Experimental Analysis of the Relevance of Features and Effects on
Gender Classification Models for Social Media Author Profiling
Paloma Piot–Perez-Abadin
, Patricia Martin–Rodilla
and Javier Parapar
IRLab, CITIC Research Centre, Universidade de Coru
na, A Coru
na, Spain
Gender Classification, Author Profiling, Feature Relevance, Social Media.
Automatic user profiling from social networks has become a popular task due to its commercial applica-
tions (targeted advertising, market studies...). Automatic profiling models infer demographic characteristics
of social network users from their generated content or interactions. Users’ demographic information is also
precious for more social worrying tasks such as automatic early detection of mental disorders. For this type
of users’ analysis tasks, it has been shown that the way how they use language is an important indicator which
contributes to the effectiveness of the models. Therefore, we also consider that for identifying aspects such as
gender, age or user’s origin, it is interesting to consider the use of the language both from psycho-linguistic
and semantic features. A good selection of features will be vital for the performance of retrieval, classification,
and decision-making software systems. In this paper, we will address gender classification as a part of the au-
tomatic profiling task. We show an experimental analysis of the performance of existing gender classification
models based on external corpus and baselines for automatic profiling. We analyse in-depth the influence of
the linguistic features in the classification accuracy of the model. After that analysis, we have put together a
feature set for gender classification models in social networks with an accuracy performance above existing
Automatic author profiling is a research area that has
gained some relevance in recent years focused on
inferring social-demographic information about the
author or user of a certain application or software
service (
Alvarez-Carmona et al., 2016). The grow-
ing number of studies in author profiling is mainly
explained by the large number of possible applica-
tions in strategic sectors such as security, marketing,
forensic, e-commerce, fake profiles identification, etc.
(Rangel et al., 2014).
Recent author profiling efforts include the devel-
opment of shared tasks and corpora for evaluating au-
thor profiling, especially taking written texts by the
user as relevant information for the demographic pro-
file construction. Resultant author profiling models
show that the language used in social network publi-
cations is a very relevant demographic indicator, iden-
tifying aspects such as gender, age or user’s origin
from psycho-linguistic and semantic features. These
features play an important role in retrieval, classifica-
tion, and decision-making software systems.
However, some authors have begun to study this
area from a critical perspective, demanding more
”corpora benchmarks to develop and evaluate tech-
niques for author profiling” (Fatima et al., 2017) and
focusing on the classification model design as an ex-
tremely time-consuming task which requires some re-
duction efforts and comparative analysis. As an im-
portant part of the existing corpora and shared tasks
for author profiling, gender classification is a crucial
part of the demographic profile. Current classifica-
tion models present a high number of features about
the user’s behaviour and their linguistic style in writ-
ten texts and similar semantic variables that increase
the complexity and the time consumed in the design
and execution of gender classification models.
This paper shows an experimental analysis of the
performance of existing gender classification mod-
els. We use external corpora and baselines from well-
known author profiling shared tasks for our analysis.
The results allowed us to identify linguistic and se-
mantic features with special relevance in gender clas-
sification models from social networks, obtaining a
Piot–Perez-Abadin, P., Martin–Rodilla, P. and Parapar, J.
Experimental Analysis of the Relevance of Features and Effects on Gender Classification Models for Social Media Author Profiling.
DOI: 10.5220/0010431901030113
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2021), pages 103-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-508-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
feature-combined model for gender classification that
improves existing baselines in accuracy performance.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 in-
troduces the necessary background for the paper, in-
cluding works and real applications on author profil-
ing, specific cases in gender classification from social
networks and needs in terms of features studies and
their linguistic basis. Section 3 explains the exper-
imental analysis design including external data and
baselines used, and the experimental workflow car-
ried out. Section 4 details the experiment results and
the final model achieved. Section 5 discusses the final
results obtained, presenting some conclusions about
application possibilities and outlining future work.
It is common to include automatic profiling software
in marketing analysis and decision-making processes,
where certain companies and services are interested
in automatic profiling algorithms. The main goal is
knowing their current users or their potential market
for redirecting their advertising campaigns, as well as
evaluating the opinions of their users about products
or services.
In a different large group of applications, we can
find some more user-centred researches where auto-
matic profiling algorithms allow a forensic analysis at
a behavioural and psycho-linguistic level of the au-
thor or user of a certain application or software ser-
vice, such as blogs (Mukherjee and Liu, 2010), so-
cial networks (Alowibdi et al., 2013; Peersman et al.,
2011), etc. This analysis is being used successfully
to detect early risk on the internet of certain be-
haviours (e.g. cyberbullying (Dadvar et al., 2012),
hate speech (Chopra et al., 2020), etc.) and certain
mental disorders (depression (Losada et al., 2019;
Losada et al., 2018), bipolar disorder (Sekulic et al.,
2018), anorexia (Losada et al., 2017) etc.).
It is also possible to distinguish different main
approaches to the problem according to the primary
source of information used. First of all, we find in
the literature many studies and applications already
in production that use images or audiovisual material
as a primary source for automatic profiling (XueM-
ing Leng and YiDing Wang, 2008; Makinen and
Raisamo, 2008). Images or videos that can be shared
by a user on a social network, blog or web, or being
part of a more private repository as confidential infor-
mation, such as medical repositories, etc. In this type
of approach, the classification algorithms, using for
example Support vector machines (SVM) (Moghad-
dam and Ming-Hsuan Yang, 2000) or Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) have offered successful re-
sults (Levi and Hassner, 2015).
Another possible approach takes as source infor-
mation the behaviour of the user, their movements and
decisions using software systems. This approach is
common in author profiling from social networks or
in applications linked to the consumption of online
services. In general, the behaviour-based approach
tends to include behavioural variables (pages vis-
ited, links, connection times, purchases made, colour-
based studies, etc.) (Alowibdi et al., 2013; Alow-
ibdi et al., 2013; Peersman et al., 2011) as informa-
tion for author profiling (e.g. age or gender classifica-
tion), with results around 0.60 accuracy. To improve
these results, behavioural variables are usually com-
bined with semantic and psycho-linguistic variables
based on the analysis of the user’s textual comments
(posts on social networks, reviews of services, etc.),
requiring feature identification with a high linguistic
base. Recent author profiling shared tasks and studies
have explored lexical, grammatical or discursive com-
ponents (Miller et al., ; Ortega-Mendoza et al., 2016)
as features for author profiling, also in multilingual
environments (Fatima et al., 2017).
Thus, the natural language used in the publica-
tions of the social network is relevant for the auto-
matic profiling task. Most recent results offer clas-
sification models for certain aspects of author profil-
ing (mainly age and gender) with accuracy over 0.70
(Koppel et al., 2002). Vasilev (Vasilev, 2018) makes a
complete review of these systems in the specific case
of Reddit and, using controlled subreddits as sources,
achieves an accuracy close to 0.85, showing the po-
tential of the hybrid behavioural and linguistic com-
bination for automatic profiling from social networks.
However, all these success cases require a high
number of features in their classification models to
obtain above 0.70 of accuracy rates, especially se-
mantic and psycho-linguistic features. Some au-
thors have already warned of the excessive number
of features involved in classification systems for au-
tomatic profiling, which makes the task of designing
classification models for these systems a very time-
consuming task, and recommend specific studies to
reduce the number of features in the models (Alow-
ibdi et al., 2013).
Taking into account the potential of automatic pro-
filing systems based on semantic and linguistic fea-
tures and the need of experimental studies on existing
classification models for reducing their complexity,
this paper focuses on gender classification as a spe-
cific feature of automatic profiling. Gender is used as
a differential factor in the treatment and detection of
early risk signs in mental disorders (Aggarwal et al.,
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
2020), which makes gender crucial information on the
demographic profile of a user for these applications in
social networks.
The following sections show the design of exper-
iments carried out to study the features involved in
gender classification in several author profiling tasks,
determining their relevance in the classification mod-
els created. Subsequently, we propose a gender clas-
sification model with a reduction of features based
on the relevance found, achieving an improvement in
terms of accuracy.
3.1 Workflow
Our study presents two phases. Firstly, a phase where
a performance analysis of the most used gender clas-
sification models is carried out on the selected exter-
nal datasets, tracking each included feature on each
classification model in terms of the relevance and ef-
fects of their inclusion in the model analyzed. We
will use each model accuracy (Metz, 1978) as a per-
formance metric, measuring the accuracy of the mod-
els presented. This phase gives us results in two di-
rections: 1) which classification algorithms obtain the
best results for gender and 2) which of the semantic
and linguistic features incorporated have greater rele-
vance in the model, that is, which of them contribute
more to achieve the accuracy reported.
Once we have the most relevant features, a second
phase of experiments is carried out, building a model
that includes most relevant features and using gen-
der classification algorithms with better results. This
model serves as a base model for gender classification
in automatic profiling with a significant reduction in
The experiments carried out in both phases share
the design workflow, which follows a classic process
of experimentation in classification algorithms, with
two main processes: the training process and the test
process. Both train and test processes consist of a pre-
processing step, where we convert the raw data into a
data frame, and a feature engineering stage, where we
obtain the features from the corpus.
The training process continues by splitting the
dataset into a train and a test subset to train our mod-
els. We apply cross-validation and, the output will be
the resultant classification model.
The test phase takes the classification models to
predict the unseen data and gives us the accuracy of
the models. The workflow followed in each experi-
ment carried out is detailed in Figure 1).
3.2 Datasets
Most well-known efforts on author profiling are PAN
initiatives, with shared tasks editions between 2013
and 2020. We have selected two different datasets
which include gender information from PAN as ex-
ternal corpora for our experimental analysis. Specif-
ically, we have selected from the competition the
“PAN Author Profiling 2019” and the “PAN Celebrity
Profiling 2019” datasets, both in English. We have se-
lected these datasets because they are the most recent
available datasets at the time of our experiments’ de-
sign phase (the 2020 edition data was not known until
this 2020’s fall). All PAN datasets are available in
their website
The first dataset is divided into two parts: a train-
ing dataset and a test dataset. Both are composed of
bots and humans users, because the main goal of the
task was to identify if the author on Twitter informa-
tion is a human or a bot user, and, in case of human,
it is necessary to infer the user’s gender. Hence, we
have filtered out the bots for our repository. We have
used each dataset in its respective phase of our exper-
The second dataset presents only training part
with Twitter information. In this case, the goal of the
shared predicts celebrity traits from the teaser history.
In terms of celebrity gender, we had to filter out only
18 “nonbinary” users (as we modelled gender only in
male/female situations for our applications). We have
used the second dataset only the in training phases of
our experiments.
Next subsection details in depth both datasets in
terms of volume and internal characteristics.
3.2.1 “PAN Author Profiling 2019” Dataset
“PAN Author Profiling 2019” dataset (pan, ) comes
from the “Bots and Gender Profiling 2019” PAN
shared task. The goal of this task was: “Given a Twit-
ter feed, determine whether its author is a bot or a hu-
man. In the case of human, identify her/his gender”.
We decided to use this dataset as it is a balanced
collection containing social media texts without any
cleaning action and the interactive social media na-
ture of the data is also more suitable for our objec-
tives. Furthermore, this dataset has streams of text
with temporal continuity in the writings. This allows
the appearance of linguistic phenomena in the contri-
butions of the writers that are likely to be relevant as
features for our gender classification study.
Experimental Analysis of the Relevance of Features and Effects on Gender Classification Models for Social Media Author Profiling
Figure 1: Gender classification task workflow.
Table 1: Author Profiling 2019” dataset.
author id gender
0 ccbe6914a203b899882 male
1 a3b93437a32dba31def male
2 a1655b4b89e7f4a76a9 male
3 de3eee10fbac25fe396 male
4 2a61915c1cd27b842ee male
. . . . . . . . .
2055 f92806b515385388c83 female
2056 a820cb38384e19a3043 female
2057 f17345aeea69b649063 female
2058 f334e25ccf9a18f1eb2 female
2059 b2eb427fb56beace062 female
Each user is represented in the dataset as a .xml
file. Each file contains an author tag, which includes
a documents tag holding a list of 100 document
symbolizing one Tweet each. This dataset has a
truth.txt master file containing the gender label for
each author. See Table 1 for entrance examples.
After preprocessing the dataset, we have ended up
having a balanced dataset with 2060 users: 1030 fe-
male users and 1030 male users. (See Table 2).
Table 2: Author Profiling 2019” dataset users by gender.
male 1030
female 1030
3.2.2 “PAN Celebrity Profiling 2019” Dataset
“PAN Celebrity Profiling 2019” dataset
comes from
the “Celebrity Profiling 2019” PAN task. The goal of
this task was: “Given a celebrity’s Twitter feed, deter-
mine its owner’s age, fame, gender, and occupation”.
We have decided to use this dataset for the same
reasons as described in “PAN Author Profiling 2019”
dataset and, besides it contains plenty of user-profiles
and an average of 2000 Tweets per user. Thus it will
complement the author’s competition dataset prop-
The available data consist of two files: the feed
file containing the author id and a list of all Tweets
for each user and the labels file holding the author
id and the value for each trait. The traits are fame, oc-
cupation, birth year, and gender. In the present study,
we have disregarded all but gender. See Table 3 for
entrance examples.
After preprocessing the dataset, we have winded
up obtaining an unbalanced dataset, with twice more
male users than female users. (See Table 4).
Due to the complexity of the task and the final
goals of our study, these have been the datasets that
best suit our needs. Therefore, we have decided to use
these in our experiments. Moreover, these sets would
let us be able to compare our results with a clear base-
3.3 Data Preprocessing
Each combination of gender classification algorithm
+ classification model features reproduces the same
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 3: “PAN Celebrity Profiling 2019” dataset.
author id gender
0 3849 male
1 957 female
2 14388 female
3 7446 male
4 1107 female
... ... ...
14494 33530 female
14495 29315 male
14496 36954 male
14497 4554 male
14498 4512 male
Table 4: “PAN Celebrity Profiling 2019” dataset users per
male 10409
female 4072
nonbinary 18
workflow detailed in Figure 1. First, and before per-
forming feature engineering on the data, we have
transformed the different documents to have a ho-
mogeneous set. For the “PAN Author Profiling
2019” we have joined each .xml into one file and
have converted it into a .csv file. In the case of
“PAN Celebrity Profiling 2019”, we have merged
both .json file and have transformed it into a .csv
The .csv file consists of an id column, a text
column enclosing all messages (our corpus), and a
gender column (what we want to predict).
We have decided not to carry out any additional
preprocessing steps. Applying stemming or lemming
would suppose a loss of potentially relevant informa-
tion for the classification task, just like removing stop-
words and special characters since the corpus will be
significantly abridged, and therefore entailing a loss
of content and precision.
3.4 Feature Engineering
The main idea behind feature engineering is using
domain knowledge to obtain features from the cor-
pus. To find a characteristic pattern between di-
verse authors, we have used these features. The first
goal of this study is to analyze what kind of features
present current models of gender classification, ana-
lyzing their relevance and effects on the model. For
this purpose, we have divided the found features and
some extra features added by us into three groups
based on the intrinsic nature of the information in-
1. Sociolinguistic features
2. Sentiment Analysis features
3. Topic modelling features
3.4.1 Sociolinguistic Features
Sociolinguistics is the study of the effect of any as-
pect of society on the way language is used (Rajend
et al., 2009; Coates, 2015). In sociolinguistics, gen-
der refers to sexual identity concerning culture and
society. How words are used can both reflect and re-
inforce social attitudes toward gender. From this def-
inition, we have calculated how many times a pecu-
liar stylistic feature appears in the text concerning this
category. This approach will help us, for instance, to
find a common generalized lexicon shared by males
and another for females, or to infer grammatical or
discursive structures uses with difference by gender.
In particular, some of the features in this group
that we have found in previous models or have in-
cluded in our experiments refer to:
Emojis features, which are related to the lexi-
cal derivation and new word formation and with
the semantics and neurolinguistics implications of
emotion and symbols.
Punctuation marks, which are related to syntaxis
and speech analysis, like word and text length.
Features as repeated alphabets, readability, and
cosine similarity as pragmatic features, among
URLs and hashtags, which at the same time are
personal-temporal-space references.
Self-referentiality is a feature that is usually added
to stop words, and thus it is not recorded, but it has
a powerful sociolinguistic effect on the classifica-
tion task.
Part-of-Speech (POS) information in form of POS
Tags are sociolinguistic traits taking into account
the syntax but also related to speech and discourse
Readability is a metric that indicates how difficult
a text in English is to understand. It is defined by
Flesch-Kincaid reading ease, where a higher score
indicates that the passage is easier to read (Ease,
2009). The following formula is used to calculate
this score:
206.835 1.015
total words
total sentences
total syllables
total words
A summary on the sociolinguistic features analyzed
is shown in Table 5. As technical level, we have used
Experimental Analysis of the Relevance of Features and Effects on Gender Classification Models for Social Media Author Profiling
regular expressions, pandas, and libraries like scikit-
, spaCy
, pyphen
and Emoji
, to ex-
tract and perform this features analysis from datasets
3.4.2 Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis is the field of study that analyzes
people’s opinions, sentiments, emotions, etc. from
written language (Liu, 2010; Liu, 2012). In this pro-
cess, we usually try to determine whether a piece of
writing is positive, negative, or neutral.
We have made use of NLTK sentiment analysis
analyzer to extract the compound and neutral scores
for each document in the corpus. Sentiment anal-
ysis helps us to understand the author’s experiences
and can be a pattern differentiated between males and
females. Thus, sentiment analysis information con-
stitutes also a feature to take into account in gender
classification models.
3.4.3 Topic Modelling
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a topic model
proposed by David Blei et al. (Blei et al., 2003) used
to classify text in a document referring to a particu-
lar topic. It is an unsupervised generative statistical
model which builds a topic per document model and
words per topic model, modelled as Dirichlet distri-
LDA is commonly used for automatically extract-
ing and finding hidden patterns among the corpus.
This feature can help us modelling relations between
topics for each gender category.
We have followed this approach for topic mod-
elling. We have executed this solution in order to
fetch the twenty most significant topics, defined with
twenty words each, and constituting also (twenty) fea-
tures in our gender classification study. These features
are represented by the numbers from 1 to 20. In Fig-
ure 2 the features tagged with the numbers from 1 to
20 represent these topics.
3.5 Classification Algorithms and
Experimental Configurations
We have examined different classifiers and, consid-
ering gender classification as a binary classification
task, we have taken into account different approaches
making use of the following algorithms. To find the
best performance, we have performed a grid search
to hyper-parameter tuning experiments. Finally, we
have run our experiments with the following algo-
rithms and configurations:
Random Forest, the default configuration of
sklearn implementation of this algorithm, except
the estimators (500). As this is a sophisticated
task, we decided to try Random Forest to be able
to learn a non-linear decision boundary and try to
achieve higher accuracy scores than with a linear-
based algorithm (Kirasich et al., 2018).
Adaptive Boosting, base estimator Decision Tree,
500 estimators, algorithm SAMME, maximum
depth 9. The main idea behind boosting algo-
rithms is to train predictors sequentially, each one
trying to correct the errors of its predecessor in
each iteration so that the next classifier is built
based on the classification error of the previous
one. Numerous PAN competition participants
have tried out AdaBoost on the bots recognition
task, so we have decided to attempt AdaBoost in
the gender classification task (Bacciu et al., 2019).
LightGBM, 500 iterations, maximum depth 7,
learning rate 0.15, gbdt boosting, metric binary
logloss, min data in leaf 600, bagging fraction
0.8, feature fraction 0.8. We have decided to
use LightGBM because it is a gradient boost-
ing framework that uses tree-based learning algo-
rithms. It focuses on the accuracy of results and it
is one of the algorithms that is leading classifica-
tion competitions (Ke et al., 2017).
We have carried out combinations of experiments to
see which is the most effective classifier for the gen-
der profiling task, evaluating its precision to find out
which is the most suitable.
We have trained the model making use of the
“PAN Author Profiling 2019” train dataset and “PAN
Celebrity Profiling 2019” dataset. We made our clas-
sification results based on the accuracy of the model
on the “PAN Author Profiling 2019” test dataset.
In Table 6 we show our experiments results. Each
column represents the dataset used for training each
experiment, while each row represent the features
combination and the algorithm used. We have rep-
resented “PAN Author Profiling 2019” train dataset
as Author” and “PAN Celebrity Profiling 2019” as
“Celebrity”. The combination of both is Author +
Celebrity”. Moreover, the validation of our models
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 5: Sociolinguistic features described.
Feature Names Feature Description
Emojis use Emojis use ratio per user documents
Separator and special characters Blanks/brackets/ampersand/underscore ratio per user documents
Punctuation marks Question/exclamation/punctuation marks ratio per user documents
URLs, hashtag Separately URLs and hashtags ratio per user
Tokens Words ratio per user document
Words length, text length Mean word length and text length
POS Tags Part-of-speech tagging: ratio per user documents
Repeated alphabets Repeated alphabets ratio per user documents
Self-referentiality Ratio of sentences refering to ifself
Readability Metric for the ease with which a reader can understand a written text
Cosine similarity Measure of similarity between two documents (in all user documents)
has taken place with “PAN Celebrity Profiling 2019”
dataset, so the accuracy is regarding this dataset.
Regarding featuring combination, we have tested
the models: 1) with initial sociolinguistic features
without topic information, 2) with all initial features
+ adding topic modelling information, 3) eliminating
the features with zero relevance on the data -in Fig-
ure 2, the ones with zero coefficient-, 4) removing
the less important features -in Figure 2, removing the
ones with a coefficient lower than 20- and 5) top half
important features -in Figure 2, keeping the ones with
a coefficient higher than 50-.
Regarding classification algorithms, we have
trained Random Forest; Ada Boost with Decision
Tree as a base estimator and LightGBM; with the
mentioned parameter configuration. Accuracy results
on 1, 2, 4 and 5 feature configuration (combination 3
offered the same accuracy as 2) are shown in Table 6.
It is important to highlight that the experiments
carried out also allow us to perform an analysis on
each specific feature, its relevance and effects on each
model. Thus, Figure 2 shows the relevance of each
feature in the classification model with higher accu-
racy (LightGBM). The graph is generated by Light-
GBM by using the function feature importance(),
and the importance type is calculated with “split”,
which means that the result contains the number of
times a feature is used to split the data across all trees.
We can see that love emojis, exclamation marks,
affection emojis, and articles together with one of the
topic models are the most important features in the
classification model studied. This feature relevance
metric shows the number of times the feature is used
in a model, the higher, the more important.
Other features like cosine similarity, self-
referentiality, readability, numbers, interjections, and
adjectives are among the half more relevant features.
Determiners, monkey emojis, word ratio, and
word length mean, has a low impact, but still, their
contribution is relevant as the classifier gets worse if
we remove them.
On the other hand, we can find some features that
are good candidates for removing: square brackets,
lines, and coordinating conjunctions have no real im-
pact on our classification models. Thus, removing
them by evaluating the models with zero coefficient
on them makes the models maintain the same accu-
racy. These features seem to have small relevance in
the classifiers models, although in some cases, remov-
ing those it can bring about a decrease in the model.
Comparing the results, the best approach we have
achieved was using LightGBM learning algorithm
with LDA topics and keeping all features. We got
an accuracy of 0.7735, and we can compare our re-
sult with the classification accuracy in “PAN Author
Profiling 2019” task, as we have validated our models
with the test dataset given by PAN. As we decided to
study the primary linguistic features, our accuracy re-
sults are not among the top of PAN competition, but
still, we have demonstrated that this approach gives a
good result (almost 4 out of 5 are well classified), and
combining this approach with word and char n-grams
can result on an excellent classifier.
We can also remark that the combination of both
available datasets gives a better result because the
model can generalize more advantageously. There-
fore the outcome in unseen data is slightly higher than
the other experiments.
First of all, it is important to highlight that, due to
merging both author and celebrity datasets results in
a higher accuracy model, it is possible that merging
similar sources for obtaining a higher volume of train-
ing data, we could improve the presented results.
Experimental Analysis of the Relevance of Features and Effects on Gender Classification Models for Social Media Author Profiling
Figure 2: Results on feature relevance.
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 6: Gender classification accuracy.
Model + features Author Celebrity Author + Celebrity
All features and topics
RandomForestClassifier 0.6030 0.5470 0.7174
AdaBoostClassifier 0.5538 0.5114 0.7470
LightGBM 0.5818 0.6121 0.7735
All features without topics
RandomForestClassifier 0.6621 0.5174 0.6780
AdaBoostClassifier 0.6523 0.5197 0.6780
LightGBM 0.6598 0.5795 0.7152
Without less important features
RandomForestClassifier 0.6720 0.5303 0.6985
AdaBoostClassifier 0.6598 0.5083 0.7258
LightGBM 0.6803 0.5068 0.7561
Top half important features
RandomForestClassifier 0.6530 0.5523 0.6583
AdaBoostClassifier 0.6545 0.5871 0.6795
LightGBM 0.6538 0.5985 0.7008
So, our study and the resultant models present
some improvements in accuracy comparing with
some reported results on gender classification PAN
. This study has shown how linguistic features
such as sentiment analysis or topic modelling play an
important role in gender classification for author pro-
Another interesting effect shown in the experi-
ments is that, although there are almost non-relevant
features in the models, removing some features with
very low relevance coefficients lead to a decrease in
the accuracy: this means that every characteristic we
have calculated denotes effect in some way (i.e. pos-
itive or negative effects on the gender classification
model). This situation somehow justifies the previous
trend of adding features to the classification models
until reaching the enormous number of features re-
ported in recent works. However, we must take into
account the effective cost of the design and execution
of these models with so many features. Thus, this
study presents quantitative results on features rele-
vance that allow us to analyze the impact of removing
features in some classification combinations. As can
be seen in Table 6, the accuracies obtained 1) for the
best algorithm -LightGBM- in the case of the com-
plete model (with all the features) and 2) for that al-
gorithm -LightGBM- in the case of the efficient model
(without less important features) are not so far apart.
These results open space for discussing in which
cases and for which software systems a slightly higher
accuracy is necessary in the case of gender classifi-
cation but with a much higher design and execution
time-consuming models (due to the large number of
features), or in which cases we can apply the efficient
model with the lowest number of features without
compromising the gender classification of the soft-
ware system. Although there is still work to be done
to improve accuracy for models with less number of
features, the savings in terms of design and execution
effort can outweigh many applications.
As immediate future steps, and following the re-
sults detailed here, it is necessary to generalize even
more the original datasets used as sources of informa-
tion. As we obtain better results on mixing datasets,
we plan to run the same battery of experiments includ-
ing other datasets with gender information to increase
the generalization possibilities of our study.
We also plan in the future to perform similar stud-
ies on specific aspects of author profiling tasks, such
as age or socio-economic variables (income level,
etc.) classification and inferring. These studies
present different challenges compared to the case of
gender classification, mainly due to the non-binary
nature of the classification problem. Due to this, the
number of possible approaches and possible features
for these models is even greater than for binary classi-
fication problems, which makes these studies relevant
to alleviate the problem of the large number of fea-
tures in the models. For these challenges, we could
use even a more linguistic-based approach, such as n-
grams or n-chars models. Including these approaches
Experimental Analysis of the Relevance of Features and Effects on Gender Classification Models for Social Media Author Profiling
could help us to achieve better results. Also, trying a
word embedding approach may result in an improve-
ment of the models, but we have decided to focus on
studying the importance of the primary features.
Finally, we plan to test the classification models
with the best performance (best accuracy with a fewer
number of features) both for gender and for the rest
of the automatic profiling aspects in real applications
that are already doing author profiling. These tests
will allow us to evaluate efficient models versus those
that are already in use (with a higher number of fea-
tures), analyzing whether it is worth putting less time-
consuming models into production (with fewer fea-
tures) achieving similar accuracy results. Thus, we
could figure out which type of application it is appro-
priate employing the efficient model or on the con-
trary, in which applications it is better to opt for the
time-consuming solution.
This work was supported by projects RTI2018-
093336-B-C21, RTI2018-093336-B-C22 (Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innvovaci
on & ERDF) and the financial
support supplied by the Conseller
ıa de Educaci
Universidade e Formaci
on Profesional (accreditation
2019-2022 ED431G/01, ED431B 2019/03) and the
European Regional Development Fund, which ac-
knowledges the CITIC Research Center in ICT of the
University of A Coru
na as a Research Center of the
Galician University System.
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