SVW-UCF Dataset for Video Domain Adaptation
Artjoms Gorpincenko
and Michal Mackiewicz
School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K.
Dataset, Deep Learning, Domain Adaptation, Video.
Unsupervised video domain adaptation (DA) has recently seen a lot of success, achieving almost if not perfect
results on the majority of various benchmark datasets. Therefore, the next natural step for the field is to come
up with new, more challenging problems that call for creative solutions. By combining two well known sets of
data - SVW and UCF, we propose a large-scale video domain adaptation dataset that is not only larger in terms
of samples and average video length, but also presents additional obstacles, such as orientation and intra-class
variations, differences in resolution, and greater domain discrepancy, both in terms of content and capturing
conditions. We perform an accuracy gap comparison which shows that both SVWUCF and UCFSVW
are empirically more difficult to solve than existing adaptation paths. Finally, we evaluate two state of the art
video DA algorithms on the dataset to present the benchmark results and provide a discussion on the properties
which create the most confusion for modern video domain adaptation methods.
Deep neural network architectures continue to show
impressive results across a number of computer vision
tasks, such as classification (Szegedy et al., 2017), im-
age generation (Karras et al., 2020), denoising (Tian
et al., 2020), and upscaling (Haris et al., 2018). How-
ever, many modern methods call for large amounts of
labeled training data that might not always be avail-
able in real-life scenarios. Collecting and annotating
new imagery for the task of interest is often infeasi-
ble due to associated costs and time constraints. In
theory, a model could be trained on a similar dataset
that shares the same task (Sun and Saenko, 2014).
In practice, however, neural networks frequently fail
to perform well, as they are too sensitive to differ-
ences in appearance and image capture conditions
(Shimodaira, 2000). This scenario is described as the
domain shift problem - where the training data distri-
bution (the source domain) is not aligned with the test
data distribution (the target domain) on the data man-
ifold. Domain adaptation (Csurka, 2017) is a branch
of transfer learning (Pan and Yang, 2010) which aims
to train robust models in the presence of aforemen-
tioned misalignments and is categorized based on la-
bel availability in the target domain.
Both image and video-based DA have recently
demonstrated great advancements, scoring 95%+ ac-
curacy on a large portion of available benchmark
datasets (French et al., 2018; Shu et al., 2018; Mao
et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2019; Gorpincenko et al.,
2020). However, whereas image-based DA problems
include various degrees of domain discrepancy, one
would argue that many video data paths do not present
the same level of complexity. In fact, a sophisticated
neural network architecture can achieve good results
even without any adaptation mechanism present in the
method itself (details in Section 3 and Table 3), which
leads to believe that the lack of challenging problems
is one of the main reasons as to why video-based DA
has not received as much attention as its counterpart.
In this paper, we introduce a large-scale video-
based domain adaptation dataset called SVW-UCF
(Safdarnejad et al., 2015; Soomro et al., 2012), which
presents a larger domain gap and consists of 25 over-
lapping categories. We evaluate two state of the art
video DA methods (Chen et al., 2019; Gorpincenko
et al., 2020) on SVW-UCF, and empirically prove that
both SVWUCF and UCFSVW paths are more
challenging than those which are currently available
to public
We are aware of the Kinetics-Gameplay dataset (Chen
et al., 2019), however, it was released only in feature vector
format, which significantly limits its usability in research.
Gorpincenko, A. and Mackiewicz, M.
SVW-UCF Dataset for Video Domain Adaptation.
DOI: 10.5220/0010460901070111
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2021), pages 107-111
ISBN: 978-989-758-511-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Collected categories for SVW-UCF.
Archery Archery Archery
Baseball Baseball Baseball Pitch
Basketball Basketball Basketball,
Biking BMX Biking
Boating Rowing Rowing,
Bowling Bowling Bowling
Discus throw Discusthrow Throw Discus
Diving Diving Diving
Skating Ice Dancing
Golf Golf Golf Swing
Gymnastics Gymnastics
Hammer Throw
High jump High jump High Jump
Javelin throw Javelin Javelin Throw
Long jump Long jump Long Jump
Pole vault Polevault Pole Vault
Punching Boxing
Shot put Shotput Shotput
Skiing Skiing Skiing
Soccer Soccer
Soccer Penalty
Swimming Swimming Breaststroke,
Front Crawl
Tennis Tennis Tennis Swing
Volleyball Volleyball
Weight lifting Weight lifting Bench Press,
Clean and Jerk,
Wrestling Wrestling Sumo Wrestling
To build the dataset, we collected 25 distinct classes
that are present in both SVW (Safdarnejad et al.,
(a) figure skating
(b) hammer throw
(c) punch
Figure 1: Snapshots of different categories from the SVW-
UCF dataset. For each class, the samples from SVW and
UCF101 are in the top and bottom row, respectively.
2015) and UCF101 (Soomro et al., 2012), listed in
Table 1. For UCF101, we coupled some of the cat-
egories that are similar to each other into one, such
as Basketball and Basketball Dunk to form Basket-
ball, or Breaststroke and Front Crawl to form Swim-
ming. In total, SVW-UCF consists of 5878 training
and 2410 testing videos, shared between two domains
(Table 2). For consistency, we followed the suggested
SVW and UCF evaluation protocols
3, 4
, and chose
train/test splits 1 for both.
The visual domain gap between SVW and
UCF101 mostly comes in the differences between
skill levels of sportsmen and camera operators in the
videos. Whereas UCF101 mainly consists of clips
that were filmed in their natural category environ-
ments that might provide additional cues to a classi-
fier, e.g., basketball court or baseball pitch with teams
and viewers, it is not the case with SVW. The latter
dataset was captured solely with smartphones by am-
ateurs, and contains more casual scenes, such as play-
ing football in a backyard or practicing field penal-
ties on an empty pitch. The gap is further expanded
IMPROVE 2021 - International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Table 2: Comparison of video domain adaptation datasets.
f ull
Average length (sec.) 5.4-10.6 5.8-3.3 7.2-3.3 15.5-6.6
Classes 6 5 12 25
Training samples 601-250 482-350 1438-840 2466-3412
Testing samples 240-54 189-150 571-360 1057-1353
by variations in camera angles and vibrations, light-
ing, and different orientations, which are not present
in previously proposed datasets.
From the domain adaptation perspective, it is im-
portant to learn semantic information about actions
with minimum bias to their visual appearance. For
example, both bench press and lunges with dumb-
bells are considered to be weight lifting, although
these exercises look very different from each other.
Consequently, activities that represent same actions
in a different manner introduce an additional yet pos-
itive challenge for this field of research. Hence, we
grouped some of the classes that meet these crite-
ria where it was possible, for example, wrestling and
sumo wrestling, gymnastics and floor gymnastics. We
also note that SVW-UCF has the largest amount of
overlapping categories and unique samples, as well
as greater average video length when comparing to
the existing datasets (Table 2).
In this section, we first present a set of potential rea-
sons as to why existing video DA datasets do not
present enough challenges for modern algorithms.
Then, to test our hypotheses, we perform an evalu-
ation of accuracy gaps between adaptation paths.
UCF-Olympic (Jamal et al., 2018) and UCF-
(Sultani and Saleemi, 2014) were ini-
tially designed to have visually similar categories,
while the main goal of domain adaptation is to learn
semantics of an object or an action, regardless of its
appearance (Ganin and Lempitsky, 2015). Indeed, the
absence of labels alone without the visual gap present
turns this into a semi-supervised learning problem
(Zhu and Goldberg, 2009), where the target domain
can simply be treated as a portion of unlabelled sam-
ples. To ensure that there is a sufficient domain dis-
crepancy in SVW-UCF, we selected datasets that are
different in both visual and semantic sense.
Neural network models are very sensitive to in-
puts, and require large amounts of training points
to generalise and develop strong, reliable decision
boundaries on the data manifold. All the previ-
Figure 2: Snapshots of videos from the UCF101 dataset.
Each frame belongs to a different sample, although it is
clear that they are just small parts of a single, larger video.
ous datasets underdeliver in that regard, on average
having less than 100 videos per class, per domain.
This problem is further amplified by samples from
UCF101, where many groups of clips are comprised
of single large videos, and arguably cannot be con-
sidered as fully individual, distinct samples, as they
share a lot of similar visual properties (Figure 2). We
extend the numbers by providing 331.5 clips per class
on average (versus second largest 267.4 for UCF-
f ull
(Chen et al., 2019)), as well as greater
video length to ensure a significant number of frames
in SVW-UCF (Table 2). Clearly, there are meth-
ods that were specifically created to aid the require-
ments of neural networks in cases where the amount
of training data is limited (Miyato et al., 2019; Yun
et al., 2019), however, that is rather the focus of
other research fields, such as unsupervised and semi-
supervised learning. As for domain adaptation, it was
created to address the problem of the lack of data
in the target domain, however, on condition that the
source domain has sufficient task-related information
(Ganin and Lempitsky, 2015).
To test whether aforementioned properties are im-
portant in domain adaptation datasets and deep learn-
ing algorithms, we trained the TA
N model in one do-
main setting, i.e., in a standard, supervised manner,
with adaptation mechanisms disabled. Obtained re-
sults (Table 3) suggest that the field of video DA needs
to shift towards problems with greater visual and se-
mantic discrepancies, as well as more classes and
samples, since strong CNN backbone model alone
is already enough to achieve good performance on
SVW-UCF Dataset for Video Domain Adaptation
Table 3: Accuracy gap comparison between different video domain adaptation paths, using TA3N model architecture. UO
stands for UCFOlympic, UH
, UH
f ull
, SU for SVWUCF, and vice
Source only 93.82% 84.58% 94.40% 92.61% 71.67% 73.91% 60.55% 54.41%
Target only 100.0% 99.41% 98.67% 98.94% 82.78% 94.92% 89.10% 91.45%
Gap 6.18% 14.83% 4.27% 6.33% 11.11% 21.01% 28.55% 37.04%
Figure 3: Individual category results of TA
N+VAT on the UCFSVW adaptation path, sorted by accuracy.
Table 4: Video domain adaptation algorithms evaluation on
Source only 60.55% 54.41%
67.85% 59.98%
74.65% 65.94%
Target only 89.10% 91.45%
a large portion of available paths. In addition to
that, we also trained and tested the two currently best
performing video DA methods: TA
N (Chen et al.,
2019) and TA
N+VAT (Gorpincenko et al., 2020) on
SVW-UCF (Table 4). Even with adaptation in place,
the difference between the highest accuracy and ‘Tar-
get only’ is still significant (14.45% and 25.51% for
SVWUCF and UCFSVW, respectively), which
opens up opportunities for future research. When
it comes to individual category performance (Figure
3), we found that the lowest scores were obtained
in cases where the domain gap mainly consists of
visual discrepancies. On UCF frames, classes such
as Basketball, High jump, Hammer throw, Javelin
throw, Punching, and Shot put mostly have profes-
sional pitch/stadium setups and crowd in the back-
ground, while many SVW videos of these sports do
not share the same properties. On the other hand, ac-
tivities that do not possess the same degree of freedom
when it comes to the place where they can be per-
formed in (e.g., skating always requires an ice rink),
generally have higher accuracy: Skiing, Gymnas-
tics, Figure skating, Swimming, Diving, and Bowl-
ing. This leads to a conclusion that video DA al-
gorithms still heavily rely on visual cues, while the
actions themselves are rather complementary. The
above is further supported by a very strong perfor-
mance on the Wrestling class - even though the do-
mains have slightly different sports constructing the
category (Table 1), the presence of the arena makes it
easy for the classifier to assign the correct prediction.
In this paper, we presented SVW-UCF - a large-scale
dataset for video domain adaptation, which contains
more categories and delivers a greater domain dis-
crepancy, when compared to existing datasets. We
also evaluated the accuracy gap between all available
adaptation paths and found that most of them do not
present enough challenge for modern techniques, as
good performance can be achieved by simply using a
robust neural network model. Finally, we tested two
state of the art video DA algorithms on SVW-UCF
and looked at the results of the TA
N+VAT method
on UCFSVW in detail. The latter suggests that the
field of unsupervised video DA needs to shift towards
problems with greater visual gaps, as that is the area
where current methods struggle the most.
The project was jointly funded by Innovate UK (grant
#102072), Cefas, Cefas Technology Limited and EDF
IMPROVE 2021 - International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Energy, and has also been supported by by the Nat-
ural Environment Research Council; and Engineer-
ing and Physical Sciences Research Council through
the NEXUSS Centre for Doctoral Training (grant
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SVW-UCF Dataset for Video Domain Adaptation