An Interface Design Catalog for Interactive Labeling Systems
Lucas Viana
1 a
, Edson Oliveira
2 b
and Tayana Conte
1 c
Department of Computing, Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Amazonas, Brazil
Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda (SEFAZ), Amazonas, Brazil
Interactive Labeling, Interactive Machine Learning, Interface Design, Interface Design for Interactive
Machine Learning, Training Data.
Machine Learning (ML) systems have been widely used in recent years in different areas of human knowledge.
However, to achieve highly accurate ML systems, it is necessary to train the ML model with data carefully
labeled by specialists in the problem domain. In the context of ML and Human Computer Interaction (HCI),
there are studies that propose interfaces that facilitate interactive labeling by domain specialists, in order to
minimize effort and maximize productivity. This paper extends a previous secondary study that discusses
some labeling systems. This paper proposes a catalog of design elements for the interface development of
this type of system. We built the catalog based on the interface elements found in the studies analyzed in the
previous secondary study. With this contribution, we expect to improve the development of better interfaces
for interactive labeling systems and, thus, enhance the development of more accurate ML systems.
Machine Learning (ML) technology has been suc-
cessfully applied to different problems from various
domains of human knowledge: from art to medicine
(Gillies et al., 2016). The advances obtained with the
use of this technology, have made considerable im-
pacts on our daily lives (Qiu et al., 2016; Rudin and
Wagstaff, 2014). As such, one of the examples is the
use of ML for the construction of textual summaries
about live events from the status updates of Twitter
users (Nichols et al., 2012).
The success of ML projects, however, hides the
considerable human work involved in the process of
its development (Fiebrink and Gillies, 2018). Devel-
opers of ML projects should design a solution consid-
ering what is possible to be trained, obtain the neces-
sary data and continuously adjust the learning algo-
rithms according to the errors presented, until an ac-
ceptable model for use in practice is achieved. Never-
theless, to obtain this data means to obtain a database
properly prepared for the ML development. Thus, it
is necessary that this database be representative and
accurate for the domain in question, and this is not al-
ways easy to obtain (Yimam et al., 2015; Benato et al.,
If it is not possible to obtain a database already
prepared for the problem to be solved with ML, the
only alternative is to prepare a new database, dur-
ing the ML development. To prepare this database,
it is necessary to involve specialists in the domain
in which ML is being applied. These specialists
will help by creating and labeling the data, as well
as correcting any errors found during this process.
The data labeling provides the transfer of knowledge
from the domain specialists to the ML model. How-
ever, data labeling is a costly, error-prone and labor-
intensive process that can frustrate specialists (Nadj
et al., 2020). In addition, if the specialist gets frus-
trated or tired, it can compromise the quality of the
data labeling.
Some studies (Thomaz and Breazeal, 2008; Bryan
and Mysore, 2013; Self et al., 2016; Nadj et al., 2020)
have investigated the use of interactive systems that
can enable and facilitate the data labeling, thereby
mitigating the frustration of specialists during this
process. Nadj et al. (2020) present a Systematic Lit-
erature Review (SLR) focusing on interactive labeling
systems, in which 44 papers were analyzed. As a re-
sult, the authors identified and discussed five design
principles for interactive labeling systems. They af-
firmed that the development and design of these inter-
active labeling systems require good visual User In-
Viana, L., Oliveira, E. and Conte, T.
An Interface Design Catalog for Interactive Labeling Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0010458204830494
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 2, pages 483-494
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
terface (UI) planning, since users are not often happy
to be treated as mere oracles.
However, Nadj et al. (2020) did not present pos-
sible designs of interface elements for interactive la-
beling systems in their design principles. The choice
of interface elements (UI design) is a form of im-
plicit communication between the UI designer and the
user (De Souza, 2005). Depending on this choice,
the quality of UI interaction can lead to the problems
of fatigue and frustration of the users. In this paper,
we extend the work of Nadj et al. (2020) to answer
the following research question not yet covered in
the study “Which interface elements have been used
in the interactive labeling systems in the literature?”.
For this, we grouped the labeling systems found in
the studies, extracted UI designs (with their interface
elements), creating a catalog to assist developers and
designers of new interactive labeling systems.
This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2,
the concepts of the theoretical framework are pre-
sented; in Section 3, the methodology we followed
to perform this analysis in the format of an SLR ex-
tension; in Section 4, the results obtained; in Section
5, discussions and, finally, Section 6 presents the con-
clusions of this paper.
In this section, we introduce the concept of ML, In-
teractive Labeling, and Interactive Machine Learning
(IML). The concept of ML is important to better un-
derstand the context in which Interactive Labeling is
inserted. The IML concept is important for under-
standing the analysis of the interfaces performed on
the results.
2.1 Machine Learning
ML is a subarea of Artificial Intelligence that focuses
on pattern recognition from existing data (Alpaydin,
2020). With pattern recognition of data, ML can make
predictions about new data (Mohri et al., 2018). An
example of an ML application is the system devel-
oped by Nichols et al. (2012). The researchers devel-
oped an ML algorithm that builds a journalistic sum-
mary of events. The authors Nichols et al. (2012) used
Twitter status updates as a source. The objective of
the authors is to provide a summary for people, who
are not following a live event, to inform themselves
quickly about the event. In this case, as new data
about a live event appears on Twitter, the ML model
predicts a new summary.
ML algorithms can be classified into different
learning methods (Zhang, 2020). In the next subsec-
tions, we describe the best known learning methods
of ML algorithms: reinforcement learning, unsuper-
vised learning, and supervised learning.
2.1.1 Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning is a learning method where
the algorithm transforms feedback on actions taken
into learning (Alpaydin, 2020). The purpose of the
algorithm is to learn by interacting with the environ-
ment. It maximizes its learning as it receives feed-
back from its actions. These feedbacks can be of the
reward type, if the action was correct, or of the pun-
ishment type, if the action was not correct. For exam-
ple, a robot that can receive feedback on its actions
and learn from the mistakes and successes (Thomaz
and Breazeal, 2008).
2.1.2 Unsupervised Machine Learning
Unsupervised learning method algorithms learn how
to categorize unlabeled data into clusters based on
data similarity characteristics (Mohri et al., 2018).
However, the generated clusters need to be analyzed
to see if they make sense within the context of the
Kim et al. (2015) present a study that applied un-
supervised ML. The authors presented the benefits
generated by using ML to correct activities in a Mas-
sive Open Online Course (MOOCs). The ML algo-
rithm created groups of students’ activities according
to the common characteristics of each activity. By
grouping the students’ activities with ML, it was pos-
sible for teachers to correct once a group of similar ac-
tivities. This allowed for a reduction in the workload
in correcting activities, in addition to allowing the
teacher to provide feedback to students more quickly.
2.1.3 Supervised Machine Learning
Supervised Machine Learning (SML) is the learning
method in which the ML algorithm learns from a la-
beled sample database. The labeled sample database
is intended to help a learning algorithm to learn and
later be able to predict theses labels from new data
samples (Kotsiantis et al., 2007).
SML algorithms achieve good performance when
the sample database is representative of the problem
domain, i.e., the sample database has a good diversity
with sufficient quality and quantity (Cui et al., 2014).
In other words, SML algorithms are sensitive to the
labeled samples to which they are exposed, that is,
if the samples are labeled wrong, the algorithms will
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
learn incorrectly, a situation known as “garbage in,
garbage out” (Geiger et al., 2020). However, getting
a good database of labeled samples for generating an
accurate ML model is not an easy task.
2.2 Interactive Labeling
The concept of interactive labeling brings the expert
user, i.e., the domain specialists, into the development
of the ML model, specially in the SML method, in
which some benefits generated are the reduction of
time and cost for acquisition of labeled samples and
that data samples are labeled under evaluation of the
knowledge of the expert user (Cui et al., 2014; Yimam
et al., 2015). Ware et al. (2001) observed that, with an
easy and intuitive interface, expert users in the field
of data knowledge were able to help in the creation of
good classifiers (i.e., in the ML model) after a short
period of practice with the systems. In addition, when
the interactive labeling system is well integrated with
other systems, the ML model in question will always
be fostered, learning new concepts and even updating
existing concepts (Huang et al., 2013).
2.3 Interactive Machine Learning
The ML methods that the ML developer wants to use
in her project must be chosen carefully, as this choice
affects how the data should be structured and what
information that data should contain. In addition, the
ML developer must know where to get the data, one of
the ways is through specialist in the problem domain.
The interaction between specialists and the de-
veloping ML model was traditionally accomplished
through the exchange of electronic files, such as
spreadsheets or text documents. Ware et al. (2001)
and Fails and Olsen Jr (2003) were the pioneers in
proposing an interface system with the specialists to
facilitate this interaction, calling it Interactive Ma-
chine Learning IML. Their studies presented the
benefits caused by the interaction of specialists users
of the IML system, in contrast to the traditional prac-
tice of interaction through electronic files.
Fails and Olsen Jr (2003) stated that the IML ap-
proach breaks with several premises of traditional ML
development. According to the authors, with IML it
is possible to reduce the chances of the generation of
a limited ML knowledge base, in which the gener-
ated ML model has to achieve excellent performance
when applied to new data never seen in its develop-
ment. However, according to Dudley and Kristens-
son (2018), the design of an appropriate interface is
fundamental in order to obtain good results with IML
systems and this presents a challenge for the design
of the interface.
IML systems therefore play an important role in
enabling knowledge transfer from specialist users for
the development of a successful ML model Behringer
et al. (2017). This knowledge transfer occurs through
interface elements that must be in the language of
these users, who mostly do not have technical knowl-
edge about ML. This enables specialist users tasks re-
lated to inspection and correction of ML models to
be performed intuitively and effectively (Dudley and
Kristensson, 2018).
2.3.1 IML Interface Communication Channels
In the context of IML systems, Dudley and Kris-
tensson (2018) present four interface communication
channels, which refer to how the user can interact
with these systems. These communication channels
define the interaction between the specialist user, the
ML model, and the data. These four communication
channels idealized by Dudley and Kristensson (2018)
are presented below.
Sample Review. This is the way in which the IML
system presents the data in the interface to the spe-
cialist user in order for her to understand these. In
this communication channel, it is important that de-
signers reflect on the following: How should the data
be presented to the user in an easy and intuitive way?
What can be highlighted from the data in order to fa-
cilitate the comprehension and understanding of the
specialist user?
Feedback Assignment. This is the way in which the
IML system allows the user to perform feedback on
the data presented. In this communication channel,
designers should reflect on what information from the
data and the ML model in development should the
IML system offer possible feedback on, and how the
interface can be organized and what it should be com-
posed of in order to capture this feedback.
Model Inspection. In this channel, the IML system
presents the overall performance of the ML model
learned by the machine, and allows the user to check
whether the ML model is ready for use, i.e., whether
the model is of good quality or if it needs improve-
ments. In this communication channel, it is impor-
tant that designers reflect on what characteristics and
metrics of the ML model already learned should be
presented and how these characteristics and metrics
should be presented without many ML technical de-
Task Overview. This is the way that the IML system
informs the specialist user about the overall progress
of the development of the ML model, for example,
presenting how much data has already been reviewed
and how much data can still be evaluated for im-
An Interface Design Catalog for Interactive Labeling Systems
provement of the ML model. In this communication
channel, designers should reflect on what information
about the overall vision of the task should be pre-
sented to the specialist user and how should it be pre-
A SLR seeks to identify, select, evaluate, summarize,
and interpret phenomena of interest (Kitchenham and
Charters, 2007). Also, SLR is documented through
a protocol and must allow its reproduction by other
researchers (Madeyski and Kitchenham, 2015). An-
other point is that the SLR can also be extended and
updated (Rivero et al., 2013). The extension can be
done by asking other research questions that were not
asked in the base SLR or an update of the SLR can
be carried out, including studies from other years, li-
braries, updating of new terms in the strings, etc. that
were not used in the base SLR.
Based on exploratory searches in the literature,
we found the SLR of Nadj et al. (2020), recent and
aligned with the context and objective of our study:
interactive labeling systems. However, the questions
we wish to answer were different. Therefore, we de-
cided to inquire the same set of articles investigated
by Nadj et al. (2020) and apply our research ques-
The research question that was addressed in this
research is:
Which interface elements have been used in the
interactive labeling systems in the literature?
The following are the steps carried out during the
extension of the SLR: selection criteria, selection of
studies, data extraction strategy, data extraction, con-
duction strategy and results.
3.1 Study Selection Strategy
Nadj et al. (2020) found a total of 44 studies that
present interactive labeling systems. However, not
all these studies describe or present their UI design.
As an example, one study was focused on investigat-
ing the effects of active human-controlled learning on
robots (Cakmak et al., 2010); another study focused
on investigating strategies to obtain meaningful sam-
ples for labeling (Zhu and Yang, 2019). These studies
do not have sufficient details about their interface el-
ements, therefore they do not contribute to answer of
our research question. Due to this, we applied a selec-
tion criteria to filter whether a study will be included
or excluded from our study.
The criteria applied were as follows:
Inclusion Criteria: the study presents interface el-
ements for interactive labeling systems;
Exclusion Criteria: the study does not present in-
terface elements for interactive labeling systems.
3.2 Data Extraction Strategy
We conducted the data extraction from the selected
studies by analyzing the labeling system interfaces
available in the studies. The selected studies were
read completely by one of the authors, that also ex-
tracted the interface elements. The other authors re-
vised all the extractions results.
In addition to the system interfaces, we also ex-
tracted other data:
Title, authors, year of publication, publication ve-
hicle. This data was collected in order to analyze
the timeline of the articles and the most relevant
publication vehicles in the area.
Type of labeling system. This data represents the
general objective in which the labeling system is
being applied in the analyzed study.
Problem domain. This data informs what activity
the interactive labeling system requests the user
during the labeling process.
Area of application of the labeling system. This
data informs which context of the use of the la-
beling system.
Interface elements. These data were collected to
capture the interface elements of the interactive la-
beling systems that were not presented visually in
the studies, that is, through a graphical interface.
This section reports the results of our SLR extension.
Subsection 4.1 present the selected studies. Subsec-
tion 4.2 presents the results of our research questions.
4.1 Selected Studies
Figure 1: The methodology used for data extraction and
Nadj et al. (2020) found a total of 44 studies in their
SLR. Out of these 44 studies, we excluded 17 papers
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
because of our selection criteria. Therefore, we se-
lected 27 papers that presented interface elements, as
shown in Figure 1. Of these 27 studies, 9 were pub-
lished in journals, 13 in conferences, 4 in workshops
and 1 paper was related to a technical report.
Figure 2: Period of publication of the articles.
As shown in Figure 2, the selected 27 studies were
published from 2003 to 2019. The year 2018 had
more publications in comparison with the other years,
with a total of 6 publications. Also, it is possible to
identify a growing trend in interest in interactive la-
beling systems. We identified 4 types of data pro-
cessed in the interactive labeling systems. As shown
in Figure 3, we classified the data type into sound,
image, textual, and generic.
Figure 3: Data Type of Labeling Systems.
4.2 RQ: Which Interface Elements
Have Been used in the Interactive
Labeling Systems in the Literature?
To answer our research question, we divided the anal-
ysis into two parts. The first part is the analysis of
clusters of the analyzed interactive labeling systems.
The second part refers to the composition of the inter-
4.2.1 Groups of Interactive Labeling Systems
For this analysis, we consider the different approaches
applied to soliciting user labeling. We were able to
find 4 groups shown in Table 1.
The first group is composed by the systems that
expect direct labeling on a piece of data or a set of data
from the user, which we named “direct labeling ap-
proach”. In this grouping, the systems request direct
labeling from the user regarding the category of the
data, as in the study of Fogarty et al. (2008). In this
first group, the systems usually ask the user to choose
between “correct” or “wrong” regarding an object la-
bel, to evaluate whether it is in its correct category or
not. However, some of these systems do not request
user labeling in only two categories. For example, the
abstrackr system from Wallace et al. (2012) goes be-
yond providing 3 alternatives for the user: “correct”
or “wrong”, or “maybe”.
Some systems differ in the labeling information
that is requested from the user. The labeling systems
presented in Guo et al. (2018); Xu et al. (2017), ask
the user for feedback through comparison with other
data. We call this group the “indirect labeling ap-
There are also interactive labeling systems that so-
licit user labeling in an exploratory way, which we
call the “exploratory labeling approach”. This type of
strategy is applied in tasks where the user must iden-
tify the objects and their limits in an image. In this ap-
proach, all the interactive labeling systems analyzed
belong to the supervised ML method.
Finally, the UI’s classified in the “N/A group
were those that the system did not ask for the data
class. In this group are systems such as the Self et al.
(2016) that requests feedback regarding the relevance
of the data attributes.
4.2.2 Analysis of the Composition of the
The results in this analysis consider the interface
screens that were presented in the studies. To facil-
itate the organization of UIs and their elements, we
have created a catalog for this. The catalog was built
from the perspective of the communication channels
identified by Dudley and Kristensson (2018).
Figure 4 presents the relationship between the
composition of interactive labeling system interfaces
and communication channels by Dudley and Kris-
tensson (2018). All the 27 analyzed system interfaces
present elements that were classified as the sample
review communication channel. In 23 of the inter-
faces, there are interface elements that configure the
feedback assignment communication channel. Only
one interface has elements that configure the model
inspection communication channel. Finally, 2 inter-
faces have elements that configure the task overview
communication channel.
Of the 27 systems analyzed, only 2 of these are fo-
cused on assigning a graphical interface for the con-
struction of an ML model. This graphical interface
An Interface Design Catalog for Interactive Labeling Systems
Table 1: Groups of interactive labeling systems.
Groups Articles
Direct labeling approach Weigl et al. (2016); Zhang et al.
(2008); Burkovski et al. (2011);
Fogarty et al. (2008); MacGlashan
et al. (2017); Cheng et al. (2016);
Kim et al. (2015); Wallace et al.
(2012); Amershi et al. (2014); Yi-
mam et al. (2016).
Indirect labeling approach Guo et al. (2018); Xu et al. (2017);
Plummer et al. (2019); Amershi
et al. (2014).
Exploratory labeling approach Bryan and Mysore (2013); Jain
et al. (2019); Fails and Olsen Jr
(2003); Nalisnik et al. (2015);
Kim and Pardo (2018); Boyko and
Funkhouser (2014); Acuna et al.
(2018); Harvey and Porter (2016).
N/A Dasgupta et al. (2019); Self et al.
(2016); Bernard et al. (2017);
Amershi et al. (2012); Thomaz and
Breazeal (2008); Amershi et al.
(2014); Datta and Adar (2018).
makes it easy for ML professionals to use it as well
as for users interested in using ML without technical
knowledge for data manipulation. The other 25 sys-
tems are focused on creating a system for the user to
perform data labeling.
The systems that are for use in the audio area are
intended for the labeling of sounds in sound record-
ings through spectrogram. One example is the system
presented by Kim and Pardo (2018), shown in Figure
5-B. Image systems are those that treat the identifica-
tion of objects in an image through user labeling, such
as the study of Jain et al. (2019). For the systems that
act in the textual area, one example is the study of
Yimam et al. (2015), it aims to identify knowledge
of the medical area through reports of medical diag-
noses, shown in Figure 6-D. Finally, the generic sys-
tems were those that did not fit into the previous ar-
eas. Figure 3 shows the number of systems analyzed
by area of activity.
The 27 system interfaces analyzed present many
ideas for implementing interface elements. How-
ever, due to the number of design elements found,
only a few of these will be shown below in Figures
5 and 6. The complete list of interfaces, their el-
ements and the classification in the communication
channels of Dudley and Kristensson is available at: /13785727.
The interface elements that characterize the com-
munication channels of Dudley and Kristensson
(2018) are highlighted in a red box with a number by
the side (see Figures 5 and 6). The number represents
the identifier of the communication channels. The
identifiers are 1 - Sample Review, 2 - Feedback As-
sigment, 3 - Model Inspection and 4 - Task Overview.
Figure 4: Relationship between the interface elements of
the analyzed systems and the communication channels of
Dudley and Kristensson (2018).
Most interfaces do not have all communication chan-
nels. Therefore, not all interfaces contain the four
communication channels identified in Figures 5 and
6. Each letter shown in Figures 5 and 6 (A, B, C, D,
and E) identifies a different labeling system. The au-
thors of these studies are referenced in the caption of
Figure 5 and 6 according to their identifying letter.
The interface presented with the identifying let-
ter A” in Figure 5 is a system that aims to identify
pathologies in medical imaging examinations (Nalis-
nik et al., 2015). For this purpose, the users of the
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Reduced catalog - Part I: consisting of 3 labeling systems presenting interface elements characterizing the commu-
nication channels. The interfaces used in this catalog were captured from studies by the authors Nalisnik et al. (2015) in (A),
Kim and Pardo (2018) in (B), Amershi et al. (2014) in (C).
Figure 6: Reduced catalog - Part II: consisting of 2 labeling systems presenting interface elements characterizing the commu-
nication channels. The interfaces used in this catalog were captured from studies by the authors Yimam et al. (2015) in (D)
and, Wallace et al. (2012) in (E).
An Interface Design Catalog for Interactive Labeling Systems
system are those with experience in image examina-
tion reading. They should analyze the images and
identify the signs of pathologies by means of a vir-
tual brush that users employ to highlight the signs of
pathologies. Through this interaction between the la-
beling system and the user, a database labeled by the
users is built. After this, a training of the algorithm
for automatic identification in new images of exams
was carried out.
The system interface presented with the identi-
fier letter “B” in Figure 5 focuses on the recogni-
tion of errors in sound recordings (Kim and Pardo,
2018). Users of this system are specialists in visual
and sound reading of digital sounds. These users must
identify and recognize the areas of the sound record-
ing that are the bad ones. The interface elements in-
volved in this system are the program for analyzing
the sound recording, the list of regions of the spec-
trogram already labeled by the user, and the list of
regions to be labeled.
The interface of the system presented with the
identifier letter “C” in Figure 5 shows a system that
aims to perform searches of images with keywords
and rules defined by the user (Amershi et al., 2014).
For this system, expert users do not have a specific
profile. These users generate the search rules by inter-
acting with the first search they perform by selecting
the images returned erroneously, for example.
The interface of the system presented with the
identifier letter “D” in Figure 6 presents a system re-
lated to identification of medical knowledge by means
of annotations. Yimam et al. (2015) demonstrated the
impact of the use of an IML system on the develop-
ment of a database for the recognition of biomedi-
cal citations in medical annotations. During the an-
notation performed by a specialist, an ML model is
constructed using as data these annotations in order
to propose labels for subsequent annotations. Al-
though the study is still in an exploratory stage at the
time of publication, the experimental results indicated
qualitatively and quantitatively the feasibility of the
method for a more personal and responsive informa-
tion extraction technology.
Finally, the system interface presented with the
identifier letter “E” in Figure 6 presents a labeling
system integrated into a common system in the life of
users. In this system expert users are most often end
users of the system. Wallace et al. (2012) presented
a labeling system called “abstrackr”. Abstrackr aims
to mitigate the workload of medical researchers in the
search for evidence (a systematic review of literature)
that is pertinent to a specific clinical question. Ac-
cording to the authors, although many ML methods
have been proposed and used in the past, they are ac-
tually rarely (or never) made available to profession-
als in practice. Abstrackr has already been used in
more than 50 systematic reviews, in which the authors
claim to have reduced the workload of medical re-
searchers by 40% without erroneously excluding any
relevant reviews.
Figure 7: Abstrackr’s interactive labeling system - adapted
from Wallace et al. (2012).
In order to facilitate the understanding of these in-
terfaces of the labeling systems presented in Figure
5, we will explain more about one of these systems,
namely, abstrackr. In Figure 7, we will use as a ref-
erence a screen of the abstractkr system, as proposed
by Wallace et al. (2012), to further explain the details
of this type of interface. The explanation will be con-
ducted by segmenting parts of the interface into the
perspectives of communication channels.
4.2.3 Detailed Analysis
In the communication channel “Sample Review”, the
labeling system presents the data samples to the user,
to subsequently obtain from them feedback on the
labeling of these. The Abstractkr interface design
presents the title and summary of a scientific paper
from the medical area (Figure 7-A). Abstractkr’s in-
terface elements involve highlighting text words by
color, according to relevance or not learned by the
Regarding the communication channel “Feedback
Attribution”, the labeling system expects interactions
from the expert user, given the data sample presented
by the “Sample Review”, in order to use this feedback
in the evolution of the ML model. In the abstractkr
tool, the possible interactions by expert users are: text
field to provide new terms and classify them as rel-
evant or not, buttons next to the field (Figure 7-B);
buttons to label the abstract of the presented paper as
relevant (Tick) or not (”X”), or as undecided (white
button with a ?).
In the communication channel “Model Inspec-
tion”, the labeling system presents information about
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the quality of the ML model already learned by the
machine, such as, for example, its current classifi-
cation accuracy. In accordance with Wallace et al.
(2012), the abstrackr tool does not present, at least
in what was made available by the paper, in its in-
terface design, any information about the ML model
under development. However, this system could have
used existing interface elements to represent the com-
munication channel for the user. The user could be
informed about the relevance of other abstracts and
their assertiveness, or be presented a bar graph with
the amount of texts considered relevant or not in the
current state of the ML model. This is an example in
which the catalog of design elements can assist in the
development of labeling systems that better support
the expert user in understanding the ML model under
In the communication channel “Task Overview”,
the labeling system presents the user with information
on the progress of the support task in the construction
of the ML model. The abstractkr system provides the
progress of readings performed by the expert user in
the systematic review, as can be seen in Figure 7-C.
In addition to the abstractkr system, only one system
displays elements in the interface that characterizes
the communication channel “Task Overview” and is
found in the study of Kim and Pardo (2018). In this
case, with the catalog, it was possible to identify the
need for further studies focusing on the presentation
of this channel in interfaces of labeling systems. With
new studies, more paths emerged to provide other
possibilities beyond those used in the studies of Wal-
lace et al. (2012) and Kim and Pardo (2018) for the
developers and designers of these systems.
In this study, we identified design ideas for inter-
faces of interactive labeling systems, also, we found
4 groupings of types of these systems. We classify
systems as feedback approach, indirect feedback ap-
proach, exploratory feedback approach, and N/A. Fi-
nally, we were able to answer our research question
through the catalog and the groupings of the systems.
According to Katan et al. (2015), there are few
studies that explore interface design for labeling sys-
tems. Furthermore, according to the authors, to gain
a better understanding of this type of design, includ-
ing related challenges, it is necessary to explore ex-
isting systems and research other alternatives to inter-
face design. In this sense, this study extracted a cat-
alog with twenty-seven user interface design ideas of
labeling systems developed in selected studies from
Analyzing our results, one can notice that the
choice of interface elements varies according to the
strategy for capturing the feedback regarding the la-
beling. Also, another factor that influences the choice
of interface elements is the data type. In interactive
labeling systems in which the data type is an image,
there are several interface elements that we have iden-
tified in the catalog that can be used for new labeling
system projects. However, when the data type is tex-
tual, the choices of interface elements are limited.
In our view, the interface design of labeling sys-
tems for some types of data is more intuitive than
other types. For example, in the classification of
knowledge data of media, such as photos or videos,
the very presentation of the example without any
modification facilitates the design ideas to be worked
on in the labeling system of Fails and Olsen Jr (2003),
such as the use of markers in the images to highlight
important parts. Its own image already visually col-
laborates intuitively for the elaboration of interface el-
This is also the case in sound labeling systems.
In the study of Bryan and Mysore (2013), a labeling
system was developed for the identification of noises
in sound recordings, however, the sound is in another
type of media (the spectrogram). The original mıdia
is represented in another metaphor that helps the user
of the labeling system to interact with the system.
In the labeling of textual data, it is important that
the interface elements support expert users in a more
efficient reading, avoiding textual data that is unnec-
essary and/or irrelevant, confusing, long, among other
problems. These situations related to textual data can
cause fatigue and stress in the expert user and, espe-
cially, a lack of understanding during their labeling
feedback during the use of the system. This is the type
of interface design that affects the quality of review of
the examples by expert users, and impacts the success
or failure of the ML model under development.
In addition to the twenty-seven design ideas ex-
tracted and cataloged, other ideas of interaction with-
out a visual design were observed. One was to carry
out a double review of the data, making the assess-
ment more assertive when agreed by the two special-
ists (Wallace et al., 2012). Also, other studies pro-
posed an investigation strategy to the user the degree
of intimacy and trust under the data labeling, in addi-
tion to internally assessing the impact of the generated
labeling (Kim et al., 2015).
The representation of the data that is required to
be labeled in the labeling systems often needs to go
through the process of metaphor for a type of data
different from its original. We observed the proposal
An Interface Design Catalog for Interactive Labeling Systems
for the labeling system presented in Kim and Pardo
(2018), the process of transforming one type of data
into another brought more possibilities for the use of
interface elements and consequently a better interac-
tion with the user.
We believe that the process of transforming one
type of data to another can improve the interaction
between the user and the interactive labeling systems,
providing the user with an improvement in the fluid-
ity of tasks within these systems, preventing the user
from feeling unmotivated, compromising quality data
This research, in addition to providing a catalog,
can serve as a guide for exploring aspects of existing
ideas for the interface of interactive labeling systems.
Interactive labeling systems are important in various
contexts, such as support for health professionals and
business professionals. However, there are few stud-
ies in the literature that explore the analysis of these
systems due to their complexity (Kim et al., 2015).
This paper extends the SLR of Nadj et al. (2020) fo-
cusing on the analysis of interface elements used to
design interactive labeling systems. The outcome is a
catalog of interface elements classified from the per-
spective of communication channels established by
Dudley and Kristensson (2018).
The catalog aims at being a helpful tool for the
development of labeling systems interfaces, present-
ing solutions that have proven effective in the scien-
tific literature. Bad UI design choices usually lead to
problems of users’ fatigue and frustration. Further-
more, the catalog is useful for directing what the in-
terfaces should show the user, in addition to demon-
strating practical applications from other systems that
serve the guidelines for developers.
One of the limitations of this study is how the
analysis of interfaces were conducted. The analysis
were carried out with the interface screens available in
the analyzed studies. Most of the analyzed systems do
not have access for the general public and, therefore,
the analysis was limited only to the interface screen
and the interface elements described textually in the
With this catalog, we expect to contribute to the
effective interaction of specialist users with interac-
tive labeling systems during the ML model construc-
tion process. Thus, ML models will be developed
with higher quality, and promote a better experience
for the end users of these systems.
In future work, we intend to investigate which
methods are proposed in the literature to assess the
quality of the interactive labeling systems’ interface.
Exploring these methods can also improve the inter-
face design ideas that exist in the catalog. Besides,
we highlight the importance of more research investi-
gating the interaction between these systems and the
users using the HCI lens.
We would like to thank the Foundation for Re-
search Support of the State of Amazonas (FA-
PEAM) for the financial support through POS-
GRAD and the processes numbers 062.00638/2019
and 062.00150/2020, CNPq through the process
number 311494/2017-0, and the Coordination for
the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel -
Brazil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. Furthermore,
this research, according to Article 48 of Decree
6.008/2006, was partially funded by Samsung Elec-
tronics of Amazonia Ltda, under the terms of Federal
Law 8.387/1991, through agreement 003/2019,
signed with ICOMP/UFAM.
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