In the same way we mention Ausubel's Significant
Learning, which sustains as significant learning the
relationship of previous knowledge with the
acquisition of new concepts (Larios, 2018).
Constructivism as a reaction to traditional
conceptions of learning, where the student passively
receives the knowledge transmitted by the teacher,
supports the need to learn and is linked to the
development of creativity, in this sense Rodriguez
Ramirez et al, refer that "you cannot think of
constructivism without linking it to critical thinking,
since this can be produced through experiences of
students' lives located (Ramirez & Trejo, 2018). The
individual acquires his own learning in an active and not
passive way which allows to propitiate a significant
learning where the previous learning plays an important
role in order to achieve cognitive structures. Add to this
Vygotsky's contributions about the importance of the
"specific socio-cultural and historical context that gives
meaning" (Castellaro, 2012).
2.2.2 Connectivism
Currently one of the main objectives in education is
focused on improving the processes of teaching,
learning, connectivity, innovation and criticality.
On the other hand, UNESCO considers ICTs as a
source of information that allows users to
complement, enrich and transform their teaching and
learning process (UNESCO, undated).
For this reason, the connectivism of George
Siemens as a representative is considered as a
theoretical approach for the present investigation, this
theory generates a representative impact in the
process of learning, discovery and communication.
According to Siemens (2004; 2006) defines
connectivism as a continuous learning process that
occurs in the midst of various changing elements
through ICT. According to Siemens "Learning
(defined as actionable knowledge) can reside outside
of ourselves" (Siemens, 2004); which means that
connectivism is about managing knowledge and
connecting with people.
In view of the mentioned, the technological
advances, the incidence in the use of the ICT to
promote the SAP, the importance of considering the
connectivism as a learning theory in the present
investigation can be identified.
2.3 Methodological Component
The resources and forms that the teacher uses for the
process of teaching and learning, is thus structurally
based on PACIE, pedagogically FONTÁN.
2.3.1 PACIE
PACIE is considered the methodology that is applied
in a virtual learning environment and that contributes
"to achieve the objectives of the teaching-learning
process through the incorporation of ICT in a gradual
and reflexive way" (Basantes & Ojeda, 2018).
2.3.2 FONTÁN
Fontán's relational education is based on the student's
self-learning, respecting his work rhythm, developing
intellectual, personal, social and emotional
competences important for his integral development.
FONTÁN education also aims to develop
important skills so that each individual can develop
their maximum potential, improving their quality of
life through the following principles: each person is
an author, an actor and is unique and diverse.
Julio Fontán, in an interview with the media,
mentions that one of the basic principles of the
methodology mentions the student as the main author
of his own life, which allows him to set goals and
achieve them in a natural way, in this way his
educational process is much more significant
(Fontan, 2017).
Students describe the construction of meaning in
what they learn by allowing them to develop
criticality, work discipline in decision making, goal
planning and time management.
FONTÁN Education handles as planning
"Learning Guides", based on 4 moments of learning
Starting Point: It is the initial stage of the
process, the objective is to remember the things that
the student already knows from his daily experience,
considered as a trigger activity that allows to identify
previous knowledge.
Research: In this stage, relationships are
established between previous knowledge and new
knowledge, thus influencing the PAS, giving
meaning to what we want to investigate, considered
as a stage of thought, students usually use thought
maps and graphic organizers.
Skill Development: In this stage the student will
put into practice what he or she learned in the thinking
stage, his or her objective is to test his or her learning
through any type of action.
Relationship: It is the final stage of the process,
its objective is to reflect on what has been learned and
put it into practice in its own context and other topics,
it is important to reflect on what this knowledge is for
and how I can apply it in my daily life and