matched in terms of content. Although all logical sce-
narios considered are judged to be plausible and cor-
rect, no general claim to correctness can be derived
from this small reviewing sample. In a third step, we
re-simulate individual scenarios in a simulation envi-
ronment and apply the scenario detection to the simu-
lated data. The results show that our approach is able
to correctly identify the initial scenario again.
The presented approach provides the capability to
search specifically for logical scenarios with a cer-
tain content in the data set. In addition, it provides
important information relevant to scenario design and
possible coverage statements, such as distribution of
certain maneuvers or scenario parameter.
In this contribution, we presented a concept for the
extraction of logical scenarios in an urban environ-
ment. Thereby, a special focus is on the interaction
with other road users. The presented approach there-
fore operates centrally on the performed driving ma-
neuvers and the existing driving context. In particular,
interactions such as crossing, merging and diverging
are considered.
We presented some results from the application of
our approach to an intersection from the INTERAC-
TION data set. A total number of 1172 concrete sce-
narios were extracted from this data set, which can be
aggregated into 504 logical scenarios. Based on the
extracted logical scenarios a dashboard is created that
allows an easy analysis of the scenarios as well as en-
ables a semantic browsability of the data. For each
logical scenario the maneuver sequence is shown, as
well as all assigned concrete scenarios and the param-
eter ranges with their distribution.
As discussed earlier and shown in Figure 8, our
set of logical scenarios consists mainly of singular
logical scenarios and only a few larger logical sce-
narios are found. At this point, it must be exam-
ined to what extent an increase in the volume of the
data set results in the filling of known logical scenar-
ios or the creation of new logical scenarios. Consid-
ering a sufficiently large and representative data set,
such singular logical scenarios would represent cor-
ner cases. An extension of the maneuver catalog to
include pedestrian-related maneuvers as well as fol-
lowing objects or objects on adjacent lanes is also
necessary in order to adequately consider these inter-
actions as well. Although a complete validity proof
is not possible due to the lack of reference scenar-
ios or ground truth, we are convinced that the work
will make a valuable contribution to the validation
of HAD. The extracted scenarios can be used for a
scenario-based testing approach and with the avail-
ability of a representative data set, statements about
the coverage and relevance of individual logical sce-
narios can also be made. Future work will also focus
on the application of the approach on the entire IN-
TERACTION data set as well as other available data
sets. As part of this, the aggregation of results will
also become a future research question.
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