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Architecture. Our classification model architecture
is based on the stacking of residual blocks like Wide
Resnet (Zagoruyko and Komodakis, 2016), and the
application of VQ and batch normalization (Ioffe and
Szegedy, 2015) like Table 3. We set N = 28, k = 2,
and made the embedding space contain 256 embed-
Table 3: Classifier Architecture.
Group name Output size Block type
conv1 32 × 32 [3 × 3, 16]
conv2 32 × 32
3 × 3, 16 × k
3 × 3, 16 × k
× N
conv3 16 × 16
3 × 3, 32 × k
3 × 3, 32 × k
× N
conv4 8 × 8
3 × 3, 64 × k
3 × 3, 64 × k
× N
bn 8 × 8 [1 × 1]
vq 8 × 8 [1 × 1]
avg-pool 1 × 1 [8 × 8]
Moreover, we have designed a decoder to reproduce
the original image from the embedding of the classi-
fier, symmetrical with the Classifier (Table 4).
SDMIS 2021 - Special Session on Super Distributed and Multi-agent Intelligent Systems