industrial demonstrators for showcasing Industry 4.0
concepts and technologies. We argue that the Smart
Lab misses a digital backbone that would allow us to
easily collect data and track the production. This
digital backbone would help us as researchers to
explore new concepts and create industrial
demonstrators faster. The digital backbone entails a
full enterprise automation stack (as explained in ISA
– 95 standard) developed from open-source tools. The
architecture includes an ERP system (Odoo ERP), a
MES (MES – based on Odoo Manufacturing), and an
IoT Platform (Home Assistant), which was the result
of a DSR approach with 4 design cycles. Our artifact
is not the final state and will continue to be refined as
it will be used in the upcoming industrial
The presented platform fulfills almost all the
requirements presented earlier. It is composed of
open-source tools (1), has little hard coding involved,
only in the FESTO Agent (2) , includes ERP, MES,
and IoT (3), has a modular architecture through the
containers that hold the programs (4), the response is
close to real-time (5), the virtualization and
information transparency is in place (6). Further
development also seeks to fully complete the
requirements (2) and (5).
The contribution of this paper includes proposed
architecture of the enterprise software stack, a
concrete instantiation of the platform, and the generic
order workflow model.
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further in the context of helping small and medium
sized enterprises (SMEs) by providing minimum
necessary enterprise functionalities and observe their
digitization journey. Moreover, the stack will
facilitate research into implementation of industry 4.0
technologies, with respect to SMEs as well.
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ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems