by binary strings is that benchmarking using pairwise
comparisons is straightforward. Another benefit is
that binary string matrices can be formed to enable
multi-comparisons using clustering algorithms that
can help assess the effectiveness of a product line.
One expects a degree of clustering because the pur-
pose of a product line is to leverage development ef-
ficiency gains from commonalties. However, as prod-
uct lines evolve, feature significance values alter. By
modifying feature weights new clusters may emerge
that inform strategic discussions about single or mul-
tiple product lines (Savolainen, 2012).
Benchmarking can also be used as an information
source when evaluating product manager perfor-
mance e.g. when product managers add new features
to increase short-term sales but neglect product dis-
tinctiveness causing customer confusion reducing
long-term sales.
When comparing against regulatory compliance,
a similarity measure is of less value than testing for
the presence of a feature or not, unless a business de-
cision has been taken to exceed minimum compliance
when a dissimilarity metric may be useful. Similarity
assessment may also help during development to
evaluate a candidate configuration from which to cre-
ate a compliant product.
Product buyers and sellers often make product com-
parisons and decisions. As product lines grow in
scale, scope and complexity, it is difficult to carry out
these comparisons. For an inexperienced product
manager, product comparison tools can help quickly
gain oversight of a product line. Even for experienced
product managers who have a deep understanding of
their product lines, product comparison tools can aid
with scale and scope management.
We described a product similarity evaluation pro-
cess that is based on configuring new products from
a product line feature model. We discussed different
issues for each of the process steps. We represented a
product configuration as a binary string and used a
binary string similarity metric to compare products.
We allocated weights to each feature and recom-
mended that the weights allocation method was easy
to understand and automate. However, changing indi-
vidual weights can reflect the changing significance
of individual features over time. We showed the fea-
sibility of our ideas with a small iPhone example. The
next step is to apply them to a larger more complex
product line. Our application focus was a comparison
of products from the same product line. However, the
technique can be used to compare products from dif-
ferent product lines e.g. competitor products.
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