Figure 10: Example of detections obtained from YOLO-v4-AP1 model. The first two images are from the Crowd-sourced
dataset. The third image is from the Web-scrapped dataset that is in an industrial setting.
which employs an ensemble of classifiers VGG16,
ResNet50, and ResNet101, producing a final mAP of
72.87%. These results may indicate that superior re-
sults may be obtained from the individual improve-
ment of the classifiers or methods proposed in this
work. The ensemble method achieved an increase
of up to 2.45% compared to the best single classi-
fier (ResNet50) mAP (70.42%) of Approach II. Re-
garding the processing time, Approach I proved to be
more effective because of its one-stage implementa-
tion, which avoids bottlenecks between the process-
ing phases. Although slower, our results demonstrate
that Approach II still feasible to use it in real-time,
even with the use of an ensemble of classifiers.
From the implementation carried out for approach
I, it is possible to build a monitoring system that has
a robust detection and verification component. Since
the approach proved to be more efficient, not only in
terms of mAP (80.19%) but also in processing time,
reaching up to 11x faster (80 FPS) when compared
to approach II. Considering that, we believe that the
one-stage approach has a high potential for the con-
struction of an effective monitoring system that can
contribute to the safety of workers, minimizing the
number of accidents and live losses.
Regarding ID association component mentioned
in Figure 1, we believe that tracking algorithms such
as DeepSORT (Wojke et al., 2017) may present goods
results when employed along with the component ex-
plored in this work. This happens due to those al-
gorithms working well with robust detection models
to track real-time custom objects and assign unique
identities for each object.
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ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems