dence in sorting. The entire process of (stemming) is
also considered for the skills present in the questions
Search options are presented based on information
related to the content and CT skills to make it possi-
ble to locate the questions stored in the application,
allowing a quick option to return the questions. Also,
advanced searches are allowed, which use the other
information present in the questions (excerpts of text
in the statement, type, source, and author).
The question lists were created to facilitate the use
of the questions produced in the application, thus al-
lowing users to group questions based on their search
criteria. From this functionality, it is possible to cre-
ate lists with different contents, filter the insertion of
skills and make changes according to the need. Also,
the application has a feature that allows the printing
of the question lists and their answer sheets contain-
ing the correct alternatives for the objective questions
or the correction mirror for the subjective ones.
The application validation process was carried out
based on an extracurricular course for undergraduate
degree students in Math at the Federal University of
Campina Grande (UFCG) in August 2019. The total
of participants was 24 (9 female and 15 male). The
course was structured in two moments with a total du-
ration of 8 hours: the first moment had the objective
of training the participants so that they could carry
out the activities of creating, cataloging, and using
Math questions that stimulate the CT skills without
the support of the digital application, that is, all activ-
ities were conducted by the participants just using pa-
per and pen; and the second moment, the participants
were introduced to the resources implemented in the
application to support the activities of creating, cata-
loging and collaboratively using the questions. At this
time, the same activities conducted manually were
performed with the help of the application’s features.
During the first stage of the course, held on Au-
gust 29, 2019, some concepts were presented, includ-
ing Computational Thinking (CT), Common Curricu-
lar National Base (BNCC), and Interdisciplinary Ap-
plications of CT in Math. Following that, students
were introduced to the interdisciplinary approach de-
scribed in Section 3 of this paper, which involves the
process of creating, cataloging, and using Math ques-
tions that stimulate CT skills manually, using paper
and pen.
In the second stage, held on August 31, 2019, af-
ter students had performed some activities related to
creating, cataloging, and using Math questions, the
application was introduced. Students were instructed
to carry out the activities during the practice using the
application and available modules. The first module
used was the search module and then the question cre-
ation module. In the end, impressions were collected
about the feasibility of using the application and how
well it supported the activities proposed in the litera-
ture that encompasses stimulating the CT through the
creation, cataloging, and use of Math questions.
At the end of the course, participants answered a
questionnaire on aspects related to the usability of the
application and the feedback generated by the auto-
matic question classifier according to the following
questions: i) ”Is the process of producing Math ques-
tions that stimulate CT skills easy to perform?”; ii)
”The feedback generated by the application about the
CT skills being stimulated in the question of elabo-
rated Math is satisfactory?”; iii) ”Is the process of
searching for questions considering a certain content
in Math and CT skills easy to perform?”.
The results of the questionnaire will be shown be-
low. The participants’ level of satisfaction was high,
and the indication is that the system is straightforward
to use and provides adequate support to the activities
proposed (Figure 2). It is worth highlighting the in-
dication of low ease regarding the creation module by
one of the participants. However, in the open question
asked at the end of the form, the participant indicated
that the application could assist CT in math through
questions and to stimulate the problem-solving ca-
pacity in primary education students to whom the ex-
ercises will be presented. Also, another participant
highlighted the need to improve the question editor,
as it does not allow the direct insertion of tables.
Regarding the automatic feedback for PC skills
generated by the classifier (Figure 3), the level of sat-
isfaction of the participants was high and, when con-
sulting the open responses, it was possible to verify
that not all the CT skills incorporated by them to the
questions were automatically identified. This behav-
ior was already expected since the classifier learns as
more information is provided to them.
The questionnaire indicated that the search tools
were more effective and easy to use the components to
insert information about CT skills and general Math
questions information when compared with the man-
ual process (Figure 4).
In general, it was possible to notice that the stu-
dents showed a great interest in the interdisciplinary
proposal presented. This conclusion was possible
from an open question at the end of the evaluation
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education