seen that the relationship between perceived
usefulness and attitude towards use is 0.9 with
significance. Secondly, accessibility remains the
strongest determinant to perceived usefulness.
Accessibility is the only factor that has a strong
positive influence on perceived usefulness. Secondly,
it is the only factor that directly has a strong
relationship with Attitude towards use without a
mediator. From then on, it is clearly seen that PU has
a strong positive relationship with AU with a
significant value of 0.88, AU also has a strong
positive relationship with BI with a value of 0.90 and
BI also has a moderate relationship with the resultant
variation with a regression weight of 0.50.
(Chi-square) = 176.7, df (Degree of Freedom) = 113, SRMR
= 0.03, RMSEA = 0.95, χ
/df ratio = 1.56, CFI = 0.98, GFI =
0.95, IFI = 0.98, TLI = 0.98 NFI = 0.96
Figure 4: Stage One: Measurement Model.
In conclusion, the study shows that accessibility has
direct positive influence on both perceived usefulness
and attitude toward use. The main constructs
perceived usefulness and attitude towards use also
showed strong relationship toward behavioural
intention to use. The findings provide a clear
relationship between SN and PU, SN and AU, PV and
AU, and further shows that all the other relationships
are significant. Therefore, it implies that hypothesis
H1b, H1c, H2b, H3, H5, H5, and H6 are significant.
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