Collaborative Tutoring System Adaptive for Tutor's Learning Styles
based on Felder Silverman Model
Karima Boussaha
and Samia Drissi
Department of Computer Science, Research Laboratory on Computer Science’s Complex Systems (ReLa(CS)2),
Larbi ben M’hidi University, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
Department of Computer Science, Cherif Mssadia University, Souk Ahras, Algeria
Keywords: Tutors' Collaboration, CSCL, CSCC, Computer-Supported Collaborative Coaching, Tutoring, Collaboration,
CSCTT, Tutor, Tutor Group, Collaborative Tutoring, Coaching, Coach, Coach Group, Collaborative
Coaching, Personalized Learning, Learning Style, Learning Strategies.
Abstract: In the past decade, in the context of CSCL various personalization techniques have been proposed for
developing adaptive and collaborative e-learning systems, these later are specifically designed to assist and
support learners in their learning process. It is not only learners but also the tutors who experience
difficulties in the learning process. In particular, new recruits may not have enough experience to help their
learners. In this research paper, we investigate these ideas to propose a Computer-Supported Collaborative
Coaching System with Four-Dimensional Personalization Criteria based on Felder Silverman model called
CSCCS @ FDPC-FS. This system aims to create a virtual space based on the exchange of information and
experiences between experienced tutors in higher education institutions (coaches) to help new recruits
coaches who have difficulties and try to encourage, motivate, and provide them with needed experiences to
help them break out of isolation and use their solid information to guide their learners. This system offers
two strategies, to help new recruits coaches: either the first strategy offers to the tutor to acquire the
experience with a learning strategy of the basic notions of the tutoring process, this first strategy (learning)
combining and adapting teaching strategies, learning styles, and electronic media according to Felder-
Silverman's learning style model. And the second strategy offers to the tutors the possibility to collaborate
with other experienced colleagues, to gain the experience and the know-how. The collaboration strategy
offers a classification algorithm for forming coaches' groups, the forming groups algorithm base on two new
proposes profiles: collaborator and group profile.
In the context of CSCL, the majority of CSCL
systems neglect the aspect of group formation by
grouping the learners randomly (Alfonseca et al.,
2006). Recently, many researches use many criteria
for grouping learners: we can cite among these
criteria: their profiles, personal information (age,
gender, class, etc.) (Analoui et al., 2013.), behaviors,
and knowledge, learning styles (Grigoriadou et al.,
2006), etc. Other works group learners using their
abilities and their thinking styles.
Many techniques were used to group learners,
Artificial intelligence and Bio-inspired techniques
are among the most common techniques. In the
context of bio-inspired techniques, Montazer and
Rezaei (2012) have introduced an optimization
approach in the e-learning field to improve the
grouping methods. Abnar and his colleagues (Abnar
et al., 2012) form learning groups by an iterative
process based on a genetic algorithm. Other
researchers discovered (Ghorbani et Montazer,
2012) that grouping learners by PSO (Particle
Swarm Optimization) technique based on their
cognitive styles improved the accuracy of grouping.
In another approach, Zedadra et al.(2016) presented
a new approach of learners grouping in collaborative
learning systems. This grouping process is based on
traces left by learners. The proposed approach
consists of two main algorithms: (1) the circular
grouping algorithm and (2) the dynamic grouping
algorithm (used to update groups). The authors'
proposed approach used the same behavior of
penguins' colony. So, we found many works about
Boussaha, K. and Drissi, S.
Collaborative Tutoring System Adaptive for Tutor’s Learning Styles based on Felder Silverman Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0010425602000207
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 2, pages 200-207
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
grouping learners and learners collaboration. But,
collaboration among learners is not enough to solve
some problems like some learners find it difficult to
communicate and share experiences within the
group (Rojano-Cáceres et al.,2017). As a result, the
monitoring functionality is required in these
environments. Tutoring is a key element of any
distance learning system, which has been applied in
several fields. In the educational field, this task has
become indispensable, especially in higher
education institutions.
The primary objective of tutoring is to support
the learners throughout the learning so that it fully
reaches the educational objectives set by the
educational institution.
Furthermore, it aims at supporting all the
activities of learners and assisting them to find
learning difficulties and problems. In other words,
distance tutoring or e-tutoring is referred to all the
activities that support learners in their learning
process (Kopp et al., 2012; AbuEloun and Abu
Naser,2017; Benjamin D. Nye et al.,2018).
Learning style is a learner characteristic
indicating how a learner learns and likes to learn
(Keefe, 1991). For example, some learners prefer
graphical representations and remember best what
they see, others prefer audio materials and remember
best what they hear, while others prefer text and
remember best what they read. Some learners like to
be presented first with the definitions followed by
examples, while others prefer abstract concepts to be
first illustrated by a concrete, practical example.
In the few recent years, various personalization
techniques have been proposed for developing
adaptive e-learning systems, and have revealed the
benefit of such an approach. In this respect,
according to (Al-Azawei & Lundqvist, 2015) many
personalized or adaptive learning systems have been
developed focusing on a range of learner's personal
information, such as their profiles (e.g., gender, age,
knowledge level, and background data), learning
portfolios, and preferences. Recently, researchers
have largely focused on learning styles due to
several reasons. According to literature, learning
styles have widely been used to avoid a ‘one-size-
fits-all’ teaching approach (Al-Azawei & Badii,
2014; Felder& Brent, 2005).
There are many studies on the effectiveness of
combining multimedia and hypermedia with
learning styles in educational systems. They attempt
to associate specific e-media characteristics to
different categories of learners and propose
instruments and methods for assessing learning
style. Most of these studies are based on the Felder-
Silverman learning style model (FSLSM) (Felder
and Silverman, 1988). Examples of such systems
include CS383 TANGOW, and PHP Programming
Course (Hong & Kinshuk, 2004).
Learning strategies are the strategies used to
remember, learn and use information. In this regard,
some of the previous studies worth mentioning are
for example those of Dunn, who insists on the
importance of teaching the learners by using
methods that adapt to their conceptual preferences.
However, very few researchers give any idea of
the correspondence between electronic media and
the appropriate teaching and learning styles and very
few studies give an idea of the appropriate
combinations of electronic media and learning styles
that are more effective than others.
So, as we talk about learners' grouping, and
learners' learning styles, tutors, especially new
recruits also need to collaborate and learn according
to their learning styles (Indira, 2019; Tadjer et al.,
Tutors need to work in groups in some cases for
example: when learners' needs do not belong to the
tutor's skills, the learner's queries will not be
satisfied, so in this case, the tutor must collaborate
with others to can help his /her learner. Also in the
case of new recruits, they have needed to collaborate
to get the experience from their experienced friends
(Indira, 2019; Tadjer et al., 2018,2020).
Tutors especially new recruits need to learn
about basic tutoring notions with their learning
styles to give them the advantage of autonomy by
gaining experience and avoiding the problems of
disorientation and cognition. The learning according
to the tutors' learning style offers to them a
navigation adaptation (Drissi & Amirat, 2017).
In the literature, the authors found some recent
IT(intelligent Tutoring ) platforms we can cite
among them: the work presented in AbuEloun and
Abu Naser(2017), Another work was presented by
Benjamin D. Nye et al (2018). Of course, these
works focused on tutoring in its classic concepts,
which means the tutoring process between student
/tutor without take into count neither the learning
according to the tutors' learning style neither the task
of collaboration between tutors in their
In this paper, we aim to propose a novel
Computer-Supported Collaborative Coaching
System with Four-Dimensional Personalization
Criteria based on the Felder-Silverman model called
CSCCS @ FDPC-FS. Our system presents a general
framework used to teach new tutors recruits
(coaches) the basic concepts about the tutoring
Collaborative Tutoring System Adaptive for Tutor’s Learning Styles based on Felder Silverman Model
process, in higher education institutions. This
proposed system combines with two strategies:
Learning strategy: uses combining and
adapting teaching strategies, learning styles,
and electronic media According to Felder-
Silverman's learning style model. More
specifically, This strategy focuses on the
proposal for an adaptive taxonomy that will be
used to release the fourth levels of adaptation
which are: content level adaptation, link-level
adaptation, presentation level adaptation, and
collaboration level adaptation of an educational
collaborative tutoring system (Drissi &
Amirat,2017). While based on the four
dimensions of Felder-Silverman's learning style
model. This strategy is used when the new
tutor recruit (coach) chooses to learn the basic
tutoring notions alone.
Collaboration strategy: uses the concepts of
collaboration and joining in different groups of
experienced tutors. This second strategy is used
when the new tutor (coach) prefers to get help
from his/her colleagues with prior.
This paper is organized as follows. In the second
section, we give a brief of the Felder-Silverman
learning style model. The architecture of a CSCC
system is presented in section three. We conclude
with a conclusion and future works.
In this research, we are focusing on the Felder-
Silverman learning style model (FSLSM) because
the (FSLSM) was widely used, more
specifically, in Technology Enhanced Learning
(TEL) (Al-Azawei & Badii, 2014; Drissi &
Amirat, 2017).
More specifically, according to Carver, Howard, &
Lane (1999), the Felder Model is most appropriate
for hypermedia courseware. So, in our case we
applied this model in our CSCCS @ FDPC-FS, to
offer to the new recruit to learn the basic notions of
the tutoring process according to his learning style.
So, automatically the tutor becomes a learner.
FSLSM contains four dimensions when the
learner is characterized by a specific preference for
each of these dimensions. Each dimension includes
two variables as shown in figure 1. As detailed in
Drissi & Amirat, 2017), the first dimension covers
sensing versus intuitive learning. Students who
enjoy studying from facts and concrete learning
materials are students who foster a sensitive learning
style. In contrast, intuitive learners are more
motivated by abstract learning, such as theories and
their underlying meanings. They can discover
possibilities and relationships and tend to be more
innovative and creative than sensing learners. The
second, visual-verbal dimension differentiates
learners who remember best and
who learn best
through vision (e.g., pictures, diagrams, and flow-
charts), and learners who benefit the most from
textual representations, whether written or spoken.
In the third dimension, the learners are rated
between an active and a reflective way of processing
information. Active learners tend to be more
interested in communication with others and prefer
to learn by working in groups. In contrast, reflective
learners favour individual work or perhaps prefer to
work in small groups together with one good friend.
Finally, the fourth dimension characterized learners
according to their understanding. Sequential learners
have linear learning progression. So, they prefer to
learn in small incremental steps. Whereas, global
learners use a holistic thinking process and learn in
large leaps. Table 1 details the description of Felder-
Silverman dimensions.
Figure 1: Felder-Silverman learning style model.
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Description of Felder- Silverman dimensions (Drissi & Amirat, 2017).
Learning Style Description
Prefer concrete facts, data, and relation to the real world around. Rather deal with facts, raw data, and
experiments, they are patient with details but do not like complications.
Focus on ideas and possibilities, Prefer abstraction, theories, and models. Rather deal with principles and
theories, are easily bored when presented with details, and tend to accept complications.
Orderly, step by step, and sequential. Follow a linear reasoning process when solving problems and can
work with a specific material once they have comprehended it partially or superficially.
See everything as a whole. Take big intuitive leaps with the information, may have a difficulty when
explaining how they got to a certain result, need an integral vision.
Visual Easy for them to remember what they see: images, diagrams, time tables, films, etc.
Verbal Remember what they have heard, read, or said.
Motivated, prefer trial-and-error. Enjoy discussion rather than learning independently. “learning by
doing” describe how active students learn. Learn by working in groups and handling stuff.
Learn better when they can think and reflect on the information presented to them. Learn a good deal
from independent work. Work better alone or with one more person at most.
“Learning by thinking” could describe Reflective students.
Our CSCCS @ FDPC-FS system is organized in the
form of three basic components: models component,
collaboration component, and learning component.
These three components interacted to adapt different
aspects of the instructional process. Figure 2
illustrates the system architecture.
3.1 The Models Component
This module is divided into three sub-modules:
3.1.1 Tutor Model
In CSCCS @ FDPC-FS proposed, to model our tutor
(coach) we will follow two phases:
Phase 1: In our approach, the tutor (coach)
can be modeled first by the typical
characteristics that are grouped in a facet
identification that contains personal data for
example username, password, unique ID, age,
sex, e-mail. These data are obtained using a
questionnaire that the tutor must complete on
their initial login.
Phase 2: Selection of learning styles of tutors
is performed using the Index of Learning
Style Questionnaire (ILQ), developed by
Felder and Soloman (1997) which is used to
categorize the learners into four dimensions
(Sensing/Intuitive, sequential/Global,
Visual/Verbal, and Active/Reflective). The
description of these dimensions is detailed in
table 1 previously.
So in this phase, the tutor must complete a
questionnaire containing 44 questions (11 items per
dimension). Knowing that, each tutor has a personal
preference for each dimension. These preferences
are expressed with values between +11 to -11 per
dimension, with steps +/-2. These measures come
from the 11 questions that are posed for each
dimension. For example, when answering a
question, with an active preference, +1 is added to
the value of the active/reflective dimension whereas
an answer for a reflective preference decreases the
Collaborative Tutoring System Adaptive for Tutor’s Learning Styles based on Felder Silverman Model
Figure 2: Architecture of the proposed system CSCCS @ FDPC-FS.
value by 1. And for this, each question is answered
either with a value of +1 (answer a) or -1 (answer b).
while (Answer a) corresponds to the preference for
the first pole of each dimension (active, sensing,
visual, or sequential), and (answer b) to the second
pole of each dimension (reflective, intuitive, verbal,
or global).
3.1.2 Domain Model
In this domain model, the tutor (coach) found all the
needs of the basic notions of the tutoring process.
This domain is represented by three levels: course,
chapter and finally learning objects.
3.1.3 Evaluation Test
This module is responsible for offering some tests
for the tutors.
3.2 The Learning Component
If the new tutor (coach) prefers to learn alone all the
basic notions of the tutoring process, so he/she must
choose the learning strategy, this module is divided
into three sub-modules:
3.2.1 Adaptive Module
The adaptive module aims to provide a personalized
learning resource for tutors (coaches), especially
learning content by suggesting personalized learning
paths and adaptive layouts when we proposed an
adaptive taxonomy that integrates learning
strategies, learning styles, and electronic media.
This adaptive taxonomy focuses on a set of
resources summarized as navigation tools,
Collaboration and communication tools, overview
tool, and a set of learning objects.
Consultation of courses
Realization of evaluation test
Editor of basic tutoring
Evaluation tests
Tutor model
Domain model
tive module
Forming Groups
Learning Module
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The learning objects are presented in the form of
text, picture sound, and animation. Furthermore, our
adaptive taxonomy is adapted to release the fourth
levels of adaptation: content level adaptation, link-
level adaptation, presentation level adaptation, and
collaboration level adaptation of an educational
hypermedia course, while based on the four
dimensions of Felder-Silverman's learning style
3.2.2 Learning Module
The learning module based on the tutors' four
dimensions of Felder-Silverman's learning style
model to provide tutors (coaches) with personalized
learning content by suggesting personalized learning
paths and adaptive layouts
3.2.3 Evaluation Module
The evaluation module presents to the new tutors
(coaches) a set of evaluation tests to evaluate their
knowledge in two levels the pre-test level and the
post-test level. This module provides tutors
(coaches) with different types of exercises including
multiple-choice questions (MCQ) and matching
In CSCCS @ FDPC-FS, evaluation tests were
automatically generated using an editor of basic
tutoring notions called Hot potatoes that is a
software suite that includes five applications to
create exercises to upload on the web. In our system,
two applications are used: JQuiz editor (multiple-
choice questions or MCQs) and JMatch (Editor of
matching exercises).
3.3 Collaboration Component
If the new tutor (coach) prefers to learn all the basic
notions of the tutoring process, with the help of his
/her experienced tutors so, he/she must choose the
collaboration strategy.
The methodology proposed for creating the
tutors' groups is based on the set of tutor's (coaches)
profiles. Tutor's (coach's) profile is a tool to get an
idea about him/her, and with whom he /she interact.
The tutors'(coach's) profile is composed of
information that identifies the ability of the coach in
practice. There is a personal profile (name, age,
email..etc.), the cognitive profile (diplomas,
experience, interest domains…etc.), the behavioural
profile (teaching methods, social relationship,.. etc.).
When the coach (tutor) starts working within the
system, this latter has no prior information about his
collaboration and his groups. However, the system
could not give any preferences for him. Therefore,
the model of this tutor must have an efficient way of
inferring initial information about the tutor. The
proposed approach is taken into account by an
educational system. In this system, all the necessary
information is collected to build the profiles of this
actor. For obtaining his group and collaboration
profiles and knowledge level, a pre-test is used. The
tutor can choose one or more questions according to
his skills to do the task. The collaboration
component is divided into three sub-modules:
3.3.1 Collaborator Profile
This new profile has five possible values (very
passive, little passive, little active, active, highly
active). The collaborator profile aims to pre-
classify coaches according to their level of collabora
tion in the different activities of their colleagues.
We must note that we need this profile when a coach
has the desire to join a group.
3.3.2 Group Profile
The interest domain of the coach is related to his
specialty diploma we try to reduce the number of
groups to eight (e-learning - multi-agent system,
Artificial vision, image processing, artificial
intelligence, networks, information system, internet
of things).
3.3.3 Forming Groups Module
So, our idea is we want to classify a new coach
(tutor) who registers in the system to join a group of
coaches that already exists in the system.
The KNN (K Nearest Neighbors) algorithm makes it
possible to determine the k nearest neighbors, and
then, for example, to classify a data item in one
category or another. The classification process is
based on the Euclidean distance between the data
In our case, we want to classify a new coach
(tutor) who registers in the system to join a group of
coaches (tutors) that already exists in the system.
The classification is made based on the two new
profiles proposed: the coach's prior group profile and
the coach's collaborator profile. That is to say, for a
new coach, the system calculates two coordinates:
the group performance and the collaboration value:
for the group performance will be calculated from
his prior group profile, and for the collaboration
value will be calculated from his collaborator
profile. Each coach C will be represented by a point
Collaborative Tutoring System Adaptive for Tutor’s Learning Styles based on Felder Silverman Model
whose first coordinate is the group performance and
the second coordinate is the collaboration value, and
we determined the number of K closest neighbors of
the other coaches registered in our system using the
Euclidean distance between the new coach and all
other already registered coaches.
In this paper, as the first step of our research project,
we have presented the design of a collaborative
tutoring system adaptive for tutor's learning styles.
The proposed system supports two strategies:
The Collaboration strategy: among human
coaches in higher education institutions, we describe
the scenarios of the collaboration between coaches
by proposing two new profiles (the coach's
collaborator profile, the group profile) using for
forming coaches' groups these profiles are used by
the classification algorithm for forming groups. This
strategy gives the new recruit tutor the benefit of
gaining experience and the know-how from his more
experienced colleagues.
The learning strategy: for combining and
adapting teaching strategies, learning styles, and
electronic media according to Felder-Silverman’s
learning style model. More specifically, in this
paper, we have proposed an adaptive taxonomy used
to release the fourth level of adaptation by using
firstly, the «perception dimension» of Felder-
Silverman’s model to adapt learning content.
Secondly, the «understanding dimension» to realize
the navigation level adaptation. Thirdly, the «entry
Chanel dimension» to realize the presentation level
adaptation. And finally, the «processing dimension»
to realize the collaboration level adaptation. This
strategy gives the new recruit tutor the advantage of
autonomy by gaining experience and avoiding
problems of disorientation and cognitive overload
since it offers a navigation adaptation according to
the tutor's learning style.
As future work, we plan to extend the proposed
approach by developing a prototype of the
Computer-Supported Collaborative Coaching system
with Four-Dimensional Personalization Criteria
based on Felder Silverman model called CSCCS @
FDPC-FS, also the development of the Classification
algorithm for forming coaches' (tutors') groups.
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Collaborative Tutoring System Adaptive for Tutor’s Learning Styles based on Felder Silverman Model