The restrictions that influenced the learning and
teaching process were similar all over the world. In-
person attendance at schools and universities was
reduced as much as possible and replaced by distance
learning. In Austria, the number of days in distance
learning depended on the educational level of the
students and varied from 11 to 24 weeks in 2020.
2021 started with distance learning for all educational
levels and the date for a physical return to school is
still in discussion.
In the first phase of online learning, infants and
minors needed a lot of support from their parents with
structuring the online learning, but also with the use
of digital devices and online learning platforms. The
learning progress was described very differently by
students. Some students perceived higher learning
success in the distance learning phase whereas around
half of the students did not think that they learned
more than in the regular classroom with in-person
attendance. Support and assistance were described as
sufficient by the Austrian learners, particularly when
talking about the teachers. However, some problems
occurred due to the lack of information, due to
technical issues and due to the lack of work
equipment like digital devices. Most of the learners in
Austria have noticed that the importance of learning
organization has grown during the distance learning
phases. Self-organization skills were essential for
pupils to successfully complete their assignments.
Challenges were seen in online lessons, because
for example asking questions was not as easy as in
regular classrooms with in-person attendance, or
when independently solving assignments where
discussions were missing. The restrictions brought a
lot of changes for social aspects and students
experienced positive changes when in-person
attendance in regular classrooms was re-established.
The students experienced also benefits due to the
quieter atmosphere or more individual feedback
during distance learning phases. Empowering
learners to stay connected was seen as a main concern
for teachers.
In conclusion, the evidence from this paper shows
that the Covid-19 restrictions affected all learners and
instructors and made it necessary to rethink and revise
teaching and learning concepts. The results from the
different studies in sum show both benefits and
drawbacks due to the restrictions.
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