Complex Skills Development through Digital Qualification
Assessment: Survey Study for European and Oriental Languages
Rusudan Makhachashvili
, Ivan Semenist
and Anna Bakhtina
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Bulvarno-Kudryavska-st., 18/2, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: ICT Tools and Practices, Complex Skills, Digital Literacy, Blended Learning, Final Qualification
Assessment, Survey Study, European Languages, Oriental Languages.
Abstract: The workflow of the university summative assessment process was significantly disrupted in the year 2020
by the global pandemic and quarantine measures. Qualification assessment for university Foreign Languages
programs, as a complex framework procedure (exams, final project presentation, review, appeal), was fully
transformed into the digital format. The study discloses the context and models of the transformation of
complex skillsets, necessary for the COVID-19 emergency education measures. The study is based on the
identification of various complex competency principles, derivative of 21st-century skills for university
education stakeholders, and projected digital literacy requirements. Correspondence between the 21st-century
skills framework, Competences 2020 framework, and Global Skills 2025 framework is estimated through the
revised Bloom’s taxonomy of educational goals. The study objective is to analyse the case of complex skills
application for Digital Final Qualification Assessment at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine
(European and Oriental Languages programs), conducted in the timeframe of the first-wave 2020 quarantine.
The inquiry results disclose and measure the efficiency of complex soft skills and corresponding digital skills,
necessary for a successful Final qualification assessment procedure.
The global pandemic and subsequent quarantine
measures and restrictions have posed an array of
challenges to the structure and procedure of
university summative assessment process.
Qualification assessment for Foreign Languages
major programs in particular is a strict regimen
process that involves different stages requiring
activation of an array of individual complex skills and
complex framework skillsets.
According to the comprehensive estimations of
the study of transformative trends in society,
networking and education in the framework of the
COVID-19 pandemic (Makhachashvili, Semenist, et
al, 2020), the educational sphere is faced with the
need to disclose the following overarching research
questions: a) how adaptation of the existent
educational scenarios to digital, remote and blended
formats is possible; b) how activation of
comprehensive complex skillsets, otherwise latent or
underutilized in the educational process is possible; c)
how ICT competence and digital literacy of all
participants of the educational process is enhanced in
the lockdown framework.
This investigation aims to identify various
groups of complex digital skills and communication
practices, activated by qualification assessment
complex activities for all participants (students,
faculty, referees).The primary vehicle to attain the
inquiry objective is the review of the applied case and
best practices of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Digital Final Qualification Assessment for students of
European (Spanish, French, Italian, English) and
Oriental (Mandarin Chinese, Japanese) Languages
major programs, employed in the year 2020 due to
quarantine measures. The survey and efficiency
Makhachashvili, R., Semenist, I. and Bakhtina, A.
Complex Skills Development through Digital Qualification Assessment: Survey Study for European and Oriental Languages Programs.
DOI: 10.5220/0010457800700077
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2021), pages 70-77
ISBN: 978-989-758-505-0
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
evaluation of different ICT tools is used to assess the
translation of complex real-life qualification
assessment procedures into online blended format.
The study theoretical premise is based on the
range of related works on various complex
competency principles, derivative of 21
skills (Abbot 2013; Dos Reis 2015; Morze et al, 2016)
for university staff members and projected digital
literacy requirements.
A complex skill is generally understood as a skill
requiring to process lots of information and make lots
of decisions simultaneously (Wulf, 2002). A
comprehensive correspondence between 21
skills framework, Competences 2020 framework and
the newly introduced Global Skills 2025 framework
(WEF, 2020) has been devised by the authorial team
in terms of a vaster institutional inquiry
(Makhachashvili, Semenist, et al, 2020) - Table 1:
Table 1: 21st Century Complex Skills Frameworks
Critical thinking Complex problem
Critical thinking
Argumentation and
decision making
Critical thinking
and analysis
Learning and
Flexibility and
Cognitive flexibility
originality and
Active learning
and learning
Leadership and
social influence
and time
Initiative and drive Human resources
Attention to
Social skills Emotional intellect
and time
Reasoning and
In the educational process management, the most
commonly applied framework of educational goals
structure and subsequent skills acquisition is the
Bloom’s taxonomy (Bloom, 1956; Anderson, 2001)
Remembering, Understanding, Application, Analysis,
Evaluation, Creation. The taxonomy elements can be
distributed on a scale of Lower Order Thinking Skills
(LOTS) and Higher Order Thinking Skills (Evans
2020) in the following way (Figure 1):
Figure 1: Bloom’s Taxonomy Order of Thinking Skills
Subsequently, in order to discover a
comprehensive way of assorted 21
century skills
allocation within the complex educational process
and separate educational procedures, according to this
study estimations, it is possible to refer the critical
complex skills to various tiers of the educational
goals taxonomy (Figure 2):
Figure 2: Bloom’s taxonomy and 21
century complex
skills correlation scheme.
As evident from the scheme above, the nature of
core skills (social skills, emotional intellect,
collaboration, communication, ICT-literacy),
necessary for educational goals achievement, is
For the purposes of this study, in lieu of the
COVID-19 digital transformations, imposed on the
educational process in the area of Foreign languages
acquisition, a unified framework of correspondence
between the components of a crucial communicative
competence (Hymes, 1972), comprising of a complex
Complex Skills Development through Digital Qualification Assessment: Survey Study for European and Oriental Languages Programs
skillset, and various aspects of ICT competence
(comprising of a complex skillset) in Liberal Arts
(Ecompetences, 2020), utilized in the educational
process, has been elaborated (Figure 3):
Figure 3: Correspondence Between Communicative
Competence and ICT Competence in Liberal Arts.
The following study aims to identify, among other
parameters, challenges for actual and underdeveloped
complex skills (hard, technical and soft), that
participants of the educational process encountered
through Final Qualification Assessment in programs
of European and Oriental Languages.
2.1 Comprehensive Profile of Final
Qualification Assessment for
Foreign Languages Programs as
Complex Framework Activity
Qualification assessment for Foreign Languages
major programs is profiled as a mandatory
educational scenario that involves different stages
(oral and written exams, final project viva, internal
and external review) and is carried out as a complex
uniform framework.
According to the Law of Ukraine "On Higher
Education" (Zakon, 2019), qualification assessment
is the establishment in compliance of learning
outcomes (scientific or creative work) of higher
education students with the requirements of the
educational (scientific, educational and creative)
program and / or the single state qualifying exam.
The form of final qualification assessment of
students is defined by the state standards of education
and is reflected in the curricula of the Free Economic
Zone. Usually state final qualification has a two-tier
structure: 1) State exam; 2) Defence (viva) of
qualification (bachelor's or master’s) paper.
State standards of education provide for the
existence and observance of rules and requirements
for the procedure of state qualification assessment. In
addition, the defence of the qualification paper or
project contains propaedeutic procedures designed to
obtain the basis for admission of students to the
defence (Zakon, 2019).
In the context of this study it is suggested, that the
complex structure of Final Qualification Assessment
regimen of activities, tasks and communication can
be profiled into the following mandatory
1) Pre-assessment regimen;
2) Assessment process regimen;
3) Post-assessment regimen.
The law mandated regimen of the Final
Qualification Assessment would habitually comprise
of a state examination and presentation of qualifying
projects at a meeting of the State Examination
Committee (SEC). The prerequisite of the
Qualification Assessment is documented feedback on
the work of the graduate form a supervisor and at least
one external review by a scholar from the teaching
staff, who works in the institutions of the Free
Economic Zone and is a specialist in the subject of the
diploma. The defence procedure consists of a 5-8
minutes’ presentation by the probate graduate and
questions. The procedure is open and accessible to the
public. The results are discussed by SEC right after
and announced to the graduates. The open appeal of
the Final Qualification Assessment results can be
filed immediately.
Through the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown
timeframe all elements of the Final Qualification
Assessment at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University for
European and Oriental Languages programs have
been relegated to the digital, remote or blended
format with the use of ICT tools.
The qualification assessment regimen was
adapted through the first iteration (May-June 2020)
to digital format as a framework (a legal procedure
that results in the degree confirmation of a student),
the string of consecutive activities according to the
legal procedure described in the profile above, the
"ritual" scenario - an uplifting and sombre experience
for the students (Makhachashvili, Semenist, et al,
2020). In this study the Qualification Assessment for
foreign languages at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv
University transference model to digital format in the
form of a comprehensive is revised to accommodate
the complex framework structure (Figure 4):
COMPLEXIS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Figure 4: Frame of Final Qualification assessment
comprehensive transformation into digital communicative
According to the model above, a set of digital
equivalent communication activities is attributed to
each component of the Final Qualification
Assessment framework: 1) Pre-assessment regimen
(video-conferencing, chat communication, cloud-
based services, file-sharing services, social media);
2) Assessment regimen (video-conferencing, chat
communication, cloud-based services, mobile apps,
digital testing engines, speech to text conversion,
social media); 3) Post-assessment regimen (video-
conferencing, chat communication, cloud-based
services, social media).
According to our observations, based on the case
study of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, the
conversion of Final Qualification Assessment for
Foreign Languages programs into the digital format
as a complex framework educational scenario is
subject to the educational goals taxonomy 2.0
(Churches 2008) structuring in terms of activities,
employed on each stage of the procedure and ICT
tools utilized (Figure 5):
Figure 5: Final Qualification Assessment Complex
Framework, educational goals taxonomy and sample ICT
tools correlation.
As is evident from the model devised, Digital
Final Qualification Pre-assessment regimen
corresponds to the activation of low to medium order
complex skills by all participants of the
(understanding, remembering, application), whereas
assessment regimen proper and post-assessment
activities in the digital format corresponds to the
activation of the high order complex skills (analysis,
evaluation, creativity) via utilization of more
sophisticated ICT tools and digital communicative
2.2 Complex Skills for Digital Final
Qualification Assessment in the
Framework of COVID-19: Survey
2.2.1 Survey Overview: Instrument and
The study implements the mixed method approach
(Almalki 2016) a proportional arrangement
of quantitative and qualitative inquiry used to
assess in-depth aspects of Final Qualification
Assessment complex transformation into digital
A survey was conducted among the participants
of the Final Qualification Assessment at Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University foreign language
programmes (Spanish, French, Italian, English,
Mandarin Chinese, Japanese major) in order to
evaluate the efficiency of qualification assessment
transfer into digital format via various ICT tools
employed and assorted complex soft and hard
skills activation. The survey structure was informed
by the Final Qualification Assessment activity
The following stakeholders of the digital Final
Qualification Assessment were included into the
survey as respondents: Students of senior year of
bachelor’s programme (53,4%); Assessment board
members (15,5%); Faculty members (who took part
in digital qualification assessment preparation and
conduct) (20,7%); Bachelor project referees and
supervisors (8,6%).
59 respondents total of all groups took part in the
survey. The sample is exhaustively limited to the
number of Bachelor level graduates in the Foreign
Languages programs studied. The choice of
respondent groups corresponded to the variation or
similarity of tasks, performed through Final
Qualification Assessment and, subsequently, the
variation and similarity of ICT tools used.
Complex Skills Development through Digital Qualification Assessment: Survey Study for European and Oriental Languages Programs
The respondents in all groups were affiliated
with the European and Oriental foreign language
Bachelor’s programmes in proportional distribution:
Spanish major programme - 32,8%, Japanese major
programme - 19%, Mandarin Chinese major
programme - 22,4%, French major programme -
15,5%, Italian major programme - 15,5%, English
major programme - 8,6%.
2.2.2 Complex Activities and Complex Skills
in Digital Final Qualification
Assessment for European and
Oriental Languages Programs
The elaborated model of Final Qualification
assessment complex transformation into digital
communicative format allowed the respondents to
identify the following most prominent activities,
derivative of the Final Qualification Assessment
framework profile, requiring the arrangement of
complex skills across all ICT tools used throughout
the digital qualification assessment process.
Previous qualitative assessment (Makhachashvili,
Semenist, et al, 2020) allowed to single out such
complex multi-domain activities: Communication
(synchronous); Communication (asynchronous);
Collaboration; Information/file sharing; Summative
assessment; Formative assessment; Peer review;
Presentation; Speech quality assessment;
Respondents from European languages programs
identify Information sharing as an overwhelmingly
prominent complex activity (59,1% of respondents)
across all ICT tools used for Final Qualification
Assessment (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Activities prominent for ICT tools in Finale
Qualification Assessment. European languages program.
For respondents of Oriental languages programs
Speech quality assessment features equally
prominent to Information sharing (28,6% of
respondents) across identified ICT tools (Figure 7):
Figure 7: Activities prominent for ICT tools in Finale
Qualification Assessment. Oriental languages program.
This correspondence in evaluation of complex
activities is interpreted as being due to the phonetical
and tonal features of Mandarin Chinese and Japanese
languages being essential to meaning comprehension
and decoding, which is hard to recreate and evaluate
in a digital communicative environment.
Information sharing and presentation are
considered dominant complex activities for such types
of digital tools as email, Google services, Microsoft
Office Toolkit. Synchronous and asynchronous
communication, and collaboration are scored propor-
tionally among email services, learning management
systems and various video conference services.
The tools that feature summative assessment as a
prominent complex activity are Google forms and
LMS Moodle. Formative assessment as a type of
activity features but does not dominate evaluation of
ICT tools used qualification assessment process.
Digital literacy as a complex skill, activated via
different educational activities has been identified in
the survey. Digital literacy is understood primarily as
the ability to use information and communication
technologies to find, evaluate, create, and
communicate information, requiring both cognitive
and technical skills (DQ Report, 2019).
Advanced digital literacy as the requirement for
qualification assessment ICT tools efficiency is
attributed to such instruments as learning
management systems, Microsoft Office Toolkit and
social media platforms. Intermediate digital literacy
is required predominantly for such instruments as
Microsoft Office Toolkit, screen sharing interface,
online randomizer, automated testing system,
learning management system. Elementary digital
literacy level is assessed as dominant for such tools
as email, google disc, video conferencing, speech to
text interfaces and social media platforms.
Previous qualitative assessment (Makhachashvili,
Semenist, et al, 2020) allowed to single out such
complex skills and competences, activated by ICT
tools for the digital qualification assessment, drawn
COMPLEXIS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
from various relevant 21
century skills frameworks
have been identified: Communication; Collaboration;
Team work; Digital literacy; Emotional intellect;
Interdisciplinary skills; Critical thinking; Leadership;
Flexibility and Adaptability; Decision making;
Learning and Innovation skills.
Complex soft skills are prioritized differently by
participants of digital Qualification assessment of the
European languages program (Figure 8) and Oriental
languages program (Figure 9):
Figure 8: Soft skills for ICT/digital tools in digital
qualification assessment process for European languages
program. Sample evaluation card.
Figure 9: Soft skills for ICT/digital tools in digital
qualification assessment process for European languages
program. Sample evaluation card.
European languages programs stakeholders
identify Communication, Collaboration, Decision
making, Emotional intellect and Digital literacy (in
descending order of scores) as significant complex
skills for Final Qualification Assessment digital
transformation. Stakeholders of Oriental Languages
programs prioritize Communication, Collaboration,
Team Work and Flexibility to attain efficiency of
Final Qualification Assessment digital
Communication and collaboration are the
common complex skills across all types of Foreign
Languages programs that rank as a type of skills most
widely applied for the use of such ICT tools as email,
Google services, video conferencing services and
social Media platforms. Communication as a skill is
ranked highest among respondents of the European
languages program.
Team work is scored second most prominent
complex skill employed via the use of Google Disk,
learning management systems and video
conferencing services. Team work and flexibility
feature as top 5 priority skills among respondents of
the Oriental languages program.
Learning and Innovation complex skills are
attributed to the use of such ICT tools as a Learning
Management Systems (ranking second after
interdisciplinary skills), Automated Testing Systems
(offline, online and cloud based), Android apps and
Microsoft Office tools.
Creativity as a skill ranks 3rd in the use of Google
services and ranks 1st in the use of Microsoft Office
2.2.3 Final Qualification Assessment Digital
Tools Efficiency Ranking According to
Complex Activities Performed
The method of Customer Satisfaction Evaluation
Ranking (Dos Reis 2017; Morze et al 2016), was
applied to the identified Final Qualification
Assessment ICT tools to measure the efficiency of
each ICT tool per each core activity in the structure
of a complex educational scenario.
ICT tools have been divided into 4 groups
according to types and relevance within the model of
complex Final Qualification Assessment digital
transformation: 1) Google cloud services (Google
Suite); 2) Video conferencing services (Video-
conferencing Services) 3) Learning management
systems (Learning Management Systems and Tools);
4) Microsoft Office Tools (MS Office Suite).
The efficiency rating was customized in this study
to assess the complex activities, carried out by
implementation of assorted complex skills, scored
separately for each type of ICT tool for Final
Qualification Assessment (Communication
(synchronous); Communication (asynchronous);
Collaboration; Information/file sharing; Summative
assessment; Formative assessment; Peer review;
Presentation; Speech quality assessment;
Brainstorming). Each activity importance was ranked
according to the 5-Point Likert Scale (1 = least
prominent for the use of a tool type, 5 = maximum
prominent for the use of a tool type) for the selected
ICT tools type.
The efficiency rating (ER) for each type of ICT
tools was calculated via a 3 step algorithm:
RC = ∑(p)/(N(r) × 5) (1)
(1) Rating Coefficient calculation. Legend: RC -
is a Rating Coefficient of an ICT tools type; ∑ (p) - is
Complex Skills Development through Digital Qualification Assessment: Survey Study for European and Oriental Languages Programs
the sum of points per each activity, carried out via an
ICT tool type; N(r) - is the number of respondents,
that have assessed the ICT tool type efficiency; 5 - is
the number of points maximum per each activity
SR = ∑(p) × RC (2)
(2) Summative rating (SR) of each activity per
ICT tool calculation. Legend: SR - is the Summative
Rating of each activity per ICT tool; ∑(p) - is the sum
of points per activity, carried out via an ICT tool type;
RC - is the Rating Coefficient of an ICT tool type.
ER= ∑(SR)/N(a) (3)
(3) Total Efficiency Rating (ER) of a type of ICT
tools assessed calculation. Legend: ER - is the Total
Efficiency Rating of a type of ICT tools assessed;
(SR) - is the sum total of summative ratings per each
activity, carried out via an ICT tool type; N(a) - is the
number of activities evaluated for the ICT tool type.
Complex activities scoring the highest summative
rating (SR), realized effectively per each type of ICT
tools assessed, are as follows: Tool Type 1 (Google
Suite) - Communication (synchronous) (SR=9,72),
Information/file sharing (SR=9,72), Summative
assessment (SR= 9,54), Presentation (SR=9,54); Tool
Type 2 (Video-conferencing Services) -
Communication (synchronous) (SR=9,54),
Collaboration (SR=9,54), Speech quality assessment
(SR=9,54); Tool Type 3 (Learning Management
Systems and Tools) - Communication (synchronous)
/ Communication (asynchronous) (SR=8,84),
Brainstorming / Formative assessment (SR=8,67);
Tool Type 4 (MS Office Suite) - Communication
(synchronous)/ Collaboration (SR=72). The
Summative ranking score of 9,54 for every other
activity realized by the ICT tool type.
Video conferencing services (Google Meet,
Zoom, Webex, MS Teams, Adobe Connect) score the
highest efficiency ranking for synchronous
communication (62.5% for top score 5), but get a
surprising ratio of lowest score as well (18,9% for
lowest score 1). Learning management systems
(29,8% for top score 1) and Google services (25%)
get a proportional highest score 5 for efficiency in
Synchronous communication in the framework of
Final Qualification assessment across European and
oriental languages programs.
The sample ranking testifies to the following
conclusions: 1) the use of ICT for complex
transference of Final Qualification assessment into
digital mode for foreign languages programs is
specific to this type of complex educational scenario
and may not be encountered outside of this activity
framework; 2) digital literacy as a complex skillset,
featured by participants of Final Qualification
assessment for foreign languages programs is
customized to accommodate the range of professional
competencies and communicative activities specific
to linguistic education.
Procedures and scenarios of the Final Qualification
Assessment for foreign languages at Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University comprise a complex
comprehensive framework, facilitating its
transference to digital format with the use of various
of ICT tools through the COVID-19 pandemic
adjustments. The elaborated model of Final
Qualification Assessment complex transformation
into digital format can be applied to programs outside
of Liberal Arts (STEM, Engineering, Computer
Science etc.), with the appropriate adjustments of
communicative activities used to activate
corresponding professional competences of the
The need to fulfil framework activities in digital
format incited the heretofore underutilized complex
skills in various combinations (communication,
collaboration, team-work) within the scenario of
digital Final Qualification Assessment. These results
corroborate the correspondence between
communicative competence and complex ICT
competence components, adapted for Liberal Arts.
The components of ICT competence, crucial to fulfil
the complex communicative and collaborative
activities of Final Qualification Assessment in digital
format are: participation in group ICT initiatives,
creating e-learning tasks, systemic use of ICT,
presentation to the community the results of one’s
research, assisted by ICT.
The following recommendations can be devised
to accommodate the needs of complex educational
scenarios adaptation into digital format for Foreign
Languages university programs: 1) digital literacy
improvement for all participants, customized for all
elements of complex educational procedures
separately; 2) systematization of “soft”
(communicative, psychological, cultural) challenges,
corresponding to complex educational frameworks
overall and to individual educational scenarios, to
enhance application of relevant complex skills
(collaboration and networking via digital media in the
lockdown framework; Critical thinking and decision
making; Learning and innovation (professional
activity outside of the comfort zone).
COMPLEXIS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
The study limitations are derivative of the narrow
window of benchmarking period for one case study
of Final Qualification Assessment session in the
COVID-19 timeframe. The survey methodology can
be further refined to accommodate assessment of
complex skills adaptability for separate groups of
educational process participants (students of foreign
languages programs, Assessment board members,
staff members, reviewers) according to roles and
tasks performed in the complex framework, as well as
according to age and entry digital literacy level (the
distinction in efficiency assessment among digital
natives and digital immigrants). The perspective of
the study is in comparative diagnostics of digital
qualification assessment complex experiences of
students and faculty members of Asian (Oriental)
countries and countries of Europe.
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