with smaller datasets will have more benefits from the
accurate prediction model. A particularly beneficial
case could be if we suppose that each taxi’s dataset
is confidential and should be processed locally (self-
interested ride providers) as in (Ramanan et al., 2020).
Despite the fact, that the proposed explainable
federated approach does not depend on the explain-
ability method, only one explainability method (Inte-
grated gradients) was analysed. We plan to compare
different explainability methods and their combina-
tions as our future work. We believe that this ap-
proach could be successfully implemented for more
complex prediction and classification tasks with more
complex deep learning and federated learning archi-
tectures. For example, we aim to implement explain-
able federated learning for traffic demand forecasting
The research was funded by the Lower Saxony Min-
istry of Science and Culture under grant number
ZN3493 within the Lower Saxony “Vorab“ of the
Volkswagen Foundation and supported by the Center
for Digital Innovations (ZDIN).
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Explainable Federated Learning for Taxi Travel Time Prediction