• Mean of the Clusters’ Pixels’ Distances to the
Ground Truth: it is used as a measure of the al-
gorithm precision. It computes, for each group of
pixels, the distance between the potential pixels
representing a marking and the ground truth.
• Recall.
Table 4 shows that all the metrics are improved for
both methods by using the adaptive research of the
markings reference color. In particular, we note a
significant increase in the maximum detection range.
The results are more important on the fin camera im-
ages because the lines are more blurred and easily
confused with the tarmac, particularly when they are
far from the camera. We also note an increase of the
maximum range detection, directly linked to a better
separation between the tarmac and the line.
In this paper, we evaluated several distances be-
tween a reference color and pixels of an image, us-
ing multiple color spaces, in order to define the pair
(ColorSpace,DistanceMethod) that best separate the
markings color from the rest of the image. We pre-
sented an algorithm to automatically refine this refer-
ence color, required for the detection of markings in
airport areas. We computed the distance between the
reference color and the color of every pixel in the im-
age, providing either a binary image with pixels clas-
sified as ’markings’ or a distance map; these outputs
are exploited by two line detection algorithms, based
on the Hough transform or the Particle Filter. We ob-
served a clear improvement of their results when us-
ing the adaptive refinement of the reference color.
Such a method can be used, for instance, to de-
tect several markings in the airport areas such as bea-
cons or other colors of lines by modifying the refer-
ence color and re-running the database and robust-
ness to noise studies. Assuming the use of neural
networks on a prospective study, it could be interest-
ing to compare the results of changing the RGB im-
age to a L*C*h image as an input of the network on
the detection results. In this study, we worked with
known color spaces without defining an order relation
between their channels. Future works could include
an algorithm as proposed in (Lambert and Chanus-
sot, 2000), to improve the yellow boundaries detec-
tion process while adding an order relation between
the channels of the different color spaces. It could
also be interesting to use CNNs to deal with more
complex classifications such as non-linear separators,
taking into account the concerns about the certifica-
tions problems.
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