014) is challeng-
ing. For the task provider, requesting a crowdsourc-
ing service is even more challenging due to the uncer-
tainty of the similarity among available tasks in the
platform and the arrival of new tasks (Difallah et al.,
2016)(Saremi, 2018)(Saremi et al., 2019). The avail-
ability of crowd workers’ skill sets and consistency
of performance history is also uncertain (Karim et al.,
2016)(Zaharia et al., 2010). These factors raise the
issue of receiving qualified submissions, since crowd
workers may be interested in multiple tasks from dif-
ferent task providers based on their individual utility
factors (Faradani et al., 2011).
It has been reported that crowd workers are
more interested in working on tasks with similar
concepts, monetary prize, technologies, complexi-
ties, priorities, and duration (Gordon, 1961)(Faradani
et al., 2011)(Yang and Saremi, 2015)(Difallah et al.,
2016)(Mejorado et al., 2020). However, attracting
workers to a large group of similar tasks may cause
zero registration, zero submissions, or unqualified
submissions for some tasks due to lack of availability
from workers(Khanfor et al., 2017)(Khazankin et al.,
2011). Moreover, lower level of task similarity in the
platform leads to higher chance of task success and
workers’ elasticity(Saremi et al., 2020).
For example, in Topcoder a well-known Crowd-
sourcing Software platform, an average of 13 tasks
arrive daily and are added to an average list of 200 ex-
isting tasks. There is an average of 137 active workers
Urbaczek, J., Saremi, R., Saremi, M. and Togelius, J.
Greedy Scheduling: A Neural Network Method to Reduce Task Failure in Software Crowdsourcing.
DOI: 10.5220/0010407604100419
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 1, pages 410-419
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to take the tasks at that period, which leads to an av-
erage of 25 failed tasks each day. According to this
example, there will be a long queue of tasks waiting
to be taken. Considering the fixed submission date,
such a waiting line may result in failed tasks. These
challenges have traditionally been addressed with task
scheduling methods.
The objective of this study is to provide a task
schedule recommendation framework for a software
crowdsourcing platform in order to improve the suc-
cess and efficiency of software crowdsourcing. In this
study, we first present a motivational example to ex-
plain the current task status in a software crowdsourc-
ing platform. Then we propose a task scheduling ar-
chitecture using a neural network strategy to reduce
probability of task failure in the platform.
More specifically, the system uses a range of input
variables, including the number of open tasks in the
platform, the average task similarity between arriving
tasks and open tasks, the winner’s monetary prize, and
task duration, to predict the probability of task failure
on the planned arrival date and two surplus days. This
prediction will offer the recommended the day asso-
ciated with lowest task failure probability to post the
task. The proposed system represents a task schedul-
ing method for competitive crowdsourcing platforms
based on the workflow of Topcoder, one of the pri-
mary software crowdsourcing platforms. The evalua-
tion results provided on average 4% lower task failure
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section II introduces a motivational example
that inspires this study. Section III presents back-
ground and review of available works. Section IV
outlines our research design and methodology. Sec-
tion V presents the case study and model evaluation,
and Section VI presents the conclusion and outlines a
number of directions for future work.
The motivation example illustrates a real crowdsourc-
ing software development (CSD) project on the Top-
Coder platform. It was comprised of 41 tasks with a
total project duration of 207 days, with an average of
8 days per task. The project experienced a 47% task
failure ratio, which means 19 of the 41 tasks failed. 6
tasks failed due to client requests ( i.e 14% failure)
and 7 tasks failed due to failed requirements (17%
failure). The remaining 8 tasks (i.e 14% failure) failed
due to zero submissions.
If we ignore the task failed based on client re-
quest and failed requirements, 28 tasks remain, (see
Figure 1: Overview of Tasks’ Status and Similarity Level in
the Platform.
Figure 2: Number of Open Tasks in Platform upon Task
figure1). Deeper analysis reveals that most of the
failed tasks entered the task pool with a similarity
above 80% when compared with the available tasks.
Also, as figure 2 illustrates, each task competes with
an average of 145 similar open tasks upon arrival. The
number of open tasks can directly impact the ability of
a task to attract suitable workers and lead to task fail-
ure. It is reported that the degree of task similarity in
the pool of tasks directly impacts the task competition
level to attract registrants and task success (Saremi
et al., 2020).
It seems task failure is a result of task competi-
tion level in the platform. This observation motivates
us to investigate more and provide a task scheduling
recommendation model which helps reduce the prob-
ability of task failure in the platform.
3.1 Task Scheduling in Crowdsourcing
Different characteristics of machine and human be-
havior create delays in product release(Ruhe and
Greedy Scheduling: A Neural Network Method to Reduce Task Failure in Software Crowdsourcing
Saliu, 2005). This phenomenon leads to a lack of
systematic processes to balance the delivery of fea-
tures with the available resources (Ruhe and Saliu,
2005). Therefore, improper scheduling would result
in task starvation (Faradani et al., 2011). Parallelism
in scheduling is a great method to create the chance
of utilizing a greater pool of workers (Ngo-The and
Ruhe, 2008; Saremi and Yang, 2015). Parallelism en-
courages workers to specialize and complete tasks in
a shorter period. The method also promotes solutions
that benefit the requester and can help researchers to
clearly understand how workers decide to compete on
a task and analyze the crowd workers performance
(Faradani et al., 2011). Shorter schedule planning can
be one of the most notable advantages of using CSD
for managers (Lakhani et al., 2010).
Batching tasks in similar groups is another ef-
fective method to reduce the complexity of tasks
and it can dramatically reduce costs(Marcus et al.,
2011). Batching crowdsourcing tasks would lead to
a faster result than approaches which keep workers
separate(Bernstein et al., 2011). There is a theoret-
ical minimum batch size for every project according
to the principles of product development flow (Rein-
ertsen, 2009). To some extent, the success of soft-
ware crowdsourcing is associated with reduced batch
size in small tasks. Besides, the delay scheduling
method (Zaharia et al., 2010) was specially designed
for crowdsourced projects to maximize the probabil-
ity that a worker receives tasks from the same batch of
tasks they were performing. An extension of this idea
is introduced a new method called “fair sharing sched-
ule” (Ghodsi et al., 2011). In this method, various re-
sources would be shared among all tasks with differ-
ent demands to ensure that all tasks would receive the
same amount of resources. For example, this method
was used in Hadoop Yarn. Later, Weighted Fair Shar-
ing (WFS) (Difallah et al., 2016) was presented as a
method to schedule batches based on their priority.
Tasks with higher priority are to be introduced first.
Another proposed crowd scheduling method is
based on the quality of service (QOS) (Khazankin
et al., 2011). This is a skill-based scheduling method
with the purpose of minimizing scheduling while
maximizing quality by assigning the task to the most
available qualified worker. This scheme was created
by extending standards of Web Service Level Agree-
ment (WSLA) (Ludwig et al., 2003). The third avail-
able method method is HIT-Bundle (Difallah et al.,
2016). HIT-Bundle is a batch container which sched-
ules heterogeneous tasks into the platform from dif-
ferent batches. This method makes for a higher posi-
tive outcome by applying different scheduling strate-
gies at the same time. The method was most re-
cently applied in helping crowdsourcing-based ser-
vice providers meet completion time SLAs (Hirth
et al., 2019). The system works by recording the old-
est task waiting time and running a stimulative eval-
uation to recommend the best scheduling strategy for
reducing the task failure ratio.
3.2 Task Similarity in Crowdsourcing
Generally, workers tend to optimize their personal
utility factor when registering for a task (Faradani
et al., 2011). It is reported that workers are more in-
terested in working on similar tasks in terms of mone-
tary prize (Yang and Saremi, 2015), context and tech-
nology (Difallah et al., 2016), and complexity level.
Context switch generates a reduction in workers’ effi-
ciency (Difallah et al., 2016). However, workers usu-
ally try to register for a greater number of tasks than
they can complete (Yang et al., 2016). It is reported
that a high task similarity level negatively impacts
task competition level and team elasticity (Saremi
et al., 2020). A combination of these observations led
to task failure due to: 1) receiving zero registrations
for a task based on a low degree of similar tasks and
a lack of available skillful workers (Yang and Saremi,
2015), and 2) receiving non-qualified submissions or
zero submissions based on a lack of time to work on
all the tasks registered by the worker(Archak, 2010).
3.3 Challenges in Crowdsourcing
Considering the highest rate for task completion and
submission acceptance, software managers will be
more concerned about the risks of adopting crowd-
sourcing. Therefore, there is a need for a better
decision-making system to analyze and control the
risks of insufficient competition and poor submissions
due to the attraction of untrustworthy workers. A tra-
ditional method of addressing this problem in the soft-
ware industry is task scheduling. Scheduling is help-
ful in prioritizing access to resources. It can help man-
agers optimize task execution in the platform to attract
the most reliable and trustworthy workers. Normally,
in traditional methods, task requirements and phases
are fixed, while cost and time are flexible. In a time-
boxed system, time and cost are fixed, while task re-
quirements and phases are flexible (Cooper and Som-
mer, 2016). However, in CSD all three variables are
flexible. This characteristic creates a huge advantage
in crowdsourcing software projects.
Generally, improper scheduling could lead to task
starvation (Faradani et al., 2011), since workers with
greater abilities tend to compete with low skilled
workers (Archak, 2010). In this case, users are more
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Overview of Scheduling Architecture.
likely to choose tasks with fewer competitors (Yang
et al., 2008). Also, workers who intentionally choose
to participate in less popular tasks could potentially
enhance winning probabilities, even if workers share
similar expertise. It brings some severe problems
in the crowd workers trust system to continue per-
forming on a task and causes a lot of dropped and
non-completed tasks. Moreover, tasks with relatively
lower monetary prizes have a high probability of reg-
istration and completion, which results in only 30%
of problems in the platform being solved (Rapoport
and Chammah, 1966). Lower priced tasks may at-
tract higher numbers of workers to compete and con-
sequently increases the chance of starvation for more
expensive tasks and project failure.
The above issues indicate the importance of task
scheduling in the platform in order to attract the right
amount of trustworthy workers and expertise that will
result in a shortened task release time.
To solve the scheduling problem, we designed a
model to predict the probability of task failure and
recommend arrival date based on comparing pre-
dicted task failure probabilities. We utilized a neural
network model to predict the probability of task fail-
ure per day. Then we add a search-based optimizer to
recommend arrival day with lowest failure probabil-
ity. This architecture can be operated on any crowd-
sourcing platform; however, we focused on TopCoder
as the target platform. In this method, task arrival date
is suggested based on the degree of task similarity in
the platform and the reliability of available workers
to make a valid submission. Figure 3 presents the
overview of the task scheduling architecture. Each
task is uploaded in the task scheduler. The Task fail-
ure predictor analyzes the probability of failure of
an arriving task in the platform based on the number
of similar tasks available that day, average similarity,
task duration, and associated monetary prize. Then
the model recommends a probability of task failure
for the assigned date with two days surplus. In next
step, the task manager selects the most suitable arrival
date among the three recommended days and sched-
ules the task to be posted. The result of task perfor-
mance in the platform is to be collected and reported
to the client along with the input used to recommend
the posting date.
4.1 Dataset
The gathered data set contains 403 individual projects
including 4,908 component development tasks and
8,108 workers from Jan 2014 to Feb 2015, extracted
from Topcoder website. Tasks are uploaded as com-
petitions in the platform and Crowd software workers
register for and complete the challenges. On average,
most of the tasks have a life cycle of 14 days from the
first day of registration to the submission’s deadline.
When a worker submits their final files, their submis-
sion is reviewed by experts to and labeled as a valid or
invalid submission. Table1 summarizes the task fea-
tures available in the data set.
Greedy Scheduling: A Neural Network Method to Reduce Task Failure in Software Crowdsourcing
Table 1: Summary of Metrics Definition.
Type Metrics Definition
Task registration start date (TR) The first day of task arrival in the platform and when
workers can start registering for it. Range: (0, ))
Task submission end date (TS) Deadline by which all workers who registered for task
have to submit their final results. Range: (0, )).
Task registration end date
The last day that a task is available to be registered for.
Range: (0, )).
Monetary Prize (P) Monetary prize (USD) offered for completing the task
and is found in task description. Range: (0, )).
Technology (Tech) Required programming language to perform the task.
Range: (0, #Tech))
Platforms (PLT) Number of platforms used in task. Range: (0, )).
Task Status Completed or failed tasks
# Registration (R) Number of registrants that sign up to compete in complet-
ing a task before registration deadline. Range: (0, ).
Tasks per-
# Submissions (S) Number of submissions that a task receives before sub-
mission deadline. Range: (0, # registrants].
# Valid Submissions (VS) Number of submissions that a task receives by its submis-
sion deadline that have passed the peer review. Range: (0,
# registrants].
4.2 Input to the Task Scheduler
It is reported that task monetary prize and task
duration (Faradani et al., 2011)(Yang and Saremi,
2015)(Lotfalian Saremi et al., 2020) are the most im-
portant factors in raising competition level for a task.
In this research, we are adding the variables consid-
ered in our observations (i.e number of open tasks and
average task similarity) to the reported list of impor-
tant factors as input of the presented model. To help
in understanding of the qualities of the task schedul-
ing tool, the input variables of the model, including
average task similarity, task duration, task monetary
prize, and number of open tasks are defined below. A
definition for the probability of task failure in the plat-
form, used as the reward function to train the neural
network model, can also be found below.
First we need to understand the degree of task
similarity among a set of simultaneously open tasks
in the platform.
Def.1: Task Similarity (Sim
i, j
) is the similarity be-
tween two tasks T
and T
is defined as the weighted
sum of all local similarities across the features listed
in Table 2:
i, j
= W
) + ... +W
Def.2: Task Duration (D
) is the total available time
from task (i) registration start date (T R
) to submis-
sions end date (T S
Def.3: Actual Prize (P
) is the summation of the prize
that the winner (PW
) and runner up( PR
) will receive
after passing peer review.
+ PR
Def.4: Number of Open Tasks per day (NOT
) is the
Number of tasks (T
) that are open for registration
when a new task (T
) arrives on the platform.
where,T RE
>= T R
Def.5: Average Task Similarity per day (AT S
) is the
average similarity score (Sim
i, j
) between the new ar-
riving task (T
) and currently open tasks (T
) on the
i, j=0
i, j
where,T RE
>= T R
Def.6: Task Failure Rate per day, (T F
) is the proba-
bility that a new arriving task (T
) does not receive a
valid submission and fails given its arrival date.
= 1
where,T RE
>= T R
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Features used to measure task distance.
Feature Description of distance measure Dist
Task Monetary Prize (P) (Prize
- Prize
) = Prize
Task registration start date (TR) (T R
- T R
) = Di f f T R
Task submission end date (TS) T S
- T S
) = Di f f
Task Type (Type
== Type
) ? 1 : 0
Technology (Tech) Match(Tech
)=NumberO f Techs
Platform (PL) (PL
== PL
) ? 1 : 0
Detailed Requirement (Req
| |Req
4.3 Output of the Task Scheduler
The goal of the proposed model is not only to make
sure that we can predict the probability of failure for
a new arriving task given the arrival date, but also
recommend the most suitable posting day to decrease
the task failure rate with the surplus of two days. To
determine the most optimal arrival date, we run the
model and evaluate the result for arrival day, one day
after, and two days after. To predict the probability
of task failure in future days, we need to determine
the number of expected arriving tasks and associated
task similarity scores compared to the open tasks in
the future.
Def.7: Rate of Task Arrival per day (TA
), Consider-
ing that the registration duration (difference between
opening and closing dates) for each task is known at
any given point in time, the rate of task arrival per day
is defined as the ratio of the number of open tasks per
day NOT
over the total duration of open tasks per
day D
By knowing the rate of task arrival per day, the num-
ber of open tasks for future days can be determined.
Def.8: Number of Open Tasks in the Future OT
f ut
the number of tasks that are still open given a future
date NOT
f ut
, in addition to the rate of task arrival per
day TA
multiplied by the number of days into the
future T
+ TA
Also there is a need to know the average task similar-
ity in future days.
Def.9: Average Task Similarity in the Future ATS
f ut
is defined as the number of tasks that are still open
given a future date NOT
f ut
multiplied by the average
task similarity of this group of tasks AT S
f ut
, the aver-
age task similarity of the current day AT S
by the rate of task arrival per day TA
and the the
number of days into the future T
f ut
f ut
f ut
+ AT S
4.4 Task Failure Predictor
A fully connected feed forward neural network was
trained to predict task failure probability based on the
four features described above. The network is con-
figured with ve layers of size 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and
1. Training was implemented in in batch sizes of 8
for 50 epochs and the mean-squared error loss func-
tion was used. Before running the model, the data
set was split into a train/test group and validation
group. The train/test group was 80% of the data set
and the validation group was 20%. We applied a K-
fold (K=10) cross-validation method on the train/test
group to train the prediction of task failure probability
in the neural network model. For each fold, the 10%
testing portion of the train/test group was cycled and
the remaining 90% was used as train data. We used
early stopping to avoid over fitting. The trained model
provided a loss equal to 0.04 with standard deviation
of 0.002.
The task manager then uses the output of the task
failure predictor to recommend the task arrival day
with the minimum failure probability for the schedule
plan. Applying the presented model on the full data
set from data set introduced in section IV-A, i.e. all
4908 tasks, yielded a reduction of 8% ( i.e 75% to
67%) in the probability of task failure in the platform.
To study the applicability of the proposed method in
the real world, we used the system to reschedule the
project from the motivating example. (This example
is a small part of the full data set; results on the full
data set are presented above.) The reschedule result is
discussed below:
Greedy Scheduling: A Neural Network Method to Reduce Task Failure in Software Crowdsourcing
5.1 Result of the Task Failure Predictor
After testing, the data from the motivation example
was provided to the system for evaluation with the
goal of figuring out the arrival day with the lowest
failure probability per task. Figure 4 presents the ini-
tial results of the model.
Figure 4: Comparison of initial Task Failure Prediction and
Actual Failure.
As shown in figure 4, the presented model’s arrival
date recommendations for the tasks in the sample pro-
vide an average failure prediction of 0.83, which is
0.03 lower than the actual scheduling failure. The
result of initial failure probability prediction by the
model in closer to the mean of actual failure, with
standard deviation of 0.09. The duration of the project
extended an extra day under the new scheduling rec-
ommendation, while the probability of task failure
was reduced by almost 4%. Table 3 summarized the
statistics of actual failure and prediction failure for the
Table 3: Summary of actual and predicted failure probabil-
ities of project.
Statistics Actual
Min 0.42 0.61
Max 1 0.94
Mean 0.86 0.83
Median 0.90 0.84
Std 0.15 0.09
In next step, the model provides predictions of task
failure probability for one and two days after the ac-
tual arrival date of the task. This result is used by the
task manager to determine if the task should be posted
in the future instead of today. Figure 5 illustrates the
result of the failure prediction of all the three dates.
Tasks 8,15,18,20,25,28 received the lowest pre-
diction of failure probability on the second day with
an average prediction of 0.81. Tasks 9, 10, 15, 22,
Figure 5: Details of Failure Prediction per Task for all level
of predictions.
23, 26 received the lowest prediction of failure prob-
ability on day 3 with an average prediction of 0.8.
The rest of the tasks received the lowest prediction
of failure probability on the first day with an average
of 0.81. However, not only was the average of all the
three predictions lower than the actual failure predic-
tion, but also most of the prediction points in all three
days were lower than the average of actual failure.
Figure 6: Comparison of Probability of Task Failure Predic-
tion for final Schedule and Actual Schedule.
With access to the 3-day outlook of task failure pre-
dictions from the model and the evaluation in figure
5, the task manager can more effectively schedule
tasks by choosing the minimum task failure proba-
bility from the model results for each task. Figure 6
presents the failure probability for the project follow-
ing the lowest failure prediction per task in compar-
ison with the actual task failure. It is clear that the
model’s recommended schedule provides a lower and
more stationary probability of task failure with an av-
erage of 0.81, while the average probability of task
failure for the actual task schedule is 0.86. The rec-
ommended task scheduling plan provides a minimum
failure prediction of 0.61 and maximum of 0.94 with
standard deviation of 0.09. The resulting accuracy of
the model is 0.896.
Figure 8 illustrates the summary of original task
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 7: MSE for Probability of Task Failure per Task.
timeline v.s. final task time line. 8(a) presents
the original project timeline, and 8(b) shows the
suggested project timeline by the presented model.
8(c)represents the duration of each task when shifted
to achieve lowest failure probability.
To evaluate the model performance, we applied
the Mean Square Error (MSE) metric to estimate the
difference between the actual failure probability and
the predicted failure probability of the same arrival
day according to available data. Figure 7 presents the
MSE for failure prediction per task. The average MSE
is 0.09 with a minimum of 0.001 for task 3 and a max-
imum of 0.23 for task 1, with a standard deviation of
5.2 Model Evaluation
To compare the performance of the proposed model,
we applied a K-fold (K=10) cross-validation on the
data set to predict the probability of task failure based
on four different prediction approaches. The esti-
mated probabilities of task failure are used to compute
four popular performance measures that are widely
used in current prediction systems for software devel-
opment: 1- Mean Square Error (MSE), 2- Median of
Mean Square Error (MdMSE), 3- Standard Deviation
of mean Square Error (StdMSE), 4- Percentage of the
estimates with Mean Square Error less than or equal
to N% (Pred(N)).
The primary result of this analysis is shown in
figure 9. It is clear that Neural Network analy-
sis has a better predictive performance according to
Pred(0.05) and also has almost the lowest error rate
with the MSE of 0.043%. The SVR recreation is the
runner up in terms of performance with the MSE of
0.045%. Interestingly, the moving average and lin-
ear regression provided the same level of performance
based on Pred(0.05), while linear regression provides
the lower MSE of 0.044.
5.3 Threats to Validity
First, the study only focuses on competitive CSD
tasks on the TopCoder platform. Many more plat-
forms do exist, and even though the results achieved
are based on a comprehensive set of about 5,000 de-
velopment tasks, the results cannot be claimed to be
externally valid. There is no guarantee the same re-
sults would remain exactly the same in other CSD
Second, there are many different factors that may
influence task similarity, task success, and task com-
pletion. Our similarity algorithm and task failure
probability-focused approach are based on known
task attributes in TopCoder. Different similarity
algorithms and task failure probability-focused ap-
proaches may lead us to different, but similar results.
Third, the result is based on tasks only. Workers’
network and communication capabilities are not con-
sidered in this research. In the future, we need to add
this level of research to the existing one.
CSD provides software organizations access to an in-
finite, online worker resource supply. Assigning tasks
to a pool of unknown workers from all over the globe
is challenging. A traditional approach to solving this
challenge is task scheduling. Improper task schedul-
ing in CSD may cause zero task registrations, zero
task submissions or low qualified submissions due
to uncertain worker behavior, and consequentially,
task failure. This research presents a new schedul-
ing method based on a neural network. The method
reduces the probability of task failure in CSD plat-
forms. The experimental result show a reduction in
project failure probability of up to 4% while main-
taining the same project duration.
In future research, we will focus on expanding the
model to a more complicated framework that incorpo-
rates available worker similarity and considers the im-
pact of the workers’ competition performance regard-
ing the task success to further improve efficiency in
the scheduling model. Moreover, the presented neu-
ral network model will be used as a fitness function in
an evolutionary algorithm based scheduling.
Greedy Scheduling: A Neural Network Method to Reduce Task Failure in Software Crowdsourcing
Figure 8: Project Timeline.
Figure 9: Performance of Task Failure Probability by Each
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