as a result of the pandemic. The adoption of computer
technologies gains more prominence and relevance,
as a facilitator in distance learning. However, the
"socioemotional" theme is still very recent. More than
in other scenarios, there is a relationship with the
worsening of relationships and social malaise.
So, we ask ourselves, how has the adoption of
technologies been a facilitator in the classroom, for
socioemotional development practices?
The present work explored the current scenario of
initiatives that support socioemotional development
in the classroom in Brazil. Our goals include (but are
not restricted to): surveying projects and
opportunities, as well as connecting people and
encouraging the adoption of digital technologies that
serve as tools to support education.
The research also captured data from analogue
initiatives, as it assumed that there was still little
representation of digital technological solutions as a
way to support socioemotional learning in the country.
Confirming this hypothesis, the results showed
that, in the current scenario of Brazilian education,
there is still a lot to be explored for the promotion of
digital technological solutions, as well as non digital
ones, that enable the development of socioemotional
skills and can be applied as a pedagogical object.
This research had an exploratory process composed
of four stages, segmented so that the researcher could
deepen his results and hypotheses, in a more
analytical way throughout the process.
Performing a multivocal literature review, the
authors conducted searches for inputs from the gray
literature available in public channels. "A Multivocal
Literature Review (MLR) is a form of a Systematic
Literature Review (SLR) which includes the grey
literature (e.g., blog posts, videos and white papers)
in addition to the published (formal) literature (e.g.,
journal and conference papers). MLRs are useful for
both researchers and practitioners since they provide
summaries both the state-of-the art and practice in a
given area" (Garousia, V et. al, 2018).
Below is a descriptive summary of each step in the
research process. These steps will be discussed in
sections in this same article, presenting the results to
the reader. The four steps that make up the
development of the research are:
1. Initially, institutions that have one or more
initiatives to support the inclusion of
socioemotional methodologies in the
curriculum of Brazilian schools were mapped;
2. After mapping the institutions, each initiative
belonging to these institutions, that aimed at
supporting socioemotional development in the
classroom, was mapped. For a better
understanding, both materials made publicly
available by the institution itself, as well as
inputs made available through research
published by third parties (teachers, school
managers, pedagogical coordinators, among
others) about these projects were explored;
3. With the information on the characteristics of
each mapped initiative, we sought to segment
which of these initiatives have the adoption of
digital or non digital solutions as facilitating
4. After processing the prepared database,
quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed
regarding how the adoption of technologies may
be impacting the current Brazilian school
scenario, from the perspective of
socioemotional development in the classroom.
2.1 Mapped Institutions
As mentioned in the previous section, the research
started with the mapping of institutions that have some
type of socioemotional initiative composing their
project framework. And, as a prerequisite, that the
existing projects are aligned with the BNCC, encourag-
ing the use of socioemotional educational practices in
the classroom, in the Brazilian education network.
BNCC, as informed in the first section of this
paper, is the regulatory base that governs the content
and what will be developed in each school year of
Basic, Elementary and Middle education in Brazilian
schools (BRASIL, 2018). The term Socioemotional
Education encompasses the promotion of
socioemotional skills, both by direct instruction, and
by the establishment of a favorable culture, from Pre-
School to High School (Pfeilsticke, 2020).
As a result of this first stage, each institution, its
objectives and values will be presented below. The
institutions that meet the research prerequisites and
were located are:
● Associação pela Saúde Emocional de Crianças
● Instituto Reúna
● Instituto Ayrton Senna
● Porvir
● Nova Escola
● Base Nacional Comum Curricular
ASEC is a non-profit organization and aims to
make possible actions that promote the development
of emotional and social skills in children and adults.