Table 3: Computational complexity comparison for the tested methods.
Input RA RAD
Model PolarNet FCN tiny FCN DeepLabv3+ PolarNet FCN tiny FCN DeepLabv3+
GPU (fps) 575.01 324.50 300.75 275.15 364.89 249.79 224.56 199.83
CPU (fps) 271.39 267.58 118.56 61.91 208.14 189.12 133.78 61.93
TX2 GPU (fps) 54.65 31.91 29.18 22.39 48.18 28.87 28.91 21.46
TX2 CPU (fps) 25.90 41.62 22.20 10.46 17.97 36.86 19.68 10.09
# parameters 562,472 210,279 2,933,449 3,223,865 598,758 214,817 2,951,593 3,242,009
Memory cost 29.85 Mb 16.02 Mb 59.64 Mb 134.86 Mb 39.79 Mb 23.04 Mb 70.81 Mb 143.74 Mb
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