approach such capacity at a much lower number of
VMs. The process of selecting the most secure alloca-
tion, in SRS, focuses on obtaining the most secure al-
locations, rather than obtaining the ones with the least
used PMs. Hence, the Usage
in SRS is consider-
ably higher than PSSF when the available resources
are not limited.
This paper proposed a secure VM allocation (SRS)
to defend against SCA in CCEs. The presented algo-
rithm aims to find a secure allocation by preventing
or reducing co-residency of a target VM with a ma-
licious VM. Our results show that VM arrival times
have a significant impact on obtaining a secure al-
location. Also, the algorithms that follow a stack-
ing behaviour in VM allocations are more likely to
return secure allocations than spreading or random-
based algorithms. We show that SRS outperforms
other schemes in obtaining a secure VM allocation.
In future work, we will investigate further other fac-
tors that affect secure VM allocations. We also plan
on integrating service level agreements (SLAs) into
the allocation process.
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CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science