The solution proposed was successful in collect and
store the events generated and, with minor adjust-
ments, can be implemented in environments that use
other orchestrators, like Kubernetes. The storage of
events on a blockchain made it possible to identify
the event collector through the private key used in
the transaction generation. Also, the distributed stor-
age and cryptographic chaining characteristics ensure
data availability and integrity.
It is important to note that the number of events
generated in container virtualization environments
can be high. Some blockchain configurations have a
direct impact on its performance (e.g., channel com-
position, endorsement policy, block size, and block
timeout) and must be adjusted according to the envi-
ronment to be monitored. Benchmark tools like Hy-
perledger Caliper can be useful to verify the ideal
blockchain configuration in terms of performance
through transaction latency and throughput.
The Raft consensus mechanism allows an ad-
equate security level combined with good perfor-
mance, fitting most of the use cases where the partici-
pants are reliable. However, some environments may
require a Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus mecha-
nism. The Hyperledger Fabric has a modular architec-
ture that allows replacement and customization of the
consensus mechanism but does not yet have a Byzan-
tine fault-tolerant consensus mechanism available.
As future works, we intend to develop a compo-
nent that will allow fast log conflict identification be-
tween the actors regarding the collected events. To
verify the throughput of the proposed solution we
plan to execute a blockchain benchmark with Caliper,
that can be useful to optimize the blockchain config-
uration. We also intend to implement some of the
Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus mechanisms un-
der development, such as SMaRt-BFT (Bessani et al.,
2014), to verify the viability of the proposed solution
in environments where actors are not reliable.
The authors thank the support of FAPESC, and
This work was supported by Ripple’s University
Blockchain Research Initiative (UBRI) and in part
by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific
and Technological Development (CNPq - grant
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