Within possible enhancements it is important to take
note of an efficient implementation because of the
real-time capability. Also, topics like the robustness
to corrupted measurements have to be discussed more
detailed. At the moment incorrect detections are
compensated at the next sensor. In terms of sensor
coverage, at least the main roads of the network have
to be covered. Pedestrians are another aspect which
will be added to the simulation based on their
identification by pressing the corresponding push
buttons at the intersection. This information will be
taken directly from the TLS control unit.
In parallel, various TLS control concepts are
currently under development, which have to be
coupled with the presented traffic state estimator.
This coupling will become very interesting,
especially under the aspect of state estimations with
deviations from reality.
The last future issue addressed here is that to reach
the overall goal of controlling TLS in the field based
on such a state estimation, some additional interfaces
and latencies should be kept in mind. Especially their
common standards, i.e. in this project the OCIT
standard (OCIT Developer Group (ODG), 2019),
have to be considered.
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Pilot Project Schlosskreuzung (PPS) for the provided
data. This paper is part of the PPS and funded by the
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