Hybrid Recommendation Systems: A State of Art
Fatima Zohra Trabelsi, Amal Khtira and Bouchra El Asri
IMS Team, ADMIR Laboratory, Rabat IT Center, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco
Recommendation Systems, Hybrid Filtering, Collaborative Filtering, Content-based Filtering,
Recommendation Problems, State of Art.
Recommendation systems have become more important and popular in many application areas such as music,
movies, e-commerce, advertisement and social networks. Recommendation systems use either collaborative
filtering, content-based filtering or hybrid filtering in order to propose items to users, and each type has its
weaknesses and strengths. In this paper, we present the results of a literature review that focuses specifically
on hybrid recommendation systems. The objective of this review is to identify the problems that hybrid
filtering tends to solve and the different techniques used to this end.
Recommendation systems are techniques that pro-
pose products and services that are likely to interest
the users of a platform, a website or an application.
Nowadays, the demand for recommendation systems
has increased in many areas such as movies, music,
news, e-commerce, advertisement, tourism and social
networks (Pandey and Rajpoot, 2016). Those sys-
tems are analyzing several characteristics of the on-
line users, such as their reviews and their purchase
history to make suggestions to other users based on
the assumption that users with similar profiles tend to
make the same choices (Tsolakidis et al., 2016).
In real life, when going for online products, peo-
ple first always look for those items that are of their
preferences. For that reason, recommendation sys-
tems, by the virtue of their nature, are used as a rem-
edy that helps users choose between the immense va-
riety of items (services and products) that Websites
offer (Pandey and Rajpoot, 2016). Recommendation
systems usually needs to consider many factors, in-
cluding accuracy, diversity, novelty, coverage, user
satisfaction and so on, to provide satisfactory recom-
mendations for users (Cai et al., 2020). Typically,
there are three major recommendation methods: col-
laborative, content-based and hybrid (Prakash et al.,
Collaborative filtering is the most widely-used
technique in recommendation systems because it is
a method that makes predictions about a given user’s
interests by collecting a number of other users’ appre-
ciations (Duzen and Aktas, 2016), and this method
can be either user-based recommendation or item-
based recommendation. Content-based recommen-
dation is also a very important type of filtering, be-
cause it computes recommendations according to the
features of items that the user preferred in the past
(Do et al., 2020). Recommendation can be for books,
movies, music, news, articles, documents, etc. In or-
der to have better recommendations for users, a new
recommendation technique was proposed in the lit-
erature by combining both the collaborative filtering
and the content-based filtering, which helps to ben-
efit from the advantages of each method and over-
come their drawbacks. This type of combination is
known as the hybrid recommendation and aims at
providing more accurate and effective recommenda-
tions by merging different algorithms (Ammar et al.,
2020)(Tian et al., 2019)(Mansur et al., 2017)(Pandey
and Rajpoot, 2016).
In this paper, we summarize the state of the art of
hybrid recommendation systems in the last five years.
For this, we have conducted a literature review whose
objective is to collect the different problems of rec-
ommendation addressed by hybrid approaches and to
identify the techniques used to solve these problems.
The remaining of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 gives an overview of the background
of our work. Section 3 presents the research method-
ology followed in the review. Section 4 answers the
research questions by analysing and discussing the re-
sults of the review. Finally, Section 5 concludes the
Trabelsi, F., Khtira, A. and El Asri, B.
Hybrid Recommendation Systems: A State of Art.
DOI: 10.5220/0010452202810288
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2021), pages 281-288
ISBN: 978-989-758-508-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Because of the rapid development of social network,
recommendation systems appear to sort through and
find what is desired by users (Prakash et al., 2019), in
order to satisfy their needs. The first works in the field
were based only on the two known types of recom-
mendation, which are content-based filtering (Shah
et al., 2017) (Kumar et al., 2018) (Najmani et al.,
2019) and collaborative filtering (Song et al., 2016)
(Patel et al., 2017) (Maihami et al., 2019). And since
these two techniques have their strengths and weak-
nesses, researchers started to shift to hybridization be-
tween the two filtering techniques in order to exploit
the advantages of both of them (Dhawan, 2019).
2.1 Content-based Recommendation
Content-based filtering methods (Burke, 2002) are
based on a description of the item and the profile of
the user’s preferences. These algorithms try to recom-
mend items that are similar to those that a user liked in
the past (Tian et al., 2019)(Nikzad–Khasmakhi et al.,
2019). Indeed, a content-based recommendation sys-
tem tracks user preferences in terms of items con-
sumed and liked, and from that data, it creates a user
profile. Then, the system matches items from users’
profile to those other items in the database and rec-
ommend the items the user has not consumed in the
past and that are similar to user’s preferences (Wairegi
et al., 2020).
2.2 Collaborative Recommendation
Collaborative filtering method (Wairegi et al., 2020)
is based on opinion shared between users and their
taste. We recommend to a user an item appreciated by
another with common interests (Ammar et al., 2020)
(Chen et al., 2018). The fact of being capable of mak-
ing predictions, without asking for more data from the
users or items, gives more utility and importance for
the filtering. However, there are many problems re-
lated to this type of systems, namely sparsity, scala-
bility and the cold start problem (Duzen and Aktas,
2016). This filtering is divided into two categories:
user-based and item-based filtering (Burke, 2002).
In the user-based approach, the algorithm pro-
duces a rating for each item using similar users (Li
et al., 2018a). That means if User 1 is interested in
Items A, B and C, and User 2 is interested in Items A
and B, then the system recommends Item C to User
The item-based technique computes recommen-
dation using the similarity between items and not be-
tween users (Patel et al., 2017). In other words, if a
user likes the Items A, B and C, and Item D is similar
to C, the system proposes Item D to this user.
2.3 Hybrid Recommendation
Hybrid recommendation systems (Burke, 2002) can
produce outputs that outperform single component
systems by combining multiple techniques of differ-
ent types, such as mixing content-based and collab-
orative filtering methods, which is the most common
combination (Wairegi et al., 2020). Furthermore, it is
also possible to mix different techniques of the same
type (Cano and Morisio, 2017).
The collaborative recommendation approach and
the one based on the content are considered as
complementary, because the collaborative recommen-
dation does only recommend items already evalu-
ated, meanwhile, the content-based recommendation
is able to recommend new items not evaluated yet by
the user.
In addition, the content of the item is either in-
adequate or difficult to extract. There is no need for
the content in the collaborative recommendation; in
contrast, this is very necessary in the second type of
To reach the best performance, we need an ap-
proach that deals with the different weaknesses of
individual technique, benefits from their advantages
and relies on multiple sources in order to use the
most appropriate ones. In this vein, the hybridisa-
tion of the two types of filtering have been proposed.
There are many available hybridization techniques
such as mixing, switching, weighted approach, fea-
ture combination among others. By using these tech-
niques, the system combines various recommendation
approaches to a single hybrid recommending system
(Wairegi et al., 2020).
Several studies related to the hybrid recommendation
systems have been proposed by researchers and prac-
titioners. To analyse these studies, we have conducted
a review of the literature by following the same pro-
tocol of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) de-
scribed in Kitchenham’s guidelines (Kitchenham and
Charters, 2007). This protocol contains the following
steps : 1) Identification of research questions, 2) Re-
search in Databases, 3) Data Selection which includes
the definition of Inclusion and Exclusion criteria, 4)
Data Extraction, and 5) Data Analysis. The rest of
this section focuses on the first four steps, while the
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
data analysis step is detailed in Section 4.
3.1 Search Questions
The objective of our review is to find the different
contributions proposed in literature in relation with
hybrid recommendation systems and to discuss the
different criteria of hybridisation used by these ap-
proaches. We thus formulated the three following
questions :
RQ1. What are the different approaches proposed
regarding hybrid recommendation systems?
RQ2. What are the types of problems that the hy-
bridization techniques tend to solve?
RQ3. What are the different techniques of hy-
bridization used to enhance the functioning of rec-
ommendation systems?
In order to answer the research questions defined
above, we have constructed the research string using
the keywords related to our topic. The basic key-
words are: Recommendation, System, Hybridization
and Filtering. To make the research more efficient,
we defined a set of synonyms and alternatives for the
different keywords. To link the alternative keywords,
we used the Boolean “OR” and to interconnect the
different parts of the string, we used the Boolean
AND”. As a consequence, we obtained the research
string presented below:
(hybrid OR hybridization OR collaborative OR
content-based) AND (recommender OR recommend-
ing OR recommendation) AND (system OR systems
OR filtering OR technique)
3.2 Research in Databases
Using the keywords above, we considered publica-
tions retrieved from IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Li-
brary, ScienceDirect and Springer Link.
IEEE Xplore: This database is very easy to ma-
nipulate. First, we entered the search string, and
then we filtered the first result by date to obtain
only the papers corresponding to our review.
ACM Digital Library: In this database, we had
to be more specific in the notation by adding two
quotes to the keywords, otherwise, we come up
with a big number of studies that have nothing to
do with our topic.
ScienceDirect Elsevier: This database works in
the same way as the ACM Digital Library in using
the quotes. In ScienceDirect, we can refine our
search through many filters like date, publication
title, article type, etc.
Springer Link: Springer link is also a database
known for its diversity in studies. The only com-
plicated issue we had to deal with in this database
is the interconnection between some filters.
3.3 Data Selection
To perform a successful literature review, the inclu-
sion and exclusion criteria must be carefully defined
in order to keep only the articles that are relevant to
our search.
Figure 1: Papers Selection Process.
The inclusion criteria we have defined are the fol-
IC1: The paper is a full article, a book, a chapter,
a report, a thesis, a presentation.
IC2: The title or the abstract of the paper contains
the keywords of the search.
IC3: The paper addresses the hybrid recommen-
dation systems.
IC4: The paper addresses at least one problem
of recommendation or proposes at least one
technique of hybridization.
And the exclusion criteria are the following:
EC1: The publication date is previous to 2016.
EC2: The paper is written in a language other
than English.
EC3: The paper is a short article, a standard, a
poster, an editorial, or a tutorial.
EC4: The title, the keywords and the abstract do
not correspond to the research subject.
EC5: The paper does not discuss the hybrid rec-
ommendation systems.
Hybrid Recommendation Systems: A State of Art
The total number of papers initially retrieved is
1816, divided as follows: 1046 from IEEE Xplore,
431 from ACM Digital Library, 245 from ScienceDi-
rect and 94 from SpringerLink. After applying all the
exclusion criteria, we kept only 33 papers at the end
of the selection process.
3.4 Data Extraction
In order to make a synthesis of the data collected and
to be able to answer the predefined research questions
above, we extracted a number of attributes from each
selected paper, as described in Table 1 (Kitchenham,
Table 1: Attributes used in data extraction.
Title Title of the paper
Year Publication year of the paper
Type e. g. Journal paper, conference pa-
per, thesis, book, chapter
Database e. g. IEEE, ACM, SpringerLink,
ScienceDirect (Elsevier)
Keywords Keywords specified in the paper
Methodology Methodology followed in the study
Contribution e. g. Model, Framework, Tools,
Method, Algorithm
The objective of this step is to answer the research
questions defined in the last section. The different
papers we have judged relevant for our review were
studied from different perspectives.
4.1 Metadata Analysis
In our review, we analyzed many types of articles
metadata, but we present in this article two main
types, which are the Data Source and the Publication
Data Source. Figure 2 presents the percentage
of papers from the four digital databases. The
distribution of papers is the following : 39% of the
selected papers belong to IEEE Explore (13 papers),
23% of papers from Springer (8 papers) and the
lowest percentage of papers were retrieved from both
ScienceDirect and ACM 19% (6 papers).
Figure 2: Percentage of papers in databases.
Publication Year. As mentioned earlier, the review
was conducted for the period 2016-2020. Figure 3
shows the number of papers published in each year.
The highest number of papers were published in 2019
with 12 papers. 7 of the selected papers were pub-
lished in 2017, 6 papers were published in 2020, 4
papers in 2018 and 4 papers in 2016.
Figure 3: Number of papers per year.
4.2 Problems Addressed by
To answer the question RQ2 asked above, we summa-
rized the main problems that the selected papers try to
avoid by using the hybridization. A total of 12 prob-
lems were found, and each problem has a degree of
importance. This section defined the four more com-
mon problems:
Cold-start: This problem is caused when the sys-
tem is unable to recommend an item to any user
because there is no rating for that item, or when
a new user enters in the system and has no rating
record, the system is unable to recommend items
to him (Wang et al., 2019).
Data Sparsity: This problem is caused by the
rate of users, which means if the user do not rate
some item, the system suffers from the paucity of
data and becomes unable to recommend items to
him because it has no idea about the user taste
(Dhawan, 2019).
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 2: Problems Addressed per Paper.
Paper Cold-Start Sparsity Scalability Diversity Others
(Pandey and Rajpoot, 2016) X X X X X
(Dhawan, 2019) X X
(Patel et al., 2017) X X X
(Duzen and Aktas, 2016) X X
(Mansur et al., 2017) X
(Tian et al., 2019) X X X X X
(Nikzad–Khasmakhi et al., 2019) X X X X
(Idrissi et al., 2019a) X X X
(Wairegi et al., 2020) X X X
(Agner et al., 2020) X X
(Cai et al., 2020) X X
(Ammar et al., 2020) X X X X X
(Tsolakidis et al., 2016) X X X X X
(Kumar et al., 2018) X X X
(Cano and Morisio, 2017) X X X X X
(Tang and Wang, 2016) X X X X
(Prakash et al., 2019) X
(Gong et al., 2020) X X
(Cao et al., 2018) X X
(Zhang et al., 2018) X X X X
(Alamdari et al., 2017) X X X X X
(Chen et al., 2017) X X X
(Gulzar et al., 2018) X
(Do et al., 2020) X
(Chen et al., 2018) X
(Wang et al., 2019) X
(Li et al., 2018a) X X
(Maihami et al., 2019) X X
(Shah et al., 2017) X X X
(Song et al., 2016) X
(Najmani et al., 2019) X X X X X
(C¸ akır et al., 2019) X
(Idrissi et al., 2019b) X
Scalability: It is the increase of number of rated
items by users, which increases also the complex-
ity. Thus, the recommendation system is unable
to handle such amount of data (Alamdari et al.,
Diversity: Diversity is recommending the same
item many times that are presented with differ-
ent names but represent the same product or item.
In this case, the system is unable to identify the
item with the other name affected to it (Burke,
2002). Diversity is one of the optimization objec-
tives, and it is related to the accuracy (Cai et al.,
2020). Diversity of recommended items decreases
while accuracy improves.
There are other problems appearing in few stud-
ies, like accuracy, gray sheep, shilling attacks,
black sheep, Changing user preferences, privacy,
Figure 4 shows the total of papers that treat each
problem. It is very notable that the cold-start issue is
the main problem treated in this area, With 28 papers
out of the total of papers (85%). The second most ad-
dressed issue is data sparsity with 26 papers (79%).
Scalability, as discussed before, is also an interest-
ing issue in the field of hybrid recommendation and
is covered by 17 papers selected in this review (52%).
And finally, some of these studies addressed data
diversity with 11 papers (33%), but, not all of them,
seeing that the over-specialization of data is still caus-
ing problem in some of type of hybridization.
The figure also shows that the other different is-
sues, mentioned separately in few papers, are pre-
sented in less than 25% out of 33 papers with 8 pa-
Table 2 presents the Problems addressed and the
different papers that deal with them.
Hybrid Recommendation Systems: A State of Art
Table 3: Problems vs. hybridisation techniques.
Cold-start Diversity Sparcity Scalability
Switching YES NO YES YES
Feature combination YES NO YES YES
Feature augmentation YES YES YES YES
Meta-level YES YES YES YES
Figure 4: Number of papers per Recommendation Problem.
4.3 Hybridisation Techniques
The quality of recommendation is the main topic of
all the papers. Quality has many definitions, but gen-
erally it is the ability of a product to satisfy defined
requirements [18]. Based on the selected papers, we
collected the different hybridisation techniques used
to solve the recommendation problems.
Weighting: In the weighted hybrid recommen-
dation, score or weight of a recommended item
is calculated from the results of all available rec-
ommendation techniques implemented in the sys-
tem (Burke, 2002). In this sense, (Li et al.,
2018a) have worked on the recommendation sys-
tem based on weighted linear regression models to
establish the model between the user’s scores for
the items and the user’s highest frequency scores.
Switching: By using this technique, the system
switches between recommendation techniques de-
pending on the current situation (Burke, 2002).
This technique has been used by many papers. For
example, (Prakash et al., 2019) proposed a system
that optimizes the results by incorporating dual
hybridization techniques, meta-level and switch-
Cascade: Cascade technique selects candidate
completely with the main recommendation, and
uses the other recommendation to refine product
or item scores (Burke, 2002). An example of sys-
tems that use this technique is the mobile music
cascade recommender that combines SVM genre
classification with collaborative user personality
(Cano and Morisio, 2017).
Feature Combination: Features from different
recommendation data sources are thrown together
into a single recommendation algorithm (Burke,
2002). This technique is used by (Wairegi et al.,
2020) to come up with an hybrid recommender
system that combines both content-based and
collaborative filtering approaches to recommend
items to the users.
Mixture: Mixed hybrids combine recommen-
dation results of different recommendation tech-
niques at the same time instead of having just one
recommendation per item (Burke, 2002). In this
contexte, (Gulzar et al., 2018) proposed a system
based on a mixed combination of three individual
techniques used in recommender information re-
trieval systems.
Feature Augmentation: The output from one
technique is used as an input feature to another
(Burke, 2002). For instance, (Cano and Morisio,
2017) mentioned an hybrid method that combines
multidimensional clustering and Collaborative fil-
tering to increase recommendation diversity.
Meta-level: The meta-level technique seeks to in-
put the result obtained by collaborative filtering
into the content-based system to get a more re-
fined recommendation set (Burke, 2002). Among
papers applying this technique, (Sattar et al.,
2017) proposed meta-level hybrid recommenda-
tion algorithms by combining item-based collab-
orative filtering with content-based filtering and
build content-based filtering model on the content
of K-nearest neighbors of items.
4.4 Discussion
Table 3 presents the techniques used to solve the dif-
ferent recommendation problems addressed by the se-
lected papers. From the table, we can see clearly that
hybridization techniques in most papers had for ob-
jective to overcome the cold-start problem, data spar-
sity and scalability. The problem then is with the di-
versity of data or the problem of over-specialization of
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
data which is still existing in Switching Hybrid Rec-
ommenders. Indeed, (Ghazanfar and Prugel-Bennett,
2010a) talks about the four issues of a hybrid recom-
mender system, but the switching hybridization pro-
posed in the paper is only able to deal with with the
cold-start, sparsity and scalability problems. A good
quality is also saving the users’ valuable time by rec-
ommending the best items that are related to their
preferences and choices and a weighted system has
shown the ability to make consolidated decisions (Do
et al., 2020) and to overcome the problem of data
diversity or the over-specialization besides the cold-
start issue, data sparsity and scalability (Cano and
Morisio, 2017). As for mixed hybridization, it has
shown its ability to avoid cold-start, sparsity and scal-
ability issues (Santos, 2014) but seems to have still
the data over-specialization issue since multiple rec-
ommenders present their results at once.
Hybridization based on feature combination treats
information as simply additional feature data (Burke,
2002), which explains why the combination type is
facing the same problem of data diversity as the
weighted and switching types. In cascading hybrid
recommender systems, a recommendation technique
is applied to produce a coarse candidate list of items
for recommendation that are refined by applying other
recommendation techniques (Ghazanfar and Prugel-
Bennett, 2010b). This means that the cascading type
does not suffer from the over-specialization issue due
to the enhancement that does on the other previous
techniques. Hybridization based on feature augmen-
tation is also able to deal with data over-specialization
issue (Li et al., 2018b), because it is employed to pro-
duce a rating or classification of items before recom-
mending them to the users. Finally, the meta-level
technique gives a compressed representation of user’s
interest, which explains how it deals with diversity
problem and data sparsity too.
Today, recommender systems play an important role
in our daily life. It have become an essential tool for
users to navigate the vast number of options for con-
tent and products, because it enables users to make
the most appropriate choices from the immense vari-
ety of items that are available by predicting the pref-
erences that users would give to an item (Tang and
Wang, 2016).
In this papers, we have presented the results of a
review that focuses especially on hybrid recommen-
dation systems. The objective of this review was to
investigate the different approaches proposed in the
subject between 2016 and 2020. As a result of search-
ing papers in four digital libraries, we identified at the
beginning 1816 papers. By applying a set of inclu-
sion and exclusion criteria, 33 relevant papers were
Many conclusions have been drawn from this re-
view. The most important constraint addressed by hy-
brid approaches is the cold start problem because it
appears in almost 75% of papers.
The analysis has also shown that data sparsity is
another important issue in recommendation, while the
scalability problem comes in the third place. There
are other issues found in studies such as accuracy,
gray sheep, shilling attacks, black sheep, Changing
user preferences, privacy and trust, that are also im-
portant but do not have the same impact on recom-
From the results, we can conclude that despite of
representing an important issue in recommendation
systems, data diversity or also known as the over-
specialization of information is not as current as the
other issues. It is slightly studied or just mentioned
in some papers. Therefore, we have found out that
this issue is not addressed by some hybridization tech-
niques, namely the weighting, the switching and the
feature combination techniques.
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