Towards Profiling Runtime Architecture Code Contributors
in Software Projects
Quentin Perez
1 a
, Alexandre Le Borgne
2 b
, Christelle Urtado
1 c
and Sylvain Vauttier
1 d
EuroMov Digital Health in Motion, Univ. Montpellier, IMT Mines Ales, Ales, France
Digital Services, Altran Technologies, Blagnac, France
Empirical Software Engineering, Code Ownership, Software Architecture.
Empirical software engineering has leveraged open software repositories to profile and categorize project
contributors. The objective of our work is to conduct a similar but original study, focused on architectural
contributions, to evaluate the profiles of contributors playing this specific development role and their evolution
over time. This paper presents an approach to study a first kind of architectural contributions: deployment
descriptors that define runtime architectures of applications. A categorization model is proposed, reflecting
the importance of contributions based on data mined from code repositories (contents, timestamps, authors,
etc.). Then, it groups contributors in several categories (profiles) and studies their evolution in projects over
time. A case study is conducted on a selected long-life, quality project. It shows that the specific architectural
development responsibility we measure is chosen and sustained by experienced and committed contributors.
As a proof of concept, these results are very promising and will lead to broader scale studies in order to classify
projects based on their management policies regarding architectural contributors.
Architecture is regarded as a major concern for soft-
ware quality (Garlan and Shaw, 1993; Taylor et al.,
2009). Architects define roadmaps, technologies,
components and their connections. They are mak-
ers and keepers of major design decisions. Accord-
ing to Booch (1996), ”every project should have ex-
actly one identifiable architect, although for larger
projects, the principal architect should be backed up
by an architecture team of modest size”. Abrahams-
son et al. (2010) advocate that the architectural ac-
tivity on a project also depends on contextual factors
such as project size, business model, team distribu-
tion, rate of changes, etc.
On the other hand, empirical studies, fueled by
open software repositories such as GitLab or GitHub,
have shown that there are two categories of develop-
ers: minor contributors and major contributors (Bird
et al., 2011; Foucault et al., 2014, 2015b). The evo-
lution and management of these two categories over
time impact project health and software quality. To
our best knowledge, no comparable empirical study
focuses on contributions to architecture development.
This paper presents a first step towards profiling archi-
tecture code contributors, focused on a specific kind
of contribution: the runtime architecture of applica-
tions. This architectural contribution is explicitly sup-
ported by frameworks such as Spring
thanks to archi-
tecture deployment descriptors.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 details the research questions ad-
dressed in this paper along with our main hypotheses.
Section 3 presents the proposed code contributor cate-
gorization model. Section 4 defines a concrete imple-
mentation of this model in our chosen experimental
context. Section 5 analyzes the results obtained em-
pirically on a case study. Section 6 discusses threats
to validity. Section 7 presents related work while Sec-
tion 8 concludes with future work.
Different kinds of contributions can be mined to cate-
gorize and measure architectural activities in projects.
For instance, contributions to architectural design
decisions may be mined from the semantic content
of issue tickets or messages (Poncin et al., 2011).
Perez, Q., Borgne, A., Urtado, C. and Vauttier, S.
Towards Profiling Runtime Architecture Code Contributors in Software Projects.
DOI: 10.5220/0010495804290436
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2021), pages 429-436
ISBN: 978-989-758-508-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Contributions to project architecture (e.g., modules,
dependencies) may be mined from Maven files
(Teyton et al., 2012). In the same way, contributions
to code architecture may be mined from source code
(Teyton et al., 2014; Mockus and Herbsleb, 2002).
In this paper, we focus on yet another kind
of architectural contribution: the definition of the
runtime architecture of applications. Our choice is
driven by the existence of frameworks dedicated
to application architecture definition, as the Spring
framework in the Java ecosystem (Gupta and Govil,
2010; Le Borgne et al., 2018; Perez et al., 2019),
commonly used in software industry. This framework
provides tools (such as a set of Java annotations) and
languages (such as a deployment descriptor XML
dialect) that support the definition of the architecture
instantiated to execute an application. These runtime
architecture definitions are explicit and contributions
to them are thus easy to measure.
: Can contributor profiles be mined from
contributions to runtime application architecture
So, our first hypothesis is that building metrics from
these specific core architectural contributions may
be significant enough to characterize contributors,
and in turn projects, regarding architecture code
: Is there a link between runtime architecture
and code contribution importance?
Our second hypothesis is that in quality projects,
architectural contributions should mainly be de-
veloped and maintained by dedicated and skilled
members. RQ
aims at verifying that this hypothesis
is true for runtime application architecture definitions.
: What is the turnover within the different con-
tributor categories?
Turnover is a crucial issue for software development
quality. Foucault et al. 2014, 2015b proved that ex-
ternal turnover has a negative impact on open source
software projects whereas internal turnover has a pos-
itive impact on team development and quality. We
study turnover in the different contributor categories
to qualitatively examine their evolution.
3.1 Software Contribution Model
Changes between a project version and its predeces-
sors (whether immediate or indirect) can be described
by a set of contributions which link each modified
line of code in each file to its author. Each contri-
bution also identifies the nature, the content, the date
and time of the change. Formally, a contribution c is
defined as sextuplet c( f , l, n, e, a,t) where:
f is a file,
l is the modified line of code in f ,
n is the line number of l in file f ,
e is the nature of the change on l: addition (ADD),
deletion (DEL) or modification (MOD),
a is the author of the contribution,
t is the timestamp of the contribution.
As mentioned in Section 2, we focus on the code that
manages the instantiation of the runtime architecture
of the software. When an architectural framework is
used, explicit architecture descriptions can be char-
acterized in the code by a set of distinctive markers
(such as XML tags or Java annotations). Code con-
tributions are thus split in two sets: those that define
the runtime architecture that will be called archi-
tectural contributions and others non archi-
tectural contributions.
3.2 Contributor Importance
In order to measure the importance of the contribution
of a developer, several works have defined ownership
metrics. Bird et al. (2011) consider that a developer
contributes to the authorship of a code library to the
extent of a ratio calculated as the number of his / her
contributions over the total number of contributions
made on this library. Foucault et al. (2014) have gone
a step further by providing a formal model to compute
such an ownership ratio.
In our work, the model proposed by Foucault et al.
2014 is adapted in two ways. Firstly, our proposed
ownership metrics is global to (a version of) a project.
This global scope better assesses contributions to the
runtime architecture, as they are not local but span on
the whole project. Secondly, it proposes an adaptation
of this metrics to architectural contributions.
According to Foucault et al. (2014), the ownership
ratio for a developer d on a software module m is de-
fined as follows. Let:
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
M be the set of modules of a given (version of a)
software project,
D be the set of developers for this (version of a)
We define:
w(m, d) as the number of contributions made by
developer d D on module m M
w(m) as the total number of contributions made
on module m M by all developers of D
The ownership ratio for developer d on module m
computes as:
own(m, d) =
w(m, d)
Global Contribution Ownership. Firstly, to express
a global ownership ratio for a contributor d on the
whole (version of a) project, we define:
w(d) as the number of all contributions made by
contributor d on the whole project.
as the number of all contributions made by all
contributors in D on the whole project.
The global ownership of contributor d on the whole
project computes as:
own(d) =
Minor and Major Contributors. As presented in
Bird et al. (2011), contributors are then split into two
categories, based on the proposed global ownership
measure and on a 5% threshold. This threshold has
been validated by Bird et al. (2011) with a sensitivity
analysis. We checked that a threshold variation in the
range 2 to 10 gives similar results. Contributors are
considered minor contributors for a project version
when their ownership ratio is lower or equal to 5%.
They are conversely major contributors when their
ownership ratio is strictly greater than 5%. In the
remaining, minor contributors will be abbreviated
mCs and major contributors MCs.
Global Runtime Architecture Code Ownership.
We propose an original global runtime architecture
code ownership measure derived from Foucault et al.
(2014). We define:
(d), as the number of runtime architecture code
contributions made by contributor d on the whole
, as the number of all runtime architecture
code contributions made by all contributors D on
the whole project.
The global runtime architecture code ownership
ratio own
for contributor d, computes as:
(d) =
Non / Minor / Major Runtime Architecture Code
Contributors. Developers are split into two three
categories regarding the importance of their contribu-
tion to the code of the runtime architecture. Non run-
time architecture contributors have authored no line
of code related to the definition of the runtime archi-
tecture up to the current analyzed version in the his-
tory of the project. Runtime architecture contributors
are them split into two categories, major and minor,
based on a 5% threshold. This threshold is chosen
to be coherent with categories already calculated for
code contributors.
In the remaining, non runtime architecture code
contributors will be abbreviated NRACs, minor run-
time architecture code contributors mRACs and major
runtime architecture code contributors MRACs.
Project files are first extracted from the repository.
The result is a raw set of code and deployment de-
scriptor files for each analyzed version of the project.
Two independent treatments are then executed for
each file. First, a complete history of its modifications
is retrieved, as a list of code line changes along with
their authors and contents. Second, a syntactic anal-
ysis is realized as a transformation of the file content
into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). Next step con-
sists in mapping the AST nodes to their corresponding
line changes in order to identify which contributions
relate to the runtime architecture definition (semantic
analysis). Contribution importance is then calculated
for each developer.
This process has been implemented with the fol-
lowing technologies: Git as the project repository,
Git-blame to retrieve file change histories, Java De-
velopment Tool (JDT) to parse code files or deploy-
ment descriptors and to handle the resulting ASTs and
Python and R languages to extract contributor roles
and run statistical analyses. None of these implemen-
tation choices is restrictive: these technologies are
based on general principles and could either be used
in other ecosystems (Git and Git-blame) or have some
equivalent (Spring framework or JDT).
This section presents a case study run on the
BroadleafCommerce open-source project retrieved
Towards Profiling Runtime Architecture Code Contributors in Software Projects
Figure 1: Percentages of contributions to runtime architecture by versions and by contributors.
from GitHub. This project has been selected for its
use of the Java Spring Framework and its confor-
mance with the criteria proposed in Jarczyk et al.
(2014) to identify significant projects. Indeed, the
BroadleafCommerce project has 1285 stars (greater
than 100) and it has been forked 1036 times (greater
than 10). These criteria characterize a corpus of 524
GitHub projects. BroadleafCommerce also has many
contributors over 70 in versions 6.X.Y and a
long history 184 branches and 323 released ver-
sions. Finally, BroadleafCommerce is an open-source
but industrial project, providing a framework for the
development of professional e-commerce websites.
Using Git we have extracted 13 General Availabil-
ity versions of BroadleafCommerce (from 2.0.0-GA
to 6.0.0-GA) for analysis. These versions correspond
to stable, production-ready versions developed over
7 years. Data used to perform empirical analysis are
available online
Answers to our proposed research questions are
discussed in the following sections.
: Can contributor profiles be mined from con-
tributions to runtime application architecture def-
Figure 1 gives the percentages of contributions to the
runtime architecture for each contributor and each
version. To better show tendencies, contributors are
sorted by their level of contributions for all ver-
sions. For all versions, the metrics clearly sepa-
rates three sets of contributors: developers that do
not have any contribution to the runtime architecture
(i.e., NRACs which are actually not plotted), develop-
ers with scarce contributions (i.e., mRACs, plotted on
the flat right part of the curves) and developers with
significant contributions (i.e., MRACs, plotted on the
higher left part of the curves). Moreover, Figure 1
graphically confirms that 5% is a relevant threshold
to separate mRACs from MRACs.
We also measure global ownership ratios to sepa-
rate major code contributors from minor code contrib-
utors. Figure 2 presents the evolution of the resulting
contributor categories over the different analyzed ver-
sions. The metrics enable to separate the contributors
in all possible categories combinations, except for the
NRAC-MC category that do not seem to exist in the
project. We observe that the MRAC-MC category is
rather stable over time and that a significant number
of contributors are (and remain) mRACs or NRACs.
These figures show that our proposed metrics,
based on the ownership of the runtime architecture
code, is relevant to profile contributors on this project.
Although simple, it appears to be not over sensitive as
it is able to detect mRACs and NRACs in every ver-
sion, spanning over 7 years, and thus different con-
texts (from a small starting project to a large stable
one). Its simplicity is probably balanced by the very
specific nature of the code that is measured (our first
hypothesis). Conversely, our metrics does not seem to
be over specific, as the MRAC category is quite stable
over the time and may correspond to a core team of
developers with a specific level of responsibility re-
garding architecture code development.
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: Architectural contributions by categories of developers.
This is a promising proof of concept for RQ1. A full
validation on a large set of projects is a near perspec-
tive for this work. This will also be an opportunity to
further study and adapt the threshold values used in
order to fine tune the separation between contributor
: Is there a link between runtime architecture
and code contribution importance?
As our runtime architecture contribution metrics is
based on specific contributions to the project code, it
is necessary to study how these two kinds of contri-
butions may be linked.
Figure 2 shows that NRACs are always mCs. How-
ever, the opposite implication is not true. Indeed, mCs
are rather equally distributed between non contribu-
tors and contributors to the runtime architecture. mCs
that are MRACs also exist significantly in early project
versions (prior to version 3.0.0).
In the same way, MCs are mostly MRACs. As
stated above, the opposite implication is not true for
early project versions because of MRACs being mCs.
To analyze the situation objectively, we conduct a sta-
tistical test on the following hypothesis:
: Being a MRAC is independent of being a mC
or MC (null hypothesis)
: Being a MRAC is dependent of being a mC or
MC (alternative hypothesis)
Fisher tests are performed with risk α = 0.05 on
the 13 analyzed versions of the BroadleafCommerce
project. Table 1 presents the results. The test is sig-
nificant when p-value< α (bold figures).
The test confirms a relation between MCs and MRACs
after the project reaches version 3.1.0. For earlier
versions, relation cannot be statistically assessed
because of the significant MRAC-mC category, as
compared to the size of the MRAC-MC category and
of project size.
These results give positive answers to RQ
. As
expected, MCs are generally also MRACs. This
seems natural as the most experienced and committed
developers are expected to be in charge of the most
sensitive concerns (our second hypothesis). But
interestingly, MRACs may also significantly be mCs
in some versions. Being a MRAC is therefore not a
simple consequence of being a MC. On the contrary,
it seems to be an actively chosen role, as shown by
the constant existence of NRACs and the stability
of the MRAC-MC category. This observation is
confirmed by RQ
: What is the turnover within the different con-
tributor categories?
Figure 2 highlights interesting evolution for contribu-
tor categories: the MRAC-MC category is stable over
time; MRAC-mC category disappears and the NRAC
category grows significantly after version 3.1.0. RQ
investigates the turnover between categories to better
understand the dynamics of these phenomena. To do
so, we observe contributor movements between cat-
egories for each analyzed project version. An extra
category named External is introduced to take into
account contributors who come in or go out of the
project. Figure 3 shows the results as chord diagrams.
A category is represented by an arc on the border cir-
cle. A category change is materialized by an arrow
pointed from the source to the target category. The
amount of changes is represented by the width of the
link between two categories. The unchanged popula-
tion in a category is represented as an inner colored
region. As an example, between version 2-0-0-GA
and 2-1-0-GA, a part of the NRAC-mC category mi-
Towards Profiling Runtime Architecture Code Contributors in Software Projects
Table 1: Results of Fisher test on 13 versions of the BroadleafCommerce project.
version 2.0.0-GA 2.1.0-GA 2.2.0-GA 2.3.0-GA 2.4.0-GA 3.0.0-GA 3.1.0-GA
p-value 1 0.54545 1 1 1 0.24242 0.01515
version 4.0.0-GA 4.1.0-GA 5.0.0-GA 5.1.0-GA 5.2.0-GA 6.0.0-GA
p-value 4.5566
0.00017 9.12131
0.00031 0.00017 6.99102
grates to the mRAC-mC category. The NRAC-MC cat-
egory is not plotted because its population is null in
all releases as seen in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows a
very low turnover on the MRAC-MC category. This
reveals that its stable size comes from the stability of
its group of contributors. Determining whether this
results from an explicit policy is beyond the scope
of this paper but is a relevant future work. Nonethe-
less, the few new members in this category come from
the MRAC-mC or the mRAC-MC categories (i.e., only
experienced and noticeable contributors). This may
confirm the existence of a policy for the management
of the core team of the project and, as a consequence,
for the contributors to the runtime architecture code
(as an industrial project, BroadleafCommerce is very
likely driven by a small professional team correspond-
ing to the detected MRAC-MC category).
The main part of the MRAC-mC category becomes
mRAC-mCs in version 3.0.0 and the remaining mem-
ber of the category becomes a member of the MRAC-
MC category in version 3.1.0. This may show that re-
maining a MRAC in the long term implies to be or be-
come a MC. However, the stability and low turnover
of the MRAC-mC category in the early versions, as
long as its re-appearance in version 6.0.0, thanks to
a contributor coming from the MRAC-MC category,
may also suggest that very specialized code contribu-
tors, focused on the runtime architecture, are required
in specific phases of a project (one more interesting
question for future work).
Another observation is that all external contrib-
utors join mainly as NRACs and never as MRACs.
Moreover, most NRACs never become mRACs.
All these observations confirm the relevance of
our metrics. Indeed, it is able to separate the project
members into three categories with stable cores. Of
course, this metrics is not intended for measuring all
the architectural contributions. We nonetheless ex-
pect as a futurework that it can be used to estimate the
level of architectural quality management in projects.
Construct Validity. Software architectures are man-
aged at several structural levels (project modules,
source code, runtime deployment / instantiation, etc.)
and depend on technological or conceptual choices.
Architectural contributions are variable and multi-
faceted. Our metrics detects contributors that work
significantly on the runtime architecture definition.
Our metrics can thus at least measure significant con-
tributions to architecture development. As previously
mentioned, this is a starting point for profiling code
contributors, with the perspective of analyzing the
management of architecture development.
Internal Validity. As our metrics is based on specific
code ownership, measures could be biased by code
contribution importance. This validity threat is ad-
dressed by RQ2. RQ2 shows that there is no system-
atic relation between the importance of contributions
to code and to runtime architecture definition.
External Validity. For now, presented results are
limited to a proof of concept validated on a unique
project. To extract broad empirical knowledge, it is
required to analyze a large number of projects that
use the Spring framework but also others architec-
tural frameworks (e.g., Apache Struts, OSGi or JEE).
A bias may also be induced by the chosen program-
ming language and its ecosystem. To overcome this
issue, projects programmed with languages other than
Java (e.g., Javascript or C++) could be analyzed.
Reliability. The presented results have been cross-
checked, thanks to two separate implementations of
the mining process. Despite the fact that remaining
bugs cannot be be formally excluded, results have
been consistently reproduced.
Statistical Threats. In our hypothesis test using
Fisher’s test, we use a risk α of 5%. Such a risk
leaves 5% of chances to find identical results with
random values. It is a commonly accepted value for
such studies. Another issue concerns the considered
versions of the BroadleafCommerce project. In order
to limit the size and computation time of the experi-
mental case study, we consider only sampled versions
(those tagged as General Availability). This might
constitute a bias but contribution measures are always
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 3: Chord diagrams illustrating changes in contributor categories between two successive versions.
calculated on complete histories of changes.
Expertise browser (Mockus and Herbsleb, 2002) is
one of the earliest system created to find developer
expertise from various data sources such as organi-
zation product list, source code, repository data and
documentation. Three other approaches, (Sindhgatta,
2008; Schuler and Zimmermann, 2008; Teyton et al.,
2014), use source code as their main data source to
profile developers. Teyton et al. (2014) implements
a domain specific language to model developer ex-
pertise. Other approaches do not use source code
but data that indirectly qualify the code. Di Bella
et al. (2013) propose a clustering approach based on
software metrics and repository data to split develop-
ers in four groups according their contribution levels.
Hauff and Gousios (2015) use GitHub metatada and
ReadMe files to match job advertisements with de-
veloper profiles. CVExplorer (Greene and Fischer,
2016) uses the same inputs to produce a word list rep-
resenting the developer’s domain of expertise. Only
XTic (Teyton et al., 2014) and CVExplorer (Greene
and Fischer, 2016) profile software architects.
Bird et al. (2011) are the first to use a contribution
threshold to classify developers into two categories.
Foucault et al. (2014) have conducted a study that
uses the protocol of Bird et al. (2011) on open-source
Developer turnover is a long standing problem
that was first tackled in the 90’s with a study on the
impact of staff turnover on software project perfor-
mance (Abdel-Hamid, 1992). Robles and Gonzalez-
Barahona (2006) develop a deep study on turnover
in large software projects. The impact of turnover
on knowledge loss is measured by Izquierdo-Cortazar
et al. (2009). Foucault et al. (2015a) also study
the impact of developer turnover on software quality
and mine contribution patterns that are correlated to
Towards Profiling Runtime Architecture Code Contributors in Software Projects
This empirical analysis performed on the Broadleaf-
Commerce project is a proof of concept for our pro-
posed approach. It shows the existence of a core of
major contributors to the runtime architecture defi-
nition that is globally stable over the studied history
of the project and correlated with the existing stable
core of major code contributors. Moreover, our met-
rics is precise enough to detect non and minor con-
tributors to runtime architecture definition, that also
form stable categories. As observed with our ap-
proach, runtime architecture development thus seem
to obey management policies in the BroadleafCom-
merce project. This is very promising and opens many
A first perspective is to conduct an empirical study
on a large panel of projects. This would not only en-
able to fully validate our approach but also to char-
acterize projects according to their architecture de-
velopment management policies, as observed through
our proposed metrics. Another perspective is to mea-
sure contributions to other architectural concerns and
study complementarities and disparities between vari-
ous architecture contributor profiles. In the same way,
mapping contributions with architecture elements and
structures would enable to study the existence of
hotspots (areas that concentrate more contributions
and contributors). The goal would be to advise the
ideal number of contributors according to project size,
chosen technology and contributor profiles.
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ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering