Malicious Activity Detection using Smart Contracts in IoT
Mwangi Eric
, Hany F. Atlam
and Nawfal Fadhel
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Southamton, Southampton, U.K.
Department of Engineering and Technology, University of Derby, Derby, U.K.
Cyber Security Group, University of Southamtpon, Southampton, U.K.
IoT, Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, Smart Contracts, Security, Risk, Attacks, Cybercrime.
Internet of Things (IoT) is a unique element in the realm of Cybersecurity. It constitutes countless applica-
tions, including defense, health, agriculture, finance, amongst other industries.
The majority of existing studies focus on various developments of IoT products and services essential to our
day-to-day activities, with little emphasis on the security of developed systems. This has led to the prolifera-
tion of IoT solutions acquired through rapid development and overlooking the need for a structured security
framework during the systems’ development stages.
IoT security capability can be improved by using complementary technologies. This paper explores applying
Risk-Based Access Control Model using Blockchain to control access to IoT devices. Although current access
control models provide efficient security measures to control who can access the system resources, there is no
way to detect and prevent malicious attacks after granting access.
The proposed solution utilizes smart contracts under the Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) Blockchain Framework
to create access permissions and measure the security risks associated with any event in the IoT system and
create access permissions to determine what processes may be performed. This will allow the detection of any
malicious activity at the early stages of the attack and grant or deny access based on the risk associated with
any activity.
Blockchain is currently receiving much traction from
both corporate and enterprise space as well as govern-
ments and financial institutions. COVID 19 pandemic
has also accelerated digital transformation where the
world has witnessed an exponential growth of ICT in-
novations and solutions across all industries during
the pandemic. Similarly, there has been an equal mea-
sure of increase in cyber attacks with hackers contin-
uing to develop sophisticated hacking techniques to
penetrated their targets.
IoT has emerged as a critical target to cybercrim-
inals leading to privacy and security issues where the
attackers use the vulnerabilities in the interconnected
devices to penetrate and compromise the IoT systems.
Apart from DDoS attacks as reported by Natalija and
Daiwei, on their paper titled IoT as a Land of Oppor-
tunity for DDoS Hackers (Vlajic and Zhou, 2018),
other IoT attack vectors include but are not limited to
Botnets, Man-in-the-Middle, Phishing, Social Engi-
neering and Remote Recording.
Because of the limited security capability of the
majority of IoT devices, this research seeks to identify
a viable solution for securely deploying the IoT sys-
tems and ensuring the many devices/things connected
to the internet over the IoT infrastructure operate with
minimal risks and repercussions in the event of ex-
ploitation by intruders and hackers.
IoT devices in general should be capable of re-
mote control, access, monitoring, and management of
things via the internet (Suryadevara and Mukhopad-
hyay, 2015). Most IoT frameworks are built on three
pillars derived from the ability of the smart objects
(a) Have a unique identifier;
(b) Be able to communicate by receiving and emitting
communication signals and;
(c) Be able to interact through an inherent computing
capability (Miorandi et al., 2012).
Besides, ”Things” have the ability to understand and
adapt to their environment, learn from each other, and
Eric, M., Atlam, H. and Fadhel, N.
Malicious Activity Detection using Smart Contracts in IoT.
DOI: 10.5220/0010474802860295
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2021), pages 286-295
ISBN: 978-989-758-504-3
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
make appropriate decisions through their reasoning
In May 2014, the Pew Research Centre released
a paper analysed from feedback obtained for predic-
tions on the future of the Internet from expert re-
searchers with long-standing credibility, titled The In-
ternet of Things will thrive by 2025 (Anderson and
Rainie, ). The interviewed observed that this tech-
nology would come with insurmountable challenges
whose risks have to be minimised to reap the indis-
pensable benefits.
1.1 Problem Statement
Lack of computation power on IoT devices cripples
the security capability which shifts the security mea-
sures from the edge IoT devices to IoT data collection
1.2 Research Objectives
The research will be based on the following key ob-
1. Provide an understanding of the emerging IoT
technology and the threats associated with it.
2. Provide an assessment of the suitability of utilisa-
tion of the Risk-based Access Control Model with
Smart Contracts over a decentralized network, to
mitigate the security risks associated with IoT sys-
3. Design and implement an IoT prototype system as
a proof of concept for the proposed IoT security
1.3 Research Question
How can Risk-Based Access Control Model be used
to strengthen the security of the Internet of Things
while mitigating the risks associated with cyber-
1.4 Hypothesis
A dynamic Risk-Based Access Control model is ap-
plicable in a distributed network to enhance IoT secu-
rity by determining access decisions for each access
request in the IoT system in Realtime.
The study will be achieved by investigating
the effectiveness of the Risk-Based Access Control
model over Blockchain technology and, more specif-
ically, the Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) framework with
Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) ordering service.
1.5 Test Case: Gated Community
Security Solution
Security Guards at a gated community may not be
sufficient to guarantee adequate security for the res-
idents. The gatekeepers generally rely on the infor-
mation provided by the visitors and allow them into
the gated community without any means of verifica-
tion of the details provided.
A prototype for an IoT solution for securing ac-
cess to a gated community will be designed and used
to demonstrate the application of a risk-based access
control model to achieve a secure IoT system using
smart contracts over hyperledger fabric blockchain
This section is intended to provide the reader with a
clear understanding of emerging IoT and Blockchain
2.1 Internet of Things (IoT
The Internet of Things is a rapidly evolving smart
technologies that will soon become indispensable,
with all objects in the world having the ability to inter-
connect and communicate over the Internet. The main
challenge that will impede IoT’s rapid deployment is
the security capability since hackers are increasingly
developing hacking tools and techniques to penetrate
assets available on the Internet.
Intelligence collected over time by the US Direc-
torate of National Intelligence (DNI) during James R.
Clapper’s tenor, who was the longest-serving Director
as at 2016, warned that in addition to the traditional
threats that the US was facing, the Internet of Things
would be a major national security threat in the fore-
seeable future. He further divulged that IoT would
be one of the most destructive technologies intercon-
necting tens of Billions of new exploitable physical
devices (ODNI Public Affairs, 2016)
All these were early warnings that the future of
IoT is bright but will come with insurmountable chal-
lenges whose risks have to be minimized to reap the
indispensable benefits.
2.1.1 Problems Associated with IoT
The most common attack vectors in IoT systems are
Malicious code injection at the endpoint devices to
steal login credentials, Impersonation, Data Modifica-
tion, Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, Side-channel
Malicious Activity Detection using Smart Contracts in IoT
attacks (SCAs), Replay attacks, Man-in-the-middle
(MitM) attacks amongst others (Ali and Awad, 2018),
(Jurcut et al., 2020). The aforementioned brings about
the need to have the following challenges associated
with IoT addressed:-
Privacy and Security: The overall control over Per-
sonally Identifiable Information (PII), and protec-
tion from unlawful surveillance are fundamental
rights for individuals as stipulated in most coun-
tries’ constitutions (Solove, 2008). Protection
against privacy invasion is a prevalent challenge
that will require to be addressed for the successful
implementation of IoT.
In the IoT domain, privacy, as observed by
Abeer Mohammed Assiri and Haya Almagwashi
in their research on Iot Security and Privacy Is-
sues, can be compromised at the Device level,
Storage level, Processing level, or Communica-
tion level (Assiri and Almagwashi, 2018).
Single Point of Failure: IoT systems are mainly set
up using centralised cloud technology, which cre-
ates a major security weakness in IoT applica-
tions since an attack or downtime occasioned
by power outage or malfunctioning of the cloud
server would bring down the entire IoT applica-
tion (Kshetri, 2017).
Insecurity by Design: The attribute of interconnect-
ing several physical devices poses a significant
threat to the IoT system since a successful attack
on one embedded device, e.g. a light bulb, might
lead to the whole system being compromised as
disclosed by Maire O’Niell et al (O’Neill et al.,
2016). Attackers could use an ’unsecured’ re-
frigerator to gain entry to the same network run-
ning the target’s computer, laptop, or data servers
(Arndt, 2018). In the same way, a DDoS attack
on one of the devices on the network could lead
to the whole system being disabled (Lyu et al.,
2017). A chain is as strong as its weakest link,
so any vulnerability in any of the interconnected
devices opens the entire system to attack, leav-
ing individuals and organizations potentially ex-
posed (Shackelford et al., 2017)
2.2 Blockchain
Most of the inherent problems associated with IoT de-
ployed over a centralized network can be overcome
by use of Blockchain, a distributed ledger framework
that ensures a copy of each information in the IoT sys-
tem is stored and synchronized in several nodes over
the distributed network.
Blockchain technology started as a cryptocur-
rency solution with Bitcoin as the first public use case.
Blockchain has lately experienced rapid diffusion into
various other economic and social fields, as witnessed
in its reliable use by governments, financial institu-
tions, and corporates to achieve the much-needed de-
centralized applications. As of 2016, Blockchain had
emerged as the most significant type of distributed
ledger technology as reported in the journal for the
UK Government Office for Science. (Walport et al.,
2016) Immutability is one of the key cornerstones for
blockchain that guarantees non-repudiation and in-
tegrity of the data stored in the distributed ledger.
2.3 Hyperledger Fabric
Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) is a permissioned
blockchain network where all members participating
in the distributed network require prior permission
with authorised crypto keys to enable them gain
access and transact in the blockchain network (An-
droulaki et al., 2018). It is a modular, scalable and
secure framework for implementation of a blockchain
solution that has an inbuilt plug-’n-play ability to
integrate components such as consensus algorithm
and membership services. It has been established that
implementation of HLF with BFT ordering service
increases the transaction processing speeds and “can
achieve up to ten thousand transactions per second
and write a transaction irrevocably in the blockchain
in half a second, even with peers spread in different
continents” (Sousa et al., 2018). This is a crucial
requirement and a significant boost for enabling
HLF to achieve multiple ordering service at real time
speeds, given the millions of transactions that are
envisaged in a typical IoT network with multiple
The proposed solution recommends the use of Hy-
perledger Fabric (HLF) with Byzantine fault-tolerant
(BFT) ordering service. This offers an appropriate
network where only approved residents in the gated
community can join and participate in the blockchain
2.4 Access Control Models
The primary objective of any Access Control Model is
to provide access rights in regard to authorized users
and to avert system abuse from unauthorized persons.
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability are the
core elements that guarantee the usability and effec-
tiveness of any given access control model.
2.4.1 Traditional Access Control Models
Traditional access control models are anchored on
protocols that have been established to be static and
IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
equally rigid. The policies within are predefined,
and they generate the same results no matter the
environment; in essence, they fail to capture the
various elements essential in making critical access
decisions. The widely used traditional models in-
clude Discretionary Access Control (DAC), Role-
Based Access Control (RBAC), and Mandatory Ac-
cess Control (MAC) (Atlam et al., 2018)
The rigidity of traditional and dynamic access
control methods and their context insensitivity ren-
ders them not suitable for IoT ecosystems.
2.4.2 Dynamic Access Control Models
Unlike the traditional access model, the dynamic ac-
cess model is another concept characterized by access
policies and unique contextual attributes that are more
approximated in real-time. The captured elements
consist of trust, history, context, as well as operational
2.4.3 Adaptive Risk based Access Control Model
Comparing different access control models, it is
evident that they all have their unique inadequa-
cies. However, the adaptive risk-based access control
model is more dynamic, usable, and scalable. This
approach has diverse advantages, including:
Using estimation and prediction by exploiting
game theory along with context awareness.
Exploiting various security protocols based
on real-time estimates, including predictions,
whereby different sources are accessed to build
reliable adaptive decisions.
And as Habtamu and Langko puts it, Learns,
adapts, prevents, identifies and responds to new
or unknown threats in critical time, much like bi-
ological organisms adapt and respond to threats
in their struggle for survival (Abie and Balasing-
ham, 2012)
Figure 1 is a flowchart of Adaptive Risk Based
Access Control Model that illustrates the amalgama-
tion of above mention benefits. The flow starts when
the user requested to access system resources. After
the user is authenticated successfully, the risk value
associated with the user is estimated using the risk
estimation module. This risk is estimated based on
various risk factors associated with the access. Then,
if the estimated risk value is higher than a predefined
threshold value defined in the risk policy, the access
will be denied. While if the estimated risk value is
lower than the predefined threshold value, the access
will be granted. Then, the user activities during the
access session will be monitored to detect and prevent
Figure 1: Flowchart of Adaptive Risk Based Access Control
malicious activities. This approach is essential in as
far as IoT communication is concerned as it aims at
ensuring the system operates with minimal deviations
from the conventional routine.
This research will used both qualitative and quantita-
tive data gathering procedures to guarantee the relia-
bility and efficiency of the data. Data was collected
using case studies and surveys to ensure the realisa-
tion of sufficient data for the research’s success. This
also ensured accurate scope of analysis and main-
tained research reliability and validity.
3.1 Case Studies and Analysis
Great care was employed in the selection process of
case studies and surveys in this paper. In brief, it was
elicited by necessity for a prime study with high effi-
ciency. Considering the diverse nature of the research
subject, and the multiple industries involved, the re-
search focused on the following three cases:
3.1.1 Case Study No. 1: Healthcare Institutions
The majority of Iran’s leading hospitals are based in
Tehran and are the epitome of healthcare, research,
consultancy, and referral solutions. Most of the health
centers have deployed Computerised Health Informa-
tion Systems (CHISs) (Zarei and Sadoughi, 2016)
to handle sensitive information regarding patient his-
tory and clients’ financial obligations, including blood
group, among others; Healthcare systems are suscep-
tible to attacks and any breach of security to this in-
formation would adversely affect the image, trust, and
the operations of the institution.
Malicious Activity Detection using Smart Contracts in IoT
The breach would lead to exposure of patients’
personal health history, financial losses, loss of rep-
utation, and intellectual properties as recently wit-
nessed in the Hospital Chain Universal Services fa-
cilities in the U.S., where all the 250 facilities were
attacked by ransomware. The affected facilities were
forced to resort to manual systems amidst the COVID
19 pandemic’s overwhelming workload. The attack-
ers’ motive could be financial gain through the pay-
ment of the ransom, data theft, or disruption of ser-
vices. (Associated Press, 2020)
3.1.2 Case Study No. 2: Smart Homes - IoT
IoT in smart homes is a growing phenomenon that
is being witnessed globally. In the Western world,
smart homes have become the new buzz where light
bulbs, security cameras, thermostats, fridges, cookers
and doorbells are all being controlled remotely from
a phone. Across the USA and UK, IoT is becom-
ing the standard for diverse home applications that
are being interlinked. The development of intercon-
nected devices and people increases efficiency and, at
the same time, risks, and threats. Technologies such
as Bluetooth, WiFi, and cloud storage have become
the most used technologies at home. The IoT makes
smart homes highly sophisticated and intelligent, in-
terlinked, and remotely accessed or controlled (Li
et al., 2015), (Sicari et al., 2018). The Smart homes
interconnected devices that are controlled remotely
are all prone to hacking as witnessed in the baby mon-
itoring IoT system that was hacked and remotely con-
trolled by an attacker at midnight.(nbc, 2015)
A survey of 950 IT and business decision-makers
by Gemalto in 2019 revealed that with the increase
of attacks on IoT systems, security remained a major
challenge. The survey observed that almost half of the
businesses could not even detect that they had been
breached and were seeking government intervention
in securing connected IoT devices. However, the sur-
vey observed that the adoption of blockchain technol-
ogy to secure the IoT was slowly being considered
by some companies as they await government regu-
lations on best security practices and policies to use
for IoT security. (Living, 2019) Additionally, analy-
sis of the US National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
revealed an increase of high severity Common Vul-
nerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) on Internet devices
such as routers, switches and other IoT devices that
were being used by attackers to execute commands
and gain remote access to the systems.
3.1.3 Case Study No. 3: Jurcut et al., 2020
The survey done by Jurcut et al., 2020 on security
consideration for Internet of Things, where a num-
ber of key IoT security research papers were analysed,
adequately covered the vulnerabilities and threats as-
sociated with IoT and went further to recommend vi-
able solutions to ensure secure deployment of IoT sys-
tems. The authors recommended a myriad of security
risk prevention methods for IoT and noted that mit-
igation of identified IoT threats required concerted
effort amongst the developers, device manufacturers
consumers and lawmakers. However, with the com-
prehensive IoT best practices and security solutions
provided from the survey, the author admitted that
more research was required as the solutions proposed
would not provide a 100% security (Jurcut et al.,
3.2 Results Analysis
3.2.1 Analysis of Case Study No. 1: Healthcare
The findings presented by the first case study illustrate
that access control measures are handled differently
by organizations and on as per need basis. The var-
ious security frameworks used do not provide a con-
cise scope for information security or how data man-
agement is handled, specifically by healthcare service
providers. Poor access control at Iran’s public health-
care and the recent attack on the 250 health facilities
in the U.S. indicate weak access control policies and
The deployment of a risk-based access control
model to monitor the databases’ behavior in the hos-
pital chain would have helped prevent escalation of
the attack to all the 250 networked facilities.
It is worth noting that several researchers have
identified the potential of the emerging blockchain
technology combined with smart contracts to solve
the security and privacy issues on healthcare and other
IoT systems. In most of these researches, Smart con-
tracts has emerged as a technology that would en-
sure proper access control where predefined condi-
tions must be met before the execution of the subse-
quent processes. It is however generally noted by the
researchers that there are still several challenges to be
addressed as pernicious users may still exploit the per-
ceived security and compromise the IoT system (Pan
et al., 2019), (Griggs et al., 2018), (Zheng et al.,
2020). For example, the proposal by Griggs, Kris-
ten N., et al. 2018 to integrate the Wireless Body Area
IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Networks (WBANs) with smart contracts on a consor-
tium blockchain network addressed the problem of in-
tegrity of the data through immutability of the records
that is offered by Blockchain (Griggs et al., 2018).
The Authors, however, cited securing each node
for the interconnected devices as a significant security
challenge. They proposed the introduction of human-
based verification before a new transaction was ac-
cepted in the blockchain as a possible solution to en-
sure security and eliminate potential intruders from
the system.
Our proposal is to introduce the deployment of a
risk-based access control model to monitor the risks
associated with every transaction at each of the con-
nected nodes and automatically grant or deny permis-
sion based on the status of the associated risk, thereby
eliminating the need for human-based verification.
3.2.2 Analysis of Case Study No. 2: Smart
Homes - IoT
The second case study proves the increased attacks
targeted at smart homes and the increased sophisti-
cation of the attack vectors. The proposed solution
in the case of the compromised baby monitor would
have a smart contract that would detect the abnormal
behavior of attempts to remotely control and move
the baby monitor at midnight. The movement of the
baby monitor at midnight being a suspicious activity
would automatically be denied access and transaction
flagged appropriately. Notice that this would require a
smart contract with predefined conditions on the time
range within which the baby monitor is remotely con-
3.2.3 Analysis of Case Study No. 3: Jurcut et al.,
2020 Survey
The survey from the third case shows that a lot of re-
search has gone into securing IoT systems. However,
with the increased sophistication of hackers, there is
still concern about IoT systems’ security as institu-
tions are still being attacked.
With these findings, it is evident that there is a dire
need for a security solution that would adequately ad-
dress emerging IoT cyber threats.
Our proposed solution first aims at adopting the
policies and security controls recommended by other
researchers to mitigate potential cyber attacks and
move a notch higher to provide measures to ensure an
attack is not escalated to the entire system once access
to a specific interconnected device is compromised.
This section presents the IoT system prototype design
that will be used to build a proof of concept (POC)
for the proposed proof of concept. The section will
also depict the implementation of the risk-based ac-
cess control model and smart contracts over a dis-
tributed ledger network.
4.1 Design
The design focuses on using smart contracts to define
the process logic on Hyperledger Fabric network. The
smart contracts will be designed to measure the secu-
rity risks associated with any event in the IoT system
and create access permissions to determine what pro-
cesses may be performed. This will allow detection
of any malicious behavior at the early stages of the
cyber attack kill chain and grant or deny access based
on the risk associated with any of the transactions of
the networked devices.
The proof of concept is designed to be imple-
mented on a private and permissioned blockchain net-
work (ie Hyperledger Fabric network) as opposed to
an open permissionless framework that allows un-
known entities to participate in the network. Mem-
bers authorised to participate in the Hyperledger Fab-
ric network will be enrolled through a trusted mem-
bership Service Provider (MSP) to ensure only autho-
rised users (ie residents of the gated community) are
allowed to interact with the network. Any device or
entity in use on the network will be preassigned a dig-
ital certificate by the certification authority and cryp-
tographically linked to the network. This will help
eliminate an attacker’s possibilities of participating in
the network with stolen login credentials.
The Permissioned blockchain network operates
under a distributed ledger framework with a copy
of each information stored and synchronized in all
the nodes over the distributed network. This ensures
transparency, immutability and integrity of the stored
data. Additionally, the use of the channels for com-
munication within the the hyperledger fabric network
enhances the system’s security and privacy.
The proposed IoT prototype for the gated commu-
nity security solution, hereby dubbed HyperGate, will
have an image sensor to capture visitors’ images. The
residents will be required to update the ledger with
the visitor’s information whenever they expect a new
visitor, and update the visit date for returning visitors.
The smart contract will ensure the following condi-
tions are met before any new entry (transaction) takes
place in the ledger:-
Malicious Activity Detection using Smart Contracts in IoT
(i) The device from which the request is made is a
known device
(ii) The time the request is made is within the agreed
time range
(iii) The number of approved visitors at any given time
range is within the agreed rules.
If any of these predefined rules are not achieved,
the smart contract will flag the transaction as suspi-
cious and immediately raise an alarm to the appropri-
ate stakeholders.
A transaction can be a change in any of the visi-
tors details in the ledger, update of visit time for re-
turning visitors or an entry of new visitors record(s).
For every successful transaction a new block will be
created that is cryptographically linked to the chain
thereby generating a blockchain containing accurate,
time-stamped and verifiable record for every transac-
tion ever made.
Upon arrival at the gated community entrance, the
face image of the visitor will be captured by the im-
age sensor and presented to the resident through a
mobile app for them to validate the image as illus-
trated in figure 2. The synchronized information will
be immutably stored in a blockchain ledger and used
for subsequent visits. For any subsequent visit by a
visitor whose records have already been updated and
image synchronised, the resident will only require to
update the expected date of visit in the ledger.
The guard at the main entrance will query the in-
formation in the ledger to either allow or deny access
of a visitor to the gated community.
4.2 Functional Requirements
This section identify the actions (features) of the sys-
tem and provides a clear system overview by identify-
ing all the functions that are required to be performed
by each entity.
4.2.1 Resident/User
Average household resident should be able to
(i) Login to system
(ii) Register Visitor
(iii) Query/View Registered Visitors
(iv) Verify Photo
(v) Quarantine Registered Visitor
4.2.2 Guard
Which his duties should allow him to
(i) Login to system
Figure 2: Image sensor connect to IoT Raspberry Pi IoT
(ii) Query/View Visitor details
(iii) Generate Reports
4.2.3 Admin
Which his duties should allow him to
(i) Login to system
(ii) Query/View Registered Visitors
(iii) Query/View Quarantined Visitors
(iv) Quarantine visitor
(v) Reverse quarantine visitor
4.3 Non Functional Requirements
The non functional requirements will offer direction
on how the system will operate and equally set up
constraints on all of its functionalities. The follow-
ing are the identified non-functional requirements:-
(i) Authorisation and access levels
IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
(ii) Audit tracking
(iii) Reporting requirements - who the Guards and the
residents report to in respect to various arising is-
(iv) External interfaces eg with law enforcement in
case of a robbery or crime incident in the gated
4.4 Implementation
For a proof of concept (POC), the agile approach was
used for the overall project management. The pro-
posed HyperGate prototype was segmented into the
following three modules needed to obtain the com-
plete proof of concept:-
(i) User-based data input module : This is the module
that provides the user with a graphical interface to
accomplish most of the aforementioned functional
(ii) Sensor-based data input module : This is the mod-
ule that will require an image sensor mounted and
configured to provide automated input of the cap-
tured images onto the database
(iii) Mobile application - This is the application to be
used by residents for records update and by the
guards for querying visitor’s information.
The first module was implemented using the fol-
lowing key software and coding tools-:
Hyperledger: For the generation and implementa-
tion of a permissioned blockchain network.
Couchdb: The underlying database for storing trans-
actions - Provides GUI through Fauxton for view-
ing current state database.
Nodejs: For development of the backend REST API
- Allow configuration of the server side.
Golang: For Design and Development of Smart Con-
tracts (Chain Code) on the hyperledger fabric.
Docker: For containerisation of the micro-services
of the Hyperledger blockchain. All the participat-
ing peers, orderers and ledgers/couchdb, will run
on separate docker containers.
Postman: For interacting with the API- Provides a
user-friendly interface to make requests (GET,
POST) to the CoachDB.
React: For front end development of the user GUI.
VSCODE: For coding. Any code editor would work
but VSCODE installed with YAML support and
Go extensions is recommend.
The second and third modules have not been im-
plemented in the POC. The second module will re-
quire an IP camera with an image sensor that will
take the image of the visitor for approval by the re-
spective resident before the transaction is committed
in the ledger.
4.5 Hyperledger Fabric Network Setup
Hyperledger fabric version 2.2 was used to create the
Hyperledger fabric network with the various courts in
the gated community representing the Organisations
and the various residents representing the Peers. Each
court (organisation) was designed to have four peers,
each peer representing one residential unit within the
court. Additionally, each court was designed to have
its own Certification Authority (CA) and each peer to
have their ledger as shown in figure 3.
Figure 3: HLF Network setup.
The ledgers were created on the couchdb database
under the docker containers. The docker contain-
ers communicate with each other and ensures prompt
replication of any updates on the data for each peer
under the docker containers.
4.6 Testing
Test data with random names and mobile numbers
was used to create visitors records for the gated com-
munity using the developed user interface (UI) forms
for data input. For each successful transaction, a new
block was generated. The generated blocks in the de-
veloped Hypergate blockchain network are viewable
from the Hyperledger Explorer as depicted in figure
Notice that each court has their own local Mem-
bership Provider (MSP) for validating the clients and
checking whether they have the required privileges
for committing transactions. This distribution of the
MSPs to all the courts ensures the system remains
truly distributed and there are no bottlenecks for iden-
tity management.
Malicious Activity Detection using Smart Contracts in IoT
Figure 4: Hyperledger Explorer Blockchain view - with
blocks generated from test transactions.
Any transaction performed by an authorised entity
is flagged as suspicious and access denied.
4.7 Real Life Implementation
The Hypergate proof of concept is developed in a va-
grant box using docker containers and cyptogen com-
mand tool to generate crypto material. The cryptogen
tool is basically used for test environment setups.
Production environment will require real identities
issued by the authorised certification authority (CA)
from the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) of the re-
spective jurisdiction.
Hosting of IoT proof of concept implemented on a
blockchain would best be done using Blockchain-as-
a-Service (BaaS) provider. BaaS offers managed ser-
vices for blockchain to simplify the setup complexity
and reduce hardware costs. The following are some
of the major companies offering BaaS:-
(i) International Business Machines Corporation
(ii) Chainstack
(iii) Microsoft Azure
(iv) Amazon AWS Managed Blockchain and QLDB
(v) Oracle Blockchain Cloud
The number of interconnected IoT devices is growing
daily in almost all industries. These interconnected
devices communicate in an insecure channel and are,
therefore, exposed to risks of cyber-attacks by design.
In contrast to traditional secured databases, pri-
vate Blockchains are scalable by design. They offer
pre-determined governance capabilities (the consen-
sus algorithm) that clearly define how the system will
be operated while ensuring that no network partici-
pant can manipulate the stored data to their benefit as
well as are designed to reconcile data efficiently and
in real-time across hundreds of participants. It is also
worth noting that data reconciliation between multi-
ple centralized systems requires each participant to
connect their database via APIs with all other partic-
ipant databases. Maintaining these (potentially) hun-
dreds of API connections can create overhead costs
than simply using one common Blockchain to man-
age this data.
The HyperGate solution implemented with Hy-
perledger Fabric provides an excellent use case that
may be adopted in real life to enhance security for
smart homes. The smart contract coupled with the
immutability of the records and the use of certificates
to validate members participating in the blockchain
network is a sure way of ensuring the security and
privacy of personal data amidst the proliferation of
network attacks by hackers.
The Permissioned Blockchain framework using smart
contracts on Hyperledger Fabric with Risk-based Ac-
cess control model will eliminate possible hacks and
data tempering thereby making it undoubtedly tech-
nology that organizations can rely on to implement
secure solutions and promote confidence and trust in
the use of the indispensable IoT solutions.
6.1 Future Work
Article 42 and 25 of the General Data Protection reg-
ulation (GDPR) enforces the requirement of right to
forget” and ”right to erase” personal information. The
rapidly deployed use case immutably stores Personal
Identifiable Data in the Blockchain. To ensure com-
pliance with GDPR, there is need to develop a de-
centralised personal data management system that uti-
lizes zero knowledge proofs in combination with de-
centralised identifiers to enable hide specific pieces of
Personal Identifiable Information (PII) during trans-
actions in the gated community blockchain solution.
The visitors will update the decentralized database by
themselves and have full control of their identity. The
only info that a gatekeeper needs to know is: does
this person have permission to enter the gated com-
munity? This proof requires to be coded into a de-
centralized identifier that gives a ”yes” or ”no” results
without divulging any personal information.
IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Our profound gratitude goes to members of the Fac-
ulty of Engineering and Physical Science, Southamp-
ton University, Department of Engineering and Tech-
nology, University of Derby, and the Cyber Security
Group, University of Southampton, for their unre-
served support and guidance that contributed to the
conceptualization of this project.
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Malicious Activity Detection using Smart Contracts in IoT