Food Recognition for Dietary Monitoring during Smoke Quitting
Sebastiano Battiato
1 a
, Pasquale Caponnetto
, Oliver Giudice
, Mazhar Hussain
, Roberto Leotta
Alessandro Ortis
1, b
and Riccardo Polosa
2 c
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Viale A. Doria, 6, 95125 Catania, Italy
Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction, University of Catania,
Via Santa Sofia 89, 95123 Catania, Italy
Corresponding Author
Food Recognition, Dietary Monitoring, AI for Health Applications.
This paper presents the current state of an ongoing project which aims to study, develop and evaluate an
automatic framework able to track and monitor the dietary habits of people involved in a smoke quitting
protocol. The system will periodically acquire images of the food consumed by the users, which will be
analysed by modern food recognition algorithms able to extract and infer semantic information from food
images. The extracted information, together with other contextual data, will be exploited to perform advanced
inferences and to make correlations between eating habits and smoke quitting process steps, providing specific
information to the clinicians about the response to the quitting protocol that are directly related to observable
changes in eating habits.
Food recognition from digital images for the analy-
sis of dietary habits has become an important aspect
in health monitoring application in different domains.
On the other hand, food monitoring is a crucial part
of human life since the health is strictly affected by
diet (Nishida et al., 2004). The impact of food in peo-
ple life led research efforts to develop new methods
for automatic food intake monitoring and food log-
ging (Kitamura et al., 2010). This paper presents the
current state of the FoodRec project, which objective
is the study, development and evaluation of state of
the art digital technologies to define a framework able
to track the dietary habits of an observed person, and
make correlations with the smoking cessation process
that the subject is performing. The system will peri-
odically acquire images of the food eaten by the pa-
tient over time, that will then be processed by food
recognition algorithms able to detect and extract se-
mantic information from the images containing food.
The extracted data will be exploited to infer the di-
etary habits, the kind and amount of taken food, how
much time the user spends eating during the day, how
many and what times the user has a meal, etc. Infer-
ences performed on different days can be compared
and further processed to perform analysis on user’s
habits changes and other inferences related to user’s
behaviour, such as increase of junk food intake and
mood changes over time. The recording and seman-
tic organization of daily habits can help a doctor to
have a better opinion with respect to the patient’s be-
haviour, quitting treatment response and hence his
health needs. So far, many efforts have been spent
in the application of technology on smoke monitor-
ing (Ortis et al., 2020a) and food recognition (Alle-
gra et al., 2020), this project represents the first at-
tempt of the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and multidisciplinary competences for the definition
of a framework able to drive and support people who
are trying to stop smoking, by acting on multiple as-
pects simultaneously. The Food Recognition project
(FoodRec) is granted by the Foundation for a Smoke-
Free World (FSFW)
. The reminder of the paper is
organized as follows. Section 2 describes the project
pipeline, which is organized into six main phases (see
Figure 1). Section 3 presents the expected outcomes
of the project’s outputs with respect to the smoking
quitting support given by the developed system for
Project webpage:
Battiato, S., Caponnetto, P., Giudice, O., Hussain, M., Leotta, R., Ortis, A. and Polosa, R.
Food Recognition for Dietary Monitoring during Smoke Quitting.
DOI: 10.5220/0010492701600165
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2021), pages 160-165
ISBN: 978-989-758-511-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: FoodREC project’s phases.
dietary monitoring. Section 4 concludes the paper by
describing the current state of the project and propos-
ing future directions.
The project involves several phases, which are
sketched by the chart shown in Figure 1. The dia-
gram shows five main phases, the first ones are re-
lated to preliminary studies and research, whereas the
last ones regard the development of algorithms and
software, toward the final deploy of the obtained so-
lutions. With respect to the diagram in Figure 1, we
can group the project’s phases into two main macro-
tasks, which are detailed in the following paragraphs.
2.1 State of the Art Evaluation
After initial procedures (see Figure 1) have been com-
pleted, the research staff focused on the preliminary
investigation of the tasks and research problems re-
lated to the project purposes. This included the study
of the state of the art related to food recognition and
dietary monitoring technologies. As a result, a report
concerning the existing products and approaches in
terms of algorithms and smartphone apps has been
produced and published in (Allegra et al., 2020), de-
tailing the features and performances of each evalu-
ated solution. The results of the study in (Allegra
et al., 2020), revealed that modern food recognition
techniques can support the traditional self-reporting
approaches for eating diary, however, more efforts
should be devoted to the definition of large scale la-
belled image datasets. The new dataset design should
focus on the quality of annotations related to the type
of food, areas, quantities and calories of each food
item depicted in an image. So far, state-of-the-art fo-
cused on specific tasks performed in controlled con-
ditions. The extreme variability of food appearance
makes this task challenging. Especially for ingredi-
ents inference and, hence, for nutritional values es-
timation. The study concludes that food recognition
for dietary monitoring is still an in-progress technol-
ogy, and more efforts are needed to reach standards
for reliable medical protocols, such as smoke quitting
2.2 Applied Research and Development
After the study of the state of the art, and conse-
quent analysis and definition of current limits and
challenges, the research moved to the applied research
and development phase. This phase has a dual objec-
tive. One is related to the development of the tech-
nological aspects of the framework, the other one is
related to the development of analysis algorithms.
The iOS/Android FoodRec smartphone app for
image acquisition and analysis, and dietary monitor-
ing has been released, and is currently under testing
by selected users. The mobile app FoodRec has been
designed with the objective of providing a smart and
accessible system for the daily eating habits monitor-
ing of the users, with the definition of a dietary diary.
The innovation that characterize the FoodRec app is
the automatisms related to the food analysis and asso-
ciated inferences. Indeed, the user just uploads a pic-
ture on the system, then all inferences are performed
automatically, by means of Computer Vision and Ar-
tificial Intelligence technologies.
Figure 2 shows the main interface screens of the
FoodRec app. First, a meal over four possibilities is
chosen (a), then the app requires to state the mood
associated to the meal (b), then the picture is taken
(c) and uploaded (d). The app automatically learns
the daytimes associated to food intake, and sends a
notification to the user if the meal has not been in-
serted yet at the expected time. After the image is
uploaded to the server, the recognition algorithms are
applied, and the resulting inferences are shown in the
app interface, as in the example shown in Figure 2.
At this step, the user can edit the results (if needed)
and confirm the new record for the eating diary. The
information about user corrections are exploited for
the further improvements of the algorithms, as well
as their specialization with respect to the specific user
FoodRec developed features also include water in-
take and weight tracker. Moreover, the user can in-
spect the statistics related to his/her eating habits, in-
cluding the dominant food categories, ingredients, as
well as temporal visualizations of specific parame-
ters (see Figure 3).
Food Recognition for Dietary Monitoring during Smoke Quitting
Figure 2: FoodRec example screens. Meal selection (a), mood associated to the meal (b), picture upload, motivational
sentence (d).
Figure 3: FoodRec interface showing the results of the food recognition system.
The analysis algorithms will comprise several
steps, including image normalization, registration,
feature extraction, food detection and classification.
The research team is currently evaluating new meth-
ods and techniques for the improve of the perfor-
mances of the food recognition algorithms exploited
by the system. In particular, the efforts are devoted to
three main tasks:
IMPROVE 2021 - International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Figure 4: FoodRec in-app statistics.
Food Segmentation: the aim of this task is the seg-
mentation of the multiple food items that are de-
picted in a meal picture. This will output the areas
of the pixels associated to each food item.
Food Classification: this classic task combined
with the food segmentation output will provide a
semantic segmentation of the input image, which
details at pixel level the parts of the image related
to specific food categories.
Volume Estimation: this task represents one of the
most difficult aimed achievements. Indeed, the
objective of this task is to estimate the volume of
each food item. This task results very challenging
because it involves the estimation of 3D informa-
tion from monocular vision, at very small scale
At this current stage, research methods related to
the above mentioned tasks have been applied only on
images available from state of the art in food recogni-
tion and image segmentation (Badrinarayanan et al.,
2017) (Long et al., 2015) (Chen et al., 2014) (Noh
et al., 2015) (Ronneberger et al., 2015). However, we
plan to specialize such algorithms on the data com-
ing from the FoodRec app, which is specific with re-
spect to our purposes. The proposed system aims to
recognize food items of specific users and monitor
their habits. This task significantly differs from the
recognition of any food instance depicted by a pic-
ture, such as happens in the development of general
purposes food recognition systems. Figure 5 shows
the proposed architecture. In particular, a common
multi-label food classifier is composed by a Convo-
lutional Neural Network which defines a meaningful
feature representation for the input images, based on
the training task. Then, the representation is fed to
multiple logistic units (i.e., blue circles in the Fig-
ure) which are activated if the associated food item is
present in the picture. The proposed architecture will
take into account the specific user that uploaded the
picture. Indeed, since the proposed system is aimed
to systematically analyse and infer user habits, our
objective is to add to the food classification pipeline
a bias related to the user. As consequence, the indi-
vidual logistic activations will be fed with a feature
that is obtained by concatenating the image and user
feature. The latter one, is represented by the weight
matrix W in Figure 5, which will be learned from the
users’ habits during the training stage.
Food Recognition for Dietary Monitoring during Smoke Quitting
Figure 5: Food recognition proposed architecture. Blue circles depict independent logistic activations for specific classes,
which are activated by the presence of the food item in the visual content taking into account the bias given by the user.
Abstinence from smoking is associated with several
negative effects, including irritability, gain of weight
and eating disorders, especially in the first period of
abstinence. All these effects are connected one each
others. The output of the food recognition system
will provide indications about the user dietary habits
and anomalies, at different times during the smoke
quitting progress. The evaluation strategy will lever-
age well-known statistical methodologies for assess-
ing correlations between the observed data and known
information about the smoking quitting treatment.
At this stage, the initial procedures, preliminary
investigation and research planing phases of the
project (see Figure 1) have been completed. The other
phases, except the final deploy, are currently being
carried out. Furthermore, the FoodRec app has been
tested and evaluated with a small controlled group of
test users. The tests were carried out for a period of
about four months that began on 12 August 2020 and
ended on 02 December 2020, with the participation of
149 people aged between 19 and 60. The Table 1 sum-
marizes the mainly statistics and activities performed
by the users in the aforementioned tests. In partic-
ular, the Table 1a shows the number of interactions
there were among the users and the main features of
FoodRec (i.e., the upload of a meal’s photo or the up-
date of the drunk water), instead the Table 1b reports
the distribution of the uploaded photos among the fol-
lowing categories: breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.
Once the tests have been ended, the users participated
to a survey panel, reporting the feedback with respect
to the app usage, which will be exploited to further
improve the app features. The next step will be the
evaluation on a larger audience of users in real-case
scenarios (i.e., not controlled users). Such ”on the
wild” evaluation will produce a large set of real-case
images from real users of the system, which will be
exploited to develop novel algorithms and inference
methods for the specific purposes of the project.
The developed dietary monitoring system could
be extended to work with videos recorded by a fixed
camera system, considering a set of cameras record-
ing the scene from different fixed points of view.
The collected data about the mood associated to food
images (see Figure 2-b) can be combined with ap-
proaches related to sentiment analysis based on im-
ages (Ortis et al., 2020b). Such approaches can be
investigated in order to automatically infer the mood
of the user (e.g., depression, happiness, etc.) based on
the dietary monitoring, avoiding to ask the user about
his/her mood.
This project is founded with the help of a grant from
the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Inc. (FSFW
IMPROVE 2021 - International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Table 1: FoodRec - Usage statistics.
Usage Statistics Counts
Participants 149
Meals upload 1657
Drinks update 721
(a) Usage frequencies.
Meal Type Counts
Breakfast 396
Lunch 553
Snack 305
Dinner 403
(b) Meals type frequencies.
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Food Recognition for Dietary Monitoring during Smoke Quitting