Unconventional Attack against Voting Machines
Enlarging the Scope of Cybersecurity Risk Analysis
Eric Filiol
1,2 a
ENSIBS, Lab-STICC/IRIS, Vannes, France
Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Social Terrorism, Precautionary Principle, Standards, State Regulation, Security Policies, Security Models.
Most modern democracies and states have adopted a large number of standards and norms to promote and
harmonize international trade. The precautionary principle has come to complete this regulatory arsenal es-
pecially in the field of security of states and citizens, their health, their private life ... The aim is also to
protect government agencies against wrong decisions, especially when uncertain, immature technologies are
concerned. Social, political, institutional security and stability and now cybersecurity has become heavily
dependent on these new forms of regulation. In this article we will show how this regulation arsenal could be
exploited by cybercriminals. It is indeed possible through a broader vision of the notion of cyber attack to turn
these norms and standards and this precautionary principle precisely against those they are supposed to pro-
tect. Among many possible scenarios, we consider a specific one for illustration with respect to the attack of
voting machines. The main conclusion is that any (cyber)security risk analysis should now extend the mostly
favoured technical view to a more operational vision in which non technical aspects also be included.
Citizens in modern countries want to be protected
against almost any kind of risks. On the other side,
decision-makers who want to be re-elected or who
fear the permanent risk of being prosecuted in case
of wrong decisions. On the other side, citizens have
strong demands for a life increasingly safer and more
This is particularly true when considering the
technology issues. Science and technical world make
too quick progress to take the time of questioning this
progress and its consequences on society and citizens’
life, health, freedom and civil rights, (cyber)security...
Recent cases throughout Europe and the USA have
made headlines.
As it is inconceivable to restrain and slow techno-
logical progress, the precautionary principle has been
adopted as a routine safeguard: when in doubt, (too)
drastic limits are taken. The problem with this princi-
ple is twofold:
On a first hand, there is nothing to prove/confirm
that these limits are sufficient. They are often set
by experts who have direct links with industry and
with commercial interests.
On the other hand, these limitations and their ex-
istence can be exploited by malicious people to
conduct attacks. In other words, measures taken
to protect the State and/or its citizens can back-
fire. The cure might be sometimes worse than the
In this article we discuss and show through a sim-
ple scenario how the precautionary principle and the
norms/standards can be exploited and misused. It is
important to keep in mind that the term ”attack” must
be taken in the broadest sense: it is any action whose
outcome is likely to disturb public order, the stability
of a state, the health and/or the safety and security of
citizens ...(Qiao and Wang, 1999; Filiol, 2009).
We identified several instances of malicious ex-
ploitation of the precautionary principle, norms and
standards that can be very effective in an enlarged
view of what a cyber attack is or could be. In order not
to give ideas that could be used for bad purposes, we
present only one scenario in this paper to illustrate our
idea. This scenario lies on a detailed analysis of spe-
cific and real cases (a few being rather recent ones)
from which our study and operational approach is
based in which reasonable doubt and equally reason-
Filiol, E.
Unconventional Attack against Voting Machines Enlarging the Scope of Cybersecurity Risk Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0010417607630770
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 763-770
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
able suspicion cannot be completely ruled out. Rea-
sonable doubt is in a way the other side of the precau-
tionary principle.
If this particular case-study can be solved eas-
ily by suitable policy choices (forbidding the use of
voting machine), for many others it is unfortunately
not possible unless important changes are made in
society, in critical or industrial infrastructures, large
scale processes, large IT systems or whatsoever sim-
ilar. Additionally, decision-makers are even more re-
luctant to adopt strong measures without challenging
huge financial interests.
As far as the security experts are concerned, this
shed a new light on the cybersecurity evaluation pro-
cess and (cyber)security risk analysis which can no
longer consider technical aspects only. Any attacker
may consider a broader view and environment to build
and drive his attack. In this respect turning the pre-
cautionary principle against the target can not only
weaken its security but also hinder its defence, reac-
tion and protection ability.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 first
presents the definition of standards/norms and of the
precautionary principle. We focus on their intrin-
sic differences. Section 3 then addresses the partic-
ular case of cell telephony and voting machines, on
a technical basis. Section 4 then explains how an at-
tacker could exploit the norms in the field of cell tele-
phony and the application of the precautionary prin-
ciple of voting machines. We then illustrate how to
mix those two (seemingly) different and uncorrelated
aspects with our scenario, to cause a major, political
crisis in a Western country. We will then conclude by
addressing the protection issues against that particular
First a technical standard is an established norm
or requirement about technical systems (Wikipedia,
2020c): It is usually a formal document that es-
tablishes uniform engineering or technical criteria,
methods, processes and practices. In contrast, a cus-
tom, convention, company product, corporate stan-
dard, etc. which becomes generally accepted and
dominant is often called a de facto standard [...] The
standardization process may be by edict or may in-
volve the formal consensus of technical experts. So
norms and standards do not imply security or safety
issues but are just way to make industry speak the
same voice. But since all people are working on the
same (technical) basis, it is then possible
to know how they work, think and develop,
to determine what they use (on the customer’s
to design a powerful attack that has the maximum
The most widely known case relates to operating sys-
tems. Microsoft Windows has de facto become some
sort of norms so does recently Apple or Google (Jen-
nings R., 2020). This is the reason why most of the
attacks are targeting Windows systems. The analysis
of the Stuxnet worm has shown that the wide use of
Siemens’ Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) in
industry may have facilitated an attack against a large
number of industrial systems (and not only against
Iranian nuclear facilities as claimed by a large num-
ber of “experts”). The hypothesis according to which
Stuxnet attack was a targeted one only, does not hold
since it relies on a widely used system. The Stuxnet
attack is likely to be a specific instance of a larger
series of attacks. The rogue exploitation of stan-
dards/norms has been treated extensively in the liter-
ature so we will not address this case.
As for the precautionary principle is concerned,
we will use the following definition (Wikipedia,
2020a): The precautionary principle states that if
an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing
harm to the public or to the environment, in the ab-
sence of scientific consensus that the action or policy
is harmful, the burden of proof that it is not harm-
ful falls on those taking the action [...] This princi-
ple allows policy makers to make discretionary de-
cisions in situations where there is the possibility of
harm from taking a particular course or making a
certain decision when extensive scientific knowledge
on the matter is lacking. The principle implies that
there is a social responsibility to protect the public
from exposure to harm, when scientific investigation
has found a plausible risk. These protections can
be relaxed only if further scientific findings emerge
that provide sound evidence that no harm will re-
sult. In some legal systems, as in the law of the
European Union, the application of the precautionary
principle has been made a statutory requirement (Eu-
ropean Commission, 2000). Figure 1 illustrates the
complex decision diagram used to enforce the precau-
tionary principle. This diagram shows clearly that the
aim, this time, is to find a balance between risks and
benefits in an uncertain technological environment.
The precautionary principle is in fact the principle of
minimum risk, in a context of partial information due
to the limits of the scientific knowledge.
ForSE 2021 - 5th International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
Figure 1: Decision diagram of the Precautionary principle (source https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Precautionary
There are a lot of examples in which this princi-
ple is applied. One of the best example relate to the
effect of cell phone on users’ health. Consequently
to prevent any possible risk, a large number of lim-
its have been imposed: cell phone power emission,
antennas installation authorization, age of cell phone
users... Public health is also another field where this
principle has been widely applied.
Surprisingly we observed that the limits imposed
because of the precautionary principle are different
according to the field considered. This reflects the
multiplicity of actors involved, the interests involved
and the complexity of the context in which actors of
different nationalities can intervene (national actors,
supra-national actors...). This leads to inconsistencies
that an attacker can exploit as we shall see in the sce-
nario of Section 4.
Before presenting our attack scenario, we need to re-
call a few technical facts in order to understand what
is at stake.
3.1 A (Very) Few Basics Regarding the
Physics of Electric Fields
In physics, electric field denotes a field created by
electrically charged particles. This field is used to de-
termine at any point in space the electric force exerted
by these remote electric charges. In the case of fixed
charges in our study, the electric field is called the
electrostatic field. More generally any device pow-
ered by electricity also produces an electric field de-
noted E. This is a vector field that at any point in
space combines a direction and a magnitude (ampli-
tude). The norm of this vector is expressed in volts per
meter (V/m). The scope of the electric field is theo-
retically infinite, their values at any point depending
Unconventional Attack against Voting Machines Enlarging the Scope of Cybersecurity Risk Analysis
on the charge distribution or the nature of the material
filling the space.
According to the law of superposition if we have
n charges q
located at points P
, producing an electric
field E
, the total electric field is additive (Feynman
et al., 2010):
E = E
+ E
+ E
Two charges (or devices) exert on the other an
electric field which describes the interaction force be-
tween charges (or devices) point. Two charges repel
each other while two charges of opposite signs at-
tract each other proportionally to the product of their
charges and inversely proportional to the square of
their distance, the forces are of equal values and op-
posite directions, according to the principle of action
and reaction.
In fact, to be more precise, the fields do not add up
arithmetically. The resulting field E
is equal to the
square root of the sum of the squares of the different
components, i.e.:
+ E
+ ...
There are continuous fields (AC fields) and alter-
nating fields (AF field or E-Field). DC fields have
a fixed direction and a constant (or nearly constant)
intensity over time (fields produced by a permanent
magnet or the earth’s magnetic field). Conversely, the
strength of an alternating field varies over time (fields
produced by the electrical grid or radio communica-
tion antennas for instance). Generally, variations in
field intensity are repetitive with cycles of constant
duration; frequency (expressed in Hz) is the number
of times a cycle occurs in a second. The frequency
of the fields produced the GSM 900 and DCS 1800
mobile telephone networks is 900 and 1800 MHz re-
spectively (Pirard W., 2003).
3.2 Cell Phone Electric Fields
In the field of mobile telephony, most of the norms
and standards were chosen so to satisfy (more or
less explicitly) one or more principles of precaution,
mainly to face to the controversy about the adverse
effects on human health.
Mobile phones are radio transmitters/receivers
that communicate with antennas. The frequen-
cies currently used are within the range of 900 or
1,800 MHz (GSM) and 2100MHz (UMTS) without
forgetting the 2,400 MHz range corresponding to Wi-
Fi and Bluetooth for wireless access to terminals or
using accessories communicating with mobile Blue-
tooth. Specifically, a GSM mobile always transmits
with high power while the transmission power of a
real 3G is usually much lower than that of GSM.
Note that power is often not (or poorly) controlled
via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It was therefore more likely
to be exposed during an internet connection via Wi-
Fi than 3G. Knowing that the frequency of Wi-Fi (2.4
GHz) has a reputation for being particularly harmful
it is strongly advised to avoid this type of connec-
tion! As for newer 4G (LTE) and 5G, they respec-
tively work at 2-8 GHz and 3-300 GHz.
Low frequencies such as 900 MHz are stronger
than the higher frequencies. They are more penetrat-
ing (pass more easily through walls) and are there-
fore less absorbed by the body through. The high fre-
quencies are less penetrating and therefore are more
absorbed by the body exposed. They generate more
energy. We must therefore reduce the power, which
explains that GSM is issued 2 times weaker in 1,800
than 900 MHz. The current of UMTS 2,100 MHz is
rather fragile (we realize this by observing the bars,
especially indoors). The 2,400 MHz used for Wi-Fi is
the frequency used by microwave (high absorption)!
Using a probe to measure the electric field produced
by an HF phone allows an assessment of actual expo-
sure in real time (this varies widely) by measuring the
electric field mode ridge preferably, within different
situations and mobile-probe distances.
GSM generate tens of V/m (sometimes more than
100V/m) in contact with the mobile and several V/m
in an area close (few meters). The level depends on
the mobile and the power regulation, but is still high in
GSM. Levels generated by the 3G (UMTS) are much
more variable depending on conditions (see Figure 2).
The measurements of electric fields emitted by
smart or cell phones can, according to the use, reach
several tens of m/V. Figures 3, 4 and 5 show this very
clearly (source (Electrosmog.info, 2010)).
As for the 4G (LTE), a number of studies have es-
tablished that the risk seems to be lower than for 2G
and 3G phones (M. Hietanen and V. Sibakov, 2007;
P. M. Mariappan and D. R. Raghavan and S.H.E. Ab-
del Aleem and A. F. Zobaa, 2016). According to
(Persia et al., 2018), the EMF risk with respect to 5G
seems possible. However there are still not enough
studies on the risk of interferences to assess the actual
level of risk.
3.3 Voting Machine and
Electromagnetic Security
Electronic voting is a system of automated voting us-
ing computer systems. Electronic voting means the
integration through the “electronic ballot box” (also
called “voting machine” in the French law) of meth-
ForSE 2021 - 5th International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
Figure 2: Example of measurements with a probe ED65 Cornet: two photos taken during a test with a 2G/3G mobile,
30cm probe, short network connection (consulting of the talking clock) successively in GSM (left) and UMTS (right). The
reception level is between 1 and 2 µW/m
). There is a maximum level in GSM high (16V/m) and an ineffective regulation.
As for 3G, the maximum level is much lower (0.3 V/m) and the control more responsive, without issuing full-power (source
(Electrosmog.info, 2010)).
Figure 3: Electric field values for GSM and UMTS emis-
sions (source (Electrosmog.info, 2010)).
Figure 4: Electric field (HF) in peak mode (smartphone)
(source (Electrosmog.info, 2010)).
ods to involve private companies in the voting system.
The main selling point used to promote these prod-
ucts based on the idea of accelerating the process of
the votes cast.
Despite a lot of discussions and passionate debates
about the security of such machines voting machines
are little by little invading the Western countries. As
Figure 5: Electric field emitted by a Samsung Galaxy S (TV
on edge mode) (source (Electrosmog.info, 2010)).
an example, in France, more than 750 polling sta-
tions have been equipped in 2005. Among the clients
there were 45 cities including Le Havre, Brest, Lori-
ent, Mulhouse, Bourges, Nevers.... A number of these
cities are medium in size and represent, therefore,
a significant percentage of voters. Thus, in France,
the use of voting machines in 82 cities (Zdnet, 2007)
more than 3,500 people could reach 5% of the elec-
torate (1.4 million voters), and thus play a significant
role in the choice of France’s president. The main
supplier of voting machines is the Dutch company
Nedap (Gonggrijp, R. and Hengeveld, W.-J., 2007;
OSCE, 2007; France Elections, 2020; Wikipedia,
2020b). Nedap machines represent 80% of the in-
stalled base in France to cover 1.4 million voters.
A number of other Western countries are also using
electronic vote more and more. More recently, the
US President 2020 elections have confirmed the ever-
growing use of voting machines with a significant
number of suspected security issues (for instance the
case of Georgia (Gerstein J., 2020)).
Unconventional Attack against Voting Machines Enlarging the Scope of Cybersecurity Risk Analysis
We will not discuss the security issues regarding
the vote itself. We will just mention the fact that a
number of standards/norms have been fixed, most of
them being chosen primarily to enforce the precau-
tionary principle and stop critics against voting ma-
chines. To summarize, as soon as those limits and
constraints are not fulfilled, an appeal to the Consti-
tutional Council or other Court (in the USA (Ger-
stein J., 2020)) may be filed to cancel the election.
Several cases are known in which local results have
been cancelled or voting machines have been forbid-
den (Reuters Staff, 2017; EDRi, 2007).
We will consider one of these limits. Whatever
the precautions taken, an electronic machine is sus-
ceptible to electromagnetic field (EMC) and the im-
munity levels of these machines is 10V/m (US Elec-
tion Assistance Commission, 2018, page 31, require-
ment, (Wyle Laboratories, 2007, page 9,
section 6.2.4), (US Election Assistance Commission,
2015, Section In all equipments, the precise
requirement is Vote scanning and counting equip-
ment for paper-based systems, and all DRE equip-
ment, shall be able to withstand an electromagnetic
field of 10 V/m modulated by a 1 kHz 80% AM mod-
ulation over the frequency range of 80 MHz to 1000
MHz, without disruption of normal operation or loss
of data”.
It is worth stressing on the fact that these techni-
cal limitations and requirements are nearly the same
for medical equipments or critical equipments (Eu-
ropean Commission, 2014, section E.1.1 p. 156) or
(Zradzieski P. and Karpowicz J. and Gryz, K. and
Leszko, Z., 2018, page 798). It is even more im-
portant to mention that a number of critical incidents
have been reported over the years with respect to elec-
tromagnetic interferences on critical equipments (J.
Ely, 2005; A. Boyer, 2018; R. D. Leach and M. B.
Alexander and G. C., 995 ; The Independent, 2007).
This is the reason why a number of political instances
have enforced the precautionary principles to mitigate
these risks as much as possible.
As a consequence, beyond these limits, votes
could be considered as non reliable because of elec-
tromagnetic pollution or intentional generation of
electromagnetic/electrostatic fields in the close envi-
ronment of voting machines in use.
Now that the technical context is set up we will see
how an attacker can exploit this, through a fictitious
but realistic attack scenario (inspired by real cases-
4.1 The Tactical Theme
The WHITE country is on the eve of electing its presi-
dent. According to surveys, the second round of elec-
tions will be very tight: the candidate of the ruling
party is credited with 49 % while that of the opposi-
tion can expect 51 %. The WHITE country which
belongs to the Group of Eight G8 - is facing an eco-
nomic and political crisis for several months. Its lead-
ership in the world is threatened. International rating
agencies, according to recurrent rumours, are thinking
for several months to lower WHITE country’s rating
from AAA to AA +, AA or even AA-. If this were the
case, it would cause major instability mainland and
undermine the global financial balances worldwide.
The WHITE country is involved in the war in
GREEN country. Fundamentalist extremists in this
latter country accuse the WHITE country has to have
voting laws that go against the commandments of
their religious faith. The WHITE country has adopted
voting machines in many cities, which affects approx-
imately 6% of voters.
4.2 The Course of Events
On May 6
, the second round of elections takes place.
Participation is massive. Polling stations are full. Af-
ter the election, the opposition candidate was elected
with 50.8 % of the vote. Within hours, the opposition
appealed to the Constitutional Council to overturn the
vote in 7 cities. This potentially affects 1.3 % of the
voters. The opposition claims of political manipula-
tion and fear an attempted constitutional uprising. It
follows a political crisis that will last a week. Many ri-
ots and street demonstrations as well large strikes are
held across the country. The WHITE country is sus-
pended to the decision of the Constitutional Council
to validate or invalidate the results of these cities.
On May 15
, the Constitutional Council decided
to cancel the votes of the seven cities. The reason
is that suspected attempts to sabotage on voting ma-
chines make these votes invalid. New elections must
be held. The opposition is convinced that it is an at-
tempt at political manipulation. The crisis becomes
more serious, the country is blocked strikes, violent
ForSE 2021 - 5th International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
riots. Supporters of the opposition leader try to oc-
cupy the National Assembly and block the presiden-
tial palace to protest against this cancellation. Inter-
national rating agencies lower the WHITE country’s
rating to AA. A major crisis has begun.
4.3 The Course of Events Analysis
Facts are in fact very simple are based on a legal but
malicious manipulation of the precautionary princi-
ple. Many groups of GREEN country supporters were
instructed to spend the whole day in polling centers
equipped with voting machines. They were also in-
structed to bring their 2G/3G smartphones and ac-
tively communicate with them.
At the same time, WHITE opposition leaders have
been warned anonymously that the opposition was
seeking to distort the functioning of voting machines
and it would be nice to make measurements of elec-
tric field by a sworn person (bailiff) during the day. In
a climate of political tension and of distrust with re-
spect to voting machines, bailiffs equipped with sen-
sors have detected an average electric field 4 times
higher than the standard allowed to validate the elec-
tronic ballot. The Constitutional Council had no other
choice, once entered, to proceed to the cancellation of
the vote concerned.
From a technical point of view, the continuous and
additive emission of a significant number of electric
field result in a global electric field interaction that
exceed the limits imposed by the precautionary prin-
This simple scenario may appear somehow artificial
not to say extravagant. In fact it is not. First it is in-
spired by real facts both related to voting machines
and to other fields where the precautionary principle
is (sometimes abusively) applied. Second, in this kind
of attacks the problem is not to determine whether
it had an actual effect requiring cancelling indeed
the vote. It just suffices to pour the doubt into the
decision-makers and into the public opinion. Then
this poison makes its effect. This is precisely where
the insidious side of the precautionary principles.
The solution is not easy to take. It implies to
change our views on the pre-eminent role of the tech-
nology and the market over the minds and over citi-
zens. It is not only a technology issue but also a prob-
lem of political will.
This case above all shows that evaluating the se-
curity must go far beyond the pure technical aspects.
Any security risk analysis method should take non-
technical attacks into account. Manipulating minds
(as Psyops techniques usually do) may be as efficient
as pure technical approach. Only the final result mat-
Finally, as a consequence, we stress on the fact
that an excess of regulation is likely to hinder the se-
curity and stability of nation states. In this context,
it is not possible to have security/stability and free-
dom at the same time. The only solution seems to
come back to fewer regulations, to replace the human
component at the centre of a number of critical activ-
ities/domains and to limit the power and invasion of
technology in them.
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ForSE 2021 - 5th International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering