Examination Cheat Risk Reduction through FIPEs
Josef Spillner
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland
e-Assessment, Grading, Automation, Variability.
Fully Individualised Programmable Exams (FIPEs) are physically or digitally written examinations in which
the task descriptions are different for all students according to programmatically controlled variability. FIPEs
reduce the risk of collaborative cheating while adhering to institutional equality policies by controlling how
many differences are introduced. The individualisations are based on permutations, deviations, randomisations
and sampling. They allow for meeting legal constraints and yet gaining the desired ability to further automate
solutions checking. This paper contributes a software solution to address the need from exam specification
to distribution. It introduces a categorisation for FIPEs, presents a working implementation to generate and
disseminate exam documents and delivers an experience report in two curriculums, computer science and
engineering sciences.
Examinations are one of the traditional and versatile
instruments to assess and grade the performance of
university students with regards to the learning goals
and learning outcomes (Piontek, 2008). Written ex-
aminations in particular can be among the most ef-
ficient and fair instruments if they adhere to certain
forms and are conducted with technology support to
address various problems in physical and online set-
tings (Maroco et al., 2019). Cheating is among those
traditional yet undesired problems with any assess-
ment, defined by the unauthorised acquisition of help
and leading some educators to rethink the concep-
tual forms of assessment altogether (Lancaster and
Clarke, 2017). Simultaneously written end-of-term
assessments are favourable in this aspect, but also
often mandated and a necessity from an effort per-
spective. There are multiple kinds of cheating during
concurrently written examination sessions collab-
orative communication with other participating stu-
dents during the process of writing, and using ex-
ternal sources of knowledge, including just-in-time
contract cheating, which are then reflected in the
answers instead of using the own knowledge and
capabilities. Such cheating should be at least de-
tected, and should ideally be discouraged and pre-
vented from happening in the first place (van Om-
mering et al., 2018). Online examinations and e-
assessments, in particular concurrently digitally writ-
ten ones, make it harder to both prevent and detect
cheating due to the inability to holistically supervise
dozens or hundreds of participating students and their
environments. Such settings lead to more complex
threat models (K
uppers et al., 2020) that call for im-
proved technology support. Fully individualised pro-
grammable exams (FIPEs) are suggested as a means
to mitigate the likelihood of success of the first (col-
laborative) kind of cheating. With appropriate forms
(such as avoiding binary ’is this correct’ questions
quickly answered by a web search) and conditions
(such as open book rules), the second (external) kind
can also be addressed. FIPEs ensure that all students
get exam documents that are different to a control-
lable and permissable extent, skewing the cost to ben-
efit ratio for collaborative cheating and quickly con-
veying the infeasibility to exchange information about
solutions to anybody who tries. To make the adop-
tion of FIPEs feasible and safe, a novel computer-
supported tooling approach a compiler for exam
documents – is proposed.
In this paper, a categorisation and realisation of
FIPEs is being introduced along with practical ad-
vice for educators. Specifically, the paper contributes
a compiler-style software system design and imple-
mentation to aid in the automation of FIPE creation,
dissemination to students and results scoring. Fur-
thermore, the adoption of FIPEs in the examination
of two modules is presented in the form of an experi-
Spillner, J.
Examination Cheat Risk Reduction through FIPEs.
DOI: 10.5220/0010479805790586
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 579-586
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ence report, covering a programming examination in
engineering sciences and a distributed systems exam-
ination in computer science. The paper is structured
to first report about related work before presenting es-
sential requirements. It then proceeds by introducing
the categorisation system, presenting a working im-
plementation, reporting on the experience and arriv-
ing at the conclusions.
Digitalisation is a major trend throughout all aspects
of education. Computer-supported examinations are
one of the most challenging aspects due to the in-
ability to accept faults and ambiguities. The topic
branches out into online examinations, remote proc-
toring and other forms of digitalised examination pro-
cesses including task generation and correction (An-
dersen et al., 2020). A broad review of online exam-
inations (Butler-Henderson and Crawford, 2020) re-
ports that online examinations are preferred by both
students and staff and that cheating is a problem as it
is made easier by online examination although miti-
gations exist. The review points out that many mit-
igations are not effective, and that cheating as a so-
cial problem is best tackled by reducing propensity.
In other words, altering the cost/benefit ratio by us-
ing multiple banks of questions, questions/answers
randomisation and similar techniques is promising.
However, the review does not point out any techno-
logical support to develop such formats with low ef-
fort from the educator side.
Randomised questions and topic assignments have
been investigated in the examination preparation
phase and are understood to be advantageous for
the students who come across the same questions
in the examination (Denny et al., 2017). For sev-
eral decades, it is known that there are psychologi-
cal factors involved that require a careful determina-
tion of the minimum threshold for correct answers to
pass such randomised tasks (Hub
a and Sat
1971). Intelligent random selection algorithms based
on repositories of questions and answers are already
discussed in the literature (Alghamdi et al., 2020).
However, the use of artificial intelligence is risky
from a legal perspective, thus educators might prefer
a more controlled approach based on modest stochas-
tics. Furthermore, the scope of the proposed algo-
rithms is limited to repetitive questions/answers tasks.
Cheating detection and prevention is understood to be
among the best practices for conducting online ex-
aminations and e-assessments in general (Gruenigen
et al., 2018). The detection of cheating is made easier
in the digital space through solution data analytics in-
cluding text mining (Cavalcanti et al., 2012). Yet the
technological infrastructure to reduce or even prevent
cheating is found to be lacking in this survey, a gap
that the work on FIPEs intends to narrow down.
A learning at scale study has investigated the de-
gree of randomisation necessary to deter cheating on
asynchronous exams (Chen et al., 2018), a setting
that requires similar measures as online exams which,
even when being conducted synchronously, may lead
to the use of uncontrolled communication channels
among students. The findings state that while cheater
advantages remain even when using random orders
and permutations, they drop considerably when using
selection of tasks out of a pool.
On the practical side, there is a distinct lack of
tooling to help educators with advanced cheat reduc-
tion and identification in online settings. Learning
Management Systems (LMS) and Virtual Learning
Environments (VLE) like Moodle or OLAT typically
allow for shuffling questions and implementing ques-
tion banks. They also support mixing answers within
questions, and a certain extent of random questions in
their quizzes and tests, including calculated questions
with formula-based answers. Still, LMS generally do
not support a controlled variability of questions and
tasks, in particular for visuals beyond text, and tools
like MoodleRanQ have been proposed to address that
concern (P
a et al., 2017). An orthogonal con-
cern is that LMS/VLE enforce online education while
many educators prefer to maintain on-site teaching
and examination except for crisis situations. Other re-
searchers have also pointed out the absence of digital
forensics architectures to assist with incident investi-
gation related to online examination fraud (Kigwana
and Venter, 2018).
In order to achieve a helpful computer-supported pro-
cess for educators and individualised yet balanced ex-
aminations for all students, seven requirements need
to be fulfilled.
1. The individualisation only applies to the assign-
ment of exam documents to students through ran-
dom distribution. The documents themselves
must not refer to any particular student, and must
not be created with knowledge on which student
will eventually receive it. This requirement en-
sures fairness, avoids discrimination, and reduces
psychological stress among students.
2. The amount of different tasks and therefore the
level of protection against cheating is limited
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
when following a pure permutation or shuffling
approach. Rather, the combination of permuta-
tions with further value deviations, content ran-
domisations and sampling (pooling) needs to be
3. Differences need to balanced and controlled.
While syntactic differences are introduced, the se-
mantic equivalence of all exams in terms of diffi-
culty, fairness and alignment with the educational
content needs to be assured. This demands a con-
trolled approach in which minor changes beyond
pure permutations are bounded by deviation cor-
ridors and summarised for verification.
4. Permutations, deviations and randomisations need
to be covered by the institutional legal frame-
works to exclude the possibility of legal actions
by students. This exclusion can only realistically
be achieved if the requirements stated above are
fulfilled. Institutional requirements such as 80%
identical tasks (apart from strict permutations and
numeric variables) need to be considered globally.
5. The manual crafting of all permutations, devia-
tions, randomisations and samples is not feasible.
Rather, programmatic generation of tasks through
appropriate programming interfaces is essential to
keep the effort low for educators and hence in-
crease the chance of adoption.
6. Likewise, educators will have a much increased
effort with corrections when the correct solutions
necessarily differ as well. Again, a program-
matic generation of reference solutions, individ-
ualised per student and consulted during the cor-
rections, helps reducing the effort. Furthermore,
while cheating probability should be reduced, it
remains above zero and a solution should aid in
uncovering it at the latest before grading.
7. On the technical side, a compiler-style FIPE
framework should support constraint adherence
and various forms of output, including PDFs to
allow for using the framework to produce printed
documents for on-site examinations.
A categorisation system is introduced to link the ba-
sic exam modifications (permutation, deviation, ran-
domisation and sampling) to common types of tasks
and questions, following the achievement test cate-
gories from best practices (Piontek, 2008) (binary-
choice/true-false, multiple-choice, and more complex
tasks) along with the exam layout as a whole.
Bounding these basic modifications are the de-
grees of equality according to pedagogic consider-
ations and institutional policies. Fig. 1 positions
them as trade-off between several competing fairness
terms. The more liberty educators have in trading
cheat risk reduction for appeal risk reduction, the
more applicable far-ranging and cheat-reducing exam
modifications can become, but the less balanced the
cognitive demand on students may end up.
Figure 1: Three degrees of equality for exam questions and
tasks from a legal perspective.
4.1 Global Considerations
Making the order of tasks unpredictable may cause
slight confusion with students in case they are used
to a certain order, but also brings advantages in terms
of reduced cheating opportunities. A pure permuta-
tion can be coupled with deviations or shuffling in
the form of random inclusion of similar (alternative)
tasks. A declarative specification (shown in pseudo-
code) does not imply any order and thus leaves the or-
dering, and potentially the choice among alternatives,
to the individualised creation of the exam documents.
Task1 AND Task2 AND (Task3a OR Task3B)
To avoid the consultation of online sources, educa-
tors must be careful to not ask any question that can
quickly be looked up online. For instance, answers
about the validity of a particular programming state-
ment can easily be given with the appropriate state-
ment execution tools, whereas filling gaps in a cer-
tain statement is harder to do because, in most cases,
the required artificial intelligence can not yet be freely
obtained through online tools. However, blindly ran-
domising gaps means that students who collaborate
could fill each other’s gaps, a problem likely sharing
aspects with differential privacy concerns (Holohan
et al., 2017).
These modifications are considered state of the
art in existing LMS/VLE and only included for com-
pleteness. A novel FIPE tool should support them,
but also go beyond into the individual tasks and ques-
tions. Owing to recursion, the modifications also ap-
ply to tasks consisting of multiple sub tasks, such as
Examination Cheat Risk Reduction through FIPEs
an exam with five tasks and the first task encompass-
ing ten questions.
4.2 Binary and Multiple Choice
When exams contain binary choice and multiple
choice questions, these are often grouped in blocks. A
block with ten ordered binary choice (true/false) ques-
tions can lead to 1024 unique combinations through
re-ordering alone. Further variety can be introduced
by negating answers, which is straightforward to au-
tomate for any logic or arithmetic task by using appro-
priate markup as shown below. The appropriate value
deviations can automated based on the data types of
the marked results that default to true answers.
x = 17 + 4. x equals *21*.
True AND True equals *True*.
The result may look like the following:
Student 1:
1. x = 17 + 4. x equals 20. False
2. True AND True equals True. True
Student 2:
1. True AND True equals False. False
2. x = 17 + 4. x equals 21. True
Extending this concept to multiple choices per ques-
tion is trivial and requires the specification of all
choices. The same applies for variations of the task,
as exemplified by the following question about cor-
rectness of a URL from the domain of network pro-
tocols, where each first element of a conjunction de-
faults to the correct answer:
(GET OR POST OR DELETE) /students("" OR
"?action=delete"). Retrieves a list of
4.3 Complex Tasks
Beyond simple statements as questions and choices
as answers, permutations also apply to more complex
examination tasks such as text-based work and those
based on advanced data structures including trees and
graphs. In such tasks, the permutations can take vari-
ous forms.
1. Declarative and imperative text structures. Asso-
ciated tasks are filling random gaps and calculat-
ing results based on random facts contained in the
2. Graphs. Associated tasks are built around graph
processing algorithms such as graph rewriting or
identification of problems in the corresponding
application domain, for instance in graphs rep-
resenting software architectures that may contain
scalability bottlenecks.
The following example uses markers to control the
location as well as the permissible values of the quan-
titative permutation for numeric arguments. It also
uses qualitative randomisation of three text parts, for
which the educator needs to be carefully to balance
the efforts.
Write a program that calculates the cumu-
lative weight of passengers and their
luggage and check whether the plane is
allowed to start with such a configu-
ration. The maximum take-off mass of the
plane is *[400,500,600]*kg.
Use a list to represent the weights of
*[3-6]* passengers and crew, and a second
list to represent the associated luggage
Use a tuple to represent the weights of
*[2-5]* passengers, and a scalar variable
to represent to pilot weight. Assume that
each passenger carries 10kg luggage.
Apart from markup that combines ease of editing with
still limited variability, arbitrary questions and an-
swers can be constructed as pairs through regular pro-
gramming means.
To make the proposed categorisation and syntax ap-
proachable to educators, an examination individuali-
sation software acts as compiler-style FIPE interface.
A sample implementation is made available as open
source software
The implementation (Fig.2) assumes that the
exam tasks are specified with the proposed syntax and
other programmatic facilities. It is divided into two
main parts. The first processes the input and produces
both the permutated, deviated and randomised exam
documents, to be distributed to the students, and as-
sociated reference solutions, to remain with the edu-
cator. At this stage, only the number of students are
known, while no further information about them is in-
cluded to avoid any bias or discrimination in the pro-
duced documents. The second step handles the distri-
bution of the documents to students through a server-
based provisioning to reduce the management effort
for educators. In this step, the names of students are
mapped to identifiers so that each student, by using
FIPE implementation: https://github.com/
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the personalised identifier, is able to access the cor-
responding FIPE. The mapping is used for the auto-
mated provisioning process and beyond that remains
available for the educator who, after grading the ex-
ams without necessarily knowing the student identity,
is able to assign the scores or grades to the correct
Figure 2: Implementation overview.
The entire process is conveniently wrapped into a
single command, fipe, that is designed to only fail
with actionable advice. Hence, it will guide educa-
tors from first use to ready-to-use examination in a
streamlined process.
In the next three paragraphs, the possible presen-
tation formats of the exam documents, the exam gen-
eration process and the subsequent exam provisioning
process are explained in detail.
5.1 Presentation Formats
The concrete format of examination documents de-
pends on the requirements and conventions. To make
the system flexible and usable according to dominant
e-assessment conventions, it should support at least
the following formats:
1. Plain PDF. The PDF can either be printed and
scanned, annotated on the screen, or form-filled.
This format has the advantage that it will also
serve the needs for traditional offline examination,
and is thus of high value to educators when the
modality of an exam has to be changed on short
notice based on for instance the epidemiological
2. Text files. For tasks in which plain text or tem-
plate documents need to be provided, for instance
source code based on templates.
3. HTML. In case the exam should be entirely con-
ducted through web-based systems.
All exam documents are joined into larger files or
archives containing all file formats. The output for-
mats and their corresponding inputs are associated in
Fig. 3.
Figure 3: Formats overview.
5.2 Exam Generation
The exam generation happens programmatically. It
consists of a number of modules (FIPE mods), one
for each type of task, with a function maketask to
call once per student. As the framework evolves, we
expect to make dozens of task types available as in-
spiration and blueprint for other educators, while new
modules can still be added anytime. At the time of
publication, fifteen modules are available.
The modules work internally on permutated lists
and conditionally included branches and, depending
on the task type, are able to process the proposed syn-
tax for controlled variability in task texts. For each
task defined in the exam specification, this function
returns three representations, the task itself, the solu-
tion and the achieved entropy. All tasks along with ad-
ministrative information, including the solutions and
the student identifiers, are stored in a directory that
serves as entry point to the subsequent exam provi-
sioning step.
For PDF exam documents, the output is stored as a
number of LaTeX files which are compiled into the fi-
nal document in a termination step after all tasks have
been processed.
The entropy returned by each module is used to
calculate the degree to which any two exams are iden-
tical. For each invocation, the identical points i are
determined by the total points p and the entropy e as
indicated in Eqn. 1. The entropy is used with a factor
of two to account for potential differences in any two
exams used for the comparison.
Examination Cheat Risk Reduction through FIPEs
i = p
p if 2e > p
2e otherwise
5.3 Exam Provisioning
Due to the individualisation, each student needs to be
informed about the specific modalities for retrieving
the exam documents and for submitting the answers
and solutions, depending on the exam format (PDF
with optional template files or HTML).
The retrieval is the most critical moment in terms
of system load, as many students will attempt to ac-
cess the exam documents within a short period of
time. Hence, the provisioning system needs to be
sufficiently scalable to either concurrently serve static
content (PDF, template files, HTML) or render dy-
namic content for direct submission (HTML only) in
burst situations. The provisioning tool covers the fol-
lowing associated tasks.
1. Preparation of a web server including configura-
tion for load spike at examination start time.
2. Upload of all exam documents with read protec-
tion. Each document, along with possible instruc-
tions on when and how to submit solutions, is
stored in a dedicated folder with individualised
and secret name.
3. Notification of students with individualised hy-
perlinks pointing to these folders along with in-
dication of start time.
4. Removal of read protection at examination start
5. Indication of submission link, either on the same
server or on a third-party system (Moodle, Teams
Tasks and similar alternatives), for answers and
solutions in reference to static exam documents.
6. Query of administrative information on behalf of
the examiner such as overviews on students hav-
ing and not having accessed the exam documents.
The legal interpretation of any client-side issues
of accessing the documents are handled depend-
ing on the institutional procedures.
5.4 Exam Corrections
The workflow for corrections requires opening a gen-
erated solutions document per student. This overhead
is acceptable given the time spent per student is typ-
ically in the order of several minutes. Furthermore,
per-task corrections, which are considered more fair
when spanning multiple classes with different educa-
tors, are made possible by generating the solutions in
the appropriate format and distributing the solutions
documents to the responsible educators per task.
Any cheating requires a comparison of solutions
as well as a consultation of auxiliar information such
as network access logs in case of suspicions. The
FIPE implementation contains a tool that parses web
server log files and reveals anomalies. It offers two
modes, multiple source hosts per student document
and multiple student documents per single source
host. The first mode is not suitable for open Internet
environments due to students using multiple devices
with different Internet connections as well as the in-
volvement of major cloud providers in automated re-
quests from their hosts (e.g. Google SafeBrowsing).
The second mode is more suitable but still requires
careful interpretation of results, for instance due to
host re-allocation for mobile Internet users or shared
proxy servers in dormitories.
FIPEs have been practically validated on two occa-
sions. Both times, they have shown to result in vari-
able yet balanced exams adhering to institutional poli-
cies. A text-only (code and data files) representation
has been used in a programming exam with n = 380
engineering sciences students (ES exam). A PDF-
based representation has been used with n = 28 com-
puter science students (CS exam). The difference in
scale is exploited to find out how well FIPEs work for
smaller and larger groups of students.
6.1 Tasks
The ES exam consisted of six tasks ranging from mul-
tiple choice questions (mixed pickles true/false) to
complex tasks whose variability was driven by auto-
generated data files containing different symbols. The
CS exam had greater heterogeneity with nine tasks,
including two based on autogenerated graphs repre-
senting software dependencies and workflow execu-
tion. Templates to set up such questions and tasks are
available from the FIPE implementation. Hence, even
though the initial effort to set up all FIPE modules to
a combination of 70–80 points took several hours per
task as the framework evolved, the creation of further
exams based on these templates will be more econom-
ical by reducing that effort to less than half an hour per
task. This effort is justifiable considering the overall
time spent on assessment design. Moreover, the at-
tractiveness of the framework will increase as more
FIPE mod templates become available over time.
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Fig. 4 shows two example graph-based task ex-
cerpts from the CS exam that is programmatically
generated within the variability and scoring bounds.
Each student gets a graph with three or four se-
quences, each consisting of two to four nodes, and
needs to calculate the maximum parallel set of nodes
as defined by the product of their weights. Such an
individualised task is non-trivial to produce without a
FIPE framework.
Figure 4: Variability in graph-based task.
6.2 Student Perception
The students were not informed in advance about the
use of FIPEs. Rather, they were broadly advised
that despite less privacy-invasive examination, allow-
ing them to keep microphone and camera switched
off, the educators would have means to detect cheat-
ing. Contrary to expectations, the FIPE effects were
not brought up by participants, even when a feedback
round was organised for the CS exam. This suggests
that introducing FIPEs can be done in a non-intrusive
6.3 Access Behaviour
Exam documents for both occasions were hosted on
the same institutional server. The document access
workflow for the ES exam consisted of an HTML en-
try page, followed by two code file documents along
with one data file. Fig. 5 shows the server load from
the time of informing students of the (still blocked)
link to the actual exam, covering a period of several
days and notably spiking around the exam. Fig. 6
shows the exam spike in detail. The FIPE provision-
ing tool takes this sudden surge behaviour into ac-
count when producing the web server configuration.
In the ES exam, all documents were delivered suc-
cessfully without reliance on external services. An
examination of the access link has not revealed any
link sharing between students.
Figure 5: Overall timeline from exam information to exam.
Figure 6: Zoom into narrow exam period; the dashed line
marks the start of the exam writing.
6.4 Cheat Reduction and Exposure
In both examinations, suspicions were raised during
the manual check of all solutions along with auto-
mated log file analysis. In one such case, the evidence
led to the exposure of an actual case of unallowed col-
laborative cheating that took place during the exam
writing period. A detailed analysis of the influence
of FIPEs on cheat exposure, beyond a-priori reduc-
tion of cheat potential, is currently missing but will
have to consider the trade-off that by limiting the sur-
face area for plain copied solutions, the corresponding
exposure will also become more difficult. The com-
bination with log file analysis increases the chances
of exposure, but relies on the curiosity of students to
share links instead of undetectable direct sharing of
Examination Cheat Risk Reduction through FIPEs
This paper has introduced a practical path towards
fully individualised exams beyond current question
bank randomisation. The COVID-19 pandemic has
shown that even universities emphasising quality
presence teaching are occasionally subject to unan-
ticipated online examinations and should therefore be
in a strong position to flexibly choose between differ-
ent examination modalities without sudden increases
in cheating risks. The concept of FIPEs contributes to
that flexibility while supporting institutional policies.
The compiler-style software implementation further
supports the flexibility by being able to produce vari-
able PDF files that can be printed for classroom use
or filled on screen in online settings, as well as other
formats. It is currently undergoing further discussion
and evolution with the aim of lowering the learning
curve for educators and assembling further task types
as modules. To foster the argumentation and provide
a basis for further research, the FIPE implementation
is provided as early-stage open source prototype at
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CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education