The above-described exercise is very useful in
allowing stakeholders to reason about, identify and
structure the necessary links enabling the required
concerted evolution of what are in fact subsystems of
the same ‘critical system of systems’ underpinning all
other aspects of contemporary life.
Technology is evolving at an accelerating rate,
making new sources of clean energy increasingly
feasible and promoting the introduction of AI-
enhanced autonomous agents in all aspects of life.
The transition to new forms of energy production,
storage and usage must be properly managed to
ensure security, sustainability and equity. Closely
linked to energy security strategies, Defence
spearheaded by its C2 must also evolve to take
advantage of the new AI technologies so as to cope
with a shifting global balance of power.
This paper has advocated a coordinated enterprise
architecture approach whereby the development of
the two areas is synchronised in a holistic manner
considering all necessary aspects and interactions, at
suitable abstraction levels and for each life cycle
Further work will seek case studies focused on
various areas in order to evolve and detail the
approach presented.
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