support should be provided to the students in order to
remedy the difficulties they have encountered. With
all of the technological solutions that seem realistic
and effective, the face-to-face learning experience
remains an indispensable vector for the transmission
and the sharing of knowledge. The teacher-student
and student-student interaction is an essential
component that must not be neglected, in order to
promote the satisfaction and efficacy of the students'
In this context, attention must be focused on
pedagogical devices, providing a dynamic
management of learners' groups, favouring more and
more the techniques of communication and
animation, by relying on the good choices of didactic
instruments and pedagogical organization such as:
collaborative learning, resilience development and
crisis management skills workshops, reverse
pedagogy, and many more.
Thus, the continuity of sharing knowledge and
helping learners to stay in the dynamics of building
knowledge should be sustained to keep and develop
the human relations between the various actors and to
face challenges of future competitiveness and
concurrence and to adapt to transformations in
Moroccan society.
Finally, it is to be noted that many studies have
concluded that academic motivation is intimately
linked to learning. In cognitive psychology,
"academic motivation is essentially defined as a
student's commitment, participation and persistence
in a task" (Tardif, 1992). Several other factors, such
as a learner's perceptions and conceptions of himself
and his environment, which encourage him to
commit, participate and persist in a task (Viau, 1994)
(Careau & Fournier, 2002), or social objectives such
as: getting a job, (...), and succeeding in his
professional life (Eccles& Wigfield, 2002). To this
end, a study of the impact of Covid-19 on the
motivation of these learners is important, taking into
account the behaviour of the students and the
environment in which they were placed during this
unprecedented period.
All the authors would like to thank the students who
have participated in this study, as well as all the
teachers who agreed to participate in the LDJ
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