iTA: A Digital Teaching Assistant
Vishnu Dutt Duggirala, Rhys Sean Butler and Farnoush Banaei-Kashani
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Colorado Denver, U.S.A.
Machine Reading Comprehension, Question-answering.
Designed and implemented a question-answering chatbot, dubbed iTA (intelligent Teaching Assistant), which
can provide detailed answers to questions by effectively identifying the most relevant answers in “long” text
sources (documents or textbooks). iTA answers questions by implementing a two-stage procedure. First, the
topmost relevant paragraphs are identified in the selected text source using a retrieval-based approach and
scores for the retrieved paragraphs are computed. Second, using a generative model, extracted the relevant
content from the top-ranked paragraph to generate the answer. Our results show that iTA is well suited to
generate meaningful answers for questions posed by students.
Online learning offers flexibility and availability, al-
lowing students to continue their studies, even when it
is difficult or impossible to receive in-person instruc-
tion. However, online learning creates challenges
for tasks that have traditionally been carried out in-
person. Guidance counseling, producing course feed-
back, and tutoring can all be more difficult without
human interaction. The problems with online learning
have heightened the interest in making digital tools
that can help students face these challenges. Recently,
chatbots have been designed that attempt to mimic hu-
man interaction.
Chatbots can support students in several ways, but
most have been designed to answer administrative
questions or function like customer support systems.
They can serve as a tutor which explains a topic in a
chapter and quizzes the student. So far, research has
not focused on developing a chatbot that can produce
nuanced, multi-sentence responses in topic-specific
domains. This encouraged us to create a tool where it
takes the role of teaching assistant to help students un-
derstand academic concepts. iTA: intelligent Teach-
ing Assistant, a tool that acts as a Teaching Assistant.
iTA can provide detailed responses to user queries
within a specific knowledge domain.
Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC), or the
ability to read and understand the unstructured text
and then answer questions about it, remains a chal-
lenging natural language processing task motivated
by a wide variety of applications. For example, as
shown in Figure 1, a search engine with MRC capa-
bilities can return the correct response to users’ ques-
tions in natural language instead of a progression of
related web pages.
To develop iTA, we overcame two challenges:
The first challenge is that most MRC solutions fo-
cus on comprehension from a passage no larger than
500 words. In contrast, a typical textbook may con-
tain more than 15,000 words. MRC models, such as
Match LSTM (Wang and Jiang, 2016), a basic com-
prehension neural network, are not designed to pro-
cess large text bodies. To achieve a question-aware
context representation without early summarization,
BiDAF (Seo et al., 2018) is used. On the other hand,
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) is introduced to reduce
computation time and extend machine reading com-
prehension beyond what LSTM can accomplish. That
said, BERT still fails given documents longer than
512 tokens. The second challenge was producing a
model that provides in-depth, easily understandable
responses. Current question answering datasets pro-
vide extractive and, short responses. Student ques-
tions will usually require multi-sentence responses.
One-word or two-word responses will not adequately
help students. MS MACRO v2 (Bajaj et al., 2018)
is introduced to address this problem by generating
responses, with an average of 13.6 words. TriviaQA
(Joshi et al., 2017) has multi-sentence support, but its
answers are shorter than most of the datasets.
iTA is a system that can function as a digital
teaching assistant. Toward this end, we have adopted
and adapted a developed model for multiple passages
Duggirala, V., Butler, R. and Banaei-Kashani, F.
iTA: A Digital Teaching Assistant.
DOI: 10.5220/0010461002740281
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 2, pages 274-281
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: An example of a Google search engine with an
MRC technique.
MRC tasks (Clark and Gardner, 2017). With iTA,
when a user has asks a question, the five paragraphs
that contain the most relevant information for the
question are selected. This process is completed
using TF-IDF. Second, we use BART (Lewis et al.,
2019), pre-trained on the ELI5 dataset (Fan et al.,
2019) to generate an answer for the given question.
BART is a denoising auto-encoder designed to train
sequence to sequence models. ELI5 is a dataset that
has a series of questions that have been answered
with explanatory, multi-phrase responses. Here is an
example of an iTA generated response for a given
Question: How is range different from an array?
Answer: A range is an array of numbers in increasing
or decreasing order, each separated by a regular inter-
val. An array is a collection of numbers separated by
an interval. A range can be used to represent a very
large number of numbers, so it’s worthwhile to use
it. Ranges are useful in a surprisingly large amount
of cases, so they are worthwhile to be used in a very
small number of cases. The difference is in how they
are used. The range is used to describe the order of
the numbers in the array, while the array is used as a
representation of the order in which the numbers are
in the range.
In this section, we briefly review the literature on
MRC methods, and more generally, Conversational
AI, as well as systems similar to iTA. Conversational
AI represents a similar research space because it fo-
cuses on tasks like natural language retrieval and gen-
eration. The retrieval-based response is where the
agent’s answer is based on pattern matching and a
question is matched to a pool of message-response
candidates. The response whose message has the
highest matching score with the question is selected.
The generative-based response does not select or
choose from any predefined response but instead cre-
ates a new one. A generative-based response can be
more specific and instructive, while retrieval-based
responses tend to be more grammatically correct be-
cause they are manually produced. iTA uses both re-
trieval and generation methods to evaluate questions
and delivers the response.
2.1 MRC Methods
There has been a large amount of research produced
on MRC methods that use a single paragraph to gen-
erate responses. That is to say when the response that
is generated comes from a short passage. Existing
work have explored developing various architectures
such as Match-LSTM (Wang and Jiang, 2016), R-Net
(Wang et al., 2017), and designing multiple attention
mechanisms such as BiDAF (Seo et al., 2018), Trans-
formers (Vaswani et al., 2017) to achieve more precise
and improved answers. BERT (Devlin et al., 2019)
has produced state-of-the-art results on 11 NLP tasks,
which includes a single-paragraph MRC task.
A few researchers have focused on multi-passage
question-answering. Longformer (Beltagy et al.,
2020) was developed in response to the token lim-
itation of BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). Longformer
uses an attention mechanism which changes linearly
with the sequence length. This network (Zhang et al.,
2018) took the advantages of hierarchical-attention
(Wang et al., 2018) to learn the paragraph level repre-
sentation and implement the match-LSTM (Wang and
Jiang, 2016) mechanism.
2.2 Educational Chatbots
Some education chatbots focus on assisting the user
by producing a “Yes” or “No” response to a question.
Conversational Agents to Promote Children’s Verbal
Communication Skills(Fabio Catania and Garzotto,
2020) have developed as a system that allows a 9-
year-old kid to create a bitmoji by talking to a chatbot.
Every time they responded to a question, they show
the visual representation of the feature described di-
rectly on the avatar in the GUI. At every step, it asks
the user if they are satisfied with the avatar. Sup-
pose the answer is “No” or any negative expression.
It will remove the feature and goes to the previous
intent. Adaptive Conversations for Adaptive Learn-
ing: Sustainable Development of Educational Chat-
bots (Donya Rooein, 2020), helps students explain
course modules and provide a reference for students
iTA: A Digital Teaching Assistant
on the total course progress. In this paper (Skjuve,
2020), Skjuve explains various stages of a student’s
learning progress. Students can use our chatbot in a
similar way to this paper.
Tutor presented by the (Hobert, 2019) uses a pre-
defined learning path. First, a student receives some
instruction on a specific topic. Then, Tutor will ask
the students questions about the instruction they have
just received. The student is also asked if they need
any additional content for better understanding of the
FIT-EBot (Hien et al., 2018) is an administra-
tive support chatbot that produces information about
course registration, course score, prerequisite courses,
exam schedules, and other administrative information
about a course. None of the aforementioned chat-
bots are capable of producing detailed answers to a
set of dynamic questions. iTA provides this func-
tionality and can produce dynamic responses for user-
generated questions.
A mixed methodological approach was used in this
study. iTA uses a paragraph selection module (Clark
and Gardner, 2017) to extract the highest scored pas-
sage and a sequence-to-sequence model for answer
generation module that uses BART (Lewis et al.,
2019). Below, in Section 3.1 an overview of the sys-
tem is discussed. In Section 3.2, we will go through
an in-depth review of each model in our system.
3.1 System Overview
iTA supports multi-paragraph generative-based re-
sponses, avoids noisy labels, and uses an unstructured
text as its source. We use a Data Science textbook,
stored as a .txt file as the source from which answers
are generated. Figure 2 depicts the overall architec-
ture and data flow in iTA. iTA is a two-tier model
which has a passage selection module and answer
generation module. We have scrubbed the data in the
text “The fundamentals of Data Science” (Adhikari
and John DeNero, 2019), by removing the mathemat-
ical equations, tables, and python code from the text.
When a student asks a question, the question and the
textbook are passed through TF-IDF in the first mod-
ule to select the top 5 paragraphs which contain in-
formation most relevant to the question. This step is
employed to save the computationally expensive step
of calculating each paragraph’s confidence score in
the entire text document. We use the top 2 candidate
paragraphs in BART model to generate the response.
Figure 2: Overview of iTA.
3.2 Model
3.2.1 Passage Selection Module
The paragraph selection module selects the para-
graphs with the smallest TF-IDF cosine distance
with a user-generated question. iTA uses a mod-
ified method for calculating TF-IDF. iTA currently
uses only one-long format document to generate re-
sponses. When iTA calculates TF-IDF, instead of us-
ing the term-frequency from a large number of doc-
uments, iTAs term-frequency is calculated using the
frequency of each term within the Data Science text-
book. This approach gives more weight to the least
common words in the question and extracts the rele-
vant paragraphs. iTAs implementation uses an atten-
tion mechanism. This mechanism, presented in detail
in (Clark and Gardner, 2017), computes a confidence
score for each paragraph containing a relevant pas-
sage and selects the best passages based on the confi-
dence score.
The weight in TF-IDF is a statistical measure used
to evaluate how important a word in a collection of
documents or corpus. The weights are a multiplica-
tion of TF, IDF. The definition for TF-IDF in our ap-
proach (Clark and Gardner, 2017) is the number of
times a term occurred in a paragraph and divided by
the total number of paragraphs.
GloVe(Pennington et al., 2014) has been used to vec-
torize the question and context for each student ques-
tion. A shared bi-directional GRU(Cho et al., 2014)
maps the context to the question. Attention mech-
anisms build a representation between question and
context. Self-attention mechanisms enhance machine
comprehension of complex contexts. The last layer of
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Multi-Paragraph Reading Comprehension archi-
tecture; figure courtesy of (Clark and Gardner, 2017).
iTAs first module applies a softmax operation to cal-
culate the relevant passages’ confidence scores. The
highest scored paragraphs are sent to the iTA answer
generation module.
3.2.2 Generative Module
iTAs language module (Wolf et al., 2020) was pre-
trained using BART (Figure 4) on the ELI5 dataset
(Fan et al., 2019). BART (Lewis et al., 2019) is a
sequence-to-sequence model with a bidirectional en-
coder similar to BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) BART
uses an auto-regressive decoder as with GPT (Rad-
ford, 2018).
iTA modules are made up of Transformers (Vaswani
et al., 2017). BART uses multi-headed-attention. This
allows for a reliable sequence to sequence model-
ing. Using the multi-headed-attention mechanisms
allows for greater accuracy in understanding context
and generating responses. BERT encoder randomly
replace the tokens with masks, and missing tokens
predicted independently, so cannot use it for gener-
Figure 4: BART architecture; figure courtesy of (Lewis
et al., 2019).
BART decoder uses transformer decoder block;
its decoder has an extra layer which is masked self-
attention which does not allow a position to peak at
tokens to its right. The key difference with the trans-
former decoder is that it outputs one token at a time,
just like traditional language models that use auto-
regression. It uses a beam search to create the re-
sponse. Larger beam widths result in better perfor-
mance for iTA. Multiple candidate sequences increase
the likelihood of better matching a target sequence.
Performance is inversely related to beam-width.
4.1 Datasets
Extractive datasets such as SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al.,
2018), CoQA (Reddy et al., 2019), HotpotQA (Yang
et al., 2018) restrict responses to a word or short ex-
pression from the input, TiviaQA (Joshi et al., 2017)
offers which challenges the models to perform rea-
soning across multiple paragraphs with an average of
2895 words in a document but the answer is still short.
ELI5 (Fan et al., 2019) has overcome this long an-
swer challenge. It can be seen in Table 1 that Triv-
iaQA answers are drawn from are long-form docu-
ments. However, TriviaQA responses are limited to
one or two words. TrivaQA was used to train the lan-
guage model of iTA, and ELI5 was used to train the
generative-based response model of iTA.
Table 1: Comparison of QA datasets and how ELI5 is bet-
ter; table courtesy of (Fan et al., 2019).
TriviaQA (Joshi et al., 2017) is used to train
the paragraph selection module with the shared-
normalization confidence method (Clark and Gard-
iTA: A Digital Teaching Assistant
ner, 2017), stated that the shared-normalization con-
fidence method fetched more transparent results than
the merge method. To test our application, we used
a data science textbook (Adhikari and John DeNero,
2019) as a long document. Pre-processing is done on
the data to remove mathematical equations and any
high-level coding language syntax.
4.2 Experimental Setup
The iTA model was trained using an Adadelta opti-
mizer with a batch size of 60 and used TriviaQA-
unfiltered data. This choice was made because the
dataset does not specify which documents contain
the answer. In Clark (Clark and Gardner, 2017).
Three different approaches are used in calculating
confidence scores for relevant paragraphs. In Simple
and Effective Multi-Paragraph Reading Comprehen-
sion (Clark and Gardner, 2017), they noted that the
shared-norm approach gave superior results for para-
graph retrieval. Once we had this trained model and
the BART model, we sent our test dataset (textbook),
which is prepossessed to remove the stop words as
they do not contribute to calculating TF-IDF and a
question to fetch the top ve paragraphs using the TF-
IDF approach. Forwarded to the shared-norm model
to get each paragraph’s confidence, here, more noisy
labels will have less confidence value. BART gener-
ative model takes the top two high confidence value
paragraphs to get a detailed answer. The chatbot is
run on cloud infrastructure, leveraging 12 G.B. of Ni-
vidia Tesla K80.
4.3 Results
BLEU score (Papineni et al., 2002), a metric used for
evaluating machine-translated text, was used to assess
the iTA generated responses. It measures the similar-
ity of the machine-generated text to a set of human-
created reference text. A value of 0 means that the
output has no overlap with the reference text (low
quality). In comparison, a value of 1 means there is
perfect overlap with the reference (high quality). The
score between 0.3 to 0.4 is understandable to good
translations. For easy interpretations, we have mul-
tiplied with 100. Perplexity is one more quantitative
measure that calculates how well a probability distri-
bution predicts a sample.
We use both BLEU scores and perplexity to eval-
uate the strength of the iTA responses.
We gathered the top two paragraphs, each with
400 words from the passage selection module, and fed
it to the generated answer model, which uses beam
search, and we set beam length to 5, the minimum
Figure 5: Data flow of iTA.
size of the answer to 96. We calculated the BLEU
score and Perplexity for each response according to
the parameters mentioned earlier.
Explanation of how our two-step process works:
When a question is asked, “What is Data Science?”
for example, it is sent to the iTAs first module. There
TF-IDF uses the entire corpus (textbook) along with
the submitted question to select 5 paragraphs that may
contain the answer. These ve paragraphs are sent
to the Multi-Paragraph model to calculate the confi-
dence of each paragraph. Choosing the highest two
confident paragraphs, the BART model will generate
the answer as shown in Figure 5.
The textbook “The Foundations of Data Science.
is used as the text from which responses are gener-
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
ated. Four students with different majors asked ques-
tions that they came across while reading the text-
book. We have chosen 75 significant questions, and
graphs are plotted for perplexity, BLEU score, and
time-taken for each response.
Figure 6: The Distribution of BLEU score, perplexity, and
time taken to respond by the model for all 75 questions.
The average response time of iTA is 15 seconds. The
distribution of BLEU score ranges between 40 and
50 as shown in Figure 6. This indicates that iTA can
produce responses that human readers easily compre-
hend. The values of perplexity show that the text
is understandable. Using human evaluation, Cohen’s
Kappa has been calculated by categorizing the gener-
ated response into correct, wrong, and acceptable an-
swers. Acceptable is where the response has a gram-
matical error or repetitive sentence. The weighted
kappa is 0.647 which is considered as a substantial
4.4 Discussion
iTA is one of its kind, so comparison with other
systems is difficult. We measured the response time
for each of iTAs two modules. The first module, the
retrieval based model, has an average response time
of 9.3 seconds. Once a question has been run through
the retrieval model, the response-generation model
takes over. The response generation module takes
an average of 5 seconds to return a multi-sentence,
explanatory answer. It is not computationally feasible
to train an LSTM module on the ELI5 dataset. The
Figure 7 shows the interface of iTA.
Experiments were initially performed on iTA using
a set of 75 questions. Later, each question was
rephrased and re-submitted to iTA. iTA gener-
ated similar answers for questions that have been
rephrased. The BLEU score and perplexity of the
responses to rephrased questions did not show any
significant difference. Here is an example of iTA
response to a question that asked in two different
Figure 7: iTA interface.
Question: Why do we need Data Science?
iTA Answer: Data Science is the science of finding
patterns in data. It’s the study of how data can be
used to find patterns in other data. For example, if
you have a bunch of data, you can use data science to
figure out how to use that data to make a prediction
about what the next data is going to look like. You
can then use that prediction to make an inference
about what that next data will look like, and so on
and so forth. This is how data science is used in the
real world.
Re-phrased Question: What is the purpose of data
iTA Answer: Data Science is the study of data and
the application of that data to real-world applica-
tions. It’s not just about finding patterns in data, it’s
about finding ways to use those patterns to make an
informed decision about what to do with that data.
There are a lot of different types of data science, but
they all boil down to the idea of using data to make
informed decisions about how to use that data in
real-life applications.
1. If any keyword in the question is not present in the
textbook it takes the first paragraph of the docu-
ment and generates the answer.
2. To answer the question, the context in the docu-
ment should explicitly state the keyword.
For example given explanation for Data type
in the textbook is Every value has a type, and
the built-in type function returns the type of the
result of any expression. we pose the following
Example Question: What are Data types?
Generated Answer: A Data Type is a type of
iTA: A Digital Teaching Assistant
number. For example, an integer is a number,
a float is a float, a decimal is a decimal, and a
hexadecimal is a hex. Data Types can also be
used to describe types of numbers. For instance,
if you have a number of digits, you can use a
Data Type to describe what those digits are, and
how they relate to each other. So, for example, if
I have a set of numbers, I can use Data Types to
describe how those numbers relate to one another.
3. No “Data Type” and Python language” keyword
are used in the same paragraph in the textbook.
iTA still generates an explanatory response that
matches the context of the question. The re-
trieval model has extracted a passage which con-
tains “Data Type” tokens.
Example Question: What are Data Types in
Python language?
Generated Answer: Data types are a way of rep-
resenting data in a way that the programmer can
understand. For example, if you have a list of
numbers, you can use a data type to represent the
number in the list. For instance, if I have a set of
numbers and I want to know how many of those
numbers are in that set, I could use a DataType to
represent that number in a list. You can also use
Data Types to represent data in other ways, for ex-
ample if I wanted to know the age of a person, I
can use the DataType for that
Comprehending large documents is a challenging task
for current machine learning systems. Existing work
focuses on systems that can generate responses given
a small body of text to work with. Most available
generative-based response systems generate one or
two-word replies. Short replies are not always ac-
ceptable, and many questions that a user may want
to have answered will require more than one or two
words. iTA can produce a detailed, multi-sentence
response to user-generated questions by combining
a language comprehension module and a generative-
based response module. Noisy labels are reduced
while selecting relevant paragraphs. Finally, a gen-
erative model replies with an explanatory response.
In the future, we will add more documents and allow
users to choose from which document to ask ques-
tions. Moreover, one of iTAs modules uses LSTM. It
may be possible to significantly increase iTAs perfor-
mance by using Transformer based methods instead
of LSTM. At present, the response time of iTA is
about 15 seconds. Improvement of the response time
will be the primary focus of future work.
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iTA: A Digital Teaching Assistant