A Well-founded Ontology to Support the Preparation of Training
and Test Datasets
Lucimar de A. Lial Moura
1 a
, Marcus Albert A. da Silva
2 b
, Kelli de Faria Cordeiro
1,3 c
and Maria Cl
audia Cavalcanti
1,2 d
Departamento de Sistemas e Computac¸
ao, Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Departamento de Engenharia de Defesa, Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Centro de An
alise de Sistemas Navais (CASNAV), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Data Preprocessing, Training and Test Datasets, Ontology, UFO, Provenance.
In the knowledge discovery process, a set of activities guide the data preprocessing phase, one of them is
the data transformation from raw data to training and test data. This complex and multidisciplinary phase
involves concepts and structured knowledge in distinct and particular ways in the literatures and specialized
tools, demanding data scientists with suitable expertise. In this work, we present PPO-O, a reference ontology
of the data preprocessing operators, to identify and represent the semantics of the concepts related to the data
preprocessing phase. Moreover, the ontology highlights data preprocessing operators to the preparation of
the training and test datasets. Based on PPO-O, Assistant-PP tool was developed, which made it capable to
capture the retrospective data provenance during the execution of data preprocessing operators, facilitating the
reproducibility and explainability of the dataset created. This approach might be helpful to non-experts users
in data preprocessing.
The research and application of technologies related
to Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been motivating
the modern world. According to Gartner
group re-
searches, AI is one of the ve emerging technologies
required in 2020. With large amounts of data avail-
able, organizations in almost all sectors of society are
focused on exploiting it for the purpose of discover-
ing and gaining knowledge. One of the reasons for the
growth of AI comes from the development of power-
ful algorithms capable of connecting and processing
datasets, allowing much broader and deeper analyses.
However, AI came with a diversity of technical
terms such as Data Mining (DM), Big Data (BD),
Data Science (DS), Machine Learning (ML). This va-
riety of terms might cause difficulties in understan-
ding and sharing knowledge. In this context, (Fayyad
et al., 1996) proposed the Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining Process (KDD), inspired by Knowledge
Discovery in Database. (Chapman et al., 2000) pro-
posed Cross-Industry Standard Process of Data Min-
ing (CRISP-DM). Both KDD and CRISP-DM were
conceived with the goal of structuring and guiding the
discovery of knowledge based on data.
The KDD process describes the data preprocess-
ing phase as a data-centric step, which aims to im-
prove data quality for later consumption by ML algo-
rithms. However, as highlighted in the report (Crowd-
Flower, 2016) data scientists spend over 80 percent
of their time preparing the data. As the area of AI
presents many concepts from different perspectives;
similarly, the data preprocessing phase also deals with
a diversity of terms discussed in a distinct and partic-
ular way in the literature (Han et al., 2011) (Faceli
et al., 2015) (Goldschmidt et al., 2015) (Garc
ıa et al.,
2015). For example, there are different terms to de-
scribe the correction operation, which aims to balance
the distribution of records during a classification task:
correction of prevalence, data balancing or data sam-
In this sense, when different terms have the same
meaning, there is a natural difficulty to understand
Moura, L., da Silva, M., Cordeiro, K. and Cavalcanti, M.
A Well-founded Ontology to Support the Preparation of Training and Test Datasets.
DOI: 10.5220/0010460000990110
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 2, pages 99-110
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and choose the data preprocessing operator to execute
the transformation of a raw dataset into training and
test datasets. Thus, the use of ontologies might be
helpful to deal with this terminological problem in the
data preprocessing phase.
First of all, ontologies might structure, represent
and store knowledge according to a conceptual model,
allowing a consensual and uniform view of the data
preprocessing scenario. An ontology is rich in seman-
tic expressiveness, and remove or reduce ambiguities,
facilitating human and machine understanding. Ad-
ditionally, such model might guide the data prepro-
cessing operator’s execution and support non-expert
users learning. Furthermore, it may assist critical re-
quirements in the KDD process, such as reproducibil-
ity and explainability (Souza et al., 2020), capturing
the transformation of raw data into training and test
Currently, ontologies have been adopted to sup-
port the KDD process in order to structure and repre-
sent the concepts related to the various entities in this
domain (Vanschoren and Soldatova, 2010) (Panov
et al., 2013) (Keet et al., 2015) (Esteves et al., 2015)
(Publio et al., 2018) (Celebi et al., 2020) (Souza et al.,
2020). However, these ontologies approaches do not
cover most of the details within the data preprocess-
ing phase. Moreover, most of them do not use well-
founded conceptual modeling to improve semantic
expressiveness and minimize ambiguities.
This article presents the PreProcessing Operators
Ontology (PPO-O), which was built based on the Uni-
fied Foundational Ontology (UFO) (Guizzardi, 2005).
The PPO-O is an ontology applied to the data pre-
processing phase of the KDD process; it identifies
and represents the semantics of the concepts related
to this phase. Moreover, PPO-O evidences the pre-
processing operators that transform the raw dataset
into training and test datasets. Besides, it simulta-
neously enables the capture and retrieval of the exe-
cuted operators through provenance queries. The on-
tology was developed following the Systematic Ap-
proach to Build Ontologies (SABiO) methodology
(Falbo, 2014) and modeled using the OntoUML on-
tology language (Guizzardi, 2005).
This paper is organized according to the following
structure. Section 2 provides an overview of some on-
tologies in the KDD area that are related to this work.
Section 3 discusses the main concepts used to develop
PPO-O. Section 4 presents PPO-O in detail, and fi-
nally, Section 5 makes the conclusion and points out
future work.
The study of ontologies, as a way of expressing
knowledge about a domain, has been largely adopted.
And, as defined by (Gruber, 1995), ontologies are for-
mal and explicit specifications of the concepts and
relationships that can exist in a given domain. Al-
ready (Falbo et al., 2002) points out that ontologies
are used to describe a uniform and unambiguous do-
main model of entities and their relationships. While
(Nigro, 2007) highlights that ontologies can be used
for the DM process, in order to represent the descrip-
tion of the process, and also, to describe its execution,
i.e., provenance metadata on the transformation of a
given dataset.
The Ontology for Data Mining Experiments (Ex-
e) (Vanschoren and Soldatova, 2010) was devel-
oped with the aim of sharing ML experiment meta-
data. Expos
e highlights the various entities related to
the specification of Dataset for the Supervised Clas-
sification Task. While the Ontology for Representing
the Knowledge Discovery Process (OntoDM-KDD)
prepared by (Panov et al., 2013) uses the CRISP-DM
model to represent the main entities in the area of
DM, in the context of KDD. OntoDM-KDD repre-
sents the taxonomy of entities, which are essential for
data preparation.
Data Mining Optimization Ontology (DMOP) de-
veloped by (Keet et al., 2015) supports decision mak-
ing and the meta-learning of the complete DM pro-
cess. It is a unified conceptual structure and, among
the represented concepts, it shows that the execution
of the DM-Process occurs by a DM-Workflow. The
DM-Process especializes DM-Operation executed by
DM-Operator, which is an algorithm for to execute
tansformations in DM-Data.
MEX Vocabulary presented by (Esteves et al.,
2015), has as main purpose to describe terms used
in ML experiments and share provenance informa-
tion, captured with the PROV-O provenance ontol-
ogy (Lebo et al., 2013). However, MEX Vocabulary
not capture information regarding the data preparation
ML-Schema proposed by (Publio et al., 2018) is a
simple shared schema that provides a set of classes,
properties and restrictions that can be used to rep-
resent and interchange ML information. Regarding
the preprocessing context, it includes the representa-
tion of Data (ML Schema::Data) and also its special-
izations, Dataset (ML Schema::Dataset) and Feature
(ML Schema::Feature).
On the other hand, the Ontological Representation
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of Relational Databases (RDBS-O) (de Aguiar et al.,
2018) is a well-founded reference ontology that repre-
sents the structure of relational database systems and,
although it is not an ontology in the context of DM,
it includes the representation of entities that are im-
portant to describe the preprocessing domain, such as
Table, Line, Line Type and Column.
OpenPREDICT (Celebi et al., 2020) is a unified
semantic model of several existing ontologies, among
them W3C PROV (Groth and Moreau, 2013), for
the prospective, retrospective and workflow evolution
provenance of ML scientific workflows. The con-
ceptual modeling was supported by the UFO founda-
tion ontology and its ontological language OntoUML.
It captures operations performed by workflow plan
PROV-ML developed by (Souza et al., 2020) is
a data representation, also compatible with W3C
PROV, from retrospective provenance workflows to
support the lifecycle of scientific ML. It represents
that a workflow is a composition of data transforma-
tions executed by an ML task.
Table 1 shows a comparative model that classifies
these related works, according to the following crite-
(C1). Operational Ontology: denotes whether the
ontology was developed with the Web Ontology
Language (OWL)(Horrocks et al., 2004), a World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard;
(C2). Provenance Ontology: informs if the ontol-
ogy was developed using any of the W3C PROV
document models;
(C3). Foundational Ontology: indicates whether
the ontology was developed based on the concepts
proposed by UFO; and
(C4). Details of the Preprocessing Phase: shows
whether the ontology considers entities and rela-
tionships present in the preprocessing phase, ac-
cording to the detailing criteria: Partial (P) or To-
tal (T).
Table 1: Summary of Related Works.
Ontology C1 C2 C3 C4
e X - - P
OntoDM-KDD X - - P
DMOP X - - P
MEX Vocabulary - X - P
ML-Schema X - - P
RDBS-O - - X P
Given the above, it was identified that, among the re-
lated works, and as far as it was possible to investi-
gate, RDBS-O and OpenPREDICT use the UFO ap-
proach, but different from OpenPREDICT, RDBS-O
was not built for the KDD context. On the other hand,
e, OntoDM-KDD, DMOP, MEX Vocabulary,
ML-Schema and PROV-ML, developed in the context
of KDD, aim to support all or most of the process,
with an emphasis on the DM phase, while the prepro-
cessing phase is given partial or no attention. And,
additionally, they are ontologies built without taking
into account the precepts of a foundation ontology. In
order to fill this gap, this article proposes the PPO-O.
To understand this proposal, in the next section, we
present a brief discussion on the preprocessing phase,
highlighting its specificities, and on the peculiarities
of UFO.
3.1 Data Preprocessing Phase
The preprocessing phase covers all the activities nec-
essary to build the training and test datasets, data that
will be inserted in the modeling tool, based on the
raw data (Chapman et al., 2000). The data prepara-
tion techniques used in this phase aim to improve the
quality of raw data, by eliminating or minimizing var-
ious problems in the data. For example, the values
of the attributes can be numeric or categorical; they
may be clean or may contain outliers, incorrect, in-
consistent, duplicate or missing values; attributes can
be independent or related; datasets can have few or
many objects, which in turn can have a small or high
number of attributes (Faceli et al., 2015).
There is not a consensus in the literature (Han
et al., 2011) (Faceli et al., 2015) (Goldschmidt et al.,
2015) (Garc
ıa et al., 2015) about the classification and
conceptualization of preprocessing activities.
On the other hand, they all agree on the meaning
of an operation in the KDD domain. It is the exe-
cution of an operator, a program that implements an
algorithm, which specifies a procedure addressed to
a KDD activity or task (Keet et al., 2015). Operators
are executed on data items
made up of data examples
and, in terms of granularity levels, can be a dataset
(derived from one or more tables) or just one attribute
(a column within a table), or just one instance (a row
in a table).
An important concept that must be discussed here
is the table concept, because the most DM works
use a single fixed format table (Provost and Fawcett,
2016). In the RDBMS domain, a table is represented
A Well-founded Ontology to Support the Preparation of Training and Test Datasets
as a logical structure, that is, an abstraction of the
way the data is physically stored, with explicit values
in column positions, organized in table lines (Date,
2004). While in the DM domain, a table corresponds
to the data itself, i.e., data about certain entities in a
given domain, such as customer data, product data,
purchase data, etc Therefore, a dataset can be ob-
served under the following aspects: i) intentional,
when it refers to its scheme, which in this context
are: columns, features or attributes; and ii) exten-
sional, when it refers to facts, examples, instances
or records (Elmasri and Navathe, 2011). As pointed
out by (Goldschmidt et al., 2015) the KDD process
assumes that the data is organized in a single two-
dimensional tabular structure containing facts (orga-
nized in rows) and attributes (organized in columns)
of the problem to be analyzed.
Another important concept is the supervised learn-
ing task. It refers to learning the examples labeled in
the training dataset (Han et al., 2011), whose goal is to
find a function, model or hypothesis, so that the label
of a new example can be predicted. If the label data
type is categorical (Cotton, 1999), i.e., its domain is a
finite set of unordered values (Faceli et al., 2015), this
task is usually known as classification (Faceli et al.,
ML tasks such as the classification task, may need
some transformations to be applied to some column
values in the dataset. These transformations, also
named operations, correspond to the application of an
operator on data items. It can be understood, in this
way, that the set of enchained executions of prepro-
cessing operators results in a workflow execution.
On the other hand, as defined in (Celebi et al.,
2020) a workflow is a collective of instructions, since
its parts have the same functional role in the whole.
The execution of a workflow is a description of the
process, that is, a set of step-by-step instructions,
where each instruction describes an action taken.
In fact, those workflow execution data correspond
to provenance data for the generated training and test
datasets. It contains structured and linked records of
the data derivation paths, referring to the transforma-
tion activities those data went through (Souza et al.,
2020). This kind of data provenance is known as ret-
rospective provenance. It facilitates the reproducibil-
ity and explainability of the training and test datasets.
3.2 Unified Foundational Ontology
In the last decades, ontological analysis has brought
significant advances providing a sound foundation for
conceptual model development to reach better repre-
sentations of computational artifacts, especially con-
ceptual schemas (Guizzardi, 2012).
The ontological analysis is based on the use of
foundational ontologies (also called top-level ontolo-
gies), which provide a set of principles and basic
categories (Guarino, 1998). Foundation ontologies
apply formal theories to represent aspects of real-
ity and describe, as accurately as possible, the real-
world knowledge regardless of the domain, language,
or state of affairs.
UFO, initially presented by (Guizzardi, 2005), is a
descriptive ontology that represents universals (types)
and particulars (substantial or individual), endurants
and perdurants. Through continually updating, it has
been incorporating ideas from other ontologies such
as GFO (Herre et al., 2006) and DOLCE (Gangemi
et al., 2002), as well as from the OntoClean methodol-
ogy (Guarino and Welty, 2004). UFO has three main
fragments: UFO-A (Ontology of Endurants), UFO-B
(Ontology of Perdurants), and UFO-C (Ontology of
Social and Intentional Entities).
Over the years, UFO has been applied to the de-
velopment of core and domain ontologies in different
areas (Guizzardi et al., 2015). For instance, it has
been successfully used to provide conceptual clari-
fication in complex domains such as Legal (Ghosh
et al., 2017), Brazilian Higher Education (Silva and
Belo, 2018), Information Security Incidents (Faria
et al., 2019) and Critical Communications (Tesolin
et al., 2020).
Figure 1 represents some UFO-A constructs and
their relations used in PPO-O conceptual model. This
fragment of the UFO deals with the structural aspects
of conceptual modeling and referring to objects and
entities from the real-world. It also represents types
(Universal) and Individuals of these types (Individu-
Figure 1: UFO-A fragment, based on (Guizzardi et al.,
Furthermore, UFO-A categorizes types such as Sor-
tals carrying identity principle and NonSortal aggre-
gating properties in common from different Sortals.
Thus, Sortals describe the real-world objects using
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
concepts with strong or rigid identity principle such
as Kinds and Subkinds or anti-rigid concepts such
as Roles, which classify rigid elements under transi-
tory conditions. On the other hand, NonSortal con-
structs generalize different identity principles, based
on common characteristics, such as Category, which
abstracts two or more rigid elements.
Besides, Endurants constructs, such as Sortals,
are existentially independent; on the other hand, Mo-
ment Types, also known as Tropes, are existentially
dependent. Thus, a Quality Type is an intrinsic prop-
erty of an Individual, and Relator Type plays the role
of connecting, relating, or mediating, at least two in-
dividuals who share the same foundation (Guizzardi
and Wagner, 2008). Hence, a Quality (Moment) as
”color” cannot exist without a Sortal like a car (kind),
or a Relator (Moment) as a marriage cannot exist
without two objects (Sortals) like a man (Subkind)
and woman (Subkind).
UFO-B deals with objects that persist based on
temporal features, representing Events acting on Situ-
ations, Dispositions, Time Points, as well as the con-
nections between Endurants and Perdurants (Guiz-
zardi et al., 2013) and (Almeida et al., 2019).
Figure 2: UFO-B fragment, based on (Guizzardi et al.,
As shown in Figure 2, Situation is a snapshot of the
real-world reality obtained at a particular point in
time, modified or created by an Event that has mere-
ological features and can be classified as atomic or
An Atomic Event has no proper parts and de-
pends on a unique Object. On the other hand, Com-
plex Events are aggregations of at least two disjoint
subEvents. Participation is an example of subEvent
that materializes object participation in an Event. Fur-
thermore, Events can be caused by other Events, di-
rectly or indirectly. All of these event types are des-
cribed using axioms in (Guizzardi et al., 2013).
A Disposition is a trope existentially dependent on
an object, representing a specific propensity, capacity
or feature of an object that can or not be manifested
through an Atomic Event. For instance, the event of
a heart pumping is the manifestation of the heart’s
capacity to pump (disposition); the event of a metal
being attracted by the magnet is the manifestation of
the magnet’s disposition to attract metallic material
(Guizzardi et al., 2016).
3.3 Methodologies for Building
A large number of ontologies have been developed
by different groups, under different approaches, and
using different methods and techniques (Fern
opez et al., 1997). This way, some relevant method-
ological approaches in ontology engineering, such as
Methontology (Fern
opez et al., 1997), Neon
arez-Figueroa et al., 2015) and SABiO (Falbo,
2014), have been proposed as a best practice to build
domain ontologies grounded in meta-ontologies or
foundational ontologies. These practices make onto-
logical analysis able to explain concepts and relations
in the light of such top ontologies, which provides a
sound basis for better reality representation applying
conceptual modeling.
Moreover, SABiO recommends UFO as founda-
tional ontology and distinguishes between reference
and operational ontologies, providing activities that
apply to the development of both domain ontologies.
A reference ontology is a special type of conceptual
model because it makes a clear and precise descrip-
tion of the domain entities and might improve com-
munication, learning, and problem-solving. On the
other hand, an operational ontology is a machine-
readable implementation version of the reference on-
In this Section, we present some approaches that
have been adopted as guidelines on the elaboration of
an ontology. Thus, SABiO was adopted as the PPO-
O ontology building approach, for its clear distinction
between reference and operational ontologies. More-
over, UFO was chosen as the foundational ontology
for its conceptual coverage and its large number of
case studies found in the literature.
This research presents the PPO-O ontology, a refer-
ence ontology for mastering the preprocessing phase
of the KDD process. The purpose of this ontology is
to identify and represent the concepts related to the
preparation of “cured (Souza et al., 2020)” raw data,
A Well-founded Ontology to Support the Preparation of Training and Test Datasets
that is, data significantly selected, more organized,
easier to analyze and understand. The idea is to fa-
cilitate the generation of training and test data to be
consumed by ML algorithms.
The preparation of PPO-O was supported by the
initial phases of the development process proposed
by the SABiO approach, namely: Purpose Identifica-
tion and Requirements Elicitation, leading to the def-
inition of functional and non-functional requirements
(FRs and NFRs, respectively); Ontology Capture and
Formalization, giving rise to conceptual modeling of
captured concepts; and Design, with the establish-
ment of technological architecture and NFRs for the
implementation of the reference ontology.
The following Competency Questions (CQs) are
related to the FRs: CQ1. What are the types of data
preprocessing operator? CQ2. Which data structure
granularity are needed in the context of KDD? CQ3.
How can a dataset be described? CQ4. What are the
data types of the dataset columns? CQ5. How can we
characterize a labeled dataset? CQ6. What is the data
type of the target column of the dataset specified for
the classification task? CQ7. How can a data prepro-
cessing assistant be characterized? CQ8. How can a
data preprocessing operator execution be registered?
CQ9. What is the chain of operators that executed to
generate a training and test datasets?
4.1 PPO-O Modeling
The ontologies are built to be reused or shared
opez et al., 1997). In this sense, the se-
mantic models of the PPO-O reuse concepts already
formalized by the DMOP, ML Schema and RDBS-O
Figure 3 categorizes the taxonomy of the types of
data preprocessing operators, according to their role
in the data preparation process. The idea is to es-
tablish a hierarchy in order to resolve ambiguities.
Among the subtypes of a Data Preprocessing Oper-
ator, we distinguish an operator used to improve data
quality as a Data Cleaning Preprocessing Operator.
On the other hand, to obtain more accurate data, sub-
types of Data Tansformation Preprocessing Operator
represent operators that are used for feature engineer-
ing. For example, the Data Reduction Preprocessing
Operator subtype represent those operators to obtain
the most appropriate dimensionality for the dataset.
In addition, for a dataset with an imbalance in the
number of samples of the target attribute, a typical
situation in the context of a supervised classification
task, a Data Sampling Correction Preprocessing Op-
erator is used. And finally, a Data Partition Prepro-
cessing Operator is used for partitioning the dataset
Figure 3: UFO-A based model that represents the categories
of data preprocessing operators.
into training and test datasets.
In order to explain the elements related to data
used in KDD processes, Figure 4 presents the con-
ceptual model that characterizes a dataset. In rela-
tion to the extensional perspective, a Dataset is a spe-
cialization of ML Schema::Data, which may be spe-
cialized in different types of representation accord-
ing to its granularity and identity principles, such as
RDBS-O::Line and Column Value. A Dataset is a
bidimensional tabular structure for representing data,
which is composed of RDBS-O::Line instances. Each
RDBS-O::Line instance is a true proposition (fact) of
the problem to be analyzed, and it is instantiated ac-
cording to a RDBS-O::Line Type. Thus, a Dataset
is described by a RDBS-O::Line Type, which is said
to be its schema. The RDBS-O::Line Type aggre-
gates a set of RDBS-O::Columns, where each col-
umn represents an attribute that describes some Col-
umn Values. A set of Column Values, described
by the different RDBS-O::Columns that compose a
RDBS-O::Line Type, constitute a RDBS-O::Line, or a
fact. Finally, each RDBS-O::Column is defined by a
RDBS-O::Data Type, which is specialized in Quali-
tative Data Type, when the domain of values is cate-
gorical, or Quantitative Data Type, when it represents
numerical values.
While preprocessing data in the context of a KDD
process, a set of measured values can help in charac-
terizing a dataset and its columns. A Dataset Charac-
teristic, for example, may be its dimensionality (num-
bers of lines and columns), or the proportion of miss-
ing values. Also, descriptive statistics may character-
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: UFO-A based model for the dataset concept.
ize a column (Column Characteristic), such as mean
and standard deviation. These measured values can be
obtained from the RDBS-O::Lines or Column Values
that constitute a dataset or a column, respectively.
This characterization facilitates the understanding of
the data under analysis, and the identification of the
need to apply other preprocessing operators.
A Labeled Dataset is a type of Dataset specifi-
cally created to be processed by a Supervised Learn-
ing Task. When the goal is to generate a model to
predict the value of a Target Column, defined by a
Nominal Qualitative Data Type, then it means that the
dataset is to be processed by a Supervised Learning
Classification Task. Other specializations of Super-
vised Learning Tasks were not within the scope of the
present work.
Figure 5 shows, the Data Preprocessing Assistant
tool is a computational Software resource, whose pur-
pose is to support the execution of a Data Prepro-
cessing Workflow Plan. This tool uses the metadata
of the dataset and its columns (Dataset Characteris-
tic and Column Characteristic) to facilitate the choice
of Data Transformations, systematically. And, in par-
allel, this tool captures the retrospective provenance
from each Operator Execution, registering the trans-
formation implementation (Data Preprocessing Exe-
cutable Operator) that each RDBS-O::Column of a
raw dataset is submitted to, in order to generate the
corresponding training and test datasets. In this way,
the execution of each data transformation is encapsu-
lated by a data capture task, which occurs through a
function call, a program execution. Note that the exe-
cutions belong to a Data Preprocessing Executable
Workflow, which implements a Data Preprocessing
Workflow Plan, initially defined by the Assistant tool.
Figures 3, 4 and 5 present models grounded on UFO-
A. Kinds and subkinds categorize the operator and the
data and data type hierarchies. Additionally, note that
a relator is used to bring to light the execution of an
operator over a dataset column. This representation
is specially important for the provenance capture, as
it distinguishes concepts such as the executable code,
the transformation it implements, and the relationship
of the code when it runs on some dataset column.
Figure 5: UFO-A based model to capture provenance infor-
mation of the operator’s execution.
The representation of the dynamic aspects of PPO-
O are grounded on UFO-B fragment, which is sum-
marized in the metamodel of Figure 2. The model
in Figure 6 represents the events of the preprocess-
ing phase that are necessary for the construction of
a training and test datasets. It identifies the situa-
tions that triggers each event, and the participants in-
volved. It shows that a Data Preprocessing is a com-
plex event composed of two sub-events. One of them
is the Exploratory Data Analysis, which might iden-
tify, among other problems, columns with outliers,
null or blank data, denormalized data or unbalanced
data. As a consequence of this identification, a Situ-
ation named (Column Characteristic Identified) rep-
resents these anomalies, which might activate Dispo-
A Well-founded Ontology to Support the Preparation of Training and Test Datasets
sitions that are inherent capabilities or abilities (in-
heresIn) of Data Preprocessing Operators, such as
outlier removers, data imputation operators, data nor-
malization, or data balance operators.
In other words, since the Exploratory Data Analy-
sis event identifies a suspicious column, it activates
one of the Data Preprocessing Operators disposi-
tions, which is manifested through another sub-event,
named Data Preprocessing Operator Execution. As a
final step, the Situation Processed Column represents
the identified anomaly and duly resolved.
Figure 6: UFO-A and UFO-B based model of the data pre-
processing event.
4.2 PPO-O Evaluation and Application
The PPO-O evaluation was carried out through the
verification activity, according to the evaluation sup-
port process of the SABiO methodology. This activity
involves the identification of the answers to the com-
petence questions presented previously in this Sec-
tion, using the concepts and relationships that consti-
tute the ontology, as detailed below:
CQ1. Data Preprocessing Operator specializes
Data Cleaning Preprocessing Operator, Data Re-
duction Preprocessing Operator, Data Transfor-
mation Preprocessing Operator, Data Sampling
Correction Preprocessing Operator and Data Par-
tition Preprocessing Operator;
CQ2. ML Schema::Data specializes Dataset,
RDBS-O::Line and Column Value;
CQ3. Dataset has RDBS-O::Line, which is an
instance of RDBS-O::Line Type, which is de-
fined by Dataset; The RDBS-O::Line has Col-
umn Value(s), which are instance(s) of RDBS-
O::Column; The RDBS-O::Column isPart of
RDBS-O::Line Type and is defined by RDBS-
O::Data Type;
CQ4. RDBS-O::Data Type specializes Qualitative
Data Type which is specialized in Nominal Qual-
itative Data Type and Ordinal Qualitative Data
Type; RDBS-O::Data Type specializes Quantita-
tive Data Type which is specialized in Discreet
Quantitative Data Type and Continuous Quanti-
tative Data Type;
CQ5. The Labeled Dataset is a specialization
of Dataset, which is processed by a Supervised
Learning Task and has a Target Column, which is
a specialization of RDBS-O::Column;
CQ6. The Supervised Learning Classification
Task predicts the Target Column defined by Nom-
inal Qualitative Data Type;
CQ7. The Data Preprocessing Assistant is a
Kind of Software that supports a Data Prepro-
cessing Workflow Plan, which is a collection
of Data Transformations; a Data Transforma-
tion is implemented by a Data Preprocessing Ex-
ecutable Operator, whose execution over each
RDBS-O::Column is captured by the Relator Op-
erator Execution, which is executed by a Person
playing the User Relation Role;
CQ8. The Data Preprocessing Operator Execution
is a Complex Event manifesting a Data Process-
ing Ability, which inheresin a Data Preprocessing
Executable Operator; The Data Processing Abil-
ity is activated by a Column Characteristic Iden-
tified, which had been broughtAbout by the Ex-
ploratory Data Analysis Complex Event; The Data
Preprocessing Operator Execution is captured by
the Relator Operator Execution, with the partic-
ipationOf a Person playing the User Processual
Role; and
CQ9. The Data Preprocessing Executable Work-
flow is a collection of Data Preprocessing Ex-
ecutable Operator, whose execution over each
RDBS-O::Column is captured by the Relator Op-
erator Execution during the Data Preprocessing
Operator Execution Complex Event, that occurs
with the participationOf a Person playing the
User Processual Role when use Data Preprocess-
ing Assistant.
The conceptualization of the data preprocessing phase
was made explicit through conceptual modeling
grounded on UFO-A and UFO-B. Based on these
models (PPO-O) it was possible to conceive an archi-
tecture, shown in Figure 7, that was implemented as
a PreProcessing Assistant (Assistant-PP)
tool, using
the Python Programming Language with the Streamlit
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Framework and PostgreSQL RDBMS. The main pur-
pose of this tool is to guide a non-expert user in the se-
lection of data preprocessing operators and, in paral-
lel, to capture structured and rich provenance data, for
each data preprocessing operator execution, which
are stored in the (ProvOp) layer.
Figure 7: Assistant-PP architecture components.
The PPO-O validation activity occurred with the in-
stantiation of the competence question (CQ9), dur-
ing the execution of the Assistant-PP and with prove-
nance queries from the ProvOp layer to verify if it
was able to capture the workflow generated during
creation of a training and test datasets.
As a test case, we used the Adult (Dua and Graff,
2017) dataset specified for the Supervised Learning
Classification Task, whose goal is to predict whether
an adult’s income exceeds $50K per year, based
on census data. Table 2 summarizes the number
of RDBS-O::Lines and RDBS-O::Columns processed
through the execution of a Data Preprocessing Exe-
cutable Workflow. Note that the output datasets has a
smaller numbers of columns and lines. This is due to
the impact of operators such as Data Reduction - Col-
umn Selection and Data Sampling Correction - Un-
dersampling. In addition, test dataset does not include
the target column.
Table 2: Input and output Datasets processed by the Data
Preprocessing Executable Workflow (CQ9).
Dataset Line Column
Input Raw 48842 15
Training 16250 14
Test 14653 13
Getting into the preprocessing workflow execution
details, Table 3 shows all the Operator Executions
that took place in the workflow execution. It cor-
relates each Adult dataset RDBS-O::Column, to the
Data Preprocessing Executable Operator type, ac-
cording to the categorization shown in Figure 3: Data
Cleaning (DC), Data Reduction (DR), Data Transfor-
mation (DT), Data Partition (DP) and Data Sampling
Correction (DS). It is possible to see in Table 3 that it
involved 42 operator executions, showing how hard it
is to keep track of the preprocessing operations, which
is why we need to keep a record of each one of them.
Analyzing Table 3, we can see that most of the
Adult dataset columns were processed by DP and DS
operators, which are the most general, i.e., indepen-
dent of the data type of column, unlike DC and DT
operators that take into account the data type of col-
umn. Moreover, with the analysis of the particular
properties of the column values only a few columns
should be cleaned and transformed to obtain more ac-
curate data to ML algorithms. As example, standard-
ization for columns with quantitative data type and
coding for columns with qualitative data type, such as
the sex column, which was coded by a Data Coding
Operator, deriving two new columns, Sex 1 (1=male)
and Sex 2 (0=female) and, in this case, DP and DS
operators will be processed in Sex 1 and Sex 2 and
no longer in Sex. Finally, the Assistant-PP may sug-
gest the elimination (DR operator) of columns with
low relevance after the analysis of the correlation be-
tween the predictive columns and the target column.
This was the case of Capital-loss and Fnlwgt.
Table 3: Operator Execution by the Data Preprocessing Ex-
ecutable Workflow (CQ9).
Columns DC DR DT DP DS
Age X X X X
Capital-gain X X X X
Capital-loss X
Country X X X
Education X X
Education-num X X X X
Fnlwgt X
Hours-per-week X X X X
Marital-status X X
Occupation X X X X
Race X X
Relationship X X
Sex X X X
Workclass X X X
Target X X X
All these operator executions are captured by the
Assistant-PP tool and registered in our provenance
database. Figure 8 shows an example of a query in
such database, which lists the operators, and their cor-
responding categories, that were applied to columns
Age, Occupation, Fnlwgt, Sex, Sex 1, Sex 2 and Tar-
get. Note that Assistant-PP is able to provide a fine
grain provenance record, where it is possible to keep
A Well-founded Ontology to Support the Preparation of Training and Test Datasets
track of actions on each column of a dataset.
Figure 8: ProvOp - provenance query of part of the Data
Preprocessing Executable Workflow captured.
Figure 9: Assistant-PP - Data Preprocessing Executable
Operator by RDBS-O::Data Type.
It is worth to highlight that the Assistant-PP tool in-
corporates the knowledge raised by the models pre-
sented in Section 4.1, and guides a non-expert user to
select the appropriate Data Preprocessing Operator,
according to the RDBS-O::Data Type of the RDBS-
O::Column. For example, the ”unknown” imputa-
tion option is indicated only for columns of a Qual-
itative Data Type. Other imputation options, such as
mode, median, mean, values 0 or -1, are indicated for
columns of a Quantitative Data Type. Both examples
are illustrated in Figure 9.
More examples of such expertise are shown in
Figure 10, where the Data Discretization operator
is chosen for Continuous Quantitative Data Type
columns (e.g. Age, Education Num, etc.). Note that
Capital-loss and Fnlwgt columns were excluded by
DR operator (Table 3) previously during the process,
and therefore, they do not appear in the list of avail-
able columns for Data Discretization. On the other
hand, the Data Standardization operator is chosen for
the Discreet and Continuous Quantitative Data Type
columns. In this case, all available columns of this
type are processed. Finally, the Data Coding opera-
tor, in Figure 11, is recommended only for Qualitative
Data Type columns (e.g. Workclass, Sex, etc.).
Figure 10: Assistant-PP - Data Preprocessing Executable
Operator by RDBS-O::Data Type.
Figure 11: Assistant-PP - Data Preprocessing Executable
Operator by RDBS-O::Data Type.
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In this paper we present PPO-O, a domain reference
ontology for the preprocessing phase of the KDD pro-
cess, built using UFO ontological foundations. The
idea is to support the non-expert user in data prepro-
cessing, indicating the appropriate operators for the
transformation of a cured raw dataset into a train-
ing and test datasets. It was developed following
the guidelines of the SABiO ontology engineering
approach. Its focus is on the supervised learning
classification task, and it reused concepts from KDD
and RDBMS ontologies, which incorporate already
grounded concepts that are essential to clarify the se-
mantics of the preprocessing phase.
The PPO-O evaluation was carried out by answer-
ing the competence questions previously defined, and
showed the completeness of the represented concepts
and relationships. In addition, a tool named Assistant-
PP was built based on the PPO-O ontology, which
made it capable of capturing the retrospective data
provenance during the execution of preprocessing op-
erators. Therefore, it was shown that it attends the
reproducibility and explainability requirements for a
preprocessing workflow executed.
As future work, we intend to extend the PPO-O
to incorporate other data preprocessing operators, as
well as other ML tasks, such as operators applied to
the Supervised Regression Task. Also, we plan to de-
velop a new version of the assistant tool, using an op-
erational version of the PPO-O ontology.
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