Benefits of an Audience Response System based on Polls with Mobile
Phones in Engineering Education
L. Mediero
, A. Lastra
1,2 b
and J. H. García Palacios
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Department of Civil Engineering, Hydraulics, Energy and Environment,
ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Profesor Aranguren, 3, 28040, Madrid, Spain
Canal de Isabel II. Research, Development and Innovation Department, Calle Santa Engracia 125, 28003, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Audience Response System, Electronic Voting, Poll Everywhere, Civil Engineering, Smartphones.
Abstract: Traditional teaching techniques based on either chalk and board or PowerPoint are usual in civil engineering
schools, fostering a passive behaviour in students. Active learning techniques based on audience response
systems can overcome such passivity. Currently, most undergraduates and postgraduates own a smartphone.
Therefore, lectures based on polls with smartphones can help to improve student learning. This study presents
the benefits of a lecture based on an audience response system compared with a traditional teaching technique.
A poll related to smartphone-use was applied to a lecture in hydraulics delivered in a civil engineering school
to solve a complex open-channel flow problem. The results showed that student learning and understanding
about the procedure to perform the exercise correctly improved highly by means of active learning activity.
The number of students that failed a similar exercise after the class halved because of the mobile-based poll.
In addition, the student satisfaction survey highlighted that the activity led to a more active class. The survey
also found that most of the students felt that the activity is interesting and useful to understand how to address
such exercises.
In engineering schools, traditional teaching methods
based on one-way techniques to communicate with
students are usual, through either standard lectures or
PowerPoint presentations (Lim, 2017). By using such
techniques, students obtain information from the
instructor inactively, as the instructor talks and the
students listen to her or him passively. Traditional
teaching does not allow the instructor to know if the
students have understood the lecture content, mainly
in large groups in which students are not motivated to
participate in class.
In contrast, active learning methods that engage
students in the learning process have been proven to
be more effective (Prince, 2004; Barros et al., 2016;
Lima et al., 2017; Christie and Graaf, 2017). Active
learning techniques include activities developed in
the classroom that engage students in the learning
process actively. Furthermore, active learning
promotes the capacity for lifelong learning in
students, required to succeed in contemporary
society, as lifelong learners are curious, motivated,
reflective, analytical, persistent, flexible, and
independent (Lord et al., 2012).
An active learning technique entails classroom
response systems (CRS) that are a set of combinations
of hardware and software to support an active
communication in classes (Beatty, 2004; Fang, 2009).
CRSs can be classified into audience response
systems (ARSs), voting machines, wireless keypad
response systems, classroom communication systems
and electronic response systems (Fies and Marshall,
2006). In the past, ARSs were based on clickers or
small wireless hand held devices. Several studies
found that clickers improve student attendance and
increase their active participation in classroom
(Kenwright, 2009; Yourstone et al., 2008). Such
clickers allow instructors to engage students in class
and class surveys have shown that students enjoy
Mediero, L., Lastra, A. and Palacios, J.
Benefits of an Audience Response System based on Polls with Mobile Phones in Engineering Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0010433403070314
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 307-314
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
clickers (Martyn, 2007). In addition, ARSs are
suitable in implementing active learning activities in
large groups, in which students are not motivated to
answer questions in class and lecturers cannot obtain
any feedback (Caldwell, 2007; Ayu et al., 2009).
ARSs have been implemented previously in several
engineering courses (Silliman and McWilliams,
2004; Petr, 2005). ARSs are generally well-perceived
by teachers and students in all the disciplines
(Herrada et al., 2020).
Recently, clicker costs have been reduced by
following the bring-your-own-device (BYOD)
system that promotes the use of devices that students
own (Sundgren, 2017; Hung, 2016). Nowadays, most
higher education students own a smartphone that can
be used for educational purposes (Florenthal, 2019).
In addition, most classrooms at higher education
schools have a personal computer and a projector.
Consequently, the application of ARSs to higher
education has become a cost-free activity, as no
devices or clickers have to be acquired to implement
such methods, the responses can be sent through a
web browser in a smartphone and the results can be
displayed in classrooms.
Universities have shown great expectation about
rethinking educational strategies with mobile phones
(Kadry and Roufayel, 2017; Barreiro-Gen, 2020). An
effective ARS can be developed by combining
student smartphones and a polling website (Wong,
2016). Mobile-based polling (MBP) techniques
increase student engagement in class in three levels:
behaviourally, emotionally, and cognitively (Noel et
al., 2015). MBP helps students to identify their
weaknesses and strengths, as well as increase class
attendance (Voelkel and Bennet, 2014). In addition,
brainwave data have shown that attention increases in
polling activities compared with traditional teaching
techniques (Sun, 2014). The main strengths of MBP
systems involve anonymity, knowledge acquisition,
interactivity, immediate feedback, usefulness, ease of
use and motivation to participate (Florenthal, 2018).
Furthermore, results can be displayed in real time in
the classroom, if a computer and a projector are
available, thus promoting discussion with students.
The instructor can detect questions that have not been
understood by students, improving the feedback
obtained by traditional teaching techniques.
Polling techniques have been applied previously
in higher education engineering schools (Sánchez-
Carracedo et al., 2018; Villanueva et al., 2017).
Several applications are available to implement MBP
systems in class, such as Poll Everywhere, Kahoot,
Socrative and Mentimeter, among others. In this
study, Poll Everywhere is used. This paper presents
an ARS with a MBP technique by using Poll
Everywhere, in order to implement an active learning
activity on the Hydraulic and Hydrology module
taught at the Civil Engineering School of the
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. A complex open-
channel flow problem was summarised through a set
of questions in Poll Everywhere to avoid the long
numerical calculations required to perform the
exercise, focusing on the theoretical aspects that
students have to understand to solve correctly such
kinds of problems. A gamification-based approach
was used to solve the exercise step by step.
This paper is organised as follows. Section 2
presents the methodology, including a summary of
the subject, students and groups selected to assess the
proposed activity, the description of the Poll
Everywhere software and the specific activities
proposed to assess the benefits of the MBP. In Section
3, the results of the activities are shown and
discussed. Section 4 discusses the results. Lastly,
Section 5 summarises the main conclusions.
In this section, first, the subject, groups and problem
selected to assess the active learning activity are
presented. Second, the Poll Everywhere software is
described. Third, a short exercise similar to the
problem explained to students in class used to assess
student learning is presented. Lastly, the satisfaction
survey is shown in detail.
2.1 Subject, Groups and Problem
The MBP system was implemented in an
undergraduate module taught in the third year of the
civil engineering degree at the Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid, in hydraulic and hydrology.
More specifically, it is taught in the first semester of
the third year. The syllabus of the subject in
hydraulics includes hydrostatics, flow in close
conduits, hydraulic pumps and open-channel flow. In
hydrology, it includes statistical hydrology, the
rational method, the curve number method, unit
hydrographs and stream channel routing.
The subject had 136 students enrolled in the
academic year 2019-2020. The students are split into
two groups with around 60 students in each one at the
beginning of the academic year. Consequently, they
can be considered large groups collected randomly.
In order to assess the benefits of the proposed
MBP system, different teaching techniques were
applied to each group. In Group A, the MBP method
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
based on Poll Everywhere was applied (Figure 1). In
addition, the chalk-and-board methodology was used
for clarifying learning flaws detected in questions
answered incorrectly. In Group B, a traditional
teaching method based on board and chalk was used.
Figure 1: Lecture with an MBP method by using Poll
A problem similar to those included in the
problem-solving exam that is set at the end of the
course to evaluate student learning in the subject was
selected. The selected exercise belonged to the open-
channel flow part of the subject syllabus. It consisted
of a 10-m width channel with a descending step of
50 cm in subcritical flow. Students usually encounter
difficulties in understanding how to solve this type of
problem, as they have to combine the theoretical
hydraulic concepts taught previously regarding
steady and gradually varied flow, specific-energy
curves and hydraulic jumps. In addition, long
calculations based on iterative methods are required.
An MBP system is proposed to improve student
learning about the theoretical reasoning required to
solve the problem. The MBP system avoids the long
calculations required, focusing on understanding the
theoretical concepts needed to solve it.
The same exercise was taught in both groups,
Group A with the MBP system and Group B with a
traditional chalk-and-board class. At the end of both
MBP and traditional chalk-and-board classes, a short
exercise analogous to that explained in class was set
to evaluate if students understood the lecture.
2.2 Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is online MBP software that can
collect student answers either named or anonymous
by using an electronic device such as a smartphone.
Poll Everywhere is suitable software to apply the
BYOD system to a higher education class. The
instructor previously shapes the poll by using a
sequence of questions. The questions can be
true/false, multiple choice, open-ended and numeric
(Shon and Smith, 2011). In class, the students can
access the poll questions through the website by using the poll name given by the
instructors. Students do not need to install any
application on their smartphones. The responses can
be collected anonymously.
Students have a given time to answer each
question. If a computer and projector are available,
the results can be displayed through the Poll
Everywhere website in real time, showing the answer
histogram. After the given time, the question is
closed. Then, a discussion about the results can be
opened. Instructors can detect student weaknesses in
the response histogram, mainly if an incorrect
response shows a high probability of answers. The
discussion can be focused on the parts of the problem
in which students have had more difficulties.
In this case, the MBP problem was presented as a
collaborative game with a series of levels. Each level
corresponded to a multiple choice question with only
one correct answer. Each question included all the
information required to select the correct answer,
avoiding any long calculation. For instance, given the
critical and uniform flow depth values, the student
had to identify the type of slope, either mild or steep.
Students were allowed to discuss answers only with
his or her neighbour.
The problem solution advances depending on the
most voted answer. Consequently, if a wrong answer
is the most voted in a given level, it opens a way that
leads to the wrong solution. The problem moves until
the students realise that it is the incorrect way.
2.3 Short Exercise to Evaluate Student
At the end of both the MBP class in Group A and the
traditional board-and-chalk class in Group B, a short
exercise similar to the problem explained previously
was passed in order to evaluate student learning and
the effectiveness of each methodology regarding
student understanding about how to solve the
problem. In addition, the short exercise aimed to
assess if students were able to solve the problem
individually by using what they had learned in class.
In this case, the short exercise consisted of a 6-m
width channel (instead of 10 m) with a descending
step of 40 cm (instead of 50 cm) in subcritical flow.
The students had to obtain the profile of the water
level, identifying the location of the hydraulic jump.
They had around 10 minutes to do the short exercise.
All the required values of uniform and critical water
Benefits of an Audience Response System based on Polls with Mobile Phones in Engineering Education
depths, specific energy in uniform and critical flows
and conjugate water depth of the uniform water depth
were supplied. In addition, the specific-energy curve
for the given channel width was supplied to obtain
additional required water depths qualitatively without
calculations. Students had to draw the water profile in
the open channel, instead of answering questions
similar to the proposed in either the MBP-based or
chalk-and-board classes.
2.4 Student Satisfaction Survey
Lastly, at the end of the MBP problem in Group A, a
student satisfaction survey was conducted, in order to
obtain the feedback of students engaged in the active
learning activity. The satisfaction survey included the
following questions:
Q1: Has the voting-based activity been
interesting for you?
Q2: Has the voting-based activity been
useful for you?
Q3: Has the voting-based activity improved
your motivation in this part of the subject?
Q4: Has the voting-based activity improved
your active participation in class?
Q5: Do you consider that the voting-based
activity allows a more active class?
Q6: Has the voting-based activity improved
my attention and concentration in class?
Each question had five answers: (i) much; (ii)
rather; (iii) indifferent; (iv) little; and (v) nothing.
The MBP activity with Poll Everywhere was applied
to Group A and 32 students attended the class and
participated in the poll. In Group B, 43 students
attended the chalk-and-board lecture. Students in
Group A did not know that the lecture would involve
an active-learning activity based on a polling with
smartphones, to avoid some students from Group B
moving to Group A to attend such a lecture.
In this section, first the results of the short exercise
passed at the end of the class to evaluate student
learning are presented and, second, the results of the
satisfaction survey are discussed.
3.1 A Short Exercise to Evaluate
Student Learning
A short exercise was set at the end of the class in both
groups, to assess the improvement of the MBP lecture
compared with the traditional chalk-and-board
lecture, in terms of student learning after the lecture
and skill to solve the problem. Figure 2 shows the
histogram of marks in the short exercise for each
group. Marks can range from zero to 10. In Group A,
65.6 % of students obtained a mark of 10. However,
in Group B, a smaller proportion of students did so
perfectly (48.8 %). In Group A, two out of three
students obtained the highest mark.
Figure 2: Marks in the short exercise passed at the end of
the class: a) Group A; b) Group B.
In Group A, 15.6 % of students had a mark below
five and failed the short exercise. In Group B, a larger
number of students failed the exercise, doubling the
figure obtained in Group A to 30.2 %.
Consequently, the active learning activity with an
MBP improved student learning in the lecture, as well
as understanding of the problem. A lecture based on
polls with smartphones led to a higher probability of
students with the highest mark, solving the problem
perfectly, as well as a lower probability of students
that had a mark below five. Students in Group A
understood better how to solve the problem, applying
the theoretical reasoning correctly.
Table 1 shows the main statistics of the marks in
the short exercise passed at the end of the class. It can
be seen that Group A has both mean and median
values greater than in Group B. The median value in
Group A is 10. This means that more than half of the
students obtained a mark of 10. The median value in
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Group B is eight, two points smaller than in Group A.
In addition, Group A had a mean value 1.20 points
larger than Group B. The mean and median values
pointed to an improvement in the problem
understanding and student learning thanks to MBP
methodology proposed.
Table 1: Main statistics of the marks in the short exercise
passed at the end of the class.
Statistics Group A Group B
Mean 8.41 7.21
Median 10 8
Standard deviation 2.61 3.27
Coefficient of variation 0.31 0.45
Regarding the variability in marks, Group A
showed smaller values of both the standard deviation
and coefficient of variation statistics than Group B,
indicating that the MBP technique homogenises
student skills to solve the exercise, compared with a
traditional lecture based on chalk and board.
Summarising, the lecture with an active learning
activity following an MBP improved student learning
and problem understanding, leading to a higher
proportion of students with the highest mark and a
larger mean value in marks. In addition, the MBP
lecture homogenises the student skills to solve the
exercise, smoothing the differences among students
observed after a traditional chalk-and-board class.
The differences between groups in terms of
student learning and problem understanding could be
attributed to both students and the instructor. The
polls with smartphones fostered student attention in
class. Consequently, the students realised their
weaknesses through the answer histogram displayed
in real time in class. In addition, they realised their
mistakes compared with their classmates, motivating
them to improve their learning. In a traditional chalk-
and-board class, students cannot be aware of their
weaknesses. In addition, students cannot compare
their learning level with their classmates, as
traditional teaching methods promote a passive
behaviour in students. In a chalk-and-board class,
most of students devote their time to copy what is
written in the board.
In addition, in an MBP lecture, the instructor
could become aware of the usual student mistakes, as
well as the aspects that have not been understood
correctly by them. The answer histogram shows such
weaknesses in the wrong answers answered with a
considerable probability. Consequently, the instructor
can use the class time between sequent questions to
clarify the theoretical concepts not understood
correctly by the students, avoiding wasting time to
explain concepts that students know perfectly. In a
traditional chalk-and-board class, the instructor
hardly obtains feedback from their students and
cannot detect their weaknesses. In this case, the
lecture is prepared in advance to cover the time of the
class with a low flexibility to adapt and spend more
time in the parts of the problem in which a given
group has more problems, as the instructor cannot
know such information. In addition, most of students
do not realise their weaknesses until they study their
notes at home some time after the end of the class.
3.2 Student Satisfaction Survey
At the end of the Group A class, delivered with the
MBP system, a survey was conducted by using Poll
Everywhere. The survey consisted of six questions
about interest, usefulness, motivation, active
participation, active class, and attention and
concentration. The full questions are included in
Section 2.4. The responses were collected
anonymously. Figure 3 shows the answer histogram
for each question. 28 students responded the student
satisfaction survey out of the 32 students that attended
the lecture and participated in the poll.
Most of the students that responded to the survey
agreed that the lecture based on polls with
smartphones was either very or rather interesting,
85.71 %, for them, 42.86 % answered that it was very
interesting and 42.86 % rather interesting. Only
14.29 % of students answered that the lecture was
indifferent for them. Therefore, students showed a
high interest in the class. Maybe such interest was
intensified because civil engineering students are
used to classes based on traditional techniques.
The responses about the usefulness of the lecture
were similar to the previous question: 85.71 %
responded that the lecture was either very or rather
useful for them; 10.71 % of students felt indifferent
and 3.57 % thought that the usefulness of the active
learning activity was low. Apart from the interest of
students in the activity, maybe intensified by its
novelty, the students felt that the lecture was useful
for improving their learning, clarifying the problem
understanding. This result is crucial for the activity
assessment, as the teaching methodology was
changed and aimed to improve the lecture usefulness
for students.
Benefits of an Audience Response System based on Polls with Mobile Phones in Engineering Education
Figure 3: Results of the student satisfaction survey
conducted after the MBP lecture in Group A regarding
interest, usefulness and motivation. In x axis, the numbers
indicate the satisfaction grade: 1 Nothing; 2 Little;
3 – Indifferent; 4 – Rather; 5 – Much.
In terms of motivation, the answers were more
spread. Of the students, 60.71% felt that the lecture
based on an MBP system improved their motivation
in the part of the subject devoted to open-channel
flow. However, 39.29 % of students thought the
contrary. Consequently, the active learning activity
did not foster the motivation in the subject in one out
of three students. It should be highlighted that 7.14 %
of students felt that the activity did not improve their
motivation at all.
The MBP activity improved the active
participation in 64.29 % of students, though 32.14 %
of students felt indifferent about such improvement.
However, 96.43 % of students agreed that the active
learning activity allows a more active class either
much or rather. Only 3.57 % of students felt
indifferent compared with a class based on a
traditional technique. Consequently, almost all the
students agreed that an MBP activity led to a more
active class compared to traditional teaching.
However, only two out of three felt that the activity
has improved their active participation in class. The
proposed activity improves the passivity of traditional
techniques, though some improvements are required
to foster the active participation of students in class.
Figure 4: Results of the student satisfaction survey
conducted after the MBP lecture in Group A regarding
active participation, active class, and attention and
concentration. In x axis, the numbers indicate the
satisfaction grade: 1 – Nothing; 2Little; 3 – Indifferent; 4
– Rather; 5 – Much.
Lastly, 67.86 % of students felt that the MBP
lecture improved their attention and concentration.
However, 32.14 % of students felt indifferent in this
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2 shows the main statistics that summarise
the answers in each question. The highest mean value
is obtained in Q5 regarding the lecture improvement
in terms of an active class. Consequently, students
highlight that the proposed activity leads to a more
active class. Q1 and Q2 also obtain mean values
greater than four, pointing to the interest and
usefulness of the activity. Q3 shows the lowest mean
value, indicating that the MBP lecture can be
improved to stimulate the student motivation in this
part of the subject.
Table 2: Main statistics summarising the student impression
about the MBP polling passed at the end of the class in
Group A.
Number of
28 4.29 0.713
28 4.25 0.799
28 3.61 1.066
28 3.89 0.875
28 4.5 0.577
28 3.89 0.737
The student satisfaction survey conducted at the end
of the class showed that students highlighted that the
activity led to a more active class, compared with
either chalk-and-board or PowerPoint-based classes
that are usual in civil engineering schools. The survey
also found that most of the students felt that the
activity was interesting and useful to understand how
to solve open-channel flow problems. The novelty of
the active learning activity in civil engineering
schools could intensify student interest in it.
However, the usefulness of the lecture based on
polling with smartphones was emphasised by
students regardless of its novelty.
The results of the short exercise at the end of the
class showed that while two out three students
obtained a mark of 10 after the active learning
activity, less than a half obtained such mark after the
chalk-and-board class. In addition, the number of
students that failed the short exercise after the
traditional teaching class doubled the number that
failed such exercise after the lecture based on polling
with smartphones. Consequently, the active learning
activity with smartphones improved the student
learning in the lecture, as well as the understanding of
the theoretical reasoning required to solve the
The results of an active learning activity entailing an
audience response system with a smartphone-based
poll have been presented. The activity used the
software Poll Everywhere. The teaching
methodology was applied to a lecture on the
Hydraulic and Hydrology module taught at the Civil
Engineering School of the Universidad Politécnica de
Madrid. An open-channel flow problem similar to
those included in the problem-solving exam that is set
up to evaluate student learning at the end of the
subject was selected to assess the technique.
The passivity of traditional teaching was
overcome through a lecture based on electronic
voting. Students highlighted that the new activity led
to a more active class and was interesting and useful.
Student learning and the skill required to solve the
problem were assessed by using a short exercise at the
end of the class in which students had to apply the
aspects learnt in the lecture in both groups. The
results showed that the activity with smartphones
improved the student learning. However, the poll was
passed in only one class. Therefore, the new
technique should be applied in the future to more
classes to validate such results.
The differences between the two teaching
methodologies were attributed to both students and
the instructor. Students can become aware of their
weaknesses and compare themselves with their
classmates through the answer histograms displayed
in real time in class, overcoming the passive
behaviour of students in traditional chalk-and-board
classes. The instructor can become aware of student
mistakes by inspecting incorrect answers, using the
class time between polls to clarify the theoretical
concepts that have not been understood correctly by
students. In a traditional class, the instructor hardly
obtains some feedback from their students.
In addition, some improvements in the proposed
teaching methodology could be carried out to increase
the active participation of students in class, as well as
their motivation in this part of the subject.
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