Role of Citizens in the Development of Smart Cities: Benefit
of Citizen’s Feedback for Improving Quality of Service
Priyanka Singh
, Fiona Lynch
and Markus Helfert
School of Business, Innovation Value Institute, Lero, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland
School of Science & Computing, Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT), Waterford, Ireland
Keywords: Smart City Framework, Citizens, Smart Service.
Abstract: The initiatives around the involvement of citizens in smart city development is increasing significantly with
the aim of enhancing the quality of life for the citizens of these cities through better public services. There is
plethora of studies discussing various technologies and platforms to obtain citizen’s feedback for smart city
development. Nonetheless, there are very limited studies which provide guidance on how to utilise those
feedbacks and improve quality of the services in order to provide better experience to the citizens. This paper
examines past work regarding different aspects of citizen’s involvement in smart cities and classify the
existing literature through the lens of a smart city framework. This study offers an overview of diverse
concepts and platforms associated with the role of citizens in smart city design and development by featuring
possible linkages to the related layers of the adopted framework. This study further proposes a conceptual
model to incorporate citizen’s feedback in more structured way at architecture level in order to meet their
requirements and to provide improved quality of services to them.
A smart city needs to be implemented according to
the local constraints and opportunities, taking into
consideration the diverse culture, requirements, and
features of cities in different geographical areas and
countries (Dameri et al., 2019). Hollands, (2008)
states that if smart cities want to empower social,
environmental, economic, and cultural development,
then it should not only be based on the use of ICT.
There is an ignorance towards the non-technical
problems which include management, policies,
citizens and creating a void in the field (Habibzadeh
et al, 2019; Nam and Pardo, 2011). There is a need to
consider urban issues beyond technological
innovation (Yigitcanlar et al, 2019). The smart city
paradigm seems to have smoothly and generally
replaced that of the sustainable city over the decades
which is being modified by emerging claims of
citizen-centeredness (Lorquet & Pauwels, 2020). In
order to make citizen centred smart cities, many
initiatives have been taken and one of them is open
innovation (ibid). However, such initiatives are
mostly used by public sector organisations to change
the way citizens behave instead of giving them more
influence in public sector processes (Pedersen, 2020).
Nakamura and Managi, (2020) argued that citizen
satisfaction is an important metric in evaluating city
performance as it would ultimately affect the benefit
and comfort to city inhabitants. Sustainable city
development should not only be based on objective
performance data and municipal service evaluations,
but also on people’s subjective city evaluation and
life satisfaction (ibid). Thus, the requirements of the
citizens should be considered as a critical component
for the development of the successful smart cities
(Heaton and Parlikad, 2019). However, these
requirements have often been ignored over the
technological and strategic development (ibid).
Additionally, although the rate of citizen participation
is low, but they often provide meaningful comments
that have the ability to inform the decision-making
process (ibid). Thus, for a smart sustainable city, a
sense of community should be incorporated in policy
Singh, P., Lynch, F. and Helfert, M.
Role of Citizens in the Development of Smart Cities: Benefit of Citizen’s Feedback for Improving Quality of Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0010442000350044
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2021), pages 35-44
ISBN: 978-989-758-512-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
making which consider citizen’s evaluation on smart
sustainable cities, public services and facilities
(Macke et al, 2019). Citizens' engagement is a
fundamental requisite for the accomplishment of a
sustainable and inclusive urban development (Corsini
et al, 2019). Thus, a socio-technical perspective is
required when organizations embark on smart
initiatives in order to address new challenges for
enterprises and service providers (Ekman, Röndell, &
Yang, 2019; Bednar and Welch, 2019). Moreover,
there is a requisite for more suitable tools and
protocols to assist greater public participation in the
viability stage before stable options are decided in the
smart city field (Corsini et al, 2019). Smart cities are
already extremely complex System of Systems (SoS),
and the emerging trend in urban planning is towards
adding smart systems into the urban environment
with the aim of improving the quality of life for the
citizens of the city (Clement et al, 2017).
Pourzolfaghar and Helfert, (2017), emphasise that
citizen’s requirements should be considered as a
client requirement in the design process of the
services. It has been further highlighted that the
maintenance phase is crucial in delivering qualified
and sustainable services to the citizens which has
been neglected in majority of the enterprise
architecture frameworks (Zachman, DoDAF, FEAF,
TEAF, and TOGAF) for smart cities (ibid). In order
to address the issue identified in those frameworks,
Pourzolfaghar et al., (2019) proposed the ‘Smart City
Enterprise Architecture Framework’ which
incorporated two new layers (context layer and
service layer). These new layers aimed to capture the
viewpoints of different stakeholders including
citizens. The aim of this study is also to understand
the role of citizens in smart city development and how
existing literature support their involvement.
Therefore, this study finds the proposed framework
suitable for analysing the existing literature from the
citizens’ viewpoint and to propose future research
agenda for the further investigation. Thus, this paper
aims to discuss citizen’s involvement in smart city
development, and provides new insights through the
lens of a ‘Smart City Enterprise Architecture
Framework’ proposed by Pourzolfaghar et al , (2019).
The detail of this framework is discussed in section 2.
The remaining sections of the paper are structured as
follows: Section 2 provides the detail of literature
review by examining the existing literature from the
lens of adapted smart city framework. Section 3
discusses the identified research gap. In Section 4, a
case study has been discussed and accordingly in Sec.
5 a conceptual model has been presented to direct the
further research in the future. Finally, Sect. 6
summarizes the contributions of the paper and future
work of the research.
In this section various platforms and concepts
associated with the involvement of citizens in the
design and development of smart cities are considered
based upon smart city framework proposed by
Pourzolfaghar et al., (2019). The motivation for
selecting this framework is to understand existing
literature from different layer’s perspective which
support citizens through various platforms and
technology in the development of smart cities. This
framework would provide a holistic viewpoint by
positioning the research about citizen’s involvement
in different layers (Context, Application,
Technology, Service). The framework consists of
four layers. First layer is service layer which define
appropriate goals, scope, etc. for the services with
regard to the smart city requirements, concerns, and
priorities. Second layer is a context layer which
encapsulates the information regarding the strategies,
priorities, stakeholders and their concerns to deliver
effective services to the citizens. The third layer is
information layer identifying the data elements, the
data interrelations, and data flows required to support
service function (Minoli, 2008; Pourzolfaghar et al,
2019). The last layer is technology layer which
supports the information and application functions
from the information layer. The following sections
provide insight into the existing literature on the
involvement of citizens in the development of smart
cities from the lens of these layers.
2.1 Service Layer
This layer defines aim and scope for the services that
are related with smart city requirements, concerns,
and priorities (Pourzolfaghar et al., 2019). One of the
activities of this layer is to define an experience and
value proposition that the service is intending to
provide. For instance, providing the improved quality
of the services to the citizens (ibid). Therefore, in this
layer, the emphasis is on considering citizen’s
feedback to understand the smart city requirements,
concerns and priorities from their perspective (ibid).
E-participation in the form of providing service
feedback has positive impact on the performance of
service delivered (Allen et al, 2020). However, it
SMARTGREENS 2021 - 10th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
remains unconvincing whether new government-
citizen interface collaboration has achieved the
fundamental goal of improving service quality for
citizens (ibid). Soft assets such as organizational
capital, social capital, and information and
knowledge-related capital help to understand
citizen’s role in order to support building and
maintaining the key areas that reinforce Smart City
(SC) development (Wataya & Shaw, 2019). These are
further linked to the cycle of improving the quality of
services and also a prime source of innovative value
creation for SC development (Wataya & Shaw,
2019). Citizens can also use mobile Apps to report
damages and other issues with the city’s
infrastructure which can result in providing better
quality of services to the citizens (Abu-Tayeh,
Neumann & Stuermer, 2018). However, it is possible
that we have outstanding performance indicators for
the services but if citizens are not satisfied with the
delivered services, then it can disappoint them at the
end (Sofiyabadi, Kolahi, & Valmohammadi, 2016).
Therefore, once actions are implemented, monitoring
has to be carried out to determine if the actual impact
varies from the anticipated impact in the servcies
from the citizen’s perespective (Abella et al, 2019). A
rich collection of citizen’s behaviour data can be
helpful in further optimising the services (Solaimani,
Bouwman, & Itälä, 2015). E-government systems are
more likely to be re-used by the citizens if they
recognise that the experience with those new systems
are better than the traditional ones (Alruwaie et al,
2020). These system types should be evaluated
through citizens' prior experience based on their level
of expectations (ibid). However, at present there are
very limited studies which provide guidance on how
to evaluate such systems based on citizen’s quality of
experiences. Ballesteros et al (2015) defined Quality
of Experience (QoE) from the end user’s (citizens)
perspective as:
Usability: The usage of a product by identified users
to accomplish desired goals with effectiveness,
satisfaction and efficiency in a specified context.
Personalization: The capacity to deliver services as
per the individual’s need based on the analysis of their
behaviour and inclinations.
Usefulness: It is associated with the satisfaction or
needs of the users and how the functions or features
of the product being valued by the users that is
available to them.
Transparency: It should be convenient for everyone
to recognise what actions are being performed in
terms of the operation of the services.
Effectiveness: Users can finish the defined tasks in
order to achieve the objectives of the service or
product and they should be able to do what they want
to do.
These quality factors could be useful in
understanding the citizen’s requirements in a better
way which would result in improved QoS.
2.2 Context Layer
This layer captures the smart city context information
about strategies, priorities, stakeholders and their
concerns to deliver effective services to the citizens
(Pourzolfaghar et al., 2019). From this layer’s
perspective smart city initiatives focus on the
strategies, and priorities from the citizen’s viewpoint
(ibid). Linders et al, (2018), highlighted that there is
a requirement to flip the service delivery model by
shifting from the “pull” approach of traditional e-
government towards a “push” model. Through this
model government proactively and impeccably
delivers just-in-time services to citizens designed
around their specific needs, circumstance,
preferences, and location (ibid). Four governance
paradigms have been introduced i.e. bureaucratic,
consumerist, participatory and platform to categorize
the citizen- administration relationships (Janowski,
2018). These models facilitate a better understanding
of governance arrangements resulting from
visualization, simulation and analysis; which could
additionally lead to better sustainable development
(ibid). Nevertheless, an evolving problem is that there
is a lack of appropriate tools to support citizens in
many parts of co- design process (Wolff et al, 2020).
A set of design templates have been introduced to
enable citizens in converting their ideas into
technology applications which can be used during the
design process (ibid). These types of methods and
tools certainly assist in obtaining citizen’s ideas and
their inputs for designing the services. However, there
is a lack of understanding on how these ideas are to
be implemented in the actual design of services and if
those ideas really have any impact in improving the
quality of the services. Cellina et al., (2020), proposed
a framework where the key application functionalities
were co-designed with a group of interested citizens
which resulted in even more significant impacts in
terms of urban governance practices. Vidiasova &
Cronemberger, (2020) identified different levels of
understanding regarding how citizens identify the
smart city initiatives; Although many respondents
were direct and elaborated on many aspects of a smart
city, their understanding remains diffused and vague
despite high levels of engagement with traditional e-
government technologies (Vidiasova &
Cronemberger, 2020). Major public resources are
Role of Citizens in the Development of Smart Cities: Benefit of Citizen’s Feedback for Improving Quality of Service
invested in technical solutions, but the appropriate
means of assessing success (social value) is still
unclear or remain uncultivated in light of the
expectations of citizens (ibid). When it comes to
engagement, social media and online communication
have transformed the way citizens engage in all
aspects of lives from shopping and education, to how
communities are planned and urbanised, and
therefore governments need new ways to listen to its
citizens (Alizadeh et al, 2019). De Guimarães et al.,
(2020), identified multiple strategic drivers and can
help smart city rulers in the development of public
policies and to improve QoL, such as Transparency
(TRANS), Collaboration (CO), Participation and
Partnership (PP), Accountability (ACC), and
Communication (COM).
In order to obtain user value, the smart city
governance should work closely with citizens and
diverse stakeholders to identify the set of services by
prioritising citizen’s requirements for a long term city
transformation that can fast-track smart city
development (Kumar et al, 2019). However, current
standards, guidance and specifications have little
focus on the requirements of the citizens within a
Smart City framework (Heaton & Parlikad, 2019). To
address this issue, Heaton & Parlikad, (2019)
proposed a framework which offers a direct line-of-
sight from citizen requirements, the infrastructure
assets supporting used services, and the services used
within the city to meet that requirements, and then
validating if citizen requirements have been fulfilled.
Satisfaction surveys can be used as the product of
strategic planning (evaluation of the strategy success)
and secondly as the input to strategic planning
(problem issues should be dealt with in strategy)
which are vital for the public policy planning
(Kopackova, 2019). The rise of platform technologies
such as social media, IoT, and data analytics has the
potential to fundamentally change the role of
transparency in policy making (Brunswicker et al,
2019). It is further highlighted that citizens as
participants in policy making, move to the centre of
the discourse on transparency, and their opinions,
challenges, and responses to policies and policy-
related information come to be observable, sharable
and interpretable (ibid). In order to optimize citizen’s
participation outcomes, platform administrators
might consider either increasing private value
perceived by the citizen or public value where private
value has a greater effect on continuous e-
participation intentions than public value creation (Ju
et al, 2019). There is a requirement for cities to
involve non-traditional stakeholders in urban
planning processes such as social change initiatives,
citizen groups and informal sector representatives
(Schröder et al., 2019). Andreani et al., (2019)
presented a reference model in relation to citizen-
centred built environments, in the process of co-
creating the proposals by sharing a common design
path between public authorities, private citizens,
associations at different levels, and research centres,
and resulting in engaging the local community in
creating and providing feedback to the design
proposals (Andreani et al., 2019).
2.3 Information Layer
This layer identifies the data elements, data flows,
and the interrelations between data required to
support service function (Pourzolfaghar et al., 2019).
This layer plays a vital role in identifying the data that
has originated from the citizen’s side and how does it
further support any function of the service. For
instance, data collected from all geo-participation
approaches can be brought together to support
decision-making, service delivery and government
operation (Zhang, 2019). It is imperative to leverage
data requirements of both the government and the
citizens to produce techniques in order to provide
feedback and initiate secondary uses of geospatial
data. For instance, using data for Application
development, producing public services, etc. (Zhang,
2019). Likewise, Alizadeh et al ,(2019) analysed data
from social media (Twitter) where citizens discussed
their concerns on urban projects and leaving
meaningful observations that have the capacity to
inform the decision-making process. Recent
innovations in mobile, data, and cloud offer new
prospects for enhancing the quality of government
and governance and fulfil the expectations of citizens
(Linders, et al). The aim of open data is towards
improving government transparency, motivating
citizen participation and unlocking commercial
innovation (Ma & Lam, 2019). However, there are
many interlacing barriers which hinder the adoption
of open data for instance, the non-existence of a
public participation mechanism, unsatisfactory public
feedback and consumption statistics create the
stakeholders unknowing of the true requirements of
citizens (ibid).
2.4 Technology Layer
This layer focuses on supporting information and the
system/application functionality with the help of
technological components (Pourzolfaghar et al.,
2019). It provides advanced technologies supporting
citizen’s inputs with the help of information or
SMARTGREENS 2021 - 10th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
application functions in order to deliver effective
services to the citizens (ibid). While technology
provides cheap and effective ways to engage citizens
in addressing various issues, there is no replacement
for offline face-to-face engagement (Horgan &
Dimitrijević, 2019). Salvia & Morello, (2020) argued
that hybrid forms of interaction that combine online
and offline platforms, have an important role to play
in reaching citizens. Nonetheless, it is vital to
understand that the greater direct access to public
information may improve transparency and facilitate
citizen engagement, but at the same time it may
overwhelm citizens with too much information as
well (Lee, Lee-Geiller, & Lee, 2020; Jae &
Viswanathan, 2012). Textual information tended to
cause greater information overload, specifically for
those with an inclination for visual information
processing (Lee, Lee-Geiller, & Lee, 2020). El-
Haddadeh et al., (2019) highlighted that the use of
IoT, offers a unique opportunity to both governments
and citizens to work closely together in order to
improve current public services despite various
challenges associated with it. While citizens feel
empowered and add value to existing services
through consuming and co-creating, governments
will have the opportunity to utterly exploit the
potential of innovative technologies to better optimise
their distribution of public services (El-Haddadeh et
al., 2019). For example, senior citizens require
elderly-friendly urban environments along with
particular municipal services to respond to their
specific needs and we require technologies which can
fulfil such requirements (Jelokhani-Niaraki et al,
2019). In the above section, various platforms,
models and technology have been discussed which
support citizens in the development of smart cities.
This discussion highlights how current literature
supports citizens in the development and how their
feedback at service layer could be beneficial for
designing better quality of services.
The challenge in smart cities is to evaluate, design
and standardize new solutions, not only to ensure high
performance with respect to the technological
components, but also to ensure high levels of Quality
of Experience (QoE) as perceived by end users
(Ballesteros et al., 2015). Thus, there is a requirement
to improve the current performance of the services
with the aim of improving efficiency, usefulness and
quality of life for the citizens (ibid). In the previous
sections, it has been discussed how existing literature
supports citizens in the design of the smart city
services. However, it is not clear from the literature
how their feedback could assist in further design
improvement at the service layer; which is also
associated with the experience of the citizens and
performance of the services. In order to understand
this, a case study was conducted to analyse the
feedback of citizens during the later stages (i.e. After
the deployment of the service) at service layer and to
examine how this feedback could be transformed into
more structured requirements in order to provide
improved quality of the services to them. The service
layer has components which are associated with the
experience of the end users after delivering the
services. The aim of this study is also to understand
the research problem from citizen’s (users) viewpoint
and to examine their experience towards these
services, therefore this research specifically emphasis
on this layer for understanding their requirements in
more effective way.
A case study approach investigates and explores a
contemporary phenomenon within its real-life
context, most specifically when the boundaries
between context and phenomenon is not clearly
evident (Yin, 2013). Therefore, an exploratory and
deductive case study approach was used to investigate
the research problem from the real environment. The
detail of the conducted case study can be found in
table 1 which has been designed according to the
template and guidance provided by (Greenwood,
2011; Baxter et al, 2008).
This case study is based on one of the smart
services (i.e. e-parking) provided by many of the
City/County Councils in the Republic of Ireland.
This service was chosen in order to understand how
Quality of Service (QoS) could be improved at
service level and to position citizen’s requirements in
more structured format at architecture level. In order
to conduct the case study, interviews were carried out
at the County Council with the key individuals
involved with this service. Additionally, online data
(review comments) was collected and analysed for a
smart service (e-parking) which allows users to pay
for their parking via an application platform. This
App requires registration details and vehicle related
information from the users. It does not require users
to display a parking disc while their car is parked.
Role of Citizens in the Development of Smart Cities: Benefit of Citizen’s Feedback for Improving Quality of Service
Table 1: Case Study Design on Smart Service Design.
Context: According to the literature citizen’s play vital
role in the design and development of the smart city
services in order to provide effective services to them.
Therefore, this study investigates their role in the design
of the smart city services in Irish context and highlights
existing issues from citizen’ end based on the feedback
they provided for one of the smart services in Ireland.
The Case: E-
service in Cit
/Counties of Irelan
To understand the experience of citizens towards
this service.
To understand how requirements are provided to
design such smart city services.
Study Design: Exploratory deductive approach.
Data Collection: Interviews, online review comments
from end users.
Analysis: Qualitative data were analysed to identify the
challenges from citizen’s viewpoint and from Council’s
perspective. Based on this analysis, feedback was
classified against the associated requirements for other
layers of the architecture.
Key Findings:
The feedback obtained from the citizen’s end can be
useful in identifying a set of requirements for the
Citizens have no formal role in the design of the
services that leads to lower quality of the service at the
There is a lack of understanding how to incorporate
citizen’s feedback for designing the effective services.
There is a challenge in mapping citizen’s
uirements with existin
Other user benefits include saving their time with
hassle free parking and also reduce CO2 emission in
the environment. Based on the interviews carried out,
it was found that the there is a challenge in mapping
citizen’s requirements with existing available
resources (e.g. “ major block is how do we map
their requirements...”). Despite the fact that there are
so many engagement programs be it offline or online,
it is still not clear if citizens have any formal role in
the design process of the services (e.g. “…. I am not
sure if there is any input from the citizens in the actual
design process of the services…”), on the other hand
requirements are usually provided by the Council to
service providers for designing any new service in the
City (e.g....requirement for the existing services
are given by considering already implemented
similar systems in other locations….”). There are two
key issues which emerged from the interviews, first it
was not clear if citizens have any actual role in the
design of the services. Secondly, even if there are
various platforms to support their feedback, it is not
evident how those feedbacks are transformed into
more structured requirements for the service design.
To investigate this issue further from citizen’s end,
this study also analysed the review comments of end
users who were using the e-parking service. In order
to analyse the online review comments (textual data),
this study followed a thematic research approach
(Mason, 2002;Young and Hren, 2017). Which
followed the guidelines provided by (Braun & Clarke,
2012). Authors provided six phases to perform the
analysis of dataset and based on this methodology,
this study firstly read and reread the review comments
provided by end users and took notes on preliminary
ideas and thoughts about connecting those feedbacks
with their experience towards the service. During the
second phase, initial codes were formed which were
common among the data set, for instance people
Complaining about extra 1euro charge (E.g. “10%
top up fee without warning. Total scam”) were coded
as “No Information on Additional Charged Fees”.
Then as a part of third phase, codes were converted
into more organised themes which provide meaning
within dataset. The identified codes from phase two
were further linked to the predefined themes, for
instance the code “No Information on Additional
Charged Fees” has been classified as a Quality Factor
(Transparency) of the service which can further
provide guidance towards understanding and
structuring requirements from citizen’s end. The
fourth phase is about reviewing potential themes
whereby the developed themes are being reviewed
with respect to the coded data and the complete data
set. Therefore, all generated themes which are in
relation to the Quality factors of the service were
revised and checked to ensure if they belong to
correct category of the identified reviewed comment
or to other. In the fifth phase, the coded themes were
further linked to the identified requirements of the
service as described in table 2. In the final phase, the
analysis has been reported as a case study for e-
parking service. This analysis was carried out by
using Excel sheet which followed a method proposed
by (Bree and Gallagher, 2016). This methodology
describes the steps for analysing the data based on the
colour coding scheme provided in Excel. There were
around 46 review comments per county that were
being downloaded in the form of Excel sheet from the
app store using the website Heedzy
( The review comments were
further analysed and classified against the factors
(Themes) associated with the Quality of Experience
(QoE) based on different coding colours, which
stems from the experience of user’s expectations with
respect to the utility of the application or service
SMARTGREENS 2021 - 10th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
(Ballesteros et al., 2015). After conducting this case
study, it was found that there are many engagement
programs and projects which involve citizens and
identify challenges from their end. However, it is not
evident how those challenges are further addressed in
order to meet their requirements. Furthermore, role of
citizens in the actual implementation of those services
is still vague which is in line with what has already
been emphasised by many researchers in the field
(Allen et al, 2020; Wolff et al, 2020; Heaton &
Parlikad, 2019; Sofiyabadi et al., 2016).
Table 2: Sample of Impacted Quality Factors,
Corresponding Themes, and their Links to Identified
Sample of Online
Identified Impacted
Quality Factors from
Service Layer (Themes)
ssociated Requirements
(Adopted from Bastidas
et al, (2018))
Link to Other Layers for
Associated Requirements
“App will not load so
cannot access my
account, nor can I park
my car. It's not an
internet issue as my
other apps work fine. I
uninstalled and then
reinstalled it and now it
won't let me log in as it
says there's no
available host... I rely
on this almost every
day and cannot believe
that this has happened”
Effectiveness Availability
/ Software
g Tools
“10% top up fee
without warning. Total
tion on
Transparency Trust Context
“Charged a processing
fee for adding cash to
account. It's the last
time I'll be using this.”
tion on
Trust/ City
“Appallingly bad. Only
used it a few times and
some of the roads don't
have a code applicable.
Also if you move to
another street within
the time you've to pay
again, whereas with the
disk you can use it for
the 2 hours (or whatever
the limit is in the area
on Issue
Flexibility Context/
“It won't even accept
my car registration.
There's no guidance
rovided or feedback
the city council haven't
responded to emails
on Issue
Usability Extensibili
In this paper, it has been discussed how existing
literature supports citizens in the development of the
smart city services. For instance, at context level,
citizens contribute their ideas for developing new
applications. At information and technology level,
various platforms and technologies have been
discussed which provide assistance in obtaining their
feedback and in designing new services based upon
the requirements of the citizens. It has been
highlighted that feedback at the service layer could
further guide smart city stakeholders in designing
better quality of services. Existing studies provide
various platforms to support citizen’s feedback in the
design of the smart city services. However, there is a
lack of understanding how those feedbacks are
utilised to design effective services for them.
Therefore, with this study it has been highlighted how
their feedback could be incorporated into more
structured format at architecture level. Based on
literature presented and the conducted case study, the
following conceptual model has been proposed
(Figure 1).
Figure 1: Conceptual Model (Architectural Layers adopted
from Pourzolfaghar et al., (2019)).
This model indicates how identified quality factors
could assist in further refining the requirements for
the service. Based upon this model the identified
quality factors can be associated with the type of
requirements belonging to specific layer of the
architecture. For example, the effectiveness factor
(“………. I uninstalled and then reinstalled it and
now it won't let me log in as it says there's no
available host…………”) can be classified as
functional requirement (Software Engineering Tools)
in which smart city platforms are required to provide
Role of Citizens in the Development of Smart Cities: Benefit of Citizen’s Feedback for Improving Quality of Service
a set of tools for the development and maintenance of
services and applications. These tools can be
positioned in technology layer which focusses on
technological components and associated platforms
with it. Another concerning issue found from those
feedback was about additional fee that citizens were
charged without their knowledge (e.g. “….10% top
up fee without warning. Total scam….”) which is
associated with the Transparency quality factor and
could belong to context layer for classifying it as a
non-functional requirement (Trust) of the service.
Similarly, there were also some issues regarding the
application functionality (e.g. “.... Appallingly bad.
Only used it a few times and some of the roads don't
have a code applicable…”) and can assist in
understanding the application requirements of the
service which can be positioned in the information
layer. With the e-parking service example, it was
observed that the user satisfaction level was quite low
and their feedback at the service level can assist in
identifying the functional and non-functional
requirements of the service for other layers too. This
can further help City authorities and service providers
in designing better quality of the services by
considering the new requirements of the service.
Feedback could be accessed either via online apps
associated with the smart services or from other form
of social media platform where users could provide
their viewpoint and discuss the issues which are
associated with the services. In order to analyse the
feedback from the end users’ side, machine learning
algorithms could assist in classification process to
understand the experience of the users (Sharma &
Sharma, 2020). Moreover, requirement analysis
could be done based on the end user’s experience and
feedback by following a Conjoint analysis approach
(Kwon and Kim, 2007).
It has been found that there are many offline and
online engagement programs, platforms, technologies
which obtain citizen’s feedback for the development
of smart city services. However, there is a lack of
understanding of how their feedbacks are transformed
into more structured requirements in order to design
effective services for the citizens. A case study was
conducted to examine the feedback of citizens and to
investigate their role in the design of the services.
Based upon which this study proposes a conceptual
model which elaborates how feedback could be
converted into more structured requirements at
architecture level which would further provide
guidance to smart city stakeholders in designing
better quality of services in the future. This would
ensure that citizen’s requirements are met based on
the received feedback from their end. As a part of
future work of this research, the aim is to evaluate the
proposed conceptual model and investigate the
missing constructs in the proposed model for
designing better quality of the services by
transforming citizen’s feedback into more structured
requirements at architecture level.
This work was supported with the financial support
of the Science Foundation Ireland grant 13/
RC/2094_P2 and co-funded under the European
Regional Development Fund through the Southern &
Eastern Regional Operational Programme to Lero -
the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for
Software (
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