Secure Key Management in Embedded Systems: A First Proposal
Gorazd Jank, Silvia Schmidt and Manuel Koschuch
Competence Centre for IT Security, University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien, Vienna, Austria
Constrained Devices, Decision-making, Embedded Systems, Internet of Things, Secure Key Management.
The Internet-of-Things (IoT) domain is highly heterogeneous and comprises a multitude of different devices.
Because of this variety, many projects require unique compositions of tools, systems, and use cases. In addi-
tion, embedded devices are highly optimized and due to that are subject to different constraints. The intercon-
nection of such products for data analysis or cooperation simultaneously increases the attack surface, which
leads to requiring efficient cryptographic methods for the protection of data and communication. To enable
this, a secure key management approach is needed. In practice however, there are still difficulties regarding
the implementation and associated decision making of said management. All the more so since a generic one-
size-fits-all approach in such a complex heterogeneous environment as the IoT simply does not exist. This
paper aims to provide initial guidelines to argue the choice of a secure key management approach. To do so
the state-of-the-art is presented and benefits as well as limits are evaluated. After that a set of factors and a
first taxonomy are presented, which influence the final key management solution.
The number of embedded systems continues to grow.
Various summaries of market research suggest that
this trend will continue in the next years (Wadhwani
and Yadav, 2020). By the end of 2019 the market size
exceeded USD 100 Billion and is expected to grow up
to USD 160 billion by 2026.
Despite this widespread usage, a 2018 survey con-
ducted by the Barr Group with over 1,700 partici-
pants concluded that ”About 1 in 6 designers of po-
tentially injurious, Internet-connected embedded sys-
tems are completely ignoring security. (Barr Group,
2018). This situation is exacerbated by the emer-
gence of malware like Mirai (Kolias et al., 2017),
which was first discovered in mid-2016. The worm
compromised thousands of systems because basic se-
curity practices were ignored. The infected devices
fell victim to only 62 default username and password
combinations. Even a year later, not only did Mirai
still infect IoT devices, but a vast amount of similar
worms emerged, infecting even more systems (Ko-
lias et al., 2017). This example and similar attacks
(Nie et al., 2017; Checkpoint, 2018; Rajendran and
Nivash, 2019) highlight the importance of IT/OT
Security in the IoT.
The goal of this work, based mainly on the results
of the primary author’s master’s thesis (Jank, 2020),
is to present a structured way to support the decision-
making process of picking a suitable key management
approach during early development of an embedded
(IoT) system. The challenge for the decision mak-
ers lies within the heterogeneity of embedded devices,
their individual constraints as well as the vast amount
of possible key management compositions and the re-
sulting advantages and limitations for the final sys-
tem. Many factors have to be taken into account such
as the architecture of the embedded systems, their se-
curity requirements and special threats. Furthermore,
production, commissioning and maintenance costs as
well as existing in-house know-how and infrastruc-
ture must be considered.
Numerous security measures such as user authen-
tication, secure communication and data encryption
require cryptographically secure keys to work cor-
rectly. In order not to compromise the algorithms and
procedures, keys need to be generated, distributed,
protected and destructed in a secure way. The pro-
cess of performing these steps in a structured fashion
is called key management (Barker, 2020).
Requirements of embedded systems differ from
classic IT-systems such as PC or server systems. They
often have restricted resources, longer product life cy-
cles and a different focus on security goals (Sadeghi
et al., 2015). This and the heterogeneous landscape
Jank, G., Schmidt, S. and Koschuch, M.
Secure Key Management in Embedded Systems: A First Proposal.
DOI: 10.5220/0010475600810091
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2021), pages 81-91
ISBN: 978-989-758-504-3
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
make it difficult if not impossible to implement a
generic security solution (Humayed et al., 2017).
Security in embedded systems is often reduced to
an afterthought, while it should be considered start-
ing from the design throughout the entire life cycle
(Mirjalili and Lenstra, 2008). An embedded device
in an industrial plant with an estimated lifetime of 20
years has completely different security requirements
compared to a consumer IoT-Gadget. Considering se-
curity only at the end of the development limits the
amount of suitable options.
The majority of existing research focuses on how
to add to security while in the requirements and de-
sign phase (e.g. (M.K et al., 2016; European Union
and Agency for Network and Information Security,
2017; European Union Agency for Cybersecurity,
2019)). These phases should output necessary secu-
rity requirements and define processes on how to en-
force them. During implementation, different secu-
rity mechanisms will be needed to safeguard differ-
ent parts of the solution. Those often need secrets,
which in most cases will be realized through crypto-
graphic keys. The assumption that a single key will
remain secure for the entire lifetime of the embed-
ded system typically is not sufficient (Grand View Re-
search, 2014). To account for revocation of compro-
mised keys and generation of new ones, key manage-
ment solutions are required. This has however to be
adapted to the specific needs of the embedded system
that is using it (Grand View Research, 2014).
Various possibilities exist to implement key man-
agement. These differ by the usage of special hard-
ware or software for calculations, by the utilization of
symmetric or asymmetric keys, by the requirements
on storage space, memory or CPU and other details
(Vai et al., 2015; Whelihan et al., 2016; Obermaier
et al., 2018).
This work aims to present a first introduction to
our structured approach to support decision makers in
the process of choosing a suitable, secure key man-
agement solution. The remainder of this paper is now
structured as follows: Section 2 gives a comprehen-
sive overview of existing works dealing with the prob-
lem of key management in constrained devices. From
that, we present our contributions in form of a tax-
onomy to support decision making in Section 3 and
finally concluding with a brief outlook in Section 4.
In the field of key management for embedded systems
we are not aware of works supporting the decision
making for all key management objectives. However,
there is some work giving advice for classical key
management and a paper presenting a method to pick
a fitting key management protocol for the domain of
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs).
Basic key management concepts are already de-
fined in 1997’s Handbook of Applied Cryptography
by Menezes et al. (Menezes et al., 1997). This in-
cludes the key life cycle, the concept of Trusted Third
Parties (TTPs), digital signatures, key protocols as
well as fundamental advantages and disadvantages of
different key management approaches.
The NIST publication Recommendation for key
management: Part 2 [SP-800-57-2] (Barker and
Barker, 2019) contains a chapter handling the plan-
ning of key management. They start by choosing a fit-
ting key management architecture based on the avail-
able cryptographic mechanism and objectives. After
that a key management specification is developed for
each cryptographic product used in the system. This
specification has to list, for each contained device, in-
formation about key generation and/or distribution,
key storage, access control, accounting and audit-
ing, recovery from compromise, corruption, or loss of
keying material as well as key recovery from backups
and archives. In the third step a Cryptographic Key
Management System (CKMS) Security Policy is devel-
oped. This is a set of rules that are established to de-
scribe the goals, responsibilities, and overall require-
ments for the management of cryptographic keying
material throughout the entire key lifecycle (Barker
and Barker, 2019). Finally, a decision is made if the
CKMS is operated in-house or by another organiza-
tion and a CKMS Practice Statement is developed.
It describes the establishment of a trust root for the
CKMS and a specification how key management pro-
cedures and techniques are used to enforce the CKMS
Security Policy and to conform with the Key Manage-
ment Specification (Barker and Barker, 2019). This
planning procedure does not consider possible limita-
tions which embedded devices can have.
Alcaraz et al. (Alcaraz et al., 2012) present an ap-
proach on how to map WSN requirements to key man-
agement protocol properties. They defined a set of at-
tributes which they claim to be crucial when selecting
a protocol. These attributes can be used to evaluate a
set of candidates and pick one by excluding protocols
not fitting the application requirements.
The authors of (Alohali et al., 2015) surveyed key
management schemes for the Smart Grid. In the first
part of their paper they discuss components of the
smart grid and in the second part key management.
They separate the schemes into key management for
AMI, SCADA, V2G as well as WSN. Further ap-
proaches are separated into symmetric and asymmet-
IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
ric. The writers conclude that approaches for WSN
can be effectively implemented for Smart Grid use”,
that each analyzed scheme can be efficient depending
on the setting and that there is no generic solution fit-
ting for each Smart Grid application.
Messai et al. focus their survey on a Multi-Phase
WSN (Messai and Seba, 2016). As WSN devices
mostly work on battery, they have to be replaced from
time to time. When a set of nodes is replaced af-
ter a fixed time this is called a phase. Those phases
generate new challenges as nodes have to frequently
leave and join the network. They analyzed the work
of previous surveys on WSN but only take into ac-
count approaches fitting Multi-Phase WSN require-
ments. They classify them into deterministic and
probabilistic approaches and compare their security
and efficiency. Finally, they point out future open is-
sues: the authors believe that addressing sensor node
failure is of importance and for that fault-tolerant key
management is needed. Furthermore they see a need
for research into Mobile Multi-Phase WSN, the IoT as
well as Real-world applications, because as yet there
exist no implementations of the covered schemes.
In (Barskar and Chawla, 2016) the authors sur-
vey efficient group key management schemes in wire-
less networks. They separate the analyzed schemes
into Network Independent Schemes and Network De-
pendent Schemes. They focus on network indepen-
dent schemes which do not consider the underlying
network infrastructure because they can also be used
in wired and wireless settings. They further divide
them into Centralized, Decentralized and Distributed
group key management schemes. They examine each
scheme for security requirements like forward and
backward secrecy, and QoS requirements, e.g. low
bandwidth overhead or minimal delays. They also
summarize advantages and limitations of each sub-
Lavanya et al. surveyed key management in IoT
(Lavanya and Usha, 2017). Ten key management
techniques are covered which according to the au-
thors are suitable for the IoT. The paper focuses on
protocols rather than holistic approaches. They cat-
egorize key management into public key cryptogra-
phy, pre-shared key approaches and link-layer ori-
ented schemes. They conclude that various key man-
agement schemes for end-to-end security in high lay-
ers exist, but key management on network level needs
further research. Further energy cost of establishment
schemes in heterogeneous IoT networks have to be
Delay tolerant networks (DTNs) are another sub-
group of embedded systems. Those systems aim to
address technical issues with intermittent connectiv-
ity, network heterogeneity, and large delays (Men-
esidou et al., 2017). The authors of (Menesidou et al.,
2017) count deep space, sensor-based and terrestrial
wireless networks among them. They separate key
management schemes into Security Initialization, Key
Establishment and Key Revocation. Plenty of key
management schemes are analyzed and the possible
use of PKI and IBC in DTN is discussed. A con-
clusion of the paper is that hardware testbeds and
real-life deployments in cryptographic key manage-
ment are still largely missing from the DTN research
area”. In the last part the authors also propose dif-
ferent key management categorization attempts e.g.
if an approach needs a TTP or not. Also open re-
search challenges are presented, highlighting short-
comings in most parts of DTN key management (e.g.
key storage and key revocation) as well as deficien-
cies in DTN network research, for instance naming
and performance issues.
Vasukidevi et al. present a paper reviewing ex-
isting key management and authentication techniques
available in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Metworks (VANETs)
(Vasukidevi and Sethukarasi, 2017). They try to take
into account the difficulties of such networks and
present a list of approaches with advantages and per-
formance metrics. They are of the opinion that au-
thentication plays a major role in securing VANET.
The writers of (Huang and Chen, 2018) pub-
lished a survey about key management service in
cloud. They analyzed AWS CloudHSM, Keyless SSL
and STYX and focused on security and performance.
They present the architecture of each approach and
conclude that distributed environments of cloud plat-
forms make key management more complicated.
Manikandan et al. made a survey on various key
management schemes in WSN (Manikandan and Sak-
thi, 2018). They surveyed 13 schemes and sep-
arated them into symmetric, asymmetric and hy-
brid approaches. Furthermore, they analyzed these
schemes with regard to computational complexity,
memory, energy consumption, scalability, communi-
cation overhead, used technique and possible attacks.
Their goal was to be helpful for researchers in select-
ing the appropriate key management technique spe-
cific to their application needs.
A paper surveying key management for beyond 5G
Mobile Small Cells was published by De Ree et al.
(De Ree et al., 2019). They discuss key management
schemes for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs),
as well as ad hoc D2D networks. The paper solely
focuses on self-organized key management schemes.
These schemes do not rely on an online centralized
TTP. The authors classify approaches into Public Key
Cryptography and Symmetric Key Cryptography. Fur-
Secure Key Management in Embedded Systems: A First Proposal
ther they subclassify Public Key Cryptography into
Certificate-based, Identity-based and Certificateless
approaches. They also defined some requirements of
self-organized key management for networks of mo-
bile small cells: security, connectivity, overhead, scal-
ability, sustainability, fairness and secure routing in-
dependence. These requirements were then used to
analyze the 17 approaches they looked into. The writ-
ers argue that there are two open research challenges.
Firstly, key management schemes relying on a par-
tially distributed TTP require a rigorous procedure for
selecting the most suitable network nodes to act as the
distributed TTP. Thereby it can happen that nodes act
selfishly due to the overhead burden. This selfishness,
as well as the many considerations needed in the se-
lection process, need further attention. Secondly, the
MANET schemes taken into account rely on physical
contact to instantiate trust and distribute keys. The
reason for that is the lack of network infrastructure.
Such an approach is not fitting for mobile small cells,
and for that network nodes must use online network
infrastructure. There have been proposed schemes to
secure D2D communication but they always assume
that the network infrastructure is secure against com-
promise. Because of that the authors propose fur-
ther research for authentication schemes which pre-
vent distribution of sensitive and private data over in-
secure channels.
From all these works it can be seen that still no
structured approach for supporting decision makers
with the question, which approach or combination of
solutions is best suited for their product, exists. The
purpose of this paper is to propose a first attempt at
such an approach.
Commonly key management is classified by the em-
ployed underlying cryptographic primitive into sym-
metric and asymmetric (Wan et al., 2016; Manikan-
dan and Sakthi, 2018; Payment Security Support
Group, 2018; Barker, 2020; Malik et al., 2019) or
by the resulting architecture into centralized, decen-
tralized and distributed (Rafaeli and Hutchison, 2003;
Challal and Seba, 2005; Mapoka, 2013; Abouhogail,
2014; Sharma and Krishna, 2015; Liu et al., 2020)
approaches. Less common grouping criteria are sep-
aration by organization type (self-, TTP-organized)
(De Ree et al., 2019), utilized communication patterns
(peer-to-peer, group, mixed) (Kandi et al., 2020),
key establishment approach (probabilistic, determin-
istic) (Messai and Seba, 2016), inclusion of biomet-
ric data (biometric, non-biometric) (Masdari et al.,
2017), network topology (hierarchical, flat), network
dependability (network dependent, network indepen-
dent) (Mapoka, 2013) etc. An overview can be found
in Figure 1.
These classifications may be used to characterize
specific approaches. The approach in (Nafi et al.,
2020) can for example be outlined as hybrid, de-
centralized, network independent, self-organized and
non-biometric approach. Each class itself has advan-
tages and disadvantages depending on the use case.
This section introduces and analyzes those classes and
highlights benefits and limitations when used with
embedded systems.
3.1 Cryptographic Primitive
Approaches can be differentiated by the used cryp-
tographic primitives (Barker, 2020). They can rely
on symmetric or asymmetric cryptography, or utilize
both primitives in which case they are called hybrid
(Manikandan and Sakthi, 2018). In the context of this
work hybrid approaches are those that combine the
management of symmetric and asymmetric keys e.g.
(Balasubramanian et al., 2005; Dawson et al., 2006).
In (Balasubramanian et al., 2005) a decentralized ap-
proach is implemented using clusters. Within each
cluster, symmetric keys are used. Inter-cluster com-
munication is secured using asymmetric keys.
Not counting as hybrid approaches are those uti-
lizing symmetric keys exclusively on protocol level.
Asymmetric approaches often use protocols which
use asymmetric cryptography to establish a secure
symmetric session key with a communication partner.
Traffic is then encrypted with symmetric algorithms
to boost computational and energy efficiency (Sara-
vanan et al., 2011). A common effective way to es-
tablish symmetric session keys is the ECDH protocol
(Abusukhon et al., 2019). The key is exclusively used
for one or a part of a session and is only saved on
volatile storage.
To assure the same amount of security, asymmet-
ric approaches need longer keys than symmetric ap-
proaches. A symmetric AES-128 key has a length of
128 bits while asymmetric RSA keys with a compa-
rable security strength need 3,072 bits (Barker, 2020).
As a consequence more computing power and storage
is required (Haque et al., 2018). This effect can be
reduced when using an ECC algorithm. To achieve
same security strength as AES-128, the asymmet-
ric ECDSA algorithm needs about 283 bits (Barker,
2020), which is only a fraction of RSA. A detailed
comparison of ECC and RSA can be found in (Jansma
and Arrendondo, 2004).
IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 1: Classification of key management approaches (Jank, 2020).
Asymmetrical approaches perform better in point-to-
point communication with multiple individual enti-
ties. If a unique symmetric key is used for every
connection, (n 1) keys must be stored in a secure
way per node or a total of (n(n 1)/2) keys system-
wide (Haque et al., 2018). As asymmetric encryption
utilizes the public key of the communication partner
which can be freely published, in an minimal setup
only the own private key needs to be protected. Public
keys of communication partners can be verified using
a TTP.
Different approaches exist to minimize the sym-
metric keys needed, like matrix-based (Nafi et al.,
2020) or key pool-based approaches (Ahlawat and
Dave, 2018). Furthermore, asymmetric protocols can
be adapted to fit embedded system constrains e.g.
(Liu and Ning, 2008; Raza and Mar Magnusson,
Asymmetric secret keys used for authentication
can be generated directly on embedded devices, al-
though depending on the employed trust model they
might still need to be certified by a trusted third party.
This ensures that as long as the key is not com-
promised, strong non-repudiation can be guaranteed.
Symmetric keys are always shared between at least
two entities, not providing non-repudiation (Barker,
2020). This also impacts key storage, as asymmetric
keys only need to be protected on one device, while
symmetric keys must be protected on all communica-
tion partners.
Another advantage of asymmetric keys is that
when generated directly on the device, the private
key never needs to be transported to another device
(Barker, 2020). Symmetric keys always have to be
transmitted which can affect confidentiality and in-
tegrity of the key.
3.2 Architecture
In centralized approaches there exists a designated en-
tity exclusively responsible for specific tasks e.g. cre-
ation and distribution of keys (Devaraju and Ganap-
athi, 2010; Sharma and Krishna, 2015; Vasukidevi
and Sethukarasi, 2017). Examples for a designated
entity are the group leader of a clustered approach, a
KDC in a symmetric approach or a CA in an asym-
metric approach. When a set of devices need a com-
mon key to securely encrypt communication between
each other, only one entity is responsible to distribute
that group key (Devaraju and Ganapathi, 2010).
Decentralized approaches share the responsibili-
ties between multiple entities. In cluster based ap-
Secure Key Management in Embedded Systems: A First Proposal
proaches for example, there exists a designated device
in each sub-group, called LC, which is responsible for
handling certain key management tasks (Devaraju and
Ganapathi, 2010; Vasukidevi and Sethukarasi, 2017).
This device often is less constrained than other mem-
bers of the cluster. When sticking to the example used
before, each group leader would be responsible to dis-
tribute the group key to its groups members (Devaraju
and Ganapathi, 2010). The resulting system will be
decentralized but each group for itself would be cen-
In distributed approaches group members cooper-
ate to fulfill certain key management objectives. No
exclusively responsible entity exists. To stick to the
previous example, in distributed approaches devices
work together to agree upon a group key (Devaraju
and Ganapathi, 2010; Vasukidevi and Sethukarasi,
Centralized approaches are the most widely used
and researched (Guoyu Xu et al., 2012; Menesidou
et al., 2017; Harn et al., 2018). Their main advantages
are the efficiency in both transmission and computa-
tion. Common problems in centralized approaches
are that they induce a single-point of failure (Liu et al.,
2020) and can be a bottleneck in big networks (De-
varaju and Ganapathi, 2010). Purely centralized ap-
proaches require trust into the entity generating and
distributing secret keys (Harn et al., 2018). Central-
ized approaches do not enforce a mutual TTP (Harn
et al., 2018). This can be an advantage if the mem-
bers of a group want to communicate in a secure way
and cannot trust the centralized key provider e.g. in
an internet chat (Dowsley et al., 2016). In such an
attempt a centralized entity can establish keys for a
secure connection between the participants but is not
involved in further group key establishment. A prop-
erty and possible limitation is that the dedicated entity
providing a service (e.g. key distribution) can only be
used by devices if the service is reachable (Menesidou
et al., 2017). This can for example become a prob-
lem if an otherwise offline systems relies on a cloud
KDC. Centralized approaches are prone to infrastruc-
ture failures (Menesidou et al., 2017) and may suf-
fer from low availability and poor scalability due to
the low reliability and poor connectivity of networks
(Saravanan et al., 2011).
To reduce the key management overhead of large-
scale centralized networks, decentralized approaches
can be used (Guoyu Xu et al., 2012). The overhead
is shared between the LC (Menesidou et al., 2017). If
one controller fails this will not affect other groups
/ clusters (Liu et al., 2020), reducing the effect of
the single-point of failure problem (Challal and Seba,
2005). Communication between the groups can lead
to delays, as data needs to be transmitted via the LC
(Liu et al., 2020). As there is no global group key,
multiple encryption and decryption operations are re-
quired. This can be a system bottleneck (Guoyu Xu
et al., 2012) and increase CPU workload and subse-
quent energy consumption.
Distributed approaches solve the single-point of
failure problem (Liu et al., 2020). They improve the
reliability of the overall system, reduce the bottle-
necks in networks (Devaraju and Ganapathi, 2010)
and are more tolerant to infrastructure failure (Men-
esidou et al., 2017). Challenges exist regarding pri-
vacy (Menesidou et al., 2017), storage and commu-
nication overhead (Guoyu Xu et al., 2012; Liu et al.,
2020) when e.g. establishing group keys. This can af-
fect battery lifetime as well as transmission time.
The classification into centralized, decentralized
and distributed is most commonly used in group com-
munication (Rafaeli and Hutchison, 2003; Challal and
Seba, 2005; Mapoka, 2013; Sharma and Krishna,
2015; Liu et al., 2020).
3.3 Organization Type
Approaches are self-organized if devices do not have
to rely on an online centralized TTP to provide key
management services during network deployment
(De Ree et al., 2019). Certificate chaining (Cap-
kun et al., 2003) or self-certification-based (van der
Merwe et al., 2005) key management can be taken as
examples (De Ree et al., 2019). Those approaches
rely on a partially distributed TTP. The advantage is
that they can handle offline authorization. Disadvan-
tages are that nodes may act selfishly if TTP nodes
leave the group, due to the overhead if being selected
as new TTP. Further such approaches rely on phys-
ical contact to instantiate trust and distribute keys
(De Ree et al., 2019).
When using TTP organized approaches different
options exist in what quantity and for which tasks the
third party is needed. In e.g. identity-based encryp-
tion systems, such approaches the public key is re-
placed by one or a set of unique public identification
parameters (IDs) (Drias et al., 2017). To generate
a private key, devices transmit their public IDs to a
TTP called PKG. To encrypt a message for a specific
device D the public key of the PKG and the public
identification parameters of D are needed. The TTP
is solely needed for initial key generation. After that
the system can work in a decentralized mode. Sim-
ilar to other centralized approaches the PKG knows
all keys which may be a violation of the privacy and
confidentiality property (key escrow problem) (Drias
et al., 2017). To mitigate this problem the PKG can
IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
be taken offline as soon as system setup is finished
(Drias et al., 2017). An advantage of identity-based
approaches and at the same time and open issue is the
revocation of keys. The advantage is that there is no
need of CRL. If an entity is no longer in the system
or unreachable, its identity can’t be used to encrypt
messages. The issue lies with compromised private
keys. In this case outgoing and incoming messages
can be manipulated. A solution is to add timestamps
to the public identifiers to shorten the cryptoperiod
(Boneh and Franklin, 2001). This increases the times
the PKG is needed as private keys have to be issued
more frequently. Another method is to add a second
TTP called Identity Revocation Server (IRS). Prior to
communication each entity requests a revocation sta-
tus for itself and gets it signed. After that the enti-
ties can send and receive encrypted messages. This
approach to solve the key revocation problem reintro-
duces the need for a reachable TTP.
3.4 Communication Pattern
Key management approaches may differ by the type
of secure communication needed within the managed
systems. Communication may happen in peer-to-
peer fashion (Kandi et al., 2020) (also called uni-
cast or point-to-point (ISO, 2018)) with other nodes
or TTP, within groups (Murugesan and Saminathan,
2018) (also called multicast (Abirami and Padma-
vathy, 2017)) or a combination of those. Key man-
agement faces different challenges depending on the
utilized communication patterns.
Unicast (Point-To-Point) communication needs
unique keys between two entities, which is usually
called pairwise key (Kandi et al., 2020). Messages
can only be read by these two entities. Those should
be agreed on each session anew and be only used
once. Challenges are in establishing the first trust
as well as authentication between nodes. Further-
more, key storage can become an issue when numer-
ous point-to-point connections are needed. Unicast
communication suffers from poor scalability and flex-
ibility. Different approaches exist to mitigate this lim-
itations (Kandi et al., 2020).
In group communication a set of entities commu-
nicates with each other. The exchanged messages are
readable by the entire group. A common key must be
known exclusively by current members (Kandi et al.,
2020). Challenges are within group key establishment
and rekeying if an entity leaves or enters the group.
Entities leaving the group should not be able to read
future messages (forward secrecy) and new members
should not be able to decipher old messages (back-
ward secrecy) (Kandi et al., 2020). Another chal-
lenge is communication between groups as separate
keys are needed. Furthermore, group joining, group
leaving and compromise of a group member add ad-
ditional complexity.
Existing solutions still have problems with the het-
erogeneity of embedded systems (Kandi et al., 2020).
Additionally, the same parameters are used indepen-
dently of the submitted data and load is not balanced
fairly between powerful and weak nodes (Kandi et al.,
All communication patterns are vulnerable to so-
called node capture attacks. The less communication
can be deciphered if a node is compromised the more
resilient this node is against capture (Zhen Yu and
Yong Guan, 2005). To maximize resilience a distinct
key is needed for each pair of devices (Kandi et al.,
2020). As described in Section 3.2 this would have
negative effects for embedded systems.
3.5 Key Establishment Approach
This classification focuses on key establishment
methods and divides them into deterministic and
probabilistic (Messai and Seba, 2016; Mesmoudi
et al., 2019). A probabilistic approach was first pro-
posed by Eschenauer and Gligor in (Eschenauer and
Gligor, 2002). In such approaches for each member
of a network, a set of keys is chosen, in a random or
semi random way (Abu Al-Haija, 2011). The pool of
keys can be generated by an external server or directly
on the devices (Leshem et al., 2018). After each entity
is equipped with a set of keys, commonly called key
ring (Abu Al-Haija, 2011), two nodes in the network
share the same key with a predefined probability. This
probability is depending on the method used. If two
nodes share any common keys, they can establish a
secure connection between each other.Otherwise they
can try to establish a connection by using other de-
vices as proxies. In the worst case two nodes cannot
establish a connection between each other.
Conversely in deterministic approaches nodes
have a probability of 1 (sure event) to share a com-
mon key with all nodes (Messai and Seba, 2016).
They have less communication overhead as they do
not need to route communication via other devices
(Mesmoudi et al., 2019).
Probabilistic approaches try to improve efficiency
and security by minimizing the keys saved per de-
vice. This has a positive effect on storage capacity
and improves resilience against node capture attacks
(Eschenauer and Gligor, 2002). However Xu et al.
argue that these advantages do not have such a great
impact as presumed and have to be opposed to the
increasing complexity and low network connectivity
Secure Key Management in Embedded Systems: A First Proposal
(Xu et al., 2007).
If the amount of nodes in a system increases, stor-
age capacity can becomes a bottleneck for constrained
devices. Probabilistic approaches can reduce the bur-
den but have an impact on communication perfor-
3.6 Biometric Data
Biometric approaches extract various biometric fea-
tures to create biometric keys (Masdari et al., 2017).
Biometric data can be physiological or behavioral.
The former are measurements of the human body e.g.
fingerprint, iris, retina, hand geometry or face and the
latter are measurements based on human actions e.g.
signatures, keystrokes or voice (Masdari et al., 2017).
As such approaches need physical presence, their use-
cases are limited as they need at least one sensor ex-
tracting some biometric feature. WBAN are one sec-
tor which can use biometric data at no cost as their
sensors mostly already extract those.
Biometrically generated keys can not be used for
conventional cryptographic schemes as those by de-
sign do not tolerate even a single-bit error (Bui and
Hatzinakos, 2007). The challenge in such approaches
is to generate constant and repeatable keys from vari-
ant biometric samples (Chen et al., 2007). A method
to circumvent this problem is to divide biometric
identifiers into a set of separate elements. When recal-
culating the key not all measurements have to be cor-
rect to be able to successfully retrieve the key. More-
over, biometric data comes with privacy and security
concerns (Cavoukian, 2007). Storage and misuse for
surveillance, profiling etc. is still an issue.
Advantages are that biometric approaches can
generate keys from sensor data. Approaches exist
needing live biometric samples for verification and
through that prevents dictionary and brute-force at-
tacks (Chen et al., 2007).
If exterior features such as face, fingerprint or
retina are used they can be stolen and bypassed by
e.g. taking a picture of the victims face or directly
exploiting latent fingerprints remaining on a smart-
phones fingerprint reader (scrap attack) (Kim et al.,
3.7 Network Topology
Systems can be classified into flat and hierarchical
(Mesmoudi et al., 2019). In flat systems, all nodes
have the same capabilities in the sense of computa-
tional power, battery life, storage, memory size, etc.
This is different in hierarchical systems. In these sys-
tems, some devices can be more constrained then oth-
ers. This fact can be utilized by key management
approaches to increase performance by distributing
tasks depending on device capabilities (Albakri et al.,
2019). Those approaches are called hierarchical ap-
proaches. For instance in cluster based systems it can
be of advantage if the LC (see section 3.2) is less con-
strained. That enables it to take over computationally
heavy tasks. This can improve the overall efficiency
of the system.
3.8 Network Dependability
To operate efficiently, network dependent approaches
rely on the features of the underlying network infras-
tructure (Mapoka, 2013). Conversely, network inde-
pendent approaches can be used in different architec-
ture setting (Mapoka, 2013).
In this work we briefly summarized our first steps to-
wards creating a unifying taxnonomy for supporting
developers in the IoT context with the selection of ap-
propriate key management approaches.
We provided a first glance at our classification,
albeit still omitting important aspects; due to space
constraints we were for example unable to detail the
factors influencing the actual decision for a specific
approach, be they internal (like existing know-how
and infrastructure, policies, or strategies), external
(like legislation, customers, competitors), or product-
driven (like environmental conditions, process needs,
project size and of course actual security require-
So there is still a lot of work ahead in order to
close this existing gap, establishing a generic decision
supporting mechanism to enhance security aspects in
the Internet of Things and embedded systems, respec-
Parts of this work were supported by the Embedded
Lab Vienna for IoT & Security, funded by the City of
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