Figure 13: FAR and FRR considering different acceptance
The method described in the paper provides a simple
solution for a low-cost contact-free authentication
system based on palmprint and hand geometry
features. The implemented method produced
promising outcome and enthuses further
development. A future work for the method is an
improvement of the palm feature matching algorithm,
where the method will use distance transform for
determining the similarity of the palm features
following the affine transformation of one of the palm
images. This improvement would provide a solution,
where the varying intensities of palm lines would
affect the effectiveness of the method to a lesser
extent. A further future work for the method consist
of improving the hand geometry feature matching. In
the future, the method will use a machine learning
algorithm for determining the optimal weights
considered during matching with a machine learning
algorithm. The current method in comparison with
the previously published method (Gulyás Oldal,
2020) is significantly simpler, and therefore less error
prone. The keypoint detection takes place on a
downsized image, which made a significant
difference in the run time of the algorithms.
Furthermore, valley detection consists of independent
simple steps, which proved to have a smaller margin
of error and is much faster. During hand geometry
feature matching, largest inscribed circle area is
considered in replacement of the palm area, as the
determination of the latter consisted of determining
two additional root points of the fingers.
The two points could not be determined with high
confidence, only a rough estimation was made. This
resulted in a deviating palm area in different image
samplings, and made the hand geometry feature
matching less accurate. The method was tested on a
significantly larger data set, which gives a better
overview of the method’s accuracy.
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