Analyzing the Impact of e-Caduc
ee, a Serious Game in Pharmacy on
Students’ Professional Skills over Multiple Years
Katia Oliver-Quelennec
1,2,3 a
, Franc¸ois Bouchet
1 b
, Thibault Carron
1 c
and Claire Pinc¸on
2 d
Sorbonne Universit
e, CNRS, LIP6, F-75005 Paris, France
Univ. Lille, CHU Lille, ULR 2694, METRICS:
Evaluation des Technologies de Sant
e et des Pratiques M
F-59000 Lille, France
Univ. Lille, GIVRE, DIP, France
Learning Game, Game-based Learning, Pharmacy, Simulation, Evaluation, Higher education, Dashboard.
In an academic program of our faculty of pharmacy, we tried to improve the training of future pharmacists
aiming at their professionalization. We proposed a learning game called e-Caduc
ee, which allows students
to train during 3 semesters with about one hundred clinical cases. We investigated the consistency between
skills worked in the game with those defined by the pedagogical team as well as the impact of the game and
of the embedded dashboard on students’ skills. We collected data from the game (activity traces), from the
faculty (academic results) and from the students (opinion about the game). To answer our research questions,
we used both multiple linear regressions as well as classical statistical inference. Results reveal that the score
predictions based on the use of e-Caduc
ee correspond with the definition of the teachers. We also found clues
that the use of e-Caduc
ee helped with learning some professional skills but the result was not confirmed with
statistical analysis. Finally, we found a link between the use of the dashboard in the game and one particular
professional skill’s academic results (prescription). Our future work aims at developing an adaptive learning
dashboard for the game and analyzing its possible impact.
When training health professionals, a saying is often
heard: “never practice the first time on a patient”. To
meet this need, simulation is a reliable solution to en-
able future health professionals to train without real
consequences. Thus, learners can practice without ex-
posing patients to risk, making mistake and learning
serenely. Simulation associated with a learning game
allows leveraging the benefits of game-based learning
in training. Alvarez et al. (2012) define “a Serious
Game (as) an artifact, digital or otherwise, for which
the original intention is to combine with consistency,
both serious aspects such as non-exhaustive and non-
exclusive, teaching, learning, communication, or the
information, with playful elements from the game”.
It is sometimes referred to as a learning game in the
education context (George, 2019), and “[their] main
benefit (...) is the user’s motivation linked to the in-
herent goals of the game whose fulfillment is a source
of satisfaction and rewards”. Some studies have also
shown a positive impact of learning games on aca-
demic results (Pacheco-Velazquez et al., 2019; Pa-
padakis et al., 2020).
The impact of learning games on knowledge
and skills acquisition is usually evaluated with a
pre-test/post-test, but this method can be “expen-
sive, time-consuming and provides limited informa-
tion about the user in the learning process” (Alonso-
Fernandez et al., 2017). Collecting traces of activi-
ties and their analysis can be a complementary way
to evaluate the impact of a learning game, that may
also help to understand the learning process in order
to improve it (Alonso-Fern
andez et al., 2019). We
developed a learning game called e-Caduc
ee, to sim-
ulate professional life in a pharmacy, used by students
over multiple years. Using various learning analytics
methods, we have investigated the possible impacts
on students’ learning process and tried to answer the
following research questions (RQ):
RQ1. Are the professional skills worked in the
game consistent with those defined by the peda-
Oliver-Quelennec, K., Bouchet, F., Carron, T. and Pinçon, C.
Analyzing the Impact of e-Caducée, a Serious Game in Pharmacy on Students’ Professional Skills over Multiple Years.
DOI: 10.5220/0010453903310338
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 331-338
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
gogical team?
RQ2. Does the learning game allow students to
strengthen their professional skills?
RQ3. Does the use of the embedded dashboard
have a positive impact on learning?
The outline of this paper is as follows: section 2 re-
views previous works about simulation and learning
games, with a focus on the pharmacy profession, and
introduces the concept of Learning Analytics Dash-
boards (LAD); section 3 describes the learning game
ee, section 4 details materials and methods of
this study, section 5 shows its main results, section 6
discusses these results and section 7 gives a conclu-
sion and opens the first perspectives of our work.
Simulation and learning game are common tools in
health education and pharmacy curriculum. Cain and
Piascik (2015) identify serious games as a real oppor-
tunity in pharmacy education: Advantages of seri-
ous gaming in pharmacy education include authen-
tic, situated learning without risk of patient conse-
quences, collaborative learning, ability to challenge
students of all performance levels, high student mo-
tivation with increased time on task, immediate feed-
back, ability to learn from mistakes without becoming
discouraged, and potential for behavior and attitude
change. A review of several educational games in
pharmacy concludes on a lack of evidence that edu-
cational games foster learning in pharmacy schools,
even if they may impact students’ motivation (Abu-
rahma and Mohamed, 2015). An imbalance between
educational and entertainment components could be
the cause. However when coupled with simulation,
learning games seem to have a positive effect on the
learning process as Berger et al. (2018) experimented
with one clinical case, or as Abed et al. (2016) stud-
ied for vocational training in a professional context.
This result is still uncertain and could be context-
dependent, as some recent studies (Blani
e et al., 2020)
cast doubts over the positive impact of learning with
simulation compared with health traditional teaching
method based on clinical cases and debriefing. It is
therefore critical to keep on investigating this issue in
multiple contexts. Moreover, a potential limit to the
aforementioned works is that they tend to focus on
simulation used over a relatively short period of time
(from a few hours for Blani
e et al. (2020) to several
weeks at home for Pacheco-Velazquez et al. (2019) or
Berger et al. (2018)). We hypothesize that these vari-
ous time of use could be one of the reasons explaining
the discrepancy in the results observed so far. To the
best of our knowledge, we did not find study about the
learning impact of a learning game used over several
years by the same cohort of students.
In a learning game, a Learning Analytics Dash-
board (LAD) is a helpful tool which supports online
learning. A LAD can be defined as “a single display
that aggregates different indicators about learner(s),
learning process(es) and/or learning context(s) into
one or multiple visualizations” (Schwendimann et al.,
2017). Thus, the user can use all this information to
make a decision. By summarizing learning data for
the student with an appropriate visualization, LAD
supports awareness of learning process (Jivet et al.,
2017) and self-assessment. Its functions mirror those
of the dashboards in video games, that show to the
player which goals are achieved and that guide them
to the next level. Today, LADs in learning games are
increasingly being studied (Scheneider and Lemos,
2020) and are evolving from a static to an interac-
tive form. Alonso-Fernandez et al. (2017) explained
that ”not all classical gamification metrics are suit-
able or useful for learning and training”, by exam-
ple, peer comparison can discourage students or speed
constraint can have negative effects. We can suppose
that data defined for a LAD of a serious game by
Alonso-Fernandez et al. (2017) (proportion of correct
answers, final score) are adapted to LAD in a learning
game with simulation in the specific context of health.
3.1 Overview of the Game
The learning game e-Caduc
ee scenario introduces the
player to a little town with several key places (cf. fig-
ure 1), where students start a pharmacy internship.
Their main objective is to handle patients (cf. figure
2), by dispensing medications and/or providing med-
ical advice. Each visit of a patient corresponds to a
clinical case, built with the following general frame:
context definition with a 3D video (cf. figure 2), ques-
tions relative to the pathophysiology of the disease,
therapeutic strategies, pharmacology of medication,
treatment optimization, and education and counseling
of the patient. By following this framework, the clin-
ical cases written for the game allow students to work
on the different skills planned by the teaching team:
prescription, prescription dispensing and advice. Two
endings are possible, positive or mildly negative (pa-
tients never die), depending on the student’s score.
Clinical cases have been written by experts from dif-
ferent universities in France and validated by an ed-
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
itorial committee. They have formative evaluation
purposes and contain multiple explanations of the an-
swers to the exercises and links to official references
(i.e. immediate feedback is provided after a case to
explain why the selected answer was correct or incor-
In e-Caduc
ee, as in a real pharmacy, patients arrive
randomly and the player never knows which topic will
be next. Some clinical cases are related to each other,
with a previously seen patient that may randomly
come back to the pharmacy with questions about the
evolution and the treatment of their pathology. If stu-
dents are successful (more than 60% of good answers
in several clinical cases), they receive some in-game
rewards from the internship supervisor which can be
extradiegetic (e.g. badges) or intradiegetic (e.g. the
virtual character is invited to restaurant). After a fixed
number of successful clinical cases, students can be
promoted as assistant, and then as pharmacist asso-
ciate, the level of the clinical cases increasing with
the status of the student in the game. Although a
scenario leads the student through the game, he or
she can at any time review previously seen clinical
cases and make the choice to deal with lower level
untreated cases. This allows them to revisit previous
topics if needed. When the player becomes assistant,
he can also visit different places of the town, such as
the faculty which allows him or her to review courses
or to train about a specific pathology. Finally, the tro-
phy room provides the student with a static dashboard
(cf. figure 3) which gives the obtained scores, the
opinion of the internship supervisor, the correspond-
ing rewards and the rewards to be earned. The game
ends with the most complicated case as the final chal-
lenge. The learning game was developed with open
source software Scenari Opale to write clinical cases,
and Scenari Topaze to develop the game engine. This
choice allows teachers to update clinical cases easily
by themselves. 2d illustrations and 3d videos have
been made by external companies.
Figure 1: Illustration of the fictitious town Berdeghem and
its virtual pharmacy.
Figure 2: A patient in the pharmacy to introduce each clin-
ical case, in this example a pregnant woman coming with a
3.2 Game Implementation
ee has been used in several public universi-
ties in France, with different modalities (distributed
over a single semester as an option or spread over
3 years with a validation requirement) and different
game configurations (clinical cases by theme or by
level of difficulty). In the current study context, the
game has been an optional part of a mandatory teach-
ing unit PROFFIteROLE (PRatiques OFFIcinales et
jeux de ROLEs), for the last three semesters of the
academic program of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Lille
(France) intended to future dispensary pharmacists.
In this teaching unit, students alternate practicing on-
line with the game e-Caduc
ee and in physical class-
rooms. Students begin with a physical classroom
where teachers introduce the teaching unit by present-
ing its global organization, learning objectives, evalu-
ation methods, as well as the e-Caduc
ee game. Dur-
ing this course, students can discover the game and
ask questions. Then, they are free to play online, as
many times as they want, in group or alone, or even
to not play at all. Meanwhile, during each semester,
3 sessions of face-to-face simulations are organized
with 3 clinical cases to be treated. Students are given
the topics in advance and asked to prepare them, pos-
sibly with the serious game. Sessions are then or-
ganized in three sequences: a prebriefing introduces
the aim and the contents of the session; the simula-
tion time gives students the opportunity to alternate
playing as a pharmacist, a patient or an observer; a
debriefing summarizes the skills that have been used
properly and those that need to improve. Although
the main focus in on training the pharmacist skills,
taking on the role of patient helps to develop empa-
thy for patients, and playing as an observer helps in
developing a critical and objective look while filling a
criterion-based evaluation grid of the pharmacist.
Each semester, the content of the teaching unit
evolves, students deal with 9 new clinical cases in ad-
Analyzing the Impact of e-Caducée, a Serious Game in Pharmacy on Students’ Professional Skills over Multiple Years
Figure 3: Dashboard of the game.
dition to the game in face-to-face simulation and can
work on about 30 new clinical cases in the game on-
line. This progressive releasing of new cases encour-
age students to go back to the learning game for a sus-
tained use over multiple semesters. Clinical cases in-
cluded in the game change and became more complex
with cases involving multiple pathologies. Face-to-
face simulations aim at developing other skills which
cannot be directly targeted in the learning game,
such as communication between health profession-
als by including medical and dental students to simu-
late the direct exchanges between health professionals
needed to solve complex clinical cases. Student as-
sessment is also adapted to the pedagogical goals of
each semester and takes several forms: students have
to solve 2 clinical cases from the serious game in the
first semester, to write in group a new clinical case
in the second semester, and to manage a face-to-face
simulation with a teacher for the last semester.
4.1 Materials
In order to answer to the aforementioned three re-
search questions, we collected data from several
From the game, for each of the 3 semesters: num-
ber of game attempts, overall average grade, num-
ber of clinical cases completed for each of the 3
levels of difficulty, access to the online training
space and access to the trophy room. All these
data are exported in csv format from the Learn-
ing Management System (Moodle) in which e-
ee is embedded.
From the faculty: overall average grade, whether
the year was repeated or not, grade in this teaching
unit, grade obtained in the mandatory internship
each student has to do after the last semester (with
detailed assessments for 6 different skills: posol-
ogy [POS], good preparation practices [GPP],
prescription [PRE], work in public health [WPH],
prescription dispensing [PDI] and advice [ADV]).
All these data are exported in csv format from the
university management software (Apog
From a questionnaire to the students: whether
they worked in a pharmacy during their stud-
ies for each semester (independently from the fi-
nal mandatory internship), their opinion about the
game and its current dashboard (trophy room) and
their expectations to improve them. These data
are exported in csv format from an optional on-
line questionnaire (Lime Survey) sent to students
during the third semester.
We worked with data coming from two cohorts of stu-
dents of a faculty of pharmacy, with n=94 for 2017-
2018 and n=100 for 2018-2019.
4.2 Methods
Prior to data collection, we worked with our data pro-
tection officer to ensure compliance with the Gen-
eral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Euro-
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
pean Union’s data protection law. Thus, teachers have
informed students about our research and why we col-
lect data. Then, students could choose to access a ver-
sion of the game with or without data collecting.
Initially, we considered comparing the results of
students who played and did not play the game by di-
viding the cohort in two groups, one with the game
and one with just clinical cases. But this method can-
not be used with the actual game design. As explained
in 3.1, to simulate a real pharmacy, patients arrive ran-
domly and students do not have to do all clinical cases
to succeed in the game. We used this method to evalu-
ate the game design and to help us improve it when the
game was created, and we observed that each student
of each group took a different path (different clinical
cases studied and different number of attempts). We
therefore considered other methods to assess the im-
pact of the game on learning: machine learning-based
one and classical statistical inference summarized in
figure 4.
To examine the first and second research ques-
tions, our approach consisted in training multiple lin-
ear regression models in order to predict the grade as-
sociated to each of the 6 skills evaluated in the in-
ternship (as well as the overall internship grade), us-
ing features coming from the game data. The idea
is that if the game trains a particular skill, features
representing how much the students use the game
should help in predicting the grade they obtained on
the skill during the internship. On the opposite, if a
skill is not particularly trained in the game, the corre-
lation between the game usage and the grade on that
skill should be low and therefore the regression model
should perform poorly for it. This analysis was con-
ducted using RapidMiner (version 9.8) with 10-fold
cross-validation to estimate the correlation (Pearson
r) and mean absolute error (MAE).
To explore the second and third research ques-
tions, our approach used continuous variables ex-
pressed as mean ± SD or median [25th 75th per-
centile], as appropriate. Categorical variables are pre-
sented as absolute numbers and percentages. Linear
regression analysis was used to study the relationship
between academic results and the use of the learn-
ing game. Models were adjusted on potential con-
founding factors. The linearity assumption for con-
tinuous covariates was assessed by testing the addi-
tion of a quadratic component in the model. Multi-
variate models were built by first including all predic-
tors and then using a manual backward selection to re-
duce the model. Regression underlying assumptions
were visually inspected with residual plots. Longitu-
dinal data of academic results for the three semesters
were analyzed using repeated-measures analysis of
covariance (PROC MIXED) with a REPEATED state-
ment for within student correlation over the three
semesters. The main covariate was the number of vis-
its of the LAD, and potential confounding variables
were included in the analyses. Models were built as
described above for the linear regression models. The
two-sided type I error was set at 5%. Analyses were
conducted using SAS software (SAS version 9.3, SAS
Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
To answer our first and second questions, the table 1
presents our results to predict the grade associated to
each of the 6 skills evaluated in the internship (posol-
ogy [POS], good preparation practices [GPP], pre-
scription [PRE], work in public health [WPH], pre-
scription dispensing [PDI] and advice [ADV]). Ac-
cording to the teaching team, e-Caduc
ee allows to
work mainly on prescription (PRE), prescription dis-
pensing (PDI) and advice (ADV) skills.
Table 1: Performance of the linear regression models
trained on each skill and on the overall internship grade.
Skill Correl. (r) MAE Best
M SD M SD model
POS .200 .314 1.871 1.123 Lin. reg.
GPP .337 .439 2.900 1.369 GLM
PRE .425 .374 2.575 1.087 Lin. reg.
WPH .330 .398 1.763 0.993 Lin. reg.
PDI .306 .363 2.306 0.971 GLM
ADV .156 .307 2.830 1.093 Lin. reg.
Total .271 .369 1.816 0.861 GLM
To answer our second question, our analyses have
identified links between the learning game and aca-
demic results. A link between the use of the game
and the teaching unit score (p = 0.02) is highlighted.
Playing 3 times on e-Caduc
ee increases the teaching
unit score by an average of 1.29 points (IC95% [0.40;
2.18]). But we did not identify any link between the
use of the game and the internship results. The stu-
dents who responded to the game evaluation survey
(n = 102 for both cohorts) felt that: the game was sat-
isfying at 99%, the distribution of clinical cases by
level were appropriate at 86%, the number of cases
to be treated was adapted at 92%, the gaming was
adapted at 92%, the game allowed a synthesis of
knowledge at 85%, the game allowed to learn new
knowledge at 86%, the game helped to improve one’s
professional practice at 83%.
Analyzing the Impact of e-Caducée, a Serious Game in Pharmacy on Students’ Professional Skills over Multiple Years
Figure 4: Data and analyses used to investigate the three research questions.
And last but not least, we did a focus on players only,
to observe if the use of the LAD had consequences
on their results. We analyzed the use of the game by
each student for each of the 3 semesters (n = 431)
and we identified a link between the number of visits
and the results in the game (p = 0.003). Visiting vol-
untarily the trophy room at least twice increased the
results in the game EC by an average of 6.41 points
(IC95% [2.82; 10.]). Then, we tried to search a link
between the use of the LAD and the internship re-
sults, with adjustment factors on gender, overall av-
erage, teaching units results and game results of each
semester. We could demonstrate a link between the
use of the LAD during the last semester and prescrip-
tion skill evaluation (p = 0.04). Visiting the trophy
room once increased the average prescription score by
2.12 points (IC95% [0.41; 3.82]). A link between the
number of visits to the trophy room during the second
semester and the prescription dispensing skill score
(p = 0.02) was found. Visiting the trophy room once
increases the average prescription dispensing score by
1.82 points (95% IC [0.08; 3.56]).
To complete this study, we asked the students’
opinions from the cohort 2017-2018 about the LAD.
For students who responded (n = 47), 85% of the
players remembered visiting the trophy room. Some
elements are considered useful by the majority, such
as overall results and results by pathology. Other el-
ements do not meet unanimous approval, such as the
opinion of the internship supervisor. The 15% who
did not remember having visited the trophy room ex-
plained this for 3 reasons: not being aware of it, find-
ing it useless or not taking the time. Some students’
comments are encouraging, as for example “Thanks
to these results, I could see the areas in which I had
already achieved good results, but also and above all,
I could see the gaps that I had not necessarily noticed
when I had completed the questionnaires. When other
clinical cases dealing with subjects in which I did not
have a lot of points, I took more time to answer and
possibly do further research on the internet or on my
courses. The students then expressed some expecta-
tions for improving the LAD in the future, with dif-
ferent opinions on the types of data and visualizations
The main goal of the game is to prepare students
before real professional practice. Teachers have de-
fined more precisely the skills concerned within the
game, which are prescription, prescription dispensing
and advice. The results of the score predictions cor-
respond partially to the teachers’ opinions. We can
answer to the first question, some professional skills
worked in the game are consistent with those defined
by the teaching team, as prescription and prescrip-
tion dispensing, but not the advice skill. To under-
stand, it would be necessary to work with the peda-
gogical team to identify how this skill is evaluated.
We can conclude the pedagogical alignment between
the game, the assessment and the skills of prescription
to be acquired is correct.
In response to our second question, which sup-
poses that the learning game allows to reinforce pro-
fessional skills, the first analysis with a machine
learning type of approach suggests links between the
game and some professional skills. But with the clas-
sical statistical inference method, we establish a link
between using the game and academics results in the
teaching unit, but not with the professional skills eval-
uated during the internship. We compared students
who played a little, a lot and those who did not. But
the definition of non-player may be inaccurate, as we
simply defined non-players as students with no trace
in the game. We can assume that these data can be
refined, considering that some students have chosen
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
to use a game with no record, but they were counted
as non-players. Then, as the game is optional, they
could play in groups, and in this case, we have no
data about it. Informal interaction with students sug-
gest that this type of behavior does exist, but we have
not evaluated their prevalence to know if it is high
enough to potentially significantly affect our observa-
tions. We should identify students who played with
no data record to have some more accurate results.
According to the students’ opinions, the majority be-
lieves that the game e-Caduc
ee improves their profes-
sional practice (83%). It might contribute to build up
the self-confidence in their professional practice that
is necessary for caring for real patients.
Some results on the impact of the dashboard on
learning allow us to answer partially our last question,
suggesting that its use can improve learning. We have
observed that the use of the LAD improves the result
in the game. We can assume that the proposed data
are relevant for some players. The use of the LAD
also shows an increase in the scores of the internship
evaluation. If we look at the semestrial results more
precisely, it appears that its use in the second semester
has a stronger impact on the prescription note. Most
of the clinical cases of that semester involve a pre-
scription, which could explain this result.
Debriefing has an important place in learning
games as Crookall (2010) explains “Some learning
often occurs while a game is being played, but deeper
lessons are drawn and drawn out in a debriefing ses-
sion”. He says that with “the use of computers, we
have a powerful tool indeed for debriefing. . . . The
data can then be processed to provide material for
feedback during play, as in-game debriefing”. This
tool has some similarity with the definition of a LAD.
Thus, a LAD may have a positive impact on learn-
ing games because it can take the role of the in-
game debriefing. LAD’s elements defined as useful
by some students, e.g. the results by categories, seem
to provide useful feedback for this in-game debrief-
ing, and thus enable awareness of acquired and under-
developed skills. Finally, we may wonder why some
players have not used LAD. We can assume that this
very simple LAD was not adapted to their needs as
demonstrated by the work of Roberts et al. (2017)
and Teasley (2017). Indeed, adaptive LADs seem
to better meet the expectations of all users (Dabbebi
et al., 2017), which is supported by the expectations
expressed by our students, and this is one of the direc-
tions we intend to work on in the future.
The positive results of our study are certainly in
line with several existing works on the acquisition of
professional skills. But replicating in different con-
texts is important to confirm a result, as some studies
shew different results in health domain (Blani
e et al.,
2020). Then, our research is based on an moderate
sample size, but with the use of a game spanning over
multiple years, which is a modality little studied ac-
cording to our investigations. Finally, our approach
presents an original analysis using machine learning
methods in addition to traditional analysis methods.
ee offers students in pharmacy the opportu-
nity to work on their professional skills by treating
almost a hundred of clinical cases. In our context,
we first identified that the professional skills worked
in the game were consistent with those defined by the
teaching team, e-Caduc
ee seemed to be adapted to the
pedagogical objectives. According to the students’
opinion, the learning game may reinforce professional
skills, but with a partial confirmation of a link be-
tween the game and internship results using several
analysis methods as learning machine and classical
statistical inference. Finally, we observed that the
use of the student’s dashboard in the game enhanced
learning, with a link between the use of the dashboard
and prescription skills results. To conclude, our work
deals with a widely addressed issue but with an origi-
nal context with a multi-year game and several analy-
sis methods. Although we do not demonstrate it here
and further studies would be needed, the fact we find
a positive impact of the game is in line with our ini-
tial hypothesis that it may be important to consider
long-term use of learning game simulations to mea-
sure positive impact.
Our future work will focus on the LAD by ex-
ploring adaptive approaches. First, we will im-
prove the LAD design using co-design methods such
as PADDLE (Oliver-Quelennec, 2020) adapted from
Dabbebi et al. (2019), and then observe possible im-
pacts of these adapted and adaptive LAD.
The research published in this article is based on re-
sults of teaching unit PROFFIteROLE and we thank
all the actors involved: teachers of GIVRE and Ben-
jamin Hourdouillie to extract data. This work is in-
cluded in the P3 project, developed by Universit
e de
Lille and co-financed by the iSite Universit
e Lille
Analyzing the Impact of e-Caducée, a Serious Game in Pharmacy on Students’ Professional Skills over Multiple Years
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Aburahma, M. H. and Mohamed, H. M. (2015). Educa-
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Alonso-Fernandez, C., Calvo, A., Freire, M., Martinez-
Ortiz, I., and Fernandez-Manjon, B. (2017). Sys-
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CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education