Critical Overview of the Use of Contact Tracing Apps in the Context
of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Arturo Gonz
1 a
, Christian von L
1 b
, Julio Paciello
2 c
, Tito Ocampos
2 d
and Juan Pane
2 e
Unversidad Nacional de Asunci
on, Facultad Polit
ecnica, San Lorenzo, Paraguay
Centro de Desarrollo Sostenible, Asunci
on, Paraguay
Contact Tracing, Mobile Application, COVID-19.
Contact tracing determines the chain of contacts of an infected person to isolate them. Implementing con-
tact tracing requires an enormous effort that generally falls on the different governments and their respective
health authorities. Emerging technologies can be quite useful in supporting contact tracing. The most relevant
advantages of using mobile applications based on digital technologies to perform contact tracing are the fast
collection of reliable data and the rapid detection of possible contacts at risk. However, despite these advan-
tages, many countries have not reported a high penetration of these tools. As a relevant and actual research
area, this paper presents a critical overview of the current literature regarding contact tracing applications to
answer the following research questions: What is the most used technology to develop contact tracing apps?
What were the main lessons on using contact tracing applications so far?, How are ethics, privacy, and security
issues handled?, What is the use that is given to the data collected by the applications, and what happens to
them? Who applies these types of tools, and what implications did they have?
At the end of 2019, World Health Organization
(WHO) offices in Wuhan, Hubei Province of China,
received reports of pneumonia’s first cases with an un-
known cause. A new virus from the coronavirus fam-
ily (CoV), called severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified. Conse-
quently, the disease was named by the WHO as Coro-
navirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). From there, the
world would go through one of the worst crises after
World War II (Otoya-Tono et al., 2020).
As of this article’s writing date, the total num-
ber of infected by COVID-19 amounts to more than
90.759.370 and with a record higher than 1.963.169
confirmed deaths. It is important to note that cur-
rently, the most contagious region is America, with
more than 40.187.505 infected, widely surpassing
Europe (29.510.450), Southeast Asia (12.370.101),
Figure 1: COVID-19 World Map (WHO, 2020).
and the Eastern Mediterranean (5.252.810), Africa
(2.210.137), and the West Pacific (1.227.622), thus
becoming the epicenter of current infections (See Fig.
1) (WHO, 2020).
Since the beginning of 2020, in the absence of
effective treatment or vaccines for COVID-19, gov-
ernments worldwide have been taken many non-
pharmacological interventions (NPIs) to contain or
mitigate the spread of the disease with health, social,
and economic consequences. The test and trace strat-
González, A., von Lücken, C., Paciello, J., Ocampos, T. and Pane, J.
Critical Overview of the Use of Contact Tracing Apps in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0010480400910099
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2021), pages 91-99
ISBN: 978-989-758-505-0
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
egy, when applicable, becomes one of the best con-
tention alternatives to deal with the spread without re-
quiring more extreme measures (Jahnel et al., 2020).
Contact tracing determines the chain of contacts of an
infected person to isolate them. Implementing con-
tact tracing requires an enormous effort that generally
falls on the different governments and their respective
health authorities (Mbunge, 2020).
Emerging technologies can be quite useful in sup-
porting contact tracing (Ahmed et al., 2020). Digital
contact tracing through smartphones’ applications is
a viable alternative to support this work (Jahnel et al.,
2020). This possibility is practically a fact in sev-
eral countries such as Singapore, Australia, Austria,
Israel, Germany, Qatar, among others, which have al-
ready adopted the use, to a greater or lesser extent, of
different contact tracing applications.
The most relevant advantages of using mobile ap-
plications based on digital technologies to perform
contact tracing are the fast collection of reliable data
and the rapid detection of possible contacts at risk.
However, despite these advantages, there have not
been many countries reporting a high penetration of
these tools (MIT, 2020). The global debate revolves
around the relevance and usefulness of contact trac-
ing applications, so it is always timely to address this
issue. In this sense, this work presents a critical de-
scription of contact tracing applications based on a
systematic review of the literature related to the area.
The objective of this work is to understand the expe-
riences and assessing the implications of contact trac-
ing app’s in the framework of COVID-19.
This work organization is as follows. Section 2
provides a brief overview of the recent contact trac-
ing applications and their uses in COVID-19; Section
3 is concerned with the research methodology applied
into the study; Section 4 presents the survey results
and discussions; and finally, Section 5 gives a sum-
mary and conclusions.
2.1 Applications and Their Uses in
COVID-19 Contact Tracing
Contact tracing consists of identifying and following
the possible routes of transmission of a particular in-
fection in a population to determine people who have
been exposed and inform them in such a way they can
isolate themselves (Yasaka et al., 2020). The strategy
has the clear potential to reduce contagion. In general,
contact tracing is carried out by the countries’ health
authorities, either by a manual interview or not, of
confirmed or suspected cases to collect data on possi-
ble contacts that the infected person had with others
(Ahmed et al., 2020).
Given the situation experienced by the COVID-19
pandemic, many researchers have sought to find tech-
nological solutions to automate the entire contact trac-
ing process in such a way as to reliably and quickly
obtain the contacts of people infected in such a way
to minimize risks (Ahmed et al., 2020). In this con-
text, contact tracing based on smartphones and appli-
cations presents a possible solution that would limit
the transmission of both COVID-19 and other dis-
eases; however, there are several concerns regarding
this type of tools (Yasaka et al., 2020).
Digital tools can be extremely useful to support
the measures recommended by the World Health Or-
ganization (WHO), which are a test, trace, isolate, and
put in quarantine. At least it would be very useful
to improve data flows digitally and also for proxim-
ity tracing via geolocation, which would significantly
speed up the reporting and contact tracing processes
(Vokinger et al., 2020).
According to (Vokinger et al., 2020), the typology
of different applications and technologies in the con-
text of COVID-19 that are aimed at the general public
Proximity Tracing Apps: store upcoming con-
tacts in a certain period of time. They can include
notification systems and alerts in case of confir-
mation of COVID-19 diagnoses.
Patient Diaries: a platform for monitoring the
symptoms and risks of exposure to a specific pop-
ulation or group.
Crowd-sourced Surveillance: a platform for
monitoring symptoms at the population level.
Tele-health: Platform for self-assessments and
online consultations with medical professionals.
Mental Health Interventions: digital platforms
to support mental health.
As for the architecture generally adopted for the data
collection aspects of the tracing applications, there are
three. These systems are the most used to develop
applications. These are the approaches (Ahmed et al.,
2020) (See Table 1 for some examples):
Centralized: There is a central server that per-
forms basic functions such as storing personal in-
formation, generating contact records, risk anal-
ysis platform, and notification of identified close
COMPLEXIS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Decentralized: This architecture proposes the
transfer of central functionalities to the user’s de-
vices, leaving the server with minimal participa-
tion in the entire contact tracing process.
Hybrid: The hybrid architecture proposes that
these functionalities be divided between the server
and the devices.
Table 1: Some examples of applications with the three ar-
chitectures mentioned (Ahmed et al., 2020).
Architecture App Description
Centralised TraceTogether TraceTogether was
the first major Blue-
tooth contact tracing
Centralised CovidSafe
Australian experts
have criticized
the government
for a lack of
transparency and
to privacy issues.
Decentralised CovidSafe-
Is a tracing proto-
col proposed by re-
searchers from the
University of Wash-
Decentralised SwissCoviD -
Is a protocol pro-
posed by a consor-
tium of universities
and organisations
from Europe led by
EPFL, Switzerland
Hybrid ConTra
Is a hybrid proto-
col proposed by
German researchers
from the FZI
Research Center
for Information
Technology and
Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology
Hybrid EpiOne Has been proposed
by a team of re-
searchers led by the
University of Cali-
fornia at Berkeley
At the time of writing this article, (MIT, 2020) pre-
sented a very up-to-date (and freely accessible) list of
the most used applications in some countries. It can
be clearly seen that, in countries like India, although
there are a large number of users for the Aarogya
Setu” application, it only represents 12.05% of the
population. On the other hand, the “TraceTogether”
application in Singapore has achieved 80% penetra-
tion in its population (See Table 2).
Table 2: Contact tracing applications with the largest num-
ber of users. (MIT, 2020).
Country App Users Penentration
India Aarogya Setu 163.000.000 12,05%
Vietnam BlueZone 20.000.000 20,93%
19 App
19.000.000 28,51%
Germany Corona-Warn-
18.000.000 21,68%
Turkey Hayat Eve
14.186.000 17,30%
Italy Immuni 9.769.449 16,19%
Japan COCOA 7.700.000 6,09%
Australia COVIDSafe 7.160.909 28,64%
Tawakkalna 7.000.000 20,77%
Canada COVID Alert 5.314.026 14,03%
Indonesia PeduliLindungi 4.600.000 1,72%
Singapore TraceTogether 4.511.200 80,00%
Qatar Ehteraz 2.531.620 91,00%
Finland Koronavilkku 2.500.000 45,31%
2.2 Related Works
A systematized study to identify the applications for
smartphones used to fight COVID-19 was carried out
by (Collado-Borrell et al., 2020), which can be seen in
the early 2020s of the trend of this type of tool. At the
time of the study, the vast majority of developed ap-
plications are run by governments, and approximately
two-thirds of all applications were made in Europe
and Asia.
On the other hand, (Davalbhakta et al., 2020) car-
ried out a complete systematic review of the smart-
phone applications used in the framework of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the main result of which is a
very useful characterization of the most successful ap-
plications in different regions of the world to date. For
a particular case study in India, (Bassi et al., 2020)
conducted a general review of applications available
for use in the framework of COVID-19.
In the study carried out by (Ahmed et al., 2020),
the authors focused on a review of the applications
for smartphones and addressed the subject in a very
comprehensive way. The work approaches the most
common architectures of contact tracing applications,
issues related to privacy and security aspects, issues
concerning users, and even the path of future research.
This research presents a critical overview of COVID-
19 contact tracing mobile applications. The primary
objective is to report the use of contact tracing apps
Critical Overview of the Use of Contact Tracing Apps in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
in the framework of COVID-19 in countries and criti-
cally describe their implications. To achieve this goal,
research questions were elaborated and a systematic
literature review was carried out. The final result is
a document where the results obtained are presented
in a summarized way. The process is detailed in Fig.
2 and it was conducted following the methodological
framework of (Arksey and O’Malley, 2005; Lobato
et al., 2013).
Figure 2: Steps of the Applied Methodology.
Step 1. Definition of the Research Questions. The
starting point was the definition of the following re-
search questions (See Table 3).
Table 3: Research Questions.
RQ# Description
RQ1 What is the most used technology to develop
contact tracing apps?
RQ2 What were the main lessons on using contact
tracing applications so far?
RQ3 How are ethics, privacy and security issues han-
RQ4 What is the use that is given to the data collected
by the applications and what happens to them?
RQ5 Who applies these types of tools and what im-
plications did they have?
Step 2. Search for Relevant Studies
. The pur-
pose of this study is to be as complete as possible in
the identification of primary studies to answer the re-
search questions; for this, the Scopus database was
Obs: The two BibTex files resulting from the searches,
are available in:
chosen since it is one of the most used and compre-
hensive among all available. Within this database,
two search iterations were performed considering the
following selection commands (See Table 4). The
search was conducted in late November 2020.
Table 4: Search Queries Made.
# Query Results
1 TITLE-ABS-KEY(”contact”
AND ”tracing” AND ”COVID-
546 docu-
2 TITLE-ABS-KEY(”contact”
AND ”tracing” AND ”COVID-
19” AND ”apps”)
46 docu-
Step 3. Selection of Studies. The following inclusion
and exclusion criteria were defined (See Table 5).
Table 5: Exclusion and Inclusion Criteria.
Selection criteria Exclusion criteria
Articles that study and/or
propose the use of applica-
tions for contact tracing
Posts found in the search
that could not be accessed
Articles of position and
commentary on the subject
Publications with a little
approach to the subject
Review articles that ad-
dress the topic
Posts from Unknown
Studies that answer at least
one research question.
Step 4. Classification of the Studies. Applying the
inclusion and exclusion criteria, an exhaustive reading
of the identified articles was carried out. There were
selected 39 articles which are presented in the work
Step 5. Bibliometric Analysis. To obtain an
overview of the search results, a bibliometric analy-
sis on the query outcomes using the Biliometrix tool
(Aria and Cuccurullo, 2017) was used.
Step 6. Data Extraction. Table 6 presents the list
of analyzed documents. Within these work, the nec-
essary information to address the research questions
was extracted.
Step 7. Research Synthesis. in this step, it was
possible to summarize, integrate, combine, and com-
pare the results of different studies on a topic based on
the different specific research questions presented in
this work (Arksey and O’Malley, 2005; Lobato et al.,
COMPLEXIS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Table 6: Documents analyzed in this work.
Type Articles
ment and
(Parker et al., 2020), (Morley et al., 2020),
(Editorial, 2020), (Rowe et al., 2020),
(Michael and Abbas, 2020), (Cioffi et al.,
2020), (Rizzo, 2020), (Klar and Lanzerath,
2020), (Lucivero et al., 2020), (Hsu, 2020).
(Ahmed et al., 2020), (Davalbhakta et al.,
2020), (Collado-Borrell et al., 2020),
(Bassi et al., 2020).
(Yasaka et al., 2020), (Vokinger et al.,
2020), (Kitchin, 2020), (Trang et al.,
2020), (Urbaczewski and Lee, 2020),
(Nanni et al., 2020), (Liang, 2020),
(Mbunge, 2020), (Bhatia et al., 2020), (Ra-
makrishnan et al., 2020), (Jahnel et al.,
2020), (Galloway, 2020), (Yamamoto
et al., 2020), (Aus
ın and Mart
ınez, 2020),
(Sharma et al., 2020), (Joo and Shin,
2020), (Borra, 2020), (Rowe, 2020), (Hoff-
man et al., 2020), (Goggin, 2020), (Kling-
wort and Schnell, 2020), (Vitak and Zim-
mer, 2020), (Scassa, 2021), (Altmann
et al., 2020), (Kaspar, 2020).
4.1 Bibliometric Analysis
As a result of searches made in the context of this
work, Fig. 3 shows that most of the literature found
corresponds to works carried out in the US, UK, Ger-
many, and others. In general, the scientific produc-
tion that addresses this topic is mainly concentrated in
Europe and North America, including expanding the
network of contacts between researchers. The country
production and collaboration map is in Fig. 4.
Figure 3: Country-Keywords-Sources Relations.
From Fig. 4, it is worth to note that most of the studies
related to contact tracing applications concentrate in
high-income countries, where the use of smartphones
may be considered ubicuos. In comparison, large re-
gions such as Latin America and Africa report few
Figure 4: Country production and collaboration map of con-
tact tracing applications studies.
At the time of writing this work, the ten most cited ar-
ticles that address contact tracing apps’ development
issues are those in Fig. 5. Thus, these works can be
seen as an introductory reading guide to entering the
subject. Also, it is worth noting the high dynamism
of scientific production in the area.
Figure 5: Most cited documents addressing contact tracing
4.2 Survey Results
4.2.1 RQ1: What Is the Most Used Technology
to Develop Contact Tracing Apps?
All Contact tracing Applications are mainly based on
each person’s location and the proximity of them to
other people. That requires, in essence, the location
Critical Overview of the Use of Contact Tracing Apps in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
via GPS and Bluetooth for close contacts. In addition,
to add precision, QR codes can be used to establish
people’s access points, among other tools (Kitchin,
2020; Borra, 2020; Ahmed et al., 2020; Hsu, 2020;
Scassa, 2021; Mbunge, 2020).
The use of the technologies mentioned above and
their possible benefits and implications in decision-
making for policymakers was widely debated, and it
remains only to improve the efficiency and effective-
ness of new technologies as a response to COVID-19
(Ramakrishnan et al., 2020; Mbunge, 2020).
It is very difficult to provide an up-to-date figure
and even more so in refereed publications given the
high dynamism of technology use in contact tracing
apps. But based on (Woodhams, 2020), at the end
of October 2020, approximately 26% of applications
were registered with a unique base in GPS technol-
ogy, 51% with a unique base in Bluetooth, and 23%
used both technologies. It is possible to freely access
the (MIT, 2020) database to follow the applications
used worldwide in a very up-to-date manner.
4.2.2 RQ2: What Were the Main Lessons on
using Contact Tracing Applications So
Contact Tracing Apps are an important tool in the
fight against COVID-19. Numerous cases can be de-
termined from countries where contact tracing ap-
plications have been recorded, mainly in the United
States and countries in Europe and Asia (Ramakrish-
nan et al., 2020; Mbunge, 2020; Scassa, 2021; Hoff-
man et al., 2020). However, at present, very few
countries have exceeded the barrier of 60% penetra-
tion (See Table 2) required for these applications to
be really effective (MIT, 2020).
Several studies have been conducted to quantify
people’s motivation to use Contact tracing Apps. The
Study conducted by (Kaspar, 2020) showed very low
motivation to use the applications. On the other hand,
(Joo and Shin, 2020) identified the issue of privacy as
a predominant factor in the use of these types of tools.
Other models like (Rowe et al., 2020) shows a
model of the causes of failure of the public address
regarding the use of contact tracing applications. In-
stead, (Trang et al., 2020) shows the phenomena and
topics for mass acceptance of applications.
There is still much debate about the effectiveness
and usefulness of using contact tracing platforms.
From the basic problem of privacy and security to
matters such as the representativeness of users, even
this would make the tools not useful in the field (Gog-
gin, 2020; Klingwort and Schnell, 2020).
4.2.3 RQ3: How are Ethics, Privacy and
Security Issues Handled?
Issues concerning privacy and subsequently ethics
and security were addressed, to a greater or lesser
extent, in practically all the articles selected and re-
Since the first semester of 2020, ethics, privacy,
and security were the focus of debates in what would
be the beginning of the Contact tracing Applications.
Contributions from (Editorial, 2020; Parker et al.,
2020; Morley et al., 2020; Klar and Lanzerath, 2020;
Lucivero et al., 2020) emerged as initial points in
the debate, where the possible advantages, disadvan-
tages, implications and challenges to be faced were
In the second half of 2020, the privacy debate be-
came a hotly debated topic. In France, the implica-
tions of the use of applications had a strong impact on
privacy, which subsequently impacted the low num-
ber of users (Rowe, 2020). In the United States, Aus-
tralia, Singapore, and other countries with outstand-
ing starts in terms of downloads, they did not continue
that path in terms of the use of contact tracing appli-
cations and the feeling that these platforms present a
high risk, generates mistrust, and affects to its use di-
rectly (Michael and Abbas, 2020; Cioffi et al., 2020;
Hsu, 2020; Rizzo, 2020).
Certainly, the possibilities of the usefulness of
contact tracing applications are enormous but ethi-
cal aspects, especially privacy and security, play too
important a role for the successful implementation in
many countries and it is something that must be taken
into account (Scassa, 2021).
4.2.4 RQ4: What Is the Use that Is Given to the
Data Collected by the Applications and
What Happens to Them?
The main idea of contact tracing applications lies in
the rapid monitoring of the virus transmission chains
for the early detection of outbreaks in a fast, safe and
efficient way (Nanni et al., 2020). This requires data
that must necessarily respect users’ privacy, that they
are of quality, and that they are representative (large-
scale). The big issue here is the handling of the data
and what would be the utility of these.
In China, for example, the use of health codes
(multi-color QR codes) in public spaces is a success-
ful case of using user-generated data for rapid out-
break detection (Liang, 2020). On the other hand,
(Vitak and Zimmer, 2020) asserted that the data gen-
erated by the applications must go through a compre-
hensive analysis since the convenience of sharing lo-
COMPLEXIS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
cation and health data depends on who will have ac-
cess to the aforementioned data.
Another very interesting view on the data gener-
ated as a source of data from different models to char-
acterize the contagion dynamics in different regions
with people of different backgrounds, with the use
of different methodologies, is a considerable possibil-
ity that should not be neglected and it is approached
in several studies, and conceptual proposals (Yasaka
et al., 2020; Yamamoto et al., 2020; Sharma et al.,
2020; Urbaczewski and Lee, 2020).
4.2.5 RQ5: Who Applies These Types of Tools
and What Implications Did They Have?
Most of the promoters and implementers of con-
tact tracing applications are the governments of each
country (Mbunge, 2020). In general, the application
is tied to local public policies and how each place
addresses the pandemic, as well as national privacy
and security regulations (Bhatia et al., 2020; Vokinger
et al., 2020).
After having exhausted the quarantine policies,
many of the policymakers in the different coun-
tries have returned to the traditional contact tracing
(Scassa, 2021). In particular, the case of Latin Amer-
ica, which at the time of writing this article has be-
come one of the most contagious regions, does not
present an implementation of any contact tracing ap-
plication, or at least in a representative way (MIT,
The COVID-19 pandemic is part of the present and
the near future; therefore, it will continue to affect the
activities of all people worldwide. All contact tracing
tasks currently carried out in all countries are of vital
importance to slow the advance of this disease.
A critical and fairly comprehensive report on the
use of contact tracing applications has been made, an-
swering clearly and summarizing the research ques-
tions proposed for this study. The general report of
the current situation gives a general overview of the
technologies used for developing the different appli-
cations (GPS, Bluetooth, and GPS / Bluetooth) ob-
viously with different complements architectures and
In general, ethical issues, especially privacy and
security, play a fundamental role in the literature’s
current debate. The value of the data and its usage
can generate distrust and caution in some users and
cause these digital tools not to achieve the required
penetration for a practical and useful operation.
Despite all the available technology and the many
digital tools for contact tracing, it has not been
successfully implemented at a level representative
enough in at least the vast majority of countries, in
such a way that it can represent a real aid of fighting
against COVID-19.
As a recommendation for future work, and based
on the presented work, it could be important to con-
sider a focus on developing contact tracing tools or
applications for those who have a greater risk of con-
tagion and, therefore, more significant potential for
transmitting the infection, as are medical doctors,
nurses, and so on. Also, it may be useful to use con-
tact tracing to determine the relations existing in cor-
porate offices and industries to determine those who
are more exposed or change the flow of activities to
reduce the contacts that some users may have. In ad-
dition, it is important to know the current situation of
the use of contact tracing applications in developing
countries, especially in Latin America, in such a way
as to consider the possibility of complementing pre-
vention, contact tracing and case containment efforts
of COVID-19 in the countries of the region.
This work is supported by CONACyT-Paraguay under
the PINV20-184 project grant.
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Critical Overview of the Use of Contact Tracing Apps in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic