Database-Conscious End-to-End Testing for Reactive Systems using
Denton Wood
and Tom
Department of Computer Science, Baylor University, Waco, TX, U.S.A.
Reactive Systems, Containerization, End-to-End Testing, Database, Docker.
Reactive systems are a relatively new paradigm in computer science architecture with important implications
for computer science. While much attention has been paid to effectively running end-to-end (E2E) tests on
these architectures, little work has considered the implications of tests which modify the database. We propose
a framework to group and orchestrate E2E tests based on data qualities across a series of parallel containerized
application instances. The framework is designed to run completely independent tests in parallel while being
mindful of system costs. We present a conceptual version of the framework and discuss future directions with
this work.
Reactive systems are quickly becoming a popular
paradigm in software architecture. Version 2 of the
Reactive Manifesto, a document detailing reactive
system architecture for web applications, has over
26,000 signatures. The Manifesto defines a reac-
tive system as a responsive, resilient, elastic, and
message-driven system more suited for modern web
application demands, including availability and data
processing power (Bon
er et al., 2014). Architectures
such as microservices and serverless implement these
tenets by breaking applications into scalable pieces
which communicate with each other and which can be
quickly deployed and redeployed on failure. Reactive
system architecture promises resilient and responsive
applications which will meet user demands.
In the past, performing extensive tests on reac-
tive systems was difficult. In particular, performing
end-to-end (E2E) tests, also called system tests (Ama-
zon Web Services, 2017), was notoriously complex
since all layers in an application must be booted to
perform these tests. Reactive systems usually have
many moving parts which testers needed to piece to-
gether to perform the tests. Additionally, perform-
ing the tests was time-consuming and often system-
dependent. Containerization and container orchestra-
tion solutions such as Docker and Kubernetes have
largely solved these problems by simplifying deploy-
ment, making it easier to boot applications for testing.
Testers can then write automated tests in an external
framework like Selenium and automatically run them
using a continuous integration, continuous delivery
(CI/CD) pipeline (Amazon Web Services, 2017) in
frameworks such as Jenkins (Kawaguchi et al., 2021)
or AWS CodePipeline (Amazon Web Services, 2019).
Testers can even deploy tests in parallel using Sele-
nium Grid (Selenium, 2021), decreasing the time cost
of testing. This setup is so common that researchers
have now begun to identify ways to streamline the
process and make it more efficient and feasible (Au-
gusto, 2020).
One area which has not undergone extensive re-
search is E2E testing which modifies the database.
Frameworks such as DBUnit (Gommeringer et al.,
2012) are designed to test the state of the database;
however, they do nothing to ensure that the test is
repeatable later if the database is modified by the
test. Some E2E tests add, modify, or remove database
records; thus, tests must use a separate database de-
signed for testing. Testers must reset this test database
after each round of tests, and sometimes even between
tests, in order to ensure that each round of tests is
independent. Using only a single database for test-
ing constrains tests which modify the database, or de-
structive E2E tests (Donahoo et al., 2021). Destruc-
tive E2E tests cannot be run in parallel with other de-
structive E2E tests or with nondestructive E2E tests
(Donahoo et al., 2021) as this would violate test inde-
Wood, D. and
Cerný, T.
Database-Conscious End-to-End Testing for Reactive Systems using Containerization.
DOI: 10.5220/0010494403770383
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 2, pages 377-383
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
pendence and obstruct the ability to obtain repeatable
test results. Thus, destructive E2E tests must be run
serially, increasing the time cost of effectively testing
a system.
While this seems challenging, we can apply the
same frameworks and logic which enabled automated
E2E testing in the first place to make E2E database-
conscious testing feasible. Using a base database con-
tainer image and certain customization SQL scripts
for different tests, testers can effectively assign a
database to each test to create a closed environment
for testing. This would allow tests to be run in par-
allel, increasing utility and feasibility of E2E testing.
To avoid imposing high resource costs on the testing
infrastructure, we can group tests which do not mod-
ify the database or which require the resulting data
from another test and run them serially on the same
In this paper, we propose a framework which
accomplishes this and comment on our work in
progress. Section 2 addresses related work to our field
and comments on its limitations for our topic. Section
3 details our proposed framework. Section 4 details
the work we have completed thus far, and Section 5
addresses our planned future work. Section 6 evalu-
ates our framework’s benefits and limitations. Finally,
Section 7 closes the paper with some final remarks.
End-to-end testing of complex, interconnected sys-
tems is a known problem which multiple projects
have attempted to solve. One of these is ElasTest
(Bertolino et al., 2018), a distributed architecture
designed explicitly for ”cloud testing. It offers a
language-independent framework for writing and de-
ploying tests and uses container deployment to allow
itself to stay application-agnostic. Since its inception,
the ElasTest software (Gort
azar et al., 2017) has con-
tinued to evolve and now supports features such as
chaos testing, security testing, and external integra-
tions such as Jenkins. However, ElasTest appears to
lack the native ability to change the database between
tests or specify a specific schema for a test. Other
E2E testing frameworks which also lack this feature
include AWS Device Farm (Amazon Web Services,
2021), an Amazon Web Services offering which only
allows client-side application upload, and TestCraft
(Testim, 2021), a codeless UI testing framework.
The high cost of running many E2E tests has led to
research in limiting the resources used. Augusto (Au-
gusto, 2020) addresses these concerns using a similar
framework to our own, the RETORCH framework. It
groups tests by resource usage, including levels of ac-
cess (read, read/write, write-only, or dynamic) and ad-
ditionally schedules them for maximum usage. While
this framework is an excellent E2E testing tool, it
does not address the problem of preparing databases
for different tests or handling destructive E2E tests.
Others propose limiting the number of tests in the re-
gression test set, the set used to continually test the
software (Ammann and Offutt, 2017). Gligoric et al.
(Gligoric et al., 2015) present Ekstazi, a framework
which automatically analyzes software modifications
to select only the tests which would be affected by the
change. Ekstazi has been shown to produce signifi-
cant cost savings for production environments (Vasic
et al., 2017). We believe that Ekstazi and similar ef-
forts are complimentary to our work and that further
investigation could lead to more cost savings for our
More general efforts to test reactive systems vary.
Schrammel et al. proposes the idea of test chaining,
a way of grouping similar tests together which re-
duces execution time (Schrammel et al., 2013). This
presents a great opportunity to reduce test data re-
quirements by pairing these test chains with a sin-
gle database; however, the authors make no men-
tion of this strategy. Modern efforts focus on con-
tainerization. Garc
ıa et al. pairs ElasTest with Se-
lenium WebDriver to construct an advanced user im-
personation testing platform (Garcia et al., 2018). In
a case study on implementing an E2E testing strategy,
Lindell and Johnson create a Selenium testing appa-
ratus using Docker containers and Microsoft Azure
pipelines (Johnson and Lindell, 2020). However, nei-
ther of these address destructive E2E tests.
Research on destructive E2E testing is less com-
mon. Early works (Tsai et al., 2001) and (Xiaoy-
ing Bai et al., 2001) present E2E testing frameworks
which include the ability to specify test database
configurations. The introduction of containerization
since that time makes this configuration much easier.
The primary challenge of this project is ensuring that
it is application-independent, decreasing coupling and
enabling wider acceptance. Frameworks like ElasTest
accomplish this, but at the cost of being able to di-
rectly manipulage the application database. We be-
lieve we can accomplish this by requiring a standard
way of specifying the database address across all ap-
plications which will use the framework. The next
section details our attempt at creating a suite to run
database-swapping E2E tests on an existing reactive
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Our proposed framework allows testers to run tests
which modify the database while preserving inde-
pendence between tests. We do this by effectively
running these tests on completely separate databases
using containers and images. To limit infrastruc-
ture costs, we group tests by the data they need in
the database and by whether they will modify the
database. Tests which do not modify the database
can easily be scheduled by existing tools, so we pri-
marily concern ourselves with tests which modify the
database and how they interact with other tests.
3.1 Test Types
First, it is important to note the distinction between
destructive and nondestructive E2E tests. Destruc-
tive E2E tests modify the database in some way and
should not be run in conjunction with other tests. For
example, creating a new user in an application would
be a destructive E2E test. Nondestructive E2E tests
are E2E tests which do not modify the database at
all. For example, logging in to an application would
be a nondestructive E2E test. Our argument specif-
ically addresses the problem of running destructive
E2E tests while maintaining test independence. Non-
destructive E2E tests can easily be run on the same
database with no consequence using existing tools.
Testing which includes a database must involve
both destructive and nondestructive E2E testing to
completely verify the integration. Nondestructive
E2E testing ensures that the application can success-
fully connect to the database with the appropriate per-
missions required to access the tables it needs. It also
ensures that the database has the appropriate schema
for the application. Destructive E2E testing does all
of the above, but it also checks that the application
has permission to modify the database and that the
database will receive and persist changes made by the
application. While destructive E2E tests alone will
cover all of the requirements of nondestructive E2E
testing, utilizing both kinds of tests more specifically
identifies issues with the database. For example, if
the application cannot connect to the database, both
kinds of tests will fail; however, if the application sim-
ply does not have permission to modify the database,
only the destructive E2E tests will fail. In addition,
certain application use cases simply do not modify the
database, but should not be excluded from testing.
3.2 Testing System
To test the viability of database hot-swapping for E2E
testing, we chose an existing system and constructed a
testing suite for the system. The existing system used
in the experiment is the MyICPC software (The In-
ternational Collegiate Programming Contest, 2021), a
web application developed for the International Col-
legiate Programming Contest. MyICPC is a social
software which allows contest attendants to view the
scoreboard for competing teams, access the contest
schedule, see a Twitter feed of contest-related Tweets,
and participate in a contest scavenger hunt. The appli-
cation consists of a monolithic service and a series of
microservices, all of which communicate with a cache
backed by a database.
MyICPC meets all qualifications of a reactive
system because it utilizes microservice architecture
(MSA). It is responsive by ensuring a quick re-
sponse to users through resilience and elasticity. MSA
largely removes a single point of failure for the ap-
plication; if one microservice fails, the rest of the
system will continue to operate For example, if the
database fails, the cache will continue to receive re-
quests. MSA also allows elasticity through scalabil-
ity; multiple copies of each microservice may be de-
ployed to meet varying levels of system needs. Fi-
nally, MSA enforces a message-driven architecture
since microservices communicate with each other us-
ing asynchronous techniques (ex. REST API calls).
We chose a particular microservice of MyICPC,
the scoreboard service, to test. The scoreboard ser-
vice is responsible for keeping a display of current
scores for all teams competing in the competitions. It
actively updates as teams solve problems and changes
their score and ranking. Ideally, it would be testable
by itself. However, we discovered that since the Twit-
ter timeline is the first element that loads when users
navigate to the MyICPC homepage, the timeline ser-
vice must also be booted in order for E2E tests to
3.3 Conceptual Framework
Ideally, to have completely independent E2E tests,
we would construct a database instance for each test.
However, this approach does not remain feasible as
the number of tests increases and imposes unneces-
sary production costs. Instead, we propose grouping
tests which can run on the same database without in-
terfering with each other. This decreases the number
of independent databases required to run the tests.
In our proposed framework, each application
would have a base database image built from the ap-
Database-Conscious End-to-End Testing for Reactive Systems using Containerization
plication DBMS’ image (e.g. the MySQL or Post-
greSQL image). The base image would supply the
database schema and any sample data which is com-
mon across all tests. For each test, a tester could
then specify a delta, or a series of commands to ini-
tialize data in a container built from the image. For
RDBMSs, this would be a set of SQL statements.
These commands would be run by the testing frame-
work prior to the test execution. To allow testers to
use the same delta across multiple tests, each delta
specifier would be a reference to a file with the com-
mands. The tester would also specify each test as non-
destructive or destructive and any ordering between
the tests (for example, test B can only be run after the
database changes made by test A).
On startup, the testing framework would group
tests in two ways:
All nondestructive E2E tests with the same delta
(or no delta)
All nondestructive and destructive E2E tests with
order specified and the same delta
Any test which cannot be grouped by the criteria
above would be in a group of its own. We would not
group tests together which have an ordering with each
other but different deltas, as the second test would not
see the changes from the first test. For this initial
work, we do not consider tests which could modify
different parts of the database at the same time, al-
though this is an area for further research.
Figure 2 shows an example grouping of tests.
All tests within Groups 1 and 2 are nondestructive
and can be run in parallel with each other. This al-
lows automatic in-group parallelization and possibly
between-group parallelization if two testing databases
are available at the same time. However, they can-
not be run on the same database at the same time
because they have different deltas. Group 3 consists
of four tests which all have dependencies. The first
destructive test makes modifications to the database
which are required for the first nondestructive test
and the second destructive test, establishing a depen-
dency. The second destructive test makes changes to
the database which are required for the second nonde-
structive test, creating an additional dependency. This
establishes a serial schedule for the group. Group
4 consists of a lone test which was broken off from
Group 3 as an optimization to ensure no one test
group is too large. If the test environment has enough
database containers available, the two groups can be
run in parallel; otherwise, they will execute serially.
The testing framework would then boot a user-
specified number of instances of the application. It
would additionally boot a larger number of database
Figure 1: Diagram of Proposed Framework.
instances: one for each of the application instances
and a warm pool of additional instances. Each
instance would be a container based on the base
database image for the application. The framework
would then assign each group of tests to an instance of
the application, initialize the instance’s database with
the delta, and run the tests. Upon completion, the test-
ing framework would swap the current instance of the
database with a warm instance, destroy the used con-
tainer, and create a new container from the applica-
tion’s base database image. This architecture is based
on Amazon Web Services’ Provisioned Concurrency
mode for Lambda instances (Beswick, 2019). Large
groups of tests would be broken up across multiple
application instances to increase parallelism. See Fig-
ure 1 for a diagram of the proposed framework.
To make MyICPC suitable for our experiments, we
have containerized all services which were not al-
ready containerized by the original developers by con-
structing Docker (Merkel et al., 2014) image files.
We tested two orchestration tools for the contain-
ers: Docker Compose (Docker Inc., 2019) and Kuber-
netes (The Kubernetes Authors, 2021). While Docker
Compose is more tightly integrated with Docker, we
chose Kubernetes for its automatic scaling capabil-
ities. We then created a Kubernetes kustomization
configuration to boot the application in a scalable
We have additionally constructed an initial de-
ployment of the testing framework which runs tests
on a pre-deployed instance of MyICPC. The frame-
work uses Selenium (Huggins et al., 2021), a user in-
terface testing tool, to manipulate the MyICPC appli-
cation and simulate user actions. The tests themselves
are written in JUnit (JUnit, 2021), a popular testing
framework for Java, using the Selenium WebDriver
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
API. We parallelized the tests by running headless
Chrome and Firefox browser nodes in Docker con-
tainers which are connected to a Selenium Grid v3
hub, also in Docker. This allows us to keep browser
versions constant no matter where the tests are run
and avoid test brittleness problems common with user
interface testing.
In this section, we evaluate our proposed framework’s
benefits and drawbacks.
5.1 Benefits
We believe our work is a novel approach to E2E test-
ing which makes it much easier to set up and execute.
Tests must be repeatable (Ammann and Offutt, 2017),
which has traditionally made automating destructive
E2E testing difficult due to the cleanup required af-
terward. Our approach makes no persistent modifi-
cations to any databases, ensuring that the tests will
always be repeatable. Since the databases are entirely
containerized with no volumes, they spin up and spin
down with no infrastructure left behind. This allows
multiple testers to test at once on the same server, pro-
vided that each has a different installation on which
to test. This could allow the approach to be con-
structed into a full-fledged provided service similar
to AWS Device Farm (Amazon Web Services, 2021)
and injected into a CI/CD pipeline. Because it is built
using popular containerization softwares Docker and
Kubernetes, it can be run across multiple servers and
operating systems automatically and scaled as far as
the Kubernetes cluster will allow.
Our approach additionally enables parallelization
of destructive E2E tests by executing them on simul-
taneously running test databases. This increases the
number of destructive E2E tests that testers can per-
form in a short amount of time, which is an important
barrier to overcome when considering implementing
E2E testing. We believe this would allow developers
to begin writing E2E tests for more specific use cases,
increasing E2E coverage and bug discovery for a bet-
ter overall user experience.
5.2 Limitations
Our work is primarily limited by the available infras-
tructure the user has for testing. Constructing mul-
tiple databases may be too expensive for some soft-
ware teams, especially if the test data required is quite
large. Base database images and deltas must be very
small in order to run the framework effectively, which
may reduce the scope of E2E tests which can leverage
the framework. Scalability is additionally limited by
the number of servers which are connected to Kuber-
Additionally, our framework would require the ap-
plication to be completely containerized and orches-
trated by a configuration file (i.e. a Kubernetes ”kus-
tomization” file) for the tests to run. Otherwise, it
would not be able to spin up multiple instances of
the application as it would have no base image from
which to do so. While containerization has become
quite popular for deploying applications, many legacy
applications would not be able to take advantage of
our framework.
Finally, this is a very conceptual framework.
There are many opportunities and obstacles which we
have not discovered yet and are not addressed here.
We hope to obtain positive results from our imple-
mentation as discussed below.
This paper presents the conceptual framework of the
project. Moving forward, we will begin implementa-
tion and experimentation. Our goals for the project
are as follows:
Easy to implement. The project should be able to
be quickly installed, and configuration should not
be required to be complex.
Integratable. Along with point 1, the project
should be integrated with popular build and test
frameworks. For Java, this would include Maven
and JUnit.
Intelligent. The framework should parallelize
where possible to decrease time to completion.
Initially, the project implementation will be split into
three parts: database integration, test grouping, and
To implement the database hot-swapping func-
tionality, we would leverage Kubernetes to spin up
a series of database instances. We would then issue
kill commands to drop containers once testing is com-
pleted and reassign the existing application instance
to a waiting database instance. This would prevent us
from having to continually kill and create instances of
the application itself.
To group the tests, we will specify an API which
users can import which uses annotations. As specified
above, users will denote their tests which are destruc-
tive and specify any database deltas required to run
Database-Conscious End-to-End Testing for Reactive Systems using Containerization
Figure 2: Diagram of Proposed Framework.
them. An example test in JUnit might look like the
public void addPointsToTeam() {
We would then write a startup script to detect the
annotations and group the tests accordingly. See Fig-
ure 2 for a sample grouping. As the project expands,
this could also include grouping tests which modify
different parts of the database at the same time. How-
ever, for the initial implementation, we would enforce
a single-writer model over the entire database.
To allow the application to be tested at scale, we
would require users to supply a Kubernetes or Docker
Compose configuration of their application with an
environment variable (ex. $DATABASE HOST) set
in their applications to access the database. We could
then dynamically set the database host at runtime to
supply the correct database. Additionally, we plan to
offer the ability to scale the testing framework across
multiple machines using Kubernetes, allowing testers
to scale up their infrastructure as needed.
We have presented a possible framework for run-
ning E2E tests with database hot-swapping on an ap-
plication using containerization. We aim to continue
this work and demonstrate the feasibility of control-
ling the database during E2E testing. We hope to
promote implementation of E2E testing with multiple
database scenarios.
This material is based upon work supported by
the National Science Foundation under Grant No.
1854049 and a grant from Red Hat Research.
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Database-Conscious End-to-End Testing for Reactive Systems using Containerization