Smart Farming in sub-Saharan Africa:
Challenges and Opportunities
Pamela Abbott
, Alessandro Checco
and Davide Polese
Information School, The University of Sheffield, U.K.
Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, Italy
Keywords: Global South, Smart Farming.
Abstract: Smallholder farmers provide the majority of food production in sub-Saharan Africa. They will be severely
impacted by climate change, especially because they are dependent on rain-fed irrigation. We provide a
summary of challenges and opportunities in designing smart farming infrastructure in this context. We
observe that innovation in technology and knowledge production is necessary to increase the efficacy of water
usage and land management. Such solutions must take into account the technological constraints and their
regional variability to be able to provide sustainable and scalable solutions. Such solutions also need to
embrace the notion of openness, encouraging collaborative endeavour and avoiding proprietary
Whilst it has been acknowledged that smallholder
farmers may be contributing to environmental
degradation through unsustainable agricultural
practices, it is increasingly recognised that they may
also hold the key to alleviating these problems (IFAD,
2013). Smallholder farmers are thought to provide as
much as 80% of food production in sub-Saharan
Africa (Stewart et al., 2014). They are, however,
vulnerable to environmental conditions presumably
linked to climate change such as unpredictable
variation in rainfall leading to droughts and floods
(Morton, 2007). Disruption to these farming
practices thus threaten food security due to the
dependence on smallholders for food production in
countries already deemed vulnerable to climate
shocks (IPCC, 2014). Solutions that may address this
issue and lead to more sustainable farming practices
are difficult to envisage and implement not the least
because of the complex environments in which
smallholder farmers operate (Morton, 2007). Their
own situation is complex, often perceived as
marginalised and lacking adequate resources (IFAD,
2013), while national level policymaking around
agriculture tries to find a balance between the rhetoric
of sustainability and competing agendas of market-
driven production (Beddington et al., 2012;
Busingye, 2017).
Many of these smallholder farmers in sub-
Saharan Africa are dependent on rain-fed irrigation to
grow their crops (Nahayo et al. 2018; Kinda &
Badolo, 2019), thus increasing their exposure to crop-
yield risk. In Eastern Africa, estimates of yield
reductions in some crops are as much as 72% (wheat)
and 45% (maize, rice, soybean) projected by the end
of the century (Adhikari et al., 2015). Farmer-led
initiatives to increase the efficacy of water usage and
land management are thus being investigated along
with innovations in technology and knowledge
production (Woodhouse et al., 2017). One such
innovation has been dubbed ‘smart farming’, which
is described as the application of Information and
Communication technologies (ICTs) to agricultural
production, especially more advanced forms of
technology such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and
artificial intelligence (AI) (Wolfert et al., 2017).
In the last decades, an intensive investigation has
been developed in order to maximize crop production
trying to reduce resource waste. To this purpose, a
Abbott, P., Checco, A. and Polese, D.
Smart Farming in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities.
DOI: 10.5220/0010416701590164
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2021), pages 159-164
ISBN: 978-989-758-489-3
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
new research line, called precise agriculture has been
created (Liaghat et al., 2010; Brisco et al., 1998; Ge
et al., 2011; Jawad et al., 2017). Many efforts have
been done to improve the state of health of the crops,
reduce the waste of water, and reduce fertilizer usage.
In terms of the implemented crop monitoring
infrastructure, the main goal has been to improve its
durability and to reduce its power consumption.
Nevertheless, the vast majority of past work had a
tacit prerequisite: the possibility of using the latest
developed technology; to have access to a modern
networking infrastructure, to satellite data, and
modern hardware to visualise and process the
information. This prerequisite is not always true in
sub-Saharan Africa, where precise agriculture has to
face strict constraints in terms of the aforementioned
dimensions. Moreover, open hardware and software
practices (including in the licencing context) are
fundamental to reduce the dependencies to external
economic factors (e.g. royalties).
In this work, we will briefly describe the most
pressing needs of sub-Saharan Africa agriculture,
which technological constraints are in place, what
solutions have been proposed and what could be
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2 we provide a summary of the literature in
the field of smart agriculture, especially in the context
of sub-Saharan Africa. In Section 3, we present the
main technological constraints that should be
considered when designing smart farming solutions
in this context. In Section 4 we discuss what we
learned and provide a summary of our vision for a
smart farming solution in sub-Sahar Africa.
2.1 Smart Farming in sub-Saharan
Some sub-Saharan African countries are already
embracing and implementing agricultural policies
around smart farming, e.g. in Rwanda (Musoni, 2020;
MYICT, 2015). More common, though, are solutions
that attempt to go beyond pilot projects to implement
more sustainable solutions that are scalable. Hence,
many ICT-related agricultural initiatives involve the
use of mobile phones often integrated with
Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)
platforms for widespread usage and uptake (Wouters
et al., 2009), since mobile telephony is one of the
more widely available ICTs due to relatively high
penetration rates in the sub-continent. Some
examples we are aware of include Farm-SMS in
Tanzania (Makoye, 2013) and the M’chikumbe
project in Malawi (Palmer & Darabian, 2017). These
types of solutions often attempt not only to push
information towards farmer participants but to
encourage other forms of information and knowledge
sharing such as building communities around
particular kinds of knowledge.
Figure 1: Map of Tanzania, Eastern Africa, highlighting the
Dodoma district and Tabora region, in central and western
Tanzania, respectively, where the Farm-SMS initiative is
reported to be sited (image source: Perry-Castañeda Library
Map Collection [PCLMC], 2016).
According to Makoye (2013), the Farm-SMS
initiative was founded in 2010 through a
collaboration between the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) and the Tanzanian
Meteorological Agancy (TMA). The pilot project has
two sites, one located near Dodoma, the legislative
capital of Tanzania in the central region of the country
and the other in the Tabora region, both of which are
Key facts about Tanzania:
Population: approx. 56 million (2018 est.)
Size: approx. 947,303 km
GDP per capita: $USD 3,574 (2019 est.)
HDI: 0.529 (2019)
Agricultural sector:
o 24.5% GDP (2013 est.)
o 85% of exports
o Employs approx. 50% workforce
o Largest food crop: maize
WSN4PA 2021 - Special Session on Wireless Sensor Networks for Precise Agriculture
reported to be drought-prone (see Figure 1). The
service provided by Farm-SMS allows farmers in the
region to receive real-time weather forecasts and tips
from agricultural experts at a nearby research centre
through SMS text messaging and emails. Farmers
who participated in the pilot reported between 50%
and 125% improvement in yields compared to
traditional methods of forecasting the weather. It is
unclear what is the current status of the project and
whether it has had a sustainable impact beyond the
pilot (some further information seems to be available
via Tall et al., 2014).
The M’chikumbe project in Malawi (See Figure
2) was started in 2015 as a pilot project through
collaborations with various international donor
agencies, Airtel Malawi and Malawian government
agricutlural services (Palmer & Darabian, 2017).
According to these authors, the project gained
siginficant support among its user base acquiring
400,000 users by December 2016. The service
provides access to agricultural information and
educational materials from both the agricultural
extension services and partner content providers.
SMS messaging and interactive voice recognition
(IVR) through mobile technology underpin these
services. In addition, a network of ‘lead farmers’ and
other trusted information providers enable the spread
of content to farmers. The report provides evidence
of ‘power users’, those most actively engaged in the
service, claiming increases in crop yields as a result
of using the service (about 53% of those users).
While it started as a pilot in 2015, the project is
ongoing with services branching out into mobile
money, which helps to keep the platform host, Airtel
Malawi, on board. Further plans are being put into
place to maintain the sustainability of the project.
Figure 2: Map of Malawi, in Eastern Africa.
2.2 Smart Irrigation and Flood
In the last 20 years, an extensive analysis has been
carried out on the technical challenges of automated
irrigation, together with multiple attempts at
providing the design of the hardware and of the
network infrastructure (Kim et al., 2009; Gutiérrez et
al., 2013). The majority of these works make use of
densely located wireless humidity and in-field water
sensors connected to the internet.
Another related field is smart flood disaster
prediction. It has been shown that using a sensor
network monitoring humidity, temperature, pressure,
rainfall, and water level it is possible to perform
accurate flood prediction tasks (Bande et al., 2017).
In both these fields, the constraints described in
the introduction and discussed in the rest of this work
are not taken into account, and thus they are not easily
transferable in the context of sub-Saharan Africa.
In this section, we discuss the main constraints that
need to be considered when designing smart farming
solutions in sub-Saharan Africa.
Key facts about Malawi:
Population: approx. 19 million (2020 est.)
Size: approx. 118,484 km
GDP per capita: $USD 1,234 (2019 est.)
HDI: 0.483 (2019)
Agricultural sector:
o 27% GDP (2013 est.)
o 90% of exports
o 80% of population are subsistence
o Largest export crop: tobacco
o Large food export crops: tea, sugar,
Smart Farming in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities
3.1 GSM Network & Mobile Hardware
Both the user application and sensor network
interface should be implemented on top of the GSM
network, because of the limitations on mobile
hardware availability in sub-Saharan Africa. This in
turns will introduce additional constraints: (i) low
throughput, (ii) USSD/WAP protocol rather than
modern Internet connection, (iii) need of a concise
(often only textual or in any case in low resolution)
representation of the processed data.
In practice, an USSD interface could allow a
simple interface to: (i) the sensor network, (ii) the
cloud application, (iii) the crowdsourcing interface.
The users would not need a smartphone, nor will need
to install any application to use the interface.
However, this would limit the complexity of the
interaction with the sensor network and of the
processed data, and would require significant design
work to translate data, e.g. to visualise a trend or
describe a map using only textual information.
3.2 Reliance on Electricity
The sensor network should be robust to lack of
electricity, and thus be based on self-charging sensors
equipped with a solar panel and a battery. This in
turns will require the use of LoRA networks (Lavric
et al., 2017; Wixted et al., 2016), with a constraints of
the order of hundreds of mW per square centimetre.
Moreover, the polling frequency of the sensor should
be low, of the order of hours rather than minutes.
3.3 Low Cost of the Sensor Network
The need of limit the cost of the sensor network and
the need of reducing the dependencies from external
economic influences will require the need of using
open hardware design and open network protocols,
and the use of a limited number of sensors. For this
reason, we believe that the nodes should be equipped
with basic sensors like humidity, temperature, and
pressure, leaving more complex measurement to
crowd sourcing (e.g. for river water level) or via post-
processing inference.
The need of an open protocol and the
aforementioned constraints suggests that an ideal
choice for the networking protocol would be
OpenThread (Kim et al., 2019, Checco & Polese,
Building sustainability and scalability, often
competing concepts, into ICT solutions has often
been an issue in many Information and
Communication Technologies for Development
(ICT4D) projects in lower middle income countries
(LMICs). The contexts of use of these ICTs tend to
exhibit an uneven distribution of resources, with
considerable regional variability. Thus, what may
work in an urban centre may fail to provide the same
results in a village or other rural community. ICT
solutions in such environments tend to rely on
contingent conditions and often the cause of failure is
rooted in a lack of attention to contextual
particularities (Davison & Martinsons, 2016). One
group of ICT4D researchers in health innovations in
LMICs have reported some success in addressing
both the sustainability and scalability issue by
adopting what they refer to as flexible standards (Braa
et al., 2007). The concept is embedded in theory from
science and technology studies, but nonetheless
useful in acknowledging that sustainability and
scalability need to consider ICT innovations as
encompassing both people and technology acting
within a particular context. Such solutions also
embrace the notion of openness, thus encouraging
collaborative endeavour and avoiding proprietary
software/systems or platforms.
From a technical standpoint, we envision an
infrastucture as depicted in Figure 3, where the use of
low cost (mainly humidity, temperature, and
pressure), long range and low-power sensors on top
of an OpenThread infrastructure are connected to
GSM supernodes able to provide a local USSD API
Figure 3: Low cost LoRa Infrastructure example.
WSN4PA 2021 - Special Session on Wireless Sensor Networks for Precise Agriculture
and a cloud USSD user interface. Such API would
also allow the collection of crowd sourced data, e.g.
for river water level measurements.
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